HomeMy WebLinkAbout19220812_REGULARAll Officers responded to roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The Committee on "seeing the County Cornmissioneers "regarding the
Milliam bridge ,reported, The County vould send out material to repair the old bridge and a man to ovep see the work and next year would bulld a nem one.
The Commfttee reported that Coats Bull wanted $300, for r2ght of way
three blocks West from France Ave. on 49th Street.15 feet on the
Nortlli slde of center of street and 20~'feet on the South side of center of street. except two(2) acres sold recently on the extreme West of the three blocks mentioned above,
Motion by Trustee H,J.Knudsen and seconded by Trustee S.K.Strong
That the Coats Bull proposftion be layed on the table till the next
regular meeting, the motion prevailed and it was so ordered. Trustee H,J.Knudsen =as requested to confer with the Village Attg. Geo.S,Grimes regarding the matter.
Mr.Logd Peterson and others made application for work on 54 s%,and
Xerxa Ave South in Village of Edin&$on a line betaem Richfield &
Edina Villages Moved by Trustee H.J.Knudsen and seconded by S,K.Strong the road commlttee consult with the Richfield Council regarding the grading of
the street for a space gf six(6) blocks between 54th and 60th Street.
C arri e d .
Mr.N.Sigert appeared and ask for work on Dlvission St, & Vandervoort
Ave. And was told the Road Committee had the matter under consldera-
tEon . The Village Coixncil received notice fnom the Penny Excavating and Grading Cos' Attorneys they intended to bring action against the
Village for damages of $790.00 for breaking thru bridge at West 44th
Street. The matter was referred to the Village Attorney TilIr.Grimes.
Mr.G.M.Sach appeared as Attorney for NIrs.P.A.Johnson to induce the Council to give MrsJohnson $75,00 as damages to her property by the
opening of Halifax Ave. The Council rgfused to pay any thing.
?%e President reported,Fred Samson was allowed $750.00 damages, by r?
l{p f [l * 4 9 I I .I-, the Court of coxidemnation proceedings of Halifax Ave.r
The side walk in front of G.M .Sachs was ordered fLxed.Pres . JOT .Delaney
was to call and over see the work,Trustee H.J,Knudsen to order the
material At a special meetLng on July 24th a bill, of $190.00 was paid to the Glacier Cos for hauling gravel with trucks.Mo farthur buisness was
trans acted .
Motion bg Trustee S.K.Strong seconded by Trustee H,J,Knudsen we
allow the Hennepfn County Fair Association $200.00 when the funds
were availabletcarried. The Clerk was instructed to see James Burkmoes in regard io getting the gun and star and turn them over to Constable 0linger.llr Burk- moes having decided to reslgn the office of bonstable,
PAotion by Trustee S,K.Strorig seconded by Trustee H.J,Hnudsen all
road bills be allonred,carrled.
J 'I IS\ \+-
W,S. Joy
John Costello
John $racy
Dan,McGulre Yalter Hoag
Ralph Wind
Ed Crarner Henry Cramer
Thos .Fite ?'J.Betchart Jerry Chermak
Street And team
c ommi ss i oneer
Aoad work
140 e25 6.75
6 675 103.60
I02 20 75.20
140 . 25
Amount Forward
Amount Brot .Forward
A. J . Perauet Labor on road 7a20 Leon Sherman I1 n I4e40
14.40 John Olk-eer If II n
Louis Stalzman It it IOa40
Total $1590.35
Minneapolis General Electrj-c Co. St lights $40,53
L.Eidam Groceries for Mrs,Tompkins 52.59 ??ere carried over for lack of funds.
Nofurther business the meeting adjQ-u-rae'd
13 fTZ-7- 9 0 Sunday After Noon the road comi%tee met the Richfield road commi%tee at 54th Street and Xerxa S, -The rnajorlty of the two committees aere in favor of calling the Richfield Engineer to survey Xerxa Ave.from 54 st.to 58th St."
The grade from 54th to 56th to bo Su11 60 feet vide and a finnished
job. From 56 to 58th the grade to be 30 feet vide. The work $0
done by contract and each Vilaage go fifty fifty on expencep Richfield mas to notify Edina when the survey was done.nen ve
vould decide on the xork in detail.
On motion rneetine adjourned