HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-06 Park Board PacketOw VILLAGE Ole' EDINA PARK BOARD MEETING May 6, 1963 AGENDA I. Approval of minutes of Edina Park Board meeting of April 1, 1963 II. Golf Course A. Progress Report • B. Club House Report C. Park Name III. warden Park - Master Plan - Preliminary Cost Study IV. Birchcrest Park � Fencing V. Jackson and Belmore Park VI. Fourth of July Celebration VII. Playground Equipment Bads VIII. Heights Park - George Hite FPPOGPESS !U',,PO'R'I" TO EDIL'U% PARK BOARD T.,,Iunit J_a),_,I Czol:courses and Park b,v BlItMUER . RIPPEL May 6, 1963 1 "1 � PlIa-W! S1S TO D2U`_1`9' Earth-,A,ork ­Ionizract Item 1. Clear and Grub Brush 2. Strip & Sto,:ftpile Topsoil Fxcravate Ponds & Channels 4. Spread & Mix Topsoil 5. Pinis.-. Grading (S. I;.,xc!avatjJ..c.n & Placing A. Danens & Son 900/0 90°0 90% 2 W. I CP/O changes in co-ntract costs to date. 7. Drainage Structures A. C Sfr.l2, 349. 4 0, *No,' -.e Surcharge Ttgreemenl_- Changes Required by Fine Mile Creek P,,Tatershed Dist'--rict Add $ 660.00 I Cb Wien Approved by state Con.servat.ion Add (estjxriate) 1, 700. OC culver�'_-s Revised in Field 11"hus Far Decrease (estimate) (1,080-00) 3. Construcl.- Trap.- & Greens 4.0% r/0 ALTERNATEBS A-1 Clear & Grub Trees 1070/a Yet Additional Contract Cost (estimate)$ 1,500-00 A-2 Pick Rock. and Debris 10% R -3a Construct Bridges Changes Requi:,--ed by Nine Mile Creek Board (estimate) :L' 600. 00 A-4 intake Structure - A-8 Compact On Site Gravel 50% TOTZI.., ESTIYWTED PJ)DITIONAL COSTS TO DATE 4,360.00 REVISED EARTHWORK CONTRACT—— 417,229.00 SEED AND SOD CONT7V-CT---Ir,.o changes) ------------------- 45,400.00 IRRIGATION—- (no changes) ------------------------------- 116,000.00 PTLAI\T`MATERIALS--- (no changes) -------------------------- _ 19. F3' 0_ SubTotal $ 598,491.00 As "Vet Unresolved -Appro-riation of Water I -or Irrigati-on .1�1 -Site Work At Clubhouse -Entrance Treatment Additional Non -Bid work (Clubhouse, Power, Etc.) $ 200,000-00 TOTAL= ====- =-­ $ 798, 491.00 CODIPP-TRE TO ORIGINAJ, TOTAL ALLOCATEg======--==.-=_========$ 804,249.00 TO: Edina Golf Clubhousa File BY: Brute Abrahamson DATE: 26 April 1963 Present at meeting: Messxv. C. Adams; W. Lewis, R* Diercks, K, RoVand, Bob NOW and Abrahamson. Purposa & the meeting was to revicw the Met= of the 9M course cWhouse planning 8nd to Amillariza the architect with the project. The targat date ioz completion & the building should be eaTly My 1964. The otructure should be planned for its ultimate Wo with the Arst phase of construction not to exceed $125,000. MkiErg drawi,3 should he completed so that the project may ba releaced ior bidding and constxuction Ha7ted by late fall 1963'' There was some discussion of the use of the building with the general agreement that the primary use for golf should be emphasized. Additional community uses may be suggo3tad, but should not interfere with the of SWAMI. in general the building should include a lounge, minimum kitchen with onack bar facilities: Wassing-lockeT Tooms iox men znd women, a plo shop, storage I kas much as possible), an cntry and possibly living quarters for either a caretaker or pro. The last item to be wesolved aiter further investigation. The most impoTtant spece is, A course, ho dressing and lockez facilities which shouid be as large as the building budget allows. This area will be the first to exp2nd. The possibility of locating the building