HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230210_REGULARZdina Village Councll'met in regular seasion Feb 10.1923, Keeting called to order by president J .T .Delaney. All officers answered roll call.. Einutes of Jan, I3,read and approved. The Committee on snov fence reported the County Engineer ~~ould order out the material for 3200 feet of fence,the Village to erect the same(fence). It was to remain the property of the county but as long as the Village of Edina took care of fence it would remain in the Village, Other vise the County TiOuld take fence, The Clerk reported having investigated Dr,Blake's blll of $40.00 And found none of the itims previously paid, ~ A Petition of Ti .E .Code and Eleven otheiaLproperty owners ,to establish a road rias..presented. Said road beginfifng at the Nortwesh cocner or" Southeast 5 of Section 32 Township 117,Range 2I.lfh@ric~ Sduth to Southea-st corner of said Section 32 .Thence to Northvest corner of Section $,Tomship II6.Range 2I.Said road to be sixty (6O)fee-b in thus far: Thence south along West line of Section Four (4) Tom- ship II6.Range 2I.to intersection of County road # 39.LaPlter portion to be forty (40) feet in width. of Southeast quarter Said road passes Over the fo1loTling property ou-ners .G.Tracy (% Heirs G.VgmanpJ.B.Perry,Urs . J.S.Roberts,B.J .Knucisen,SKnudsen, On motion by Trustee F.F,Prescott,Seconded by*Glerk C.T.Edson the petition vas accepted. A motion by ?&?ustee S.K.Strong,seconded by Trustee C .F.Pres?ott,%he Chair appointed Trustee S.K.Strong and Clerk E.T,Edsar~ Lo f5nd out the cost of right'crray, Moved by Trustee S.R.Strong seconded by Trustee C .F.Prescott.Dr.Bfake bill of F40.00 and the Officers' salary and Comittee rmrk be alloved,carrled IGoved by Trustee K. J .Mnudsen secondea by Trustee C .F .PreecotL the follorring bills be alloned,carraied. 8.J.Dugga.n Bld.snorr fence and Snov work $ 34.75 Dan 1,ScGiJ-ire snon rrork with team 54 hs.B5# 40.50 63,hs 47,25 James Coburn 21 15.75 A. Tebber Ea Lei'ngFence 65 I' 504 32.50 56 '' It 28.00 25 It It 12050 E .If . l"le bber Sylvester IJcIJellis E. Rens on Shoveling Snom 3 I' 406 1.20 A.Coburn Snow nork rrith tea: 0 I' 75$ 6.75 7.S.Jog Street Cormnfssioner 1x06 I' 554 58.30 Kinneapolis Gen.Electr5.c 00 Street Lights 40.83 John Ollnger Constable's Eolister for gun 1.25 Dr, James Blake I.IedIca1 services in Village40.00 TOE.00 S,K.Strong Trustee's Salary I;c Committee I7 17.00 H .J .Knudsen There befng no further bug8ness the meeting adjaOrn@d 1) tt Leo Delaneg 11 fl tr I! J. J .Duggan Treasurer Salary B supplies E.T .Edson Recorder's '' (6nos ] 128.00 C,F,Prescott Trustee's I' It J.T ,Delaney ?Pestdent 'I It 14.00 LG.00 20.00 II II tl Total for month $656.58