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meet in^ called to order by President J .T .Delaney.
Roll call was answered by President J .T .DelaneY,Trustee.
H,J,Knudsen,Clerk E,T,Edson. Trustee S.K.Strong absent,also Trustee C .F.Prescott being absent not having received notice
of change in time of meeting from 7;30 P.M. to 2:cIO P.MS Treasurer J . J .Duggan vras present
l’rlfnutos of last meeting vras read and approved.
’,S.S.Hegdt of Brookside appeared and ask for information In
regard to a crossing at 48 st.and Brookside Ave. over the
Minnenpolis,Northfield and Southern rail road.
hlr. Heydt mas-told the Village wogld do the grading if the
permission was obtained from the Rail Road Cos
A communication was read regarding the above matter From
Ivlessrs Tingdale Bros .
A mot&on passed. The Chair appoint a committeey3uT+Delaney &
M.J.Knudsen to go with Mr,He-gdt and see what could be done about obtaining permission to put in said crossfng,
The Clepk vras instructed to write the School Board Disc.17
pePSu&nL to 9. CorrinfinZcatTon of said Board,regarding what was
Sntended about keeping the roads open this winter. The Council havine: taken action on the matter at the Nov.IL,meeting,that
they would endeavor to keep the roads open and as free from
morn as far a8 was possible or pratica1,but should deep snows
conlo followed by high winds tliere would probably be several days
3% time ?Then the roads would not be open suitable to motor
traPS’ic.And the Council would advise the School Board to be pre-
pared with teams for trRasportation at such times.
Clerk EoToEdson reported having conferred with the Minneapolis
Flre Dept.concerning fire protection for Edina.The Department
suggested that this Council name a fern people living in different
otfon passed and the following were named.0n France Ave.John
uckett,A.G,Fr5ght Adolph Coneilusj Cahill Road 72nd and France
of the Village as the propm ones to call in case of fire.
Ave,J,T.Delaney, J.$.Duggan. Cahill road or Nomandale Bvd.E.T.Edson
H.J.KnudsentThos .Ryan. Eden Prarie road.Al,loveus,Mrs .Clause
Johnson,Errxc Carlson.Browndale Park John Jones.Brookside Ave.
G ,l,l .Sachs A copy-of above names was sent the Fire Department,
The Clepk reported havzng recelved notiee of advance,from County
Treasurer Voegeli of $3500 .OO to Village Treasurer J,J,Buggans
Also received County Auditors ‘statement $6~ November settlement
OF $4371.45 . Warrant $2528092
Received Village Treasurer’s receipt to County Treasurer of $871.45
balance of November settlement,narrant #32437
On motion of the Clerk and seconded by Trustee H.J.Knudsen the .
follovr2ng bills were paid.
James Coburn and team
“3 .S . Joy St . C ommiss toner
1’I.Cobum team
Chlris ,Hansen
B,Betchart Andrerr Webber ’’
Dan McGuire It. .
I - . ..J-f L. L p
$148 . I3
153.75 112.75
72 .oo ~
H .V.WBBBaR Labor $10.40
Mpls.Gen.Electric C0.40.83
E.T .Edson Reg. Deeds to property on Hali- fax Ave ro . 20
L.Eidam Co Groc.to close account 18 083
Gust myman drag.roads 4.50 Eidam Co.from PTOv I1,39.91 Total for month $8511671‘1:
The folloriing ‘%arrantg and Quit-Claim Deeds to property on
Halifax Rve-.vere filed with the County Register of Deeds on the 13th day of November 1922, at II:20 A.M.
His 7iife.
His Wife
The front five (5) feet of Lot six (6) in Block Oae (I) in Stevens First Addition to Iffnneapolis, according to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Hennepin Gounty for the purpose of
a public highvag.I7aPranty Deed to V4llage of Ediria
fa*-cbnsideration of one ($I)Dollar and other
valuable consideratian Dated,Mag 29th 1922.