so that a waikout basanent arxagement in possible Would be explored. Ca: hiero ;tarjex jacijities anspace d spaion rental carts should ba considered. Some rovision to the present paiking lot piano may be necessany to provide thti pe prpel *etting Othe he Miding. The Architect will took with the Park Board staN to establish a preliminary pTogrcm ior review with the Board. This to be done as soon as possible. The Architect will meet with Ken Rouland, Bob Kojetin, Don Mauer and Don Rippel at the site neat wzek to wasojva Wilding location. BQMWA-W 0 0 SWI?N,1ING POOL FUND STATErliENT OF INCOMiE AND EXPENSE VILLAGE OFF EDINA Year ended Dece:;ber 315 1961 Revenue: Pool Fees: Season Tickets Tencral Admissions Rental - instruction Program Others Operating Expenses: Salaries and taagas: Supervision Li--'L'o Guards Cashiers Basketroon, attendants Wyatchmen Maintenance Gas Light and power Ulater and sewer Telephone 'a ter treatmant Cleaning Supplies General Supplies Printing and office Supplies Repairs and 1,4aintenance Central Services Laundry Insurance $ 285629-00 389468.54 750.00 GROSS REVM.rJE $ 39,293.75 %316.49 1.)108.58 3,156.61 811.25 76 Income before Provision for Depreciation and Debt Service Charges Pi-ovision or depreciation Income before Debt Service Charges Debt Service No-?',- Loss from oparat-ion of SWiP,"Ding Pool Income from Concessicns (see separate schedule) 20,458.93 1,044.3.7 1,8%.64 2-49.60 90.37 1 98:5.38 514.09 463.99 236.31 841.14 780.00 65.12 1 52,27 -30.- 15 .1 $ 9,135-59 74240. 62 $ 1,894.97 $ 51855.53 - 2.705.154 NET LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 3.149.8_9 • SWIri lING FOOL FUND STATE- ENT OF IhrOhSE Al".0 EXPENSE (CONCESSIONS ONLY) VILLAGE OF EDINA Year ended December 31, 1961 Percent to Cost of Gross Sales Soft Drinks $ 1,514,20 $ 868.91 $ 645.29 42.62% Soft Ice Cream 31548.60 1,395.14 2t153.46 60.68 Pop Corn 21,036.28 402.73 1,693.55 80.79 Hot Dogs ..,062.32 667.10 395.22 37.20 Other sandwiches 407.69 284.00 123.69 30-34- 0.34Cupcakes Cupcakes 947. Q 59.07 In .03 27,17- 9,.75.19 , 4 2.2, $ 59363.24 56.M Operating Expenses: Salaries and llages: Manager $ 827.75 Clerks Equipment rental Repairs and maintenance General supplies Provision for depreciation $ 2,..56.56 77.78 47.60 35.42 .� y4O._ — 2.6. 7.60 NET IidCOG1E $ ?_.7 .64 WOO SM111.11ING POOL FUND STKfEMEIN-ur OF iNCO":B AND RXPM'S,'--- VILLAGE OF EDINA Year Ended Decembor 31, 1962 Revenues: Pool Fees: Season zCickets General Admissions Rental - instruction Other opa2-ating Expenses: S&Iayias ancl -wagasg Supervision and clarical Li fa Guards Cashiors BazketToom attendents Watchmen M&intenance Gas Light and po-we" Wator and'sewar Tolephone Invurance Ropair!:; and N'laintenanca Rubbish Pemval Replacoments - C111or-iMaCor Chani ng supplies Water Treatment Signs Trash Ba-.,, rals Printing and oificep suppiies taneral zuppliez Central S 29,274-00 5,554.49 $ 34,601.49 MOSS rREVaIUF- $ 35,607.78 $ 99. 53 35186.3'4 9,63-25 Income Ber"oze Provis-ion fxOr Depreciat-.hon and Debt Chargos Provis-lon for Drzpreciation Loss Boforo Debt SQ:Cvice G-hixges Debt Sai-vice Not Loss FZLCf;j S.V, oper@t Inceze Froz:,-, Concessions - Sao Separa-Cle 1, 0o5. 19 1,455.13 175.46 159.37 lv403.410 826.91 150.00 SCS.40 3013.69 1 s FA2.73 127.00 181- . .06 240. 25 706. 01. .67 MET LOSS FROM 013,2RIMON 1,554-02 —..: L- �9. L- —5q $ %15j,52 ,14,581.27' 4,58 1 - 27 $ 7,570-25 I Operating Fzpanses: Salaries and wages: Planager S 953.64 Clarks Equipmont rental Repairs an," Maintenance Laundry Provision for deprociation $ 2x463.35 NET WCOME 75. 