HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240412_REGULAR\ 125 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VIUAGE COUNCIL HELD ON THE 12th OF APRIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIIdA AT A REGULAR MEETING THEREOF I924 ,, ., . ,. ,, , I. .,' ,2.,i 11) =-~ ,, ., *, *, ), ,:.:;>L:t.V. .t.V.?<2<>C>C.Y *8 S %# 3, \. U 'I V *9 ** V .t V W V I *I *. $I 'e 1. 3, *t ., .. ., I. n I. .. I. I. .fir' ,,-5,--~-i,-SC-~-i.-X--~--~-;,--~-i,-;:-,.'iSiiiZii~.'1:5,-Si;C ><:<:<',- ,t ',* ?<.., ., *LI .c:<>z 'L2C Meeting called to order by President J,T.Delaney,at the Grange hall All members ansmred roll call. Report of committees. at I :30 P.r)::". Trustee S,K.Stron& reported that the committee coGsidered it in- advisable to agree n3L to ask for any grossing over the tracks betwmen Moore's ddvevmy and Browndale crossing .but suggested a cormittee be appointed to interview the Company regarding D!loore's drivemag,but it WRS decided on motion of Trustee H,J.Hnudsen and ' secon%ed by Trustee S.K.Strong that the Clerk be instructed to write Car Company mking for an overhead crossfng with a 30 foot span and R 12; foot clearance for Moore's driveway,to be completed this season. I\fr.I.Hjort asked for some work onJAaloney Ave.Trustee H,J.Knudsen moved and Trustee S.K,Strong seconded,the request be grmted,carr%ed, @ Street Car Mr.Merriam presented,Por Thorpe Bros.,a new plat of that portion of tho Brown farm lying North and East sf the mill pond,and asked that the former plat be vacated. The fol1o:rlng resolution was offered and on motion of Trustee R,J,Knudsen seconeded by Trustee C.F,Prescott was accepted. RBSOLUTIbN,Whereas ,Thorpe Bros (a corp0ration)and Browndale Farm, (a corporation) the owners of certain lands in the Village of Edina: caused the same to be plated a8 COUNTEY CLUB DISTRICT BROiiiN FARM and said plat was duly-approved-and accepted by the Village Council of the Vfllage of Edina,and was filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds Of] Hennepin County,Minnesota,on January IIth,I923, at 9:10 A.M. and was duly recorded in said Register of Deeds office in Book 82 of Plats on page I4,and; Vhereas,sa.l.d Thorpe Bros.(a corporation) and Browndale Farm (a corporation) desires to vacate said plat and re-plat said lands nd petitioned the streets,avenues,boulevards,and lanes as shovm on said plat,and it appearing that it will be for the best interests of the owners of said lands and of the public to vacate said.parks,streets,avenues, !FH$REF€SE BE IT RESOhED,that each and all of the parks streets avenues, boulevards and lanes as shovm on the plat of said COUNTRY CLUB BISTRIC, BROtIN FARM be,and the same &re hereby vacated, Moved by Trustee S.K.Strong,seconeded by Trustee C.F.Prescott the following resoltltion be adopted,carried, Be XtResolred by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,that the plat of certain lands l~ing North and East of the Mi11 pond in said ViI,ZRpeqsurveyed and platted as COUNTRY CLUB bISTRIC ,Browndale gfecbian and dedicated by the owners and proprietors of said lands, Thorpe Br0s.k Browndale Farm 1nc.tmder date of April 8th I924 be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. 7i,P,Cooper and C,A.Holm were present discussing the pssibilities Of a road running North from Interlachen Boulevard thru the Booper drive- rvaaJ: to the Street Car tracks.Mr,Coqper said they would right of way thru the €!ooper 1and::i'f Mr.Pearson would alright and if not the road could bend to miss the Pearson property. Xoved by Trustee S.K,Strong,seconeded by Trustee C,F,Prescott the matter be referred to the Road Committee to consider,carried, E.Cooper ,C .S .Burch,L .E,Strong and others were present asking for a bridge over the Dan Patch Rzxilroad at Eenton Are,7farden,Acrss,in place of a grade crossing the right of way calls for. Moved by Trustee H,J,Knudsen seconeded by S,K,Strong the matter be takefi up with the Railroad People,carried, Trustee S,K,Strong & Trustee H.J,Knudsen. were made the Committee, Trustee S.IC,Strong presented a plumbing ordinance and recomexded Its adoptionpftcr looking it over and some discussion it was moved by Trustee H.J.Rnudsen,seconeded by Trustee C.F,Prescott the odinance ' was accepted and a esrrmgttee te... appointed for issuoing the ordinance and lPrustee C.F,Prescott mere named as committee, Village Council of the Village of Edina to wicgte a 9f 1 of the parks, J boulevards and lanes , give the ' 2 and solicit advertising -to cover cost.Clerk E.T,Edson,Trustee S,K.Strong . -.