HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230609_REGULARmriuTEs OF THE PROCEEDIPJGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF %‘HE’ VILLAGE OF EDIXA AT A REGULAR PtiEETIWG HELD THIBEOF OR THE 9th DAY OF JUNE I923 :~IC.~~.~C:’~.V:C:~-~‘~.~ZC.”..~~.~’.E=:I,J~:~. :c:cu “..v.4C:’...CZ’.~~..”.~’.22~~.’t,v,~r..y.~,-~.u_.~~tr, #* eb #I I)& n 1) ab A I. *r I. I. rL ab a& 0 a. 1, #. #b n?k #I) #b fi C. n 0 /r II 6s rb C. 6) a I* 8. u 8, hleeting called to order in the Grange Hall by President J,T,Delaney . A13 Officers ansrrered roll call, Minutes vere read of the regular and three special meetings and were approved with the Trustee H 6 J .Knudsen reported On seeing Mj?s .Frank FJa1et.z relatives at Royalton a LIP John Honig,rrho said he would take care of iilrs,Waletz if he 80% pay for her keep,but would rather not -The Committee to see the Rail Road Cog about a crossing at, Erookside and 48th Street 17est.Reported having seen the Company an6 they were milling to give a crossing and make the fill later. e minutes of $me 8th to read 5% instead of $5000. . have her there, Niss HefiitPl vas present and ask for some work on Tracy A~e,as it vas in bad coddition and a culvert which had been promised some the ago The mater vas referred to the road committee and M~SS Heritt v8s told Ztrrrou3.d be taken care of. Kr*PeTsons vas present and ask for a road to his place on the rear of the Preston Cooper farmJand in viev of the Inaccessable location 8 it cas moved by Ti-ustee S-I<.Strong seconded by Trustee C .FDPc+escotL that the rozd committee take a slant or Tiem of the road East and ?Jest to the comer of Vir PersonsF farm9carried. A petition to open Vandervoot Ave,from Divission street to N.Xigert. vas read and mokion vas referred to the road committee. Kr.Y,E,Code presented a small plat% of some of his and Joe Code’s . land and na.s told the _8lanniing 8ommission w.ro.rl3.d have to pass on iL before ve could accept it. Mr,BaB,%oore rTas present and ask for some work on Aurors? Ave,and also ask to have the street light on Vest 44th st.maved one pole East to light up Aulaora A-ve as me11 as 44th st. It F:~S referred to the road committee. Er,Rolt,z and sevsra1 other% I‘Eere present and ask for some rrork on their road in the Southygnd of’ the ViZfage. On mot&on by Trustee H.J,Knudsen seconded by Trustee S.R.Strong it was referred to the c road commit-t;eE . Ilf .D .F .LrcG-i_rire ms pi-esent and made e. plea For more yases for a team said 806 per huur for man and team and 45 for n;@.il ZsPb Lao little Poi- the tertm. After coas5deri~g the matter @or some time it was moved 1.:- Z”~7istee S.K*Stroxq seconded by Trustee C .F,Prescott cie p~y 906 For team and 50# per hour for menecarriedo XP .i”s cGuZ r+e expre s s e d di s s a. ti s f ac ti on t h tha. t s c edv 12 ~.nd n f 3,s P some disctissiori it ~73s moved tg reconsider the previous ~o’cion of 904 for team.C6.wAied . 