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1961-03-13 Park Board Packet
VILLAGE OF EDINA EDINA PARK BOARD Meeting March 13, 1961 AGENDA I. Minutes of meeting February 6, 1961 II. Normandale Pa -k - Representatives of Normandale Community Service Council to be heard. III. Golf Course promotion - Mr. Vergol Edwards from E -M Lion's Club (at approx. MO P.M.) IV. Tax forfeited land. Need Recommendation to Council re: desireability for Park use. V. V. Communications a. Certificate of Merit to Edina Park Board from Suburban Recreation Association