.The front Easterly five (5)feet of Lot seven (7)
Block One in Stevens First Additlon to l.Enneapol:"Ls,
according to the plat thereof on file and of record
in the office 6P the Register of Deeds in and fol? said Hennepin Cotmtg for theipurpose of a public highwag.Yarranty Beed to Village of Edina,€n can-
sederation of One (1)Dollar and other valuable
Considerations Dated Eay 29th,I922.
FRANK HASSLIXGER The front Zasterlg five (5)feet of Lbt One (1)in
IDA V.HASSLINGER according the plat thereof on file and of record in
His Piife the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said
Hennepin County,for the purpose of a public highxq.
Tarrantg deed to Village of Edina,Dated llay 29,11322.
sc Block One (I) in Stevens Fipst Addition to ILimeapolis,
His Pfife ,Signed
Sigma Hansen
That part of the Bortheast quarter (XE-$F of the
Southeast quarter( SE2) of Section Eighteen (18)
Tomship Twenty eight (28) Range Trrentn-fow (24) describEd and bounded by a line as follovs:
at. Commencing at a point forty (40)rods JTorth and six
.I r, 3- hundred and thirty-one and forty-one-one-hundpedths
(631,4I)feet Tiest of the Southaast corner of the
IiortheaSt quarter( NE;) of the Southeast Quarter( sa>) of said Section Eighteen $18) ;thence North Eighty:
eight(88)feet :thence at right angles T&-t':thirty (30) Feet to the North and South line dividing said Ifclrth-
east quarter (NE*) of the Southeast quarter( SE$) of
said Section Eighteen in the center; thence at right
angles South along said center line eighty-eight(88)
feet;thence at righL angles Eawt-i along thirty (50)
feet to the point of beginning;intending hercby to
convey to the Village ,of Edina for thr purpose of a
public highway the 'Jest thgrty (30)feet of that
certain tract or parcel of land conveyed by and c'es- cribed in a certain contract for a deed dated April 13th 1922,by and between Ella F9.Nelson and Albsiafq
LNeison her husband,vendors to H.C .Hanson as vendeee
"I'larranty deed,dated Xay 19th 1922,
&ACE G,BUNDAY ZC That part of the Northeast quarter (1TEk)of the
E.CLARENCE BU1JDAYBSoutkeast quarter ( SEk) of Section Eighteen (18)
Her Eus band described and boundedby a line as follovs:
Commencing at a point in the NorLh and Sout'n line
dividing said NortheaGB quarter (NEi) of the Soixkheast quarter (S~2)of sald Section Eighteen (18) the :-.
center, twelve (12tl)l rods North of the South bounclrg
line of sald Northeast quarter(BE2) of the Southsast
quarter (SEk) of aaid Section Eiehteen (I8); Thence
florth on said egnter line twelve (12) rods; Thence
East at right angles Chirtg (30)feet; thence South at right angles twelve(I2)rods; Thence East thirkg (30)feet to the point of beginning,for the Purpose
of a public highway. Uarranty deed,dated June 22nd
Tomship Twenty-eight (28) Range Twenty-four (24-j,
e: I922 b
l~my E,AR.~~~~ ~ The East Thirty (30)feet of the Southvest qu-artei- (STJ) of €&e Northeast quarter (NE$) of the Southeast CHARLES A*AR1NE quarter(SE2) and the South one-half (Ss) of the
Morthmes t quarter (NY;) of the Northeast O,uai.ter (18 Her husband
the Southeast Quarter (NEiTif ~32) all in ~actioc.
Eigh%een( 18) Tomship Trrenty-eight (28) ,R&inge Trrenty-four 124) containing fifteen acres more 01'
less according to the suyveg thereof,for the purposes of a public high';lag.
Xarranty deed,dated May - 6th 1922.
