HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230113_REGULARMeeting of the Village Council xias called to order by Trustee C .F.Prescott. Roll call vias answered by Trustees H. J ,Knudsen,S .K ,Strong and c .F.Fre%cott. Clerk E.T.Edson. President J.T.Delaney and the Treasurer J . J .Dug;gan were tardy, but Pres .Delaney on cornming took the chair. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. The Committee to go with Nir,Keydt to see the Northfield and Southern Railroad about putting in a crossing at 48th street and Brookside Ave. 4s Mr.Heydt had not called them there was no report to make. A communication Of Pearl M.Lindsley of Browndale Park was read and ask co-opperation of the Copncil in erecting a snow fence on Hest 44th street between Mac&y Ave. And Hazel Ave. Two Blocks The County having expressed a &.llingness to furnish material, after some dZscussion there was found other places needing snow fence,some 3300 hundred lineal feet was estimated, On motion of Trustee H.J.Knudsen seconded hy Trustee S.K.Strong a committee be appointed to mait on the Coimty Commissioneers and find out horn much they mere willing to Surnish,the motion prevailed and the President appointed Trustee H.J.Knudsen and President J.T. Delaney, The rrorfr, of erecting the fence was left to President J.T.Delaney to secu-re some one Motion by Trustee S.K,Strong seconded by T-msSeee H.J.Knudsen the the petition of the Minneapolis General Eltectric Co. mas granted permission to erect I2 poles on Seth Ave between 5th Ave. & Arthur Stpeet 4poles in the alley between Arthur & Griffeth Street South of Raiiroad tracks. Trustee S.K .Strong having urgent buisness was excused. Received of Justice of the Peace G,M.Sachs 35.5D9 ~1: fine Of J.Bb Caplo for unlawful parking car and misconduct. MotSon by Trustee C .F.Vrescott,seconded by Trustee H.J .Knudsen $5.00 be allowed G.M.Sachs for a Justice of the Peace Manual. Motion carried and so ordered. nfoved by Trustee H.J.Knudsen seconded by Trustee C .F.R?escott the Bill of $40.00 of Dr Blake be held over for investigation by the C1ex-k ,carried . IJoved by Clerk E.T .Edson the folloaLng bills be allowed,carried. Tarrant s viere dravn . Old Yarrants Tpl:en TT? From 1921 Leo Delaney Gravel $48.25 #2444 9 4 35,66 43.50 Ed Cramer Leo Delsney rr 43.50 2445 58.13 It 2 Dan IVIcGulre team $67.13 2443 I52 e00 2442 77 00 Int. $19.28 14.40 I&@$-- it James Coburn " 56.25 2447 Mike Delaney " ~ 43.50 2449 147 000 Vialter Hoag It 7.50 2446 I47 00 21 32 John Olinger Lab 20 .oo 2 448 147 800 LO e61 Andr en '!!e b be r 34 . 00 2440 26r I .89 B.Betchart 17'Betchart H .V.Eebber 11 20,oo Minneapolis Gen.Electrlc 40,83 Louis Stalzman I' 23 . 20 F . J .Kokesh Hardware 1.40 I.S.Joy Street Corn. 51.70 G .PA Sachs Justice Manual 5 .OO Lf yL IS J.J.duggan road wTth team 7.5Q / : Id. 49 5 Total for month $1760 -20 tt 7.20 2441 50.63 E.54 tt 7.20 2450 I47 ,r IO 066 Harry VanAtten 'I 23.20 J . J .Duggan 1127.64 81 070 Ho furter buSiness the meeting adjnumld KJ Recorder