HomeMy WebLinkAbout19230908_REGULAR'a12 I\'eeting called to order by PresSdent J,T.Delaney in the Grange Hall 7:30 P.& A11 IAembers answered roll call but Trustee S .K .Strong,Tiho nas absent . Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read, k Delegation consisting of I&.& Mrs .T.J .QxboroWh,?;r,& &rs I$ r .D .W,VaLlis and others present, to pnter a protest regarding an offensive oder from Trir,3?aynets pigs,also an oder from the Elgin creamery.Sa5.d they had reported the matter to Dr,Blake who bad said he would clean the matter up,but were told by the Collncil that Dr.Blake nas not the proper 0ne.But was arnatter for the local health board to adjust. And who would take the matter up ai; once of Mr,Paynes' and the creamery, Also saidl.they had reported the Cmnery to the State Board of Realth but got no relief from either sourceo The same delegation also ask for e light on France kcenua and Tdu'.c8st. - The Chair appointed as a cimmlttee on the above matter,J.T'.Delaney B E.T,Edson. I\;ir,3yron Kell complained of a car being parked in his drivezag which obstructed passage to vork,vras told to apply to-the Constable for relief. h1r.A .Rutledge and ol2ners were present and complained about L'r.Gamletz dumping clay on the graveled street $~IS~,~T~~S&~CS Elmoksfds Statfon along the Street Car track was told the Road Committee rrould look 5ni.o tM metter tlrte first time out. A ~~r.Bates,rep~esentAtive of y;ingdale Bros .and !;r.Tkri.Kegdt,L r,Eates Said the matte-r of a crossing at Vi48 3%. & Er0oksi.de vas an asset to the property there %lr*nm,Hejrdt TJas Informed the Clerk had rrritten the Railroad people asking t'ney huyry up and complete the crossing. '0 *I; .Kell, - and should be assessed to the propertys. a h bill of the Rlpls,Fire Depa-rtment of $147.50 was present^&. fop services reiidemd in I920 at BIZ0 T;*50th Sti?eet.lls no one presenL .remembered a fire in that locality it vias layed aver for investi- w eation, The following resolution 'Ei'as adopted - Resolution to accept Park Property. Thereas the Ceder HursL Improvement Company( 'l'horp &-as. 1 Ei~.-vi~-i~ set aslde Lots AyB.& €3 in South Harriet. Park and Lots A,& B Smith I-Iarriet Park Secorid Add.for Park purposes,hd =ereas Ceder Improvement Co,l?as donated and deetle8 ss7-d Property to the V5lZage of Edina for Park plxi-poses only. Themfore Be it pesolved-:?%e Village bbi~Bcil of the Village oZ Ed3-w do accept Lot& A'-B t~ C Sou-bh Harriet Park and Lots A 8 B South. Rarrjet Park Second. A&, as given by Ceder Hurst Improvament Go. and came the deeds thereof to be placed 011 record. The matter of j:)75.00 for an easemen-: fonS,Rnudsen \;as Laken up and after some discu,ss;ion it vas ordered paicj men the money r.8~ a.\-~Ll- able on notLon OS Trustee C .F.Presco%t seconded by C1ei.k E.T.Edson. 30 feet T2est aXong South line to ?:'est Property line,for raad purposeso . 1% ga-s moved by Trustee C .F .Preseoet seconded by Tr"lastt.s F; .J .'ilnu.dsen that the Village levy for I924 be $I5000,30 carried. After considering %he follorring bills vwe allone6 311 rnot9oi.l 04 Trustee 8 .E' .Ppescott,SeCOnded by Trustee H , J .Xnndseii. - 0 216 ITS $194.40 I90 35 I81 o 35 I88 o IO 376,625 40,50 95,T8 95915 9.5 d I8 105.75 74.93 I20 eo0 $1755 * 54 --.-