130 51.62 S11F.V1rNG ?,-)'OL FWNID STATWENIT OF IN2,01ME AND EXP ISR (CONCESSMINS 0INLY) VILLAGE OF EDINA Year Ended December 31v 11X-)2 �a L C.02 C o S -'k-, 0 P�)`cant IS e S salps aUYz. Soft Drinks 263.00 783.50 $ 479.50 37.971a sofll-, Ice Cream 2�,910.zo 1,216.7 2 15693.68 58.19 Pop Corn !,805.65 31G-60 10487.05 82-36 Sandwiches lt,78.65 723.46 455.19 3-3.62 Cupcakes qti $3z.q-:3() s Operating Fzpanses: Salaries and wages: Planager S 953.64 Clarks Equipmont rental Repairs an," Maintenance Laundry Provision for deprociation $ 2x463.35 NET WCOME 75. 130 51.62 MARTIEL & --QRE-'Ei-J,,. I X. M I I I RM - I AIN B U M TO Edina Golf Clubhol-Ite Fi-1� BY; Bxuce Abzahawa= DKEE: 7 May 1%W3 Plresnarft at =etinq: blausrsv C, AdcamsV, Wo lllyde2' R -S' Kojo'in, K" Ross rd and B. "Wrap con. A prel i -minary prograra, for disc-ussion PU3:-08ea, was pxescnted by the Architect. The program, based on a budget of $1a),000, has a 9zoss building aroa of 6,600 sW-are feet4 This was arrived by f,stima-.Ung the .oto cv r of construction, including s-ita rjork related to the clubhouse at The question as to whother or not the ciuWho-u!sv sh.otild be air conditioned was discussed* It was concludcd that- if this does not repronon-St a lot of monoy, it should be pxovide& if the cosi: is too gxcat., nothing should be done to ir.tex:?ere wi-Ch a futuxe installat-ion, There was some discussion about "Che storage of gull' bags. Storing -'6-h2M in the dressing lockO3s zcemed unlikely. This v:ould Zrcqui_Te large Sized lockax,s and lirrdt theD: reambero So=- Form o-42' storege in tho px0 shop seemead More like!y. pxovida two-tierlockers,.t aa "h in the rxnls locker xcom$ consider the ute o:51ngla Uc. lnckers,. 9" x 11 x 61 high in the women's lockor room, The IxTcentage of locker space 's ort wonon as comp a::ed to mon, should be x investi atod* Check with locker !�jpjpjy people "or comparisons vjith other 9 lnstallationr�. Pi-ovic.'e scnrmae *-*.-,orage space in the locker roomz. The number of showar heads, in each dressing room should be reconsidered. Consider the use of some coin opezated lockers fo--:, genexal uze in the locker room$. No kitchen should be prowl ed 10r snack box. Cooking equijxm.ent dill be included in the bar and back bar equ'ip-mont. P, serving rdndo-w, from snack bar to tho outside would be desi-rabl" e. The lounge area as noted on preliminary progxam should be the sc-,,Te roo,-)l as snack bzr, but divisible by mezans 01%-' a i7olding par -cit -5 -on. The pro zhop as indicated -is too small. Suggestion made to rte'duco caxetakeTts living quaTters to mini—Mium (efficioncy apa).c(;�mient with no bc�droom) ;3nd add Space. to pro shop. Pro shop should include a cubicie for cn oflice, display and sale-,;. areas. The r shop will also soll gol-Z ticket -a, carts, etc. If possible, it shoij-1d have visual control o:� Ist and 10titees. .1 A Edinc 000;0 Golf Courses and Par!,-. 1111 w HARRISON . BRAUER . RIPPEL PROGR§a ja U U _AjK Earthwork Contract A. Knons & Soil $02,249.00 IQ 121 —&-nmall _211-0 1. Clear and Grub Brush 9C 2. Strip & Stockpilo Topsoil 3. Excavato Ponds & channols 4. Spread & Mix Topsoil 5. Finish Grading I 6. Excavation & Placing 9QZ *Note Surchange Agroament No changes in contract costs to dets. 7. Drainage Structurez 10% Changes Required by Nino Mija Creek Watewhad Voirict Add Channel Change When Approvcd by State Co=xvVti&! Add fkestimatel'' CulvezVs Revised in FinY Thus Fw 8. Qnstruct Trapo & Gowns ALTERNATES A-1 Clear A GvQ Treas Not Additicnal Contract cont (estimate'''''' A-2 Pick Ruck and DebrQ A -3a Constiuct Bridgaz Changus RoQuirnd by Mine DUO Creak BUY Guam) A-4 intake struQuXe S 660.00 1,700.00 WOS0.00'J' $ 1,500.0,0, I z 600. 