CHmLES ~~*CHI-U\~E k
That part Of thr Northeast Quartep(NE2) of the
SbQtheast &uarter ( SEk) of Section Eighteen (I&) - His %ife TowflshiP Tmenty-eight (28) ,Range Twenty-four (24j described and bounded by a line as follows:
COnmencZng at a point seven hundred and forty-eight (748)feet North and six hundred and thirty-one and fifty-one-hundredths( 631.50) feet
'Jest of the Southeast corner of the BTortheast
QuarterNE2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE,:) of said
Section Eighteen (18); thence Nortp forty-four (44)
feet;thence at right angles Yest thirty (30)feet to the North and South line dividing said Northeast
Quarter( NE;) in the center;thence South along said
center line forty-four (44)feet;thence EasZ, thirty
(30)feet to thae point of beginning.
Intending thereby to convey to the VillayP of Edina
for the purpose of a public highway the Vesb thirty
(30)feet of that ceptain tract or parcel of land
conveyed by and descrfbed in certain vjarranty deed
dated September 2nd. 1920 made by Nora KwYinkley and
Frank G.Xink1ey grantors,to said Charles :'I.Chance,
Grantee,and filed for record in the office of the I
Register of Deeds of Hennepin County on the 11th
dag of Setembep I920 at 112:50 o'clock P.M*and
recorded in Book 925 of Deeds page 263.
Warranty deed,dated Mag 29,1922.
That part of the Northwest quarter (N-Y$) of the SIDNEY CHREIMAN
1,XftIE C .CI-IRIEI&U? Township Twenty-eight (28) Range Twenty-Four (24)
His T'iife described and bounded by a line as follows:
Commencing at a point in the Korth and South lj-ne dividing said Northeast quarter)EE.?) of the
Southeast quarter( SEX) of said Section Eiehteen (28)
in the center eight 18)rods North of the %ou.th
buondarg line of' said Northeast quarter (HEk) of the Southeast quarter (2x2) of said Section Eighteen (18)
thence North on said center line four (4)rodg;
thence East at right angles thirty (30)feet; thence
South at rZght angles four ( 4) rods ;thence FJes t thirty (30)feet to the point of beginning.
&tj.it-Claim Deed dated July 5th 1922.
ss Southeast Quarter ( SEi) of Section Eighteen (18)
TJnms rri ed
That part of the nor the as^ quarter of the Soiitheqst
quarter(NE,&f SE&)of Section Eighteen (18) ,TovinshLp Twenty-cieht (28) Range Twenty-four (24) ,described
and bounded by a line as follows: Commenclng at a point in the North and Swth lhe
dividing said Northeast quarter of the Southeast
quarter {RE<$ of SE.2) of said Section Eishteen (18)
in the center,Seven Hundred and 1Tinetg-t.rio (792)
feet Korth of the South Line of said Wortheast qiiarter of the Southeast quarter (NE2 of SEi) of aR3-d Section
Eighteen (18);therrce North on said centsr line Fort--
four [94)feet; thence at right angles East thirty f39)
feet;thence a.t right angles South forty-four (44,)feet;
thence at right angles Yest thirty (30)feet to point
of beginning,for the purpose of a publfc highvag;
Intending thereby to convey to the Village of Edina Street pupposes the West thirty feet (30)of a certain
tract or parcel of land now owned by said Genevieve
Hill in sa3.d Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter
(ItEi of SE.)) of said Section Eighteen(l8)*
Qui%-Claim Deed dated June 23rd 1922.
Xmc.TTm'lTE A*GIEES Tomship Twenty-eight, ( 28)Ranme Tnenty-four (24), FIiS I'lif 8
That part of the Northeast Quarter(NE2) of the
Suotheast Quarter (SE&)of Section Eighteen (181)
described and bo7mded ;by a. llneias follovrs : Commencing at a point in the North and South
line di~ding said Northeast quarter (NE%) of the Southeast quarter (SE.k) of said Section Eighteen
( IS) in the center EighthEmdre? and Eighty (880)
feet North of the South line of said Northeast
quarter (NE$) of the Southeast quai.%er (SSi)
of saAd Section Eighteen(I8); thence Ilorth on satd center line f orty-f our (44)feet; thence
at right anglss East thirty (30)feet; thence at right angles South forty-four (44)fes-b;
thence at right angles Vest adistance of thirty
(30)Peet to the point of beginning for the
pippose of a public highvag;IntendIng hereby to convey to the Village of Edina for street
purposes the Test thirty feet (30) of a certain
tract or parcel of land now owed said Furdetk
E .Gi bbs in the said Northeast quarter ( 3E-i:) of
the Southeast quarter (SE.:) of said section Eighteen (18; Quit-Claim Deed dated Kay 3Ist 1922.