- -d In viev of the many plattings 8s activities in the Village it was thought necessary to committee,to that effect,muslee H.J.Knudsen moved and Trust& C,F,Prescott seconeded that the whole C0uncZ.l act as the Committee, including the Road and Bridge,carried. On motion President J.T.Delaney was made Health Officer and Dr,James Blake as Village Physican for one year; %.S.Jog wasAclected Street Commissioner on the seconed ballot,and to a sener,mater,plumbing and park declared be notified of part' time work and to hold his om plov. a TlBe Security Natfonal Bank vias d&gnated as. the officfal bank.(Hopkins) %e Hennepin County Enterpplse was made the Official paper on motXsa, On motion by Trustee C.F.Prescott secbneded by Trustee H,J,mudsen H.R,Herri tt ,1054 IdcKnight Bldg e was appofn'ted Village Attorney for the ensuelng gear. Moved by Trustee C,F.Prescott seconeded- by Trustee H,J,Hnudsen, the Street Commhsioner's salary.the same as last year,$i5.00 per dayocarried Moved by TruEtee S.K,Strong seconeded by Trustee H?J':EInudsen that the Village pay men 456 per hour and 904 for'man and tearn,carr€ed. Moved by Trustee C.F,Prescott,seconeded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen the Bond of the Security National Bank of Hopkins be accepted,carrled. $40.00 vas turned over to the Village by '!J,R,Anderson,Justlce of Wace for fines collected. Trustee C.F,PTescott was appointed to in- terview P&.Anderson regarding the cases. The Blerk turned over to Treasuper Duggan $4.00 filing fees. Received from County Treasurer receipt warrant # 76652 the balance of tom tax $€032.3I making a total of 2052.31 .for March settlement. It mas .motzd bx Trusina 0 .F;Pregcott ,seconeded by Tmrstee SiK,Strmg The road,election and other bflls as covered by warrants be allowed. -0 earr4edez eo Belaney 45% hrs Chas &ewi.tt 7 Torr, Gleqson 7 J ,Berkmoes 94 Dan McGybre 97 A,COburn 522 Frank Roberts 3 Albert Kreuger 3 Gust Isgacsotz 5 Ernest Hansen 244 Eayry Eansen 248 John Bope 24 J H,Green 5 etc R *E AlS on I7 J .C .Delaneg 9 M,Delaney 4 J J oDuggm 4 E. Ander s on 12 Pat Girard 4 ?iill Gleason 7 om Ryan 7 Phi1 Bachman I5 A-Vebber 63 Dan Mcl\Tellis 674 R.McNeflis 49 2 M ,Vebber 36 . Vi'ncent Avery 36 R .McGuire 9 B.N,Vebber 27 A.RousC 139 C *ROUS t 4 .s % 1 L.Miller 43 at 700,4 hrs at 354 8 33.25 Snow vrork 70 team 4,go with team 70 4*90 70 65 a80 70 67.90 .7 0 36 e75 70 2 .IO 1.05 shoveling snow I .75 35 35 & $3.00 hl gdr blcII.5S 35 8.58 b 35 8 s58 35 1.8s 35 5 696 35 3.15 ' 35 I ..Bo 25 I ,+o 35 4 020 35 I e40 35 2.45 35 .2 0 45 35 5 a25 35 22 e05 35 23e63 35 I7 033 35 12.60 35 Ia.60 35 3.15 35 9*45 35 4.73 35 I .58 35 I *58 354 B,S.Joy St.Com. I3 days at $SeO0 65 .OO Rational Tea company groceries (flessler) 20.39 L.E,Strong building snow fence 119 panels at Bonhus Hdm,Co. Hardaare for snom fence John Olinger fr I4 35 4 090 54.15 16.19 45p! and I2 hrs 35 127 Henry Voegeli care Barbie Baletz Nor & Dec 17th 506 da @ 23.50 Mpls Gen Electric Co Street la&% for March 43.75 S,H.Strong judge Vi1 Election 1.2 at254 2hr at SO# 3.60 . HOC .Hamen n -w 3.60 18 . tt 3.60 3.60 4.65 J .F ,Olinger constable Vi1 Election 3.00 l* Geo Villson C,F,Prescott clerk C .mudsen & 3 hr at 334 n John F Olinger hand cuffs and box cartridges 11.60 A, J ,Olinger 27 hrs at 354 9.45 Mrs .Faank Armstrong out 1.6 tIw93 on .Fooddale Are . Leo Belaney 20 * -J .C .Delaney 12 J . J .Duggan I2 E .Anderson I? ' 35 \r 5 *95 R ,E,Olson 20 . 35 .7 00 H.S ,Schillinger 8 35 2.80 15 *E35 SecuriZy Bank,Hopkins interest on warrants taken up - ,- # 2946 &. 3036. Frank Kraml et a1 47 brs . 35 16 '45 32 a80 f2.oo Edina Hdw . 25.1bs 8 d nails . 64 Z €050 at 354 6.30 - 35 7 .oo * 35 4.20 '3 5 5.60 35 4.20 35 2 080 .. 35 4.20 E ,W.Woodtvard E ,Flannery I8 hrs .Pat Geqard . 16 8 I2 . Ben Horak F,Gerard 33 hrs at 35$& 49 at 456 cutting brush , .c T E+ ;r .r -, ,c* =+ ,-, -I .'- ' n Meeting adjourned e,