00 A-0 Compact On Site Grzvol 1z)Q TOTAL ESTIMATED AOUITIOMAL COSTS TO DATE 4,000-00 RPVTRPD PAPTPOTT cnNTRAcT ----------- SEED 0D ECD CONTRACT - Ano chnngor) ------ -------------- 45,4C0.00 PLANT oTERIALS --- (no chanons) ------------------- 00000 An Yet of Kter FOI 04900--1 Kite Work At Kubhvizi­e -Entxanco Traz&Dnt Additional Non -Did X0 YIPYAMSK PsnDs, Etc -) COMITARE TO ORIGINAL TOTAL ALLCQTE%-­ ------------------------- j?04,249.00 w 414ta 4, 0 ,—I ri 4.) 0 41 tT tit 41 C Qj S M ii fu Ca f--4 WY rl. S) ca f;t 0 (D 0 0 - al co LO to CA Lq -41 --f 40 cr; tv (A? *Irl W, IV) tfi k.9 '� (11) 0 0 C) 0 0 0 C C 0 r"I '0 r- ra C,4 on, co 0 C4 (Z rl- co ll Cf) ei n 4-) CV) NA 444 t� 1S3 C4 � m co • -A 15 (75 -4 C: S: -0 0 0 C) C-) CD 0 ix Q C CV) cr) ri co —4 0 vo OD Ct 4L4� V) 0 CD ru 0 CIJ -r, 0), S -i 00 I 0 0 lrq 0 4-3 ro c V r - ,E: 14 0 UP En LO t- 4, 0 ,—I ri 4.) 0 41 tT tit 41 C Qj S M ii fu Ca f--4 WY rl. • VILLAGE OF EDINA Revised Cost Estimate Garden Park PHASE I Earthwork Cleanand Grub-------------------------------------------- $ 21500 Strap and Stockpile Topsoil ------------------------------ w 51000 Excavate and Place ---------------------------------------- 79500 Respread Topsoil and Finish Grade ------------------------- 2,000 Finish Grade Hanson Road Slope & Around Pond ---------- w--- ---I-%OLp Subtotal $ 151000 Draan3c3e..gtz2ctures First Stage Only- ------------------------------------------ $ %400 Sgd and Seed By Village Park Crags (Materials Only)-------------------- $ 19000 MIAC21I en� Qoas Backstops (2)-,.----------w,,------------------------------------------------------ $ 19,500 Watermain & Hydrant For Fiooding-------------------------- 650 TOTAL PHASE i $ 299550 E VILLAGE OF EDINA Preliminary Cost Estimate Garden Park PHASE I - BASIC EARTMORK -- DRAINAGE - SOD AND SEED Clearing and Grabbing Strip & Stockpile Topsoil Excavation - on site material Furnish and Place Fill Respread and Place Fill Finish Grade Hanson Road Slope and Around Pond Drainaae Structure Furnish & Place 121, RCP Furnish & Place 18" RCP Furlish & Place 24" RCP Flared End Sections 241' Outlet Cut-off Walls & Rip -Tap Subcut in Peat Areas Granular Backfill in Peat Areas Inlets Special Inlets ':lanhols Sur acing and Cu-rbing 6`° Gravel Base All Areas Sod and Seed Furnish and Lay Sad Seed Miscellaneous Baseball Backstop, 16` x 801 Little League Backstop, 141 x 406 Watermain (611 ) Hydrant i ea. -0 L.S. 10,000 C. Y. @ 0.50 25,000 c.y. �1_ 0.30 25,000 c.y. 0 0.70 10,000 c.y. @ 0.40 1 ea. L.S. Subtotal $ 2,500 5,000 7,500 175500 4,000 _. .. 1 0,. OO $37,500 19020 l.f. -0 5.00 S 51100 130 l.f. Q 8.00 11040 200 l.f. �) 12.00 2,400 1 ea. L.S. 100 1 ea. L.S. 400 900 c.y. ' 0.70 630 900 c.y. O 0.70 630 2 ea. 0 250.00 500 2 ea. - 500.00 1,000 1 ea. C 500.00 500 Subtotal $12,300 61600 s. y. 0 0.50 3,300 Subtotal $ 39300 205000 s.y. 0 0.30 $ 65,000 9 A. 9 300.00 ?.700 Subtotal $ 89700 TOTAL - PHASE I 2 ea. L.S. $ 2,000 i vn` av L.S. 500 300 l.f. @ 4.00I,.no I l ea. L.S. .4.„ 0 Subtotal $ 3,950 ---------------------------- $659750.00