HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-00 Park Board PacketIF • LIEMR ANTIUM, March 29, 19,63 TO: Village Manger, Council Mf).m",Jcrs amex Park Board Mlermbers F F? 0 T,1 -. Kendall T. Stevens SUB.JFCT: Golf Courses Tha Golf Corso Com, mittoo 'ha,, F---I-ooing �s misny factoxs as possible, perlfl-aining to opc3'3tincj policip-s that iimist Oe osil-.iblished and club house facilities that- should be incorpr)rated into the diazign. Ulork is progressing., in the selection of --m architect, and it is hoped to make this GiDlect--I.on soon The corim-ittee wlould 3like xoz -,moir and concAderation, a riumbon.- of items th,:A r;.'01 nee, -S 37-ci,aso3vC-,6,. the architect. By crystal', izing ollr thoughts ao !3o -ii an%. we can undoubtedly avofld much delay in co -ming -k'-lo a flnal dasign. You are urged 1-10 th:� z-'k-It,:chcd -i-Lemst, ,znd. to bring attention to any item that has been ovei�lookcd. Firal deet ions be wde at a meeting of the Park Board. 11. T. Stavponczj Cfizi;Xmian Edina Park Board Should the Gol-f for other cononunity win-oter sports, ect. Page 11 ilour,a jacJ1,1ties ba cles-igned and mado a-vailable funr,,6:-,Lonsp c3umli or, meetings, ,oclal functions, yho comm-Litee feels that any ri@ior alternate uszge is quite doubtful, and must not conflict with tile golfing activity. Also, the location is not central in t1he Viliago. Costs would be sub- stantial in operating a year-long facllit7, such as roads, snow plowing: hazting5 maintenance, supeyvlsionj scheduling, ect. It is also falt that the design should be for t1lo primary PurPoze, excess costs fox Lsage should be avoided. In the event L I t. e specific other uses develop which could SuccPSGfU1'Y Utilise h' Golf house without conflict!, thoza de alias couid be judged on t-he'.r Merits. 2. Golf Course User;? A. Establish a schedule of Green ices, so@son tickets or sea2on perinit's for the 18 --holo and the 9 -hole Par 3 courses to (1) Produce raveni.;e to fully offset, if ix,-Ssible, 'the -4ctUQ.1 operating cost's. (2) control usage:, via sligilitly ,,•a,:trjctivc econoraic meansi, Lo avolel mass usage and Severe cong-estion. (3) Offer Edina -esidents attrzctive concessions. (4) Establish reasonable cost rolationships to other ccmnparable municipal -i'Z'cilities. (5) Avo-ld concept of "membership" in a municipai facility by a privilegod fsw. 13. Consider apeojai rate schedulos for V-Jfsek days vs. Week ends, light- periods vs. bust pe! iodsr h0lildZys, womonlz days, youth dzi-y-s. 1�tteinr�t to divert p- i ' aying doinand avay from known busy PeTiods to Milo ncriods so as sa%curo. the utilization and revenue. C. consider estabiishing a sclieduie of se pori tickets or season poral tisto (a) securo a raajor potion of the opczating costs,, and (b) provide an attractive conce3slon for Edina residents. The "semason ticket" concept would ailovi unlimi-teri play, on zin would al loin inriividuzal or Tho poxinit" Edina xesidents to purchase cia-1.1y green feas at a reduced rate. Avoid the concept of "w.,amb0rGh.-%P" Or Prfivilcged use- Page 2 Est�,bli ' sh policy as to playing rasevvz-Gions. Pj.So consider pfzying sequence. (Cormaittee feels lt-Feat reserva-11-ions sho-uM (a) be cxtondcd to Edina season ticket or saason paxTait holders - only, (b) thould no-,-- be made for mo-ee than one day ahead, (c) and should not fill ovar about one -hal -R' the daily schedule. It J.s believed that this one feature. could g1ve Edinans a major concession, and coWd be used to avoid dominance by non- rosidants. ) 'r ;ittr e fe 1 0 8 E. L.oskma - Attempt- to A'-'oreczst dmmemand. (Cothis wrould be an attractive concession, to Edina residents only). Determine covets and establish renal rate a. in event construction funds will not strot-ch to include all los ,ker rocpirements, at least provide the sptice needed). F. Restrictionz - Establish policy on tvihat course restrictionog if any., should be ot-cabs izhcd. Considiar such factors as (1) mininrim ages,, (2) complete ioursornes caring the busy hours,., (3) complete foursome=s for. re2ervationz, (4) learners, (5) Par 3 course. G. Pjacide whe-ther rentol of Goli-' carts -vAll be mgda available. ,, and whethor these should 4),q Villago�o:xned or mad -3 a part O -f' 'Che Pro-concassion. (Tile feels that J00tter care 4-M-1 ZuPV-xVi,3iO,-1 vc;Uldt be rand with theas criz-ts under the Pco's cancessicil Pl6n.) R. Pro vy. Mlanasfer -- Decido upon t-%,ha-Clier a pro should be secured, and whather his componsai.-ion should bo- -Aholly salary or commmissioll or co.mb-ination. Hstcblieh his duties, aGponsibili-tieo apd his morchandizing privileges. Also, whothez- he should ba allows'd to Glaploy assistants. 3. &Aa.R IL _ A. Dressing Rooms. Si le owers. Toits. Lock-��rs =-Detezmine space ;T:-1—ZdzU —for t—ho Consider future requiremonts, also. Doterimi-ne, -cinalc Type end size o -F lock needed. Consider whialk". protection or quiarding is needed for locker areas. fie. Prc-Sho oanager. -- Ectbisih space n0add 1ox rki. axC"a" djspjty.aded s-,oraqo, rapajzs. A�iso v4" at space nc, in Overt assiat-Plits are araployed. Cons-ider future space needs, expansion possibilities. Dsto"-Ane sp-cce relationship to other building aroas -,uch cis lounge, snack 1, -)ax-; drOSISInSf areas, entry,, etc. C. Lounoo - Ha,? much sp-nce in -�caruiied? Also, future needs. E-c�n;I-jar tho pos3i,13,11ity of uszgi. What type furnish -Ings? Also, consider shadelj cutside lounqo are -a'. D. Establish StoragO SPaCO n0cd,-65 fOx-MMa90z- Pro- mainic-lenance, etc. Determnina space neaded. Counter and stm -tables, or hoth? What food service? Dete=ina equipment needed. (Coffnvittee feels that food sarvice should be limited to fairly simple items, requiring minimum of equiMientu and preparation. Also, very if any coin operated dispens-e-rs.) F. Entry - Determine orientation to the site, and to the starting locationv parking, etc. Consider rutil"Aple usage, winter sports, etc. Consider walk ways. G* E,.a (LG - is this a roquirement'! inside'? Outs:Lcle'l H. Caretaker kt;Lt�Lys - Determine if guarding or maintenance would 7equire a caretaker living or, the premise. If so, what space is needed? Lp 11 - Establish at floor materials needed to withstand golf shoes damage. Also consider the safety aspects- V11-lat replacement or upkeep factors are involved?