HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-08-05 Park Board Packetlie VILLAGE OF EDINA PARK BOARD ME-IFFING AUGUST 5, 1%3 1. Approval of minutes of Edina Park Board meeting of July 1, 1963 II. Review 1964 operating Budget Request III. Review 1963 Capital improvements Program IV. Golf Course Status Report V. Club House Status Report VI. Recomendations for 1964 Capital Improvements Program 1--i" .,. 1 July S.. 196-11 M&L-10 TO: Park Board Nowbers FRGI: Warren Co Hyde, Village Manager SUBJECT: "Our Kingdom for a Hamee" ­ or "A Rose by any Other Name," or __ "Sticks and Stones, etco" or -- "Appropriate Nomenclature for Illunicipal Golf Facilities and Park" In the hopes that it will not appear that we are rushing in where angels fear to tread, may I lift a small voice on the sul-)ject of a name for the former Hays farm. Dr. Jackson's memo of June 7, reviewed the further study given the matter by Mr. Greer and himself,, the status of previous proposals and suggested several new possibilities� Judging from the lack of definitive action by the Park Board or the Council to date, it -appears, alas and alack, that "Balmoral" has fallen on ears wh1ch are less than receptive. Under III - 2, Dr. Jackson's meso lists the following-. "Araentar (high spot) a nice name - a good golf course" While not questioning the authenticity of the scholarly research done on this, we did have an opportunity to have a college student do some, further investi- gation at the University Library and she has reported the following: m—ans the brow of a hill - usually high ground adjoining a river bank 'War" couldn't isolate a maning 92EUrnft • mans brook, creek, or stream "Bonnie"- means beautiful or lovely After considering all of the factors involved, we hope,thereare many sound reasons for having, a distinctive naine with a Scotch base (language -vise, not liquid -wise). If we simply Say it is the Edina Municipal Golf Course, we inww.diately run into considerable confusion with Edina Country Club� We should not cause a good taxpayer any more trouble than absolutely necessary. "Intervale" is close to infringing upon "Interlachen" - another good taxpayer, and while "Intervale" is euphoajo,,18, it do_snl t liave great character,, Your gentle treatment of the folbx4jng suggested nras s is respectfully requested: 1. Bonnie Brae (Lovely hill or hillside) 2. Braeburn (Bink of the stream) 3. Braemar (Fligh spot - a nice name - a good golf course) Hope Ily de, Villa8e Kanager P.S. Confession -- there is a Balmral golf course some -where in Northwestern Minnesota A 2'C��-I-, COURSES PARK 71 1963 C o i t r uction r,r -.0 :�,-ion, Date, Augus'--r 3. , !9 (S S_1 tend,�-d fout�': C:._. _. .::ty C::avzs beca-ai:;c; of lostIn rz �-17o-*- to be dcr.c at tim�e., mi.'ci-ncj gi-eensoil alld place in c:on.�,:,Ieted x: c�r ',1- 23 greens, 2 b.-i--J-0ges. We have theEe bridge -,j: schec:ir.le since they do -i-,ot 5seriously aff.ec-l'-- - I - -ail ing, xaorl: or oj,--ration. d) Cc ni-i-)Ietze grading roads and pa.i^king areas. Contractor s it june 19--54 to com-i work.plete th good this irror'k. wJ..'...]. -I-i' ish the grading wo:]% on e par --3. -11'(z Coul:so Lh !a11 of the large main (asbestos cemqent- pipe har. heen ino-C-alled and on fa-a---;,,�ays 1,2,ass 5,6 and 10, and half of 11 a.nd 3.5. We, estimz,�.I--c t-'-ha-k-. this represents about o -,E' the work. They are required to have 50W, carii.pletCe *91.)y A-ag-us`t.. .'5..9"i -ii, and this will be no n:j:o3t)lem at all. S,S,E7y TJNjD SOD U-i.e co-,-Itractor is ready to move i:..l any time, We have ten t'hat he can begin work on Monday, August 12. h-::' -e que,:,tcd a change in seed rilix as sugSested by D.:% Watson of- 7'oro� Manufacturin.,,7 and the contractor has agreed to use the, m--;--1.