HomeMy WebLinkAbout19220708_REGULARIVIINUTES OF T-HE *PROCEEDLEGS OF THE VILLAGE COTJNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGULAR MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE &h OF JULY I$22 The meeting was called to ordep by Pmsident J.T.De1aney. All members were present. e Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved,and approved as read. It was moved by Trustee H,J,Knudsen and seconded by Trustee S.K;jStrong That all si-gns displayed on the highways of the Village of Edina,and run for revenue,be required to get permission from the Village Council. The motion carried. The Clerk was then instructed to write the following resolution. Resolution : '!&ere as the highways of the Village of Edina are layed out and maintained by the Village for the traffic of the public,and Yhere as business concerns are useing portions of said highvrays for furtherance of their buSsness,therefore be it Resolved that all buisness concems displaying signs on the highways and running them for revenue be required to obtain permission from the Vlllage Counci1,of said Village of Edina. A committee consisting of President Delaney Trustees,S,K,Strong,and H,J.Knudsen,vras appointed to wait upon the 8ounty Commissioners on July 24th regarding the Milliam bridge. PJr.G.M.Sachs presented his bond for Justls. of the Beaee on motion of Trustee H,J.Knudsen and seconded bg Trustee S,H.Strong it vras accepted. The Committee on the Wnd Bitch reported it in good condition,it mas there fore moved by Trustee S,R.Strong and seconded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen that it be accepted-and paid in full.carried, Mr.17.P.Cooper and l!lr.Pierson appeared at the meeting and ask for a road be laid out from Interlachen .Bvd.and Cooper's driveway North to the Street Car tracks. Which was referred to.the road and bridge committee. And placed on file. /- Moved by Trustee C,F.Prescott and seconded by Trustee H.J.Hnudsen all road bLlls be allowed carried. Moved by Trustee C,F.$rescott and seconded' by Trustee S.K.Strong the bill of Lyle Culvert & road Eqdpment Bo,be allowed.Carried. Moved by Trustee H.J.Knudsen & seconded by Trustee C.F.Prescott the Assessoi?'s bill. of $275.00 be alloae&,carried. Being authorlzed by the above motions Wun?ants were dram for the following. Lyle Culvert 8c Road Equipment 00. for culverts $209.31 Dan F.lliIcGuire Assessing Village 275 .QO 148.50 John Costello And team ?1 It 148.50 John Tracy 11 It 148.50 Mike Delaneg 147 .DO Dan McGuire It I1 153.75 Ralph Vlnd 75 . 60 \%I. 3.2, er Hoag Labor It I? 73.80 Wm.Betchart Jerry Chermak 62E .@LO Thos ,Fite 16.88 Fred Itliller 10.80 Henry Kr;r&m€W A J . Perauet E.T .Edson Clerk salary (gmos .& supplies) 63.80 Minneapolis General Electric Street lights 40.83 Hapley Wind Balance on Wind Ditch 86.37 Clerk of grimary election 5.10 11 &Supplies to Iiokesh 5.65 J . J .Duggan E.T .Edson J .F .Olinger Constable of Primary election 3.00 Geo .Milliam dauling Cul'rerts from City 8 .OO On motion meetdng id journed. Y.S. JOB Road Commissioner 111 *a Work on road 148.50 n It 11 11 II 79.20 I) 1t 11 I) El 11 tb II a Total $2024.27 The regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order by President J,T,Delaney, In the Ejrange Hall. 1. Roll call found all Officers present. .The minutes of the last meeting vere read and approved. Eoved by Trustee H.J.Knudsen seconded by S,K,Strong(Trustee) that all signs displayed onLthe highways of Edina,and run for revenue be required to get permiss:yz,,from the Village Counci1,Carried. The Glerk was instructed,p resolution that effect. %ere as the Highwags of:Ea€na are layed out and maintained for the traffic of the public, and Tlhereas buisness concerns are useing portions of them for the fupther- ance of their business,therefore Be it Resolved Resolution: T That all b*iness corcerns displaying signs on the highrrays and run for revenue -$e ,required to obtai.Apermission from the Village Council. 0.1 1' *-I i.- ?:a. ;<$ *) ~ *> + +LC!&.LL.L , A Committee consisting of .PreseDelaney,Trustees ,H,J.Knudsen,S.K .Strong vas appointed to waft on the CO~IQT Commissioneers on July 24th regarding the Milliam bridge..: :,- - if:, J;r.G,M.Sachs'bond for Justis of the Peace was presented and on motion by Trustees H.J.Knudsen,Sec by S.K.Strong it vas accepted. The Committee on theAT"lind Ditch,reported 1% $0 be good condition And on motion by Trustee S,K.Strong seconded by Trustee H. J.Knudsen it vas accepted and paLd for in fuhe Paul Mr.V.f.Cooper and lilr.Pierson were present and ask for a road com- mencing at Nr.Cooper& driveway and Interlachen Bvd.and running lforth to Street Car tracks. Zhe request was referred to the road comrnlLtee. -road bills be alloned.Carried, Moved by Trustee Prescott and seconded by Trustee Strong the Lyle Cul- vert and road Equipment Co's bill of $209.31 for Culverts be allorred, Barried, Moved by Trustee H J.Knudsen and seconded by Trustee Prescot'c the Assessors bill sf $275,QO for assessing Village 1922.be alloved,carried* Moved by Trustee C.F.Prescott khd, i3;BMmde"d by Trustee H.J,Knudsen e Yfarrants iffere drarin and the follorring bills sere paid, Lyle Culvept Road Equipment Co . D .F .I.lcGuire Assessing Village For Culverts $209.31 rJ*S.JOy ~ ST .C ommissloneer John Costello John Tracy LSke Delaney Dan KcGuire Raloh Yind I!Mt er Hoag 'JJn.Betchart Labor on road Jerry Chermak Thos .Fite . Fred Killer Henry Krmer d.J,Perauet E ,T .Eds on 3XOS. $alary zc supplies IJinneapoZis Gen.Electric Go. Street lights tl ks uppfi es J . J ,Duggan E .T Adson Work on road vith team 11 11 I1 $1 11 II I1 IC 1I 11 n t1 If !I 11 11 ft n 11 u 11 . Harley '!lind I7ork and balance on dftch Clerk of Primary Llection 275 e00 111.38 148 e50 I48 . 50 148050 148.50 I47 .oo I53,75 75.60 73.80 79.20 64.50 ma8 10.80 c 63.80 40 a83 86.37 '5.10 5.65 3eOO .~ J,F.Olinger Constable of Primary Elec. Geo .Nillfam Hauling culverts from City 8.00 Total $2024.27 There befng no further business the meeting adj@e*ned