HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230517_SPECIAL%B4 Tho-rp Pros .presented tco forms of franchise fcrr sever an6 na'ser , privi Is ges , The Vilface of Edins. thru, its Atty.J.B.O'Prien prepared one. Iamxl by Trustee S.K.5t~ong ans seconded by Truztee C .F.Prescott the franchises offered by Thorps'be numbered 3: 2~ Z and the Village franchise as Ro 3,motion prevailed, Moved by Trustee S.K.Sbrong we proceed to vote on Tm.ncb.lse Tfo I by *formal ballot,seconded by Trustee C .F,@escott,carried . P:oved by Tru-sLee S.R.Strong,seconded by Trustee C .F.Prescott ne >ejeck franchise No I . Kotion prevailed . rYToved by Trustee C .F,'frescott and seconded by Trustee SOH .Strong r;e put franchise Ko 2 to formal ballot,carried, Z*"oved by TrusteeS.R,Strong ahd seconded by Trustee C .F.Prescott the - franchise Bo 2 as now stands- be rejected,carried, Noved by Trustee C ,F,Prescott,seconded by Trustee S .K .Strong re give franchise Mo 3 formal bal&t.p+ ,ni$h; cdsrected description Koved by Trustee S*KStrong seconded by Trustee C.F,Prescott ve ~ accept franchise 110 3 with corrected description, Notion ca-rrried e Moved by Trustee C .F,Prescott,seconded by Trustee S.K .Strong that our Attorney James E.O'Brien.correct franchise No 3 as ti:, ppoper descrlpti on , carri ed After conTidering an invitation from the Engineers Club of 'i5ppls, to the CouncU. members a motion by Trustee S,K.Strong seconded Clerk %,T,Edson that Trustee C .F,Prescott attend as a representative of this Council and make a report of same. No farthw, bu$Iness to come before this meeting,ft vas adjbed on motion. .. 0 Recorder. SPECIAL UEETIIVG HELD MAY 21,1923. Ueeting called to order by mesident J,T.Delaney ,at the home of the. Clerk, All Bfficers anmered roll cP.1lJbut Trustee S .K .Strong. Pteeting vas called for the pu~pose of making provisjfon I,'rs,Fra& Taletx,a residence of Edina picked up on the streets of SP1.Paul and placed In a hospital, c It was found that as she had no availabAe means of support,and vas more or less dependent,it was thought best to bring her tlo the poor Pam temporarilly,untill such time as other arrangements could be made, SuptiMlloore of .the Poor Farm agreed to get her from St.Pe-u.3.. Trustee H.J.Rnudsen vas ask to confer with distant relatives of Mrs. qaletz AP, RoyaMonn and Bovrles as soon as possible, Amotion vas made by Trustee H,J,Knudssn,seconded by Trustee C .Fsfiaescott that President J .T ,Delaney act $~L,l&.$$qmmittee to va5t on Village Attorney Coe .S.Grimes regardink &er property held in her Ensband's name but Tho mas mentally dearrange and vas in an asylum, E ot i on pr evai 1 ed Thorp Bros. having ask for a separation of the franchise,one for sewer and one for yater. ljoved by Trustee H.J .Knudsen seconded by Clerk Edson ue consult ow Attorner,Efr O'Brien concerning the separation,carried. - 9 c\ I, i President J,T.Delaney and Trustee C.F,TPrescott sere made committee; .