-,tures z' t. no change in the contract cost. -ARRISON . BRAUER . RIPPEL -.1 - 1 PJ!.C"!� Rock C'-- 7 -i-S L-nd srkall par -s of 11.Z.- .3e'i 8 on the ,.7a_--' course. a:;,Lla Id sand and clay tzo mi:� L mi.'ci-ncj gi-eensoil alld place in c:on.�,:,Ieted x: c�r ',1- 23 greens, 2 b.-i--J-0ges. We have theEe bridge -,j: schec:ir.le since they do -i-,ot 5seriously aff.ec-l'-- - I - -ail ing, xaorl: or oj,--ration. d) Cc ni-i-)Ietze grading roads and pa.i^king areas. Contractor s it june 19--54 to com-i work.plete th good this irror'k. wJ..'...]. -I-i' ish the grading wo:]% on e par --3. -11'(z Coul:so Lh !a11 of the large main (asbestos cemqent- pipe har. heen ino-C-alled and on fa-a---;,,�ays 1,2,ass 5,6 and 10, and half of 11 a.nd 3.5. We, estimz,�.I--c t-'-ha-k-. this represents about o -,E' the work. They are required to have 50W, carii.pletCe *91.)y A-ag-us`t.. .'5..9"i -ii, and this will be no n:j:o3t)lem at all. S,S,E7y TJNjD SOD U-i.e co-,-Itractor is ready to move i:..l any time, We have ten t'hat he can begin work on Monday, August 12. h-::' -e que,:,tcd a change in seed rilix as sugSested by D.:% Watson of- 7'oro� Manufacturin.,,7 and the contractor has agreed to use the, m--;--1.-,tures z' t. no change in the contract cost. -ARRISON . BRAUER . RIPPEL -.1 - 1 T"'o- t Grac7uson v-.11 move nt-o tie site on. August Gth to begin c or'�� plaxl-'-i-ng pocIzets. He e, -c, C -,poo. C . - J1. . � I- - a.. -i6 rc-:placc il.-. with the specif.ir-'-''�Dlartt.-Lng ea-1—Ch isttiri- cjrL-).de, v,'o will s -Cake eac'11. :-�omplc-:--cd s C _ C -Iver' in Place a-;-- the rpro'�e:',-- s e E S c -,n', tion o-�'.�aa-,A:Lno g ve-r sec6ed Q e aliy c.: -cava - O.aly a- sl'.iall txUcIx acccss -L'!-'Or a this IzIt- Spr 4 11'g. te'r Fall -nd eax-ly --next -L Plans for *,.n -V -'.PS for ir-rigat-:1.on wi.1.1 T)J.CId'ers' --.,teek. Bids will be received on August 22nd rjermai-xent- PUMPS ;'!'!Aould be in p-ILce by Septer.,?Der 15th. T'cSP Inas proposed a cons 'Cruct ion schedule of ll provide -cc7':---z- to the p,--vips no later than Septen,'Cber 15, 1r63 on a tempora:, -y untill the clubhouse Find new Tolell are completed. - -- UY, I' -A 1 the time she pumps and power are ready to go, ",,re w -J3 2. 1 J: C Crate with a temporary high-pressure pump on a r,-:)�'Ital 1:;Fsis :F -Com T. D. GustF.,.-Eson. The rental will cost $100 per week and C -A the most will cost $500. CLUBH9USE AREA Contractor has cc,-;-at-.)leted rough grz:-ding for ciubho,W,3e arec,, and removed trees. riche actual basemnnent c--•!--cavation has not bcc.,n done. ,eIT je W4 site deuclo',,', .prerjare de -ail _'>ment coordi�.,,iate '-7- the structural- desi.r.Tn and con.s-'I-----I-,.ct:Lor for .7ooiard con, s e ENTRANCES - MAINTENANCE AREA Doth Cl"itra--nices LInould be imp.Toved a uell designed s-icn, and I i),-itegrated planting, finish grza6ing and turf'. We propor--;c to I accamplish these designs this Fall and to accomplish the next, Spring. rile Valley View ei-,-'-rance curve will be improved by loweri--Ig th.e. tha-'L: the view. Eycess materical from this o'oC=7-: i o"I will be used to construct a mair-tenai-ice road and fill hc Cesignated in the plan as maintenance area. HIARRISON . BRAUER . RIPPEL 2 3 M � 11020GRO RWAKa ITSIORIK, Key AMthwark Wtosnatw� TKNOWan so, no& onod Conwaut. with suaXthtee- f. PAynt vladawalz 0"Atracl;: No Guarantee QUage WOW A Matawlah'' my hn ice, Farniab L, oprend Send U Trapa ;5. YaUt"naace nPOU W -GA VIVO,, MOS, k0a, '4'2100' p1houng Fees coatX01a 10, On-) Golf Equipment 7,S00 45, 400. W� 3ANAGIon neveloyment 106,0=00 MVDGX.