HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240209_REGULAR\ 121 11 66 It f' 35$shoveling tt :' labor 6 6 A.Coburn Leon Sherman H,McNellis ' .. J MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE 'VILLAGE HELD THEREOF ON THE 9th DAY OF FEBRTJARY COIXNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGUl;lsLR MEETING .I924 .l.-..-...--------__-..-.----*.- :: :: :: ;: :: :: :; ;; :: :: :: ;: :: 2: ;; :: 2% C--...-_--...-.--.--..---..----...-.---- :: :: ;: x x :: :: :: :: : x x :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Y$ _*-. :: :: ?; -.-....... :: :: :: :: :: P,lect.ing called to oEder by President J .T .Delaney, at the Grange Hal1,2 :30 P.M . All Ncmbcrs present A Resolution regarding the exchange af properties between the I' Village of Edina and the Street Railway Company to straighten 3rd Street was rea.d,and after some discussion it was moved by Trustee !T.J.Knudsen2seconded by Trustee S,R.Strong it be laid over till next meeting and in the meantime have Village Attorney examin? t.'w resolution for objectonable fea.tures,carried, Trustefi C .F.Prescott, was ask to see the Attorney in the matter. ldr,Eidcswald & l'dr,Hill the Engineer,was present with the platt of Lytle Park redra.nn with the necessary changes RS SilggeSted,and foimd to eonfom to other streets,On motion by Clerk %.T.Edson, seconded by Trustee H.J,.Rnudsen the plat was accepted on condition Nr.Eidsnsldt place a bond of $500,00 to Village for aesllrance of , ~t~re!~t constri~ictlon. l'vW.Eidswald Tias will-ing to furnish a bond. kr,Jobn f,:oors was present and sa-id the Street Cap Company v~ould wZdm hfs drdvsvay if the Coi;mcil mauld abandon the request for a cross5ng between there and Brosvndale. Movzd by Trustee 13.J. Knudsen,seconded by Trustee SOROStrong the request of the St-reet Car Company be accepted,carried. Itir.Carnpbell!,'ho lives on the J,P.Hansen farm was present and ask vhat proSpPr '- there vm.s for a road from Interlachen Bvd .North thru. CooperP$ driveway to the Street Car Tracks,as the riglit of wag not being given and the road so expensive to build the pro- ject was ~lwr~doneds . Presfdent J .T.Del,aney reported he Sound the A.D.Iiesslcr farnTly in need and had ordered some co&l for them from Philpott & Bailey, and h?t-' assuu2ed them the coal VOUM be pntd for at the next meetfng. Tiaved by Trustee S.K.Strosg,seconded by Trustee C .F.Prescott the ac:i,S on be sij.stafned and the bill alomed, carried. l%~.7.E.Code presented his plat of Hi~&~view Park a.nd bond for gradtry Qf' streets .Eoved by Trustee S-K.St,rong seconded by C .Fa PrescoLt, tbe j11a-G nnrJ bond be accepted,carried. . A Ooromittee from the Edina Improvement AssocZation consisiing of Dr.~~~~.cRe:i_l,Fri'rj Child F.K .?/illson,& H.J.Hill were present dis- ciissins the possibiliiy of building a Community Hallsmd requesting tbe Coimcil to &et behind the project. moved by Trustee S,K*Strong seconded by Trustee H.J.Mnudsen that we, go on record as favoring the project and hold a special election for that purpose,carried, Trustee S,K,Strong and Clerk E.T'iEdson were appointed a committee to confer with Mr.Thorp about a location. The C1e1-k turned over to Treasurer $48.60 received form Stmet Com. eefixnd on grading on Nendelssohn road from County. Moved By Trustee S.K .Strong seconded by Trustee H.J,Iinudsen all, rowd and other bills be allowed,carried. Other bills J .T .Delwney Salary,Gom.mork & special mectings $33.90 It &c etc 39 -80 s .K *Stron~ 20.00 It 11 Ct 11 33.90 E ,T .Ed s on G mostb It It tt I81 -20 1053.68 Old rvarrants ^taken up from 32an.t~ Feb.1923 .. -- --- - I& ' 11 It It 11 It I1 .H J ,Rni.~Asen C .F .P?-sscott 'Cotal $1.326 .4E Road bills for month iV.S.Joy St .Commissioner g$ days ai $5.00 47 05Q Dan GcGuLre team ' 58 hrs at 70; snon work 40.60 21 .oo James Eeplrmoes !I 30 tt II u I! tl 4 It 4 15 Frank Slavi n Tom Slavin Geo .%ills on It It over 'I 46 a20 2.10 2 .IO I .40 Io40 5.25 L 122 'I Grant Collier labor I5 hrs. at S5$ shoveling 8 5,25 11.20 32 R E .. 01s on E,Anderson team 203 at 70@ 2Ohr at 356 2I,95 25,20 36 36 I4 Pat GTraml 4 B.nTovaB I1 A.knderson 11 Total road bills $270 a 10 Ealance of other bills Geo. J .Silk publishibg ordinance and monthly report 43,60 Hlnneapolis Gen.Electric Street lights for Jan. 40.33 Hopkins State Bank interest on warrants taken up 117.36 104.00 J r. J ,Duggan To"t.-43. ather bills Total road bL1ls 270. IO Total for month $1885.37 l& lt tl 18 25.20 4 090 1.40 3 085 J .C .Delaneg I& Leo.Delaney ik Ti .Girard labor 12 at 354 I 4 .e0 11 It 11 11 It Geo,EJillam Sr. hall rent for I923 55.00 Pnilpott & Bailey coal for the A.D.Kessler family IO. 00 :,p15.27 treasurer Is salary and supplies No further bugfness meeting ad journed on motion. .Recorder. A Special mec"cinC bP%he+Vi?.Gkage Council was held at the School house at 8: P,IJ, Meeting called to order by President J,T.Delanay. Members anssering roll call were Pres. J .T .Delaneg,Trustees Veeting vms held for the purpose of conferring with rAr.Geo,L. Eilson af the Street Gar Corrpany fn regafd to the aidenlng L'r John -1Goorc s driveway under the Car Tracks H,J,Knudsen,C,F.PrescotL eC SIK .Strong and Clerk E,T.Edson. *. t'r ,Geo .L.7Z.lson,ICr ,Moore and others vere nresent.. The Coimcfl ask for a thirty foOt(30) dp&r~ ai$& 8 12; foot c learanc e a i;r,Tilson,Supt .of Right of Way,vras iyilling to grant the reqt?est if the Gowlc'fl aauld not ask for aorther crossing between there and Eromdale. l~r-.T~flson also sugzesked %he Council make a vi-itten request to the Compacy as t.a vidth and height. The CoiJneil r.roulc1 revfcT:j the matter at the next regular- meeting, Improvement Association to discuss the Community Euildlng Project. ** -The meeting adjourned to meet the ,oomittee from the Cdina Ed*</-- Re e $:, r d c r .