1% vs?s moved ’IS;. Tmstee C .F,Prescotlt seconded by Trustee S .Y .Strong ne establish en at 450 per hour,tmen,and teams st OO$ per ~OI-I:P. Pwnp man at 504 per hovr,carried. Aco~mwzlca-Lion frob the C .H,Borlus Agency saying they had tmde 8. mistake of $IO.OG iki the Assesser bond amount to COU~CS~ by enclosing check, A bill of bill of fo-mler Recorder Fred S,Child @.OO T-:q9 pftsen’se-d for copying minutes in minute book,bg public StenogrLphgr, J,ioved by Trixstee C,F,Prescott seconded by Trustee H.J Jinudeer! the bill be lai8 on the tabI.e,carried. e and were re%u-mjrig thnt The Countr~y Club Bistrict’s acceptance of the franchise fox- Serer and srater Bas read and on motion aas acknowledged and place on file,the Clerk vas ordered to publish the franchises. Mr,C677.Bender mas present as requested and gave us prices md data on . an adding machine for use of the Village 0fSicers.He recorrended machine no 153 for $175.00 Style 3105. Ltr Bender offered a mach2n.e for the present use of the Assessor. After some consideration %t. vas moved by Trustee H .J -Rnudsen,seconded by Tru-e-tee S,Ii ,SLrmg that the Clerk see if there can suitable terns be made till the fi;ti?ds -sere availabie,carried, The Judges and Clerks for the Senitoria& Prhar s cere named as follo~.rs Judges J .T,Delane;rjS.K .Stx-ong% D ,F.YcGuire .Cler& E ,T .Edson 3c Clarence Knuas en e On motion by Trustee C.FIPreacot.t,seconded by H.J.Knudsen,J,T.Delaneg and E.T.Edson mere named to represent Edina at the KwZ~~P~ Convention I 10'7 at Faii?ibau.lt June 20 and 21,1923.carried. Roved by Clerk E.T.Edson,seconded by Trustee S.K .Strong all road bi 11 s be a1 lowed, c arri ed . Moved by the Clepk and seconded by Trustee S.K,Strong All bills as read be allowed carried. Received Treasurer's ';;alter Koag team I972 hs $158.00 Treasurer foi? $IOI)@.@Q A .Goburn 2 " 265 '' 212 -00 Advance 01-1 Jwne settlement. Dan NcGuire Ralph Tind Road Bills receipt to Coix-~ty I52,40 Varrant Mo 47044 tb Igo'l-ff 58; 'I 46 a80 11 C .Anderson Labor 722 32.40 F .Petchart Dumpman I17 It 58 -50 Andrew Bebber 3 ,I!JoNellIs Labor I213 54.68 202 " 90.90 lt Yf ,s .Joy Street Corn. 24 days I20 .DO .$nzKm Other Bills . J ,D .Adam k.00 Grader blade 7.50 A 0 Berger M City & Coi.m%y Hospita1,Mrs Waleta 59.15 carried over. thme weeks and 2 days at $18 per. James E.O'Rrdf,en drawing franchise 8~ h?2nneapolis @m. Electric Co Atty.Grirnes legal advice 11'5.00 Street lights 40 -83 $ 222.48 Total for hionth $1148.16 No farthw bus%ness,on motion the meeting adjam%-& Co "ras $ 393.20 $549.20 156.00 Recorder . SPECIAL MEETING JUi'TE 29th 1923. Meeting called persuant to the advertising of bids to be opened on,this date in the Richfield Hall. President Delaney,Trustee S.K.%trong 2 Clerk E.T.Edson present, L Three bids vepe Teceived as follows. 54 to 56 street 56 Lo 58 s'ctreet Total Tkstardahl B F5she-r 8 2058.50 @ 1801.14 $ 3859.64 Turnham & Tu-mham 2600.00 I300 .oo 3900 SO0 A. J .Grove & Son 2900.00 IIOO .OO 4000 SO0 After dvely covsideying the bids it Fas moved by Trustee S.K.Strong of Ed'im 8rnd seconded Trustee B,Bachman of Richfield we accep-L Vesterdtzhl, ?e FZsher's bid of $3859.64 motion carried.Vork to st8.rt about Ju.1;~ 5 and be completed September First . I923 Contrasts wwe signed and the Clerks mere instructed -bo attend to the Bonds.Each Vlllage to get a bond for one half of the amount. Nothing further, meeting adjo.Um&l - YM L5-b , ("-,-"".' 7,: Recorder.