�'? Rawrve fox MntingencieF AMUnno, Change CAMS, M14 RMFUnc -See Detail kttachwi -voll - Park Share roky, Hatimated Balancc� a 20. 109.40 4,000M is, low L"� to: � * 7 n.! 200, coo. u, 10, QW, W_"" Wfuced by annant of Wroll T';j been amplayeo as yet, MPA Wea will towl no Mow than *50,000 tat village Department MA whargo costs of ***may be yadvced SNnewhat if so accept overhona 001. 1"V C�A -z,. i_. Jt tm -yr 1964 CAPITAL 1LIFROVE1,1ZITS PROGRAI-I 0 Coxmelia Park Gzardle - Yop:5oil - Seed - Sod lokeshore $ Sode LakeshoK-e Pamela Park Finish Gude - Clay topsoil 58th Street Parking Area Seedi,rig Base for Four Tennis Courts Apparatus Carden Park Sodding, Topsoil, Backstops Cornelia School Oil Parking Arc -as Parking Area Base r,.atexials Curb, Guard Rails and Paths 52nd & Arden Apparatus Wooddale Childrens Play Area & Apparatus Footbridge under bridge 55th & York Play Apparatus 62nd 27. Board Plzn-t-, 1.1oteriais 69th & McGuire Apparatus Division & Rutledge Fill & Rought Grade for 5 Acres Finish Grade Sod Berne, & rfatert-�Iay Backstop & Apparatus Valley vial --I Grading TOTAL Indicates items -rhat were moved into 1963. Valley View has been dropped ICempoxarily $110t500 3.000 ANOUNiT AVAILABLE FOR 10,64 $ 77,500 �j 9,000 9,000 6,000 * 3,000 2,500 * 6,000 2, 500 * Ip500 * 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,500 49000 3,000 29,000 * 500 3.,500 * 157000 * 5,000 * 1,000 * 2, 000 25.000 $110V500 9 Coznelia PaTk pzr;14I P, Highlands Garden Cornelia School No:--rnandale 52nd 9 Arden 55th & Yo,& -k jackson & Belmore 57t"I q, choir. 0n 62nd Deaxd 0 D"cGuire Nvision (R. Putledge Cour t ry s -*,. de. Edgarm.cor Park BirchcZec--t 1963 CAPITAI IMPE'OVDIEITS STATUS "REPORT Appa5�alu-Us Dredge Tennis Ixea Fill lft'om 58th st-reat Extension of Stoxra Sewe— Grading - Clay - Topsoil Seeding Appazatus Oil Parking Areas Tr..o Tennis Courts Apparatus Master Plan Giadisic GxCdJ119. Seed, sod; Backstops Apparatus Two Tennis Courts Plant IIatarials Apparatus Tennis Courts Plant ble-t-larials Fig , Seed, 2 Lots A P k� -1, ax a t- u s Plant lilaterials Grading, Filling, Sodding Tennis Courts AppnTai'us Appzrz-'(I-us Fill-', Grzde, Topsoil, Seed Sod.. D4ckstop, Apparatus Apparatus Drainago Sti-uctu�ros Clay - Topp axil Fill Und Grads App arait-lus TOri a'IL $ 2,500 Comple-il-ed 3,000 Covn'plet06 '25,000 .0 Completed 1, 000 Completed 6,000 Partial Completion 21300 2,500 Completed I')000 12,800 Partial Completion 2,000 Partial Completion 10( 000 Under Contract 15�000 2,500 13,000 Partial Completion 1,000 2.000 Completed f3;"O Partial Completion 600 Partial Completion 1,800 20200 Pa tial. Completion 1,200 Undex Contract 5,000 13,000 1.000 Completed 1,200 Completed I r' 5- 00 Completed 18,000 Under Contract 2:,800 Completed 2, 000 coo I coo 1-500 Con, pieted STATUS REPORT Heys Farm Cornelia Park Cornelia Park (u0st) Jackson & Belmoro (1 562 Carry over) Cong. - Walnut Ridge (carry ovey_ Lake Edina (Carwy over) Heights (Carxy ovex) S 2,200 Completed 8,000 Completed 102000 2,500 Completed 2,000 Hold 5,000 Hold 1 %.12 22 Hold '31,700