HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-12-14 Park Board PacketVILLAGE OT EMU&
DEMBEIR 14, 1-964
. iiDA
1, , Z
.1ppyoval 0, minutes of gdina rarl Board mce-ing of wove-uber 9,
11. Dracwuar pars - coun-Ity Hi -w,
.y n nntl County Highway 39
111. 1965 Capita! Improvements Pxogr---nm
IV. Tean C-entez Report
V. Mud Lake Report
V1. Hockey Building - Wait Robilliard
vil. Golf Course Report
VIII. Recreation RepWzt
1d Const-mction
Prepare sanval pro 1",za'a for ctmprrma'.I' 'e'Athin the z"na—e-
of the `_:unda arnvidad
Evaluate mnd zsviaa Ion—raase -plan, ,-.o cacure, mnxim.um developm,;�V_t
In shortest interval and to bass: serve the commrznjity,
Coordinate with t -he Village Staff on. decign Of specific projects,
Consider constrvct-a-,-i
-C ,,: z, quajity, costa, e.tc,
2. Recreation
Acquire underatending in deptl� of all recreation program jAhnges
Evaluate the -areas of strangthu anduealb.nesscs, public acceptance,,
Study- a -ad reco,,maend -areas for growth, and new or curtailed services.
Consider zosta and sees,
- Survey methods of operation, staff, atc.
- Evaluate and recotmend finarcinZ prior to budget making.
- rromote yi;uth aociai vecreaaon
Consider safety, and '.3ublic welfare,
3. klaiiitenance
Give attentio'n to I;raunds, vtpp&ratus, pool, housing, equipm.ent,
tools, 'Lnvertor: y.
Survey of operation:.
Consider cocLs.
Recommend fi-nancing r—ca;to budget malking,
din 17�1F:
Evaluate expa Yience, publ'-F'Ic acce'-:-anec- 'und -&Einanaing
Study leer, And charges.,
Study policies, manic einem,,
Recommend finencing prior to bud - pet making,
5. P-ablic Information and Relations
- Causider and promote methods of keeping public informed about
Parks, recreation pro3rarair, and other related. Iteas of in4.erest,
- Consider p-L-oposed -�tlarlk co-astruction with nearby residento prior
to construction,
- Hear and consider citizen ar group complaints, petitions, problems
and proposals,
- Frwmote an adequate system of pnxk ordinances.
- Consider ktnd recmmei.-d suitablLe ,.acnes for parks.
6. Park Board Ralatl.anohins
- Utilize tl,,7,e interesto and skills of board members througli a plan
of committees, or T--.ssignments.
- Secure broadest poosiDle coverage of areas of resportsibilitics,,
- Keep council Lnformed, seek- council assistance as Peeded,
- Submit reco=iend at ions mien counrAl action is nxeeded
- Submit reco-wPer-dationa to village admini3tration staff, Recognize
that administration- has responsilAlity for direct operatI.Ons, but
the board acts as advisory staff to both the council and ad-jiinistration,,