HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240523_SPECIAL138) I OF MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL TIE3 VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A SPECI#L MEETING THEREOF HE332 .QH THE 21 st,DAX .OR MAY E'resldelzt J.T,Delaney called the meeting to order, All members present ht Trustee H.J,Hnudsen. 0 The mee-tlng was called to look over the Building Ordinance covering complaints agafnst Mr.Rixon,and to discuss the Nothern State Power Franchise and others matters. 1% was decided that if the Xillage Attorneg found the ordinance covered Mr.A.H,N%xon's case,we mould take legal action agafnst,him. Tbe Clerk vias instructed to tee the Ordinance book to the Attorney In the matter of granting the Northern States Power a franch%se,It was moved by Trusree S,K,Strong and eeconded by Trustee C,F,Prescott the franchise be laid over until1 the next regular meeting,carried. Mr.J,Moore's crossing gas taken up and after duly considering the 7 niatter, the Clerk was instructed to write the Street Car Co.requestfng the cmssing as predous3y asked for. *c . EJa- Ra! &LAW SPECIAL MEETIRG HELD MAY 23rd 1924. President J,T.Delaney called the meeting to order, .All members aas-crered roll call but Trustee H,J,Hnudsen. The meeting vas c'allcd for hearing the complaint of a delegaelion of I7 of Brookside residents,protestfng $he mixing plant of the General Contracting Company located on the Dan Patch Ram, Brookside. For mixing the paring for the Country Club oistrict Browndale. Attorney H.R,Hewit% was present also Mr.LaVarre of the Contracting Company, of .Mrs .C .R'.VTnson,Mrs ,W,S. &.E, J,L,Rutledge,%r Ek Mrs John Salsbwg and sthem, Wfx-,Madison asked if the Council had given the Contraction company pezmiss2bf.i to operate on the RailxIay right, of way. He was answered in the negative as none had been asked for.or needed. The Villsge Attorney H,R,Hewftt explained'to them that it vias a pamonal and not 8 Village maeter and the aourts were open to them. e Mr,Madfson acted 8s spolrsman fop the delegation consistfng Mr.LaVarre explained the Proi4abng Of the plane and assured them he would take every precaution to disturb them as little as possible, ' MPS Vinson spoke of the trucks driving too fast by the school children The Contractor assured her he mould. see to it that the drivers would Nir.Geo .Blatre of the EXectrlc Co .was present and their franchise vias discussed,it was decided that Attg.Hevri.tt would meet' Electric Go? s Attorney and 'redraft the franchise.!l!rustee S.K.StPong made a motlon to that effebt, The Brf6g8 .over the Mpls .N .& Southern tracks was .talked over and decided Unsafe for heavy trafflc,and thought best to post the bridge, The Clerk was asked to notify the R,R.Comgany of its condition and ask.for repairs at :bc-'made at once, .The Clerk nas also ,to see about The County Commfssioners. asked orally for a letter of approval from the V+llage Council approving the ditch they were planning on%ine Mile Creek,running South from the Poor Farm. The Clerk was instructed. to write the County Cornisstoners a letter of approvaljupon-motion of Trustee C,F.PrescOtt,seconded by Trustee S;K,Strong. . Cieefing adjoW%6 - ' clean up. and get avfay- as won as posslbla. : . ~ be capeful. .- some .cards for posting bridges, e' ze J, z/+c- Recorder