HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230310_REGULAREdina Village Counc2.3 met in regular sesslon at the Grange Hall March 10th 1923. meeting called to ordr>r by President J .T .DeZaney. All members of Cou~ir:i% ansrrered roll call, Minutes of the reg:Q.la-r Fsbru9rp:ZQth and special meeting of February 20th were read and 8.pproved. The Committee to find cost of right of way of road AS petitioned by 'IrieEaCOde and others,reRorted that most of the property omers vere in favor of the roaci as propose8,Sorne mere v911ing to give the right of sray if the Village would build the fences,some rranted just vhat the lalzd mas mort$. Idr.J,B.Perry was present and after much discussion safd he must have 150Qe86 for his land and damages, It vms moved by Trustee H.J.Rnudsen,seconded by Trustee C .F.F, reScott the report of the cornittee be accepted and the committee be continued motion cr=wied. The JustT-ce of the Feace G.M,Sachs reported to the Clewlk he thought it necessary to keep the new Docket book as the old one rras not spaced right for the new foms, suggestion was accepted and the nerr one ordered paid forb The Clerk vas ask to ,trp BndCga0 iin touch with Wr.L,Peterson in s3e- -gar6 Avenue.Sou"ih. Er ,Hegdt vas present and failel! to come,tto see slrhat could be dom about 8. crossing at 48th Street and Brookside over the Xinneapol.5-s Northfield and Southern Railroad tracks. It was sisgestsd that vie see 5.f the Rarilroad Company nould Dive an opening in their fence they could follov thecright of .i;.ay one block I Earth to the present crossing. VOPr,Regdt was vlllins €0 do th3.s until!! the crosslng at 48th Street could be securedo The Ennual Village election conming on the 13th of this j!Ojlth, Trustee S+LStrong,Albert Olinger and John Ru4;ledg.e be sppointe4 Judges os" election and G.K.Sachs and Clarence Knudsen as cJwks of elec Go-is, 1% s~as fowld Mp,Rut,ledge and Albert Olinger TTQIII~ be unable to sewe and C-bfs Hansen wd Georze TiTZson rew appointed, Koved by Tru-stea M ,J .Rnu.dsen andiseconded by Trustee C ,F.Fx*escat.t all road bills be allowed carriedo Yoved by Tr~xs'tee H .J .Knudsen seconded by Trustee S .K ,Strma~; the ' i'ollo~ir-ig bil1,c Le psld.Creeied, a deed to r2ghte of s*my across Mi:r,,Russells property on Xerxes said MroTindgale would be present, but e Jmes Cobam team $ 88,65 John Lilja Bl3.CkSIIli-bh 5 c.45 Dan YcGuire 1t 60075 Harry Hansen. SPI@~.~emlg 5-n Le IO A.Cobum 11 27010 L~E~S~POD~ tl R .Eoag ti 6,75 C.W,Glrard * Lg borb 5 0 15. 0 S%:reet, Cum. 8T.,68 A Anderson I1 I la20 J .J .DugEs.n lr G,75 Leo Delaney "3.th tean 24 03R 9 e63 22 ,E30 I9 020 42 080 3,20 1.80 8 I4 0 00 32a40 3060 32040 It 41 tl It It 11 17 0 20 3e50 39 e60