HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230714_REGULARDE THE PROCM3DIHIGS OF VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A THE VILLAGE REGULAR B’EETI?TG Einiltes of the regular and special meetings were read 2nd approved. The Delegates to Faribault Convention reported they found the league of L”unicipal5tics a very helpful organization and recornended joining. 12r.Cartak of the If.Y,part of the Ville.ge was present and ask for some vork on Secorrrl Avenue,near the power house The road committee had looked the road over and ordered some mor:: ‘hiem a.s soon 8.s c ou7d be done a Trustee S,X.Strone; reported for the committee 1311 tke crozsing a% 43st and Erookside,that the Railroad Compa.ny had put the pla~ks in for EI crossrng and vould riake: the fi.11 as soon as they could, ?resident J .T .Celwneg reported the RoRd (3ornmSttE.e favor& R‘LI wider gromd cross5ng at int,ersection of the RinnoapbEls Nortbfleld Southern X ,fil;snd St ,Louis Park, and Edina Villages Fr.G.Docken said he riould give the right of n8.y ff the ro9.d is made 17here 2t should be. The Cormittee r:w “c..ryTng to arrange a meeting at proposer; crossing betveen the Raflroad Etngineers ,County Commissioneers ,The St .Loufs ?ark B Edfna Co~~mcils at an early a date as bo could. Trustee C ,F,Prescott reported he had seen Attorfie3 Grimes ir! bcl?sLf of Errs .Fra.nk 5::~.LeFJz,S;ho said he ha11 t&en the case to Probets Court a.nd rmnted a Guardian appolnted,and the amount the V-illaze h9d spent In her behalf. h”oved by Trustee H.J.Ku~dsen,seconded by Trustee C ,F.P~escott the ’Jillage ask :,“r Grimes to take t*he lsecessarj action in the c~se,c~rrZ~if , 109 27 '' 12.15 00 3.6 e45 h+ +I ti Carl MarLlcl Leo Deb-nep team 40% PA .Delaney 11 13s Lo .-I-_ .IZm15 Q Ib A rnotioli by TrusteS Prescott,seconded by Trustee 3.I'L.Strong all ro5.d bills be allovjed ,mot,ion prevailed. Yoved by Trustee S.K .Strong,seconded by Trustee H,J.Knudsen the Villnge allow a fee of qj5.00 each to the Justice of the Peace wnd Constable vhen coiirt is held till January First 19249Garried. *a k m*, 'c3 -;" w B.R,Anderson,Justice of Peace Bond was offered and on rnotlon by Trustee 11 .J .I:nudsen eeconded by Trustee C .F .Prescott vms accepted, The Drug bill of C.A,Eacon mas layed on the table till the next regular mcet.2ng for investigation,by motion of' Trustee H .J,Knudsen seconded by Trustee C ,F .Prescott. e A narrant. issued to the Bull Heirs and their Atty.€I.S.Slack for rigI-itJ of -'my on Test 49 St.investi.gation proved they had no title eo the groper4g on motion by Trustee C .F,Prescott,seconded by Clerk EIT.Edson this 6arara.nt Wo.27fq for $300,00 be canceled,carried, Warrant $To 2751 of Feburary 10-1923 Lo H .J .Knudsen for $IS .OD was taken up J.J,Driscolb 1rr8.s appointed to serve on fire committe,bg reque,ct. T,Ioved by Tru-stee C .P,Prescott seconded by Trustee S,R .Stdurig the Cormittee bills,Clerks' salary .and Assessor's bill be allomed,carried. The Clerk reported having seen Mr.Bender in regard to buying the adding machine and it could be purchased on terms agreeable to the Village,one haif when June settlement was made,and the balance rrith TlTovember settlement or could divide last payment and carry over to 1924 Trustee 5 .I< .Strong moved 8-nd Trustee H.J .Knudsen seconded a motion instructing the Clerk to buy the machine.ca-rried Rmd CiZls