ZilLIam J.I-Iaubrich
Umarrf ed That part of the Northeast auarter (NE;) of
of the Southeast quarter (SEi) of Section Eighteen (18) ,Tomship Twenty-eight (28) ,Range Twenty-four
(24),described and bounded by a line as folLorrs CommencSng at a point in the North and South line
dividing said NortheasB quarter (EE;) of the Southeast quarter( SE,i) of said Section Eighteen
(18) tin the center where said center line intersects the South bolmdayy of. saLd 1Jor-btiea.s-i; quarter (NEJ) of the Southeast quarter (SE.)) of
said Section Eighteen (18) ;thence North on said center line a distance of eight (8) rods; thence at right angles East a distance of thrirty(30)
feet;thence at right angles South eight(8)rodsto
sald South boundary 1ine;thence at right angles
Test thirty( 30)feet to the point of beginning, Quit-Claim Deed,dated July 18th 1922,
Eary L.Champlin PC That part7of the Northeast quarter (lIE$) of the George 3"ChamplZn Southeast quarter (SE$) of Section eighteen (18)
Her husband tc Tomship Tvrenty-aSght (28) Range Twenty-four ( 24),
John S.Kelly Q described and bounded bya iine as .follovs:
Leona Kelly Commencing at R point in the North and South His Fife line dividing said Northeast quarter of the South-
east (1JE.i of SE&) of satd Section Eighteen (18) (y*g &"- ~ 7- k iil the center Twenty-four (24) rods Rorth of the
South boundary line of said gortheast quarter Of Southeast quarter (NE; of SEk) of said Section
Bighteen (58); thence North on said center l5.m
eight (8) rods;thence east at right angles thLrty
(30)Feet;thence South at right angles eight(8)rods; Thence East at right angles thirty (30)fees"J to the point of beginning,for the purpose of a public highyag.
Quit-Claim Deed dated June 28th 1922.
Frank C."iinkley S
Nora 1.T ,:'linkley
His Jife
[X %',- ? r, - 'r *.C&wyg I
A didding said Northeast quartep (NE;) of the south-
That part of the Northeast quarter (TTE,;) of the
Southeast quarter( SE,:) of Section Eighteen (I8),
ToTmship Tventy-eight (28) Range Trrenty-Tom- ( 24), described and bounded by a line as follows:
Commencing at a point Sn the North and South line
east quarter (SS2) of said Section Eighteen (18) E in the center six hundred and sixty (660)feet7rA
North of the South 19ne of said Nortileast quarter
(IIJE;) of the Southeast quarter (SE.2) of said Section Elghteen (18);thence Htwkh on center lfne Tvo Hundred and twenty (220)feet;thence at right angles
thirty (3O)feet;thence at rfght angles South Trro and twenty (220) feet;thence at right angles
Test thirty (30)feet to the point of beginning, FOP the purpose of a public highrray;Intendlng
hereby to convey to the Village Bf Edina for street purposes,all our right
tract or parcel of land conveyed to Frank C,;'iinkley
by James A,Bull and others by warranty deed dated 1,jay 4th 1905 and filed for record in the office of Reeisteroof fieeds Of XenIepin COUnLY b:inneaotae and recorded in Book 602,of deeds On Pa@ 464-3-n
sard Register Deeds office, $Uit-Claim Deed
June ~-.-..-Ji922* r&/&&+,+ -7p" Re coi-der Dated
itle and interest in and to the Vest Thirty (30j k eet of 8 certain