HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240510_REGULAR12s \ MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUE-CIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGULAR MEETING THEFiEOF HELD OH THE 10th DAY OF MAY I924 3 CfSL 5 JZ.X%" >f >%.% *5,V,IC 2 C 2% X.". 2P..u-.q..%'.-t: .U..*Z.V- 9. .W.-%: %-V. J0 W ..%J~-~I....'I...,UI.V..u,l. JC.*C.".U,. tr dh t. eb, rb rC n n n #b 5r n n I) .> . n n n n fb +b A ab ,, n .. n 15 n d?,- ,* 111 n 0 #b 4, #b ,r* tb II 4. m n Meeting called to- order by President J,T.Delaney, A members answered roll call. MJIinute,s of the last meeting read and approved. The time mas given over to the pwple in vraiting and the Reports of the Committees taken up later. Mr.Nowak,of the Egan,Field & Nurrak Co,Engineors<-& E,lJ,P!lurphy of the N.P.L)odgc Realeshdx? Bo as"~:h'aha mere present and offered 8 plat of . the Schack Farm, Agter duly considering the platythe Planning Com- mission having approved it it was moved by Trustee H,J,Knudsen seconeded by Trustee:S'&fSCrong that we accept the plat requiring a $5000.00 bond for gradin8 the streets,The .President and Clerk authorized to sign when the bond was given,carried, Mr,John Moore presented a plat of roads on his property moved by be accepted,carried. . _- - Trustee H,J,Enudsen,seconeded by Trustee C .F,Prescott t&e plat I Dr,V,H,HaclTeil presented a request in behalf of the Edina Improve- Gent Association,that Village Council ask the Telephone Company to transfer wires to one side of the road on Nomandale Boulevard and remove the poles vacated The Clerk was authorized to write the Telephone Company, care of L.L,Sutten to that effect .Follow€ng Com- mittee reports were given, s,E,Strong reported that there was on trouble selling advertising space in the Plumbing Ordinance,already some $25 or $30 worth had been spoken for at $2.50 for 1-3 page or $7 for a whole page. And on motion the Committee in charge was instructed to-complete. and publish. Trustee S,K.Strogg reported he had gone over the streets on John Moorefs tract and found them graded in good candilion, Having found AiTackcy.Avenue was already graded to the Street Car Right of Pray and it being unwise to bind the Village as to crossfags It was moved By Trustee H,J,Knudsen,seconeded Clerk E,T,Edson the resolu%ion passed February 9,1924,agreein~ not to ask for any crossing over the Street Car Tracks between hrir .Mooref s driveway and Browndale is hereby repealed,carried. To that effect the Clerk was instructed to write the Street Car Company that the Village Council could not and would not pass such a resolution,not to.ask for any other c~Os8~nc3. Trustee S.K,Strong reported.Thorpe Bras* wanted permission to lay semer pipe from Club house on top of mater mains to ddry well to take care of the shoker bath overflow, Moved' by Trustee C .F,l?rescott and seconeded by Trustee H, J,Knudsen - the request be granted,aith the top of dry well to be at least five (5ft) feet below surface with an ei...ght (8") re-dnforeed concreto cover,and a copy of this permit be sent Thorpe Byos. Carried. Trustee S.E,Strong reported for the Committee to the Minneapolis Northfield & Southern Ry. regarding a bridge over track at BentPn Arc,Earden Acres. Nlr,DDooleg said the Company's funds were lotv at this time but later in the season they might be able to eo-operate with the t'fllage in the matter . Moved by Trustee H.J,Knudsen seconeded by Trustee S,K,Strong we present the follo3ing resolution to the Raflroad Peoplc,carried . RESQZT7TION, 3hereas the Village Councfl of the Village of Edha has been petftioned to open Benton Avenue,\Tarden Acres,across the Minneapolis ,Northfield & Southern tracks and %hereas the conditions are such that a grade crossing would be dangerons and unsatisfactory,No~r Therefore,Be It Resolved by the Village Council. of the ViIlage of Edina that they respectfully request your honorable body for w bridge crossing over the Raflroad tracks at Benton Avenue,Warden Bcres,Edina,Hennepin County Nlnnesota, To lessen the danger and give more satisfactory service, In the matter of opening 54 Street it was found the law would not permit the County to help irW.putting the street thru,and the project was laid over for more favorable legislation, Dr,V,B.Riley made a complaint about Mr.A,H,Nixon damming up Minnehaha Creek,and others about Nixon building too many houses on one 1ot.this with the fireworks ordinance was deaegated to Trustee C.F.Prescott to take up with the Village Attorney H,R, Hew1 tt . It was moved by Trustee C .F,Pre$cott,seconded .I by Trustee H;J. Hnudsen the request of the Mpls.Gen.Electric Co,to place two poles on 54 Street between Bafrd and Zenith Avenues,be granted, carried . It was moved by Trustee C'.F.Prescott,seconded: by Trustee H.J. Hnudsen the C1erk''s salary be $40.00 per mon%k.,and the-bond of the Recorder and Treasurer be acceptedtcarried. It mas moved by Trustee H.J.Knudsen,secondbd 1 by Trustee C,F, Prtscott, John YLShaffar & Go be appointed TLllkge~:En$inears - for the ensuefng year,carried. l!d,ored by Trustee C,F.Prescott,secoq~ed . by Trustee R.J.Knudsen the Fireworks Orctinance be accepted subject to the Village Atty. approva1,and its publication ordered,carried. Moved by Trustee C,F.Prescott,seconddd we join the Minnesota League of Municipalities and pay $I5,00 membership fee till September first ,1924. Carried. by Trustee H.J,Knudsen May 17th was the day chosen for viewing the roads.Road Committee Attention. Justice o& the Peace W.R.Anderson asked that a bill of $5,00:bs canciled Voved by Trustee C.F.Prescott seconded zby Trustee H,J,Knudsen that all bills as covered by warrente be allowed,carried. Road bills Dan NcGuire team I87 hrs at 906 $€68.30 James Berkmoes '' . . I80 I62 e00 Ed Costollo tr4 17 r I53e90 4 & hauling jury '23,. 6 060 4 I e80 E.Hansen 9 8.10 J.C ,Delaney tt tt M .Delamy E .Andem on labor snow 4 fence,at 454 I .8O R4 .'kbber Dan .McNellis J.J,Duggan Other bills I89 85 e05. I8 8.10 93, 41485 V.S,Joy Street Corn. 222 days at $ 5.00 I12 e50 a Andrew Webber I? n labor 4 hrs at 35$& 5 hrs team at 706 4.90 snos. $- National Tea Go. groceries fop Messlar family 3 479 Mpls. Gen. Electric Co. Street lights for April 43475 F,J,Kokesh 3 doe shovels ordered by Joy 8 e40 L,E.Strong assessor bond fop 1924. 2-50 First Natl Bank of Hopkins Recorder's bond 2450 Security National. Bank of Hopkins Treasurer' bond 25 .OO 15.00 IO0 . 94 Minn,League of Municipalities Membership fees Total for month $ 855.8T