HomeMy WebLinkAbout19220610_REGULARLIINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGUM ABETING HEID THEREOF ON TRE 10th OF JUNE I922 The meeting of the Village Council was called to order by President J .T .Delaney All members present but Trustee S,K,Strong,mho nas absent, TJinutes of the last meeting was readyand approved as read. e Trustee H.J,Knudsen,Gom~itte~ on the Fakr Donation,Reported Seeing the Fair Associatioq,and they would accept $200.00 as offered. Trustee H.J.Knudsen was ask to confer with the Russel1 Grader pepple on a bill ofg9.23 I.Ithe1922.But the check having Ba&hdis&aid the account vras not settled The matter of opening Balffax Ave. was taken up,BW.John Lilja rras -present and was told the matter rras in tkie hands of the Village Attg.Geo.S.Grlrnes. for which the warrent was drann,also check,on Mar. TrnsteeC.F,PrescotL vas appointed a committee to investigate the matter of groceries for Mrs.Tompkins on the Village account. Nore than 30 days havlng elapsed before Mr.Boyd entered a clalm fop damages for,breaking thru the bridge at 44th EC mfnnehaha Creek it vas moved by Trustee Prescott and seconded by Trustee H.J.Knudsen he claim be rejected, carried. Apeti-tion presented by Yrustee-Prescott for the opening of a street at intersection of south 19ne of Block$ 27 Nendelsenhn Add, In EdZna t?c on the main highway South of Mirror Sake and going, Test along Blocks (South line) 27,28,29,&30 of said Menklssohn Addoto Vest line of Block 30 0 The petition was referred to the road and bridge committee, Mr,J.J.Duggan was appointed to ac% 8s *Second Clerk at the PrLmarys. It was moved ?@.Trustee C.F,Prescott and seconded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen the platt of South Harri-et Park 2nd Add, be accepted,carrled* June 17,1922.Yas the time set for the Road Committee to look into the street opening at Hirror Lake. Received from !'f%3,Joy Street Commlssionery$7.60 for grading a% In%- srlachen Club. TJoved by Trustee C .F.Prescott.and seconded by Trustee .H.J,Hnuben the following bills be allovred, hd warrents were dram for same. a c I V,S.Joy Street Conmissioner $113.02 I54,32 John Tracy I46,52 * 152.45 Ralph Wind Ty7alt er Hoag I50 . 37 . 54.75 Ran MBGuire Xike Delaney I41 . 38 Leo Delaney . Laborer 75.00 IOO,20 Fred M~11er Thos ,Fite 78 . 60 80 040 17.Betchart Jerry Cremak Geo .?lilliams J .D .AdamS CO - Scrapers 132.00 @pia General Electric Co. Styeet lights 40.83 L.Eidam Co. Groceries for poor 24.37 Harry Hoskiss (Glaciela Go.) Trucks hauling, 789.64- JOHN Costello and team 154.12 n n 1) 11 It n II It I3 II 7.20. Just3.s Lumber Co, Lumber 51 .$x Flour City Transfer Go . For trucks 100.50 Kenneth Moore Tending lanterns 15.95 John Lilja Blacksmith work IO . so ]iZaro3-d Holmstrom Laborer Io80 . h4ike Delaney Hauling scrapers 5.00 Total $ZXKl I There being no further b&@ness the meeting vas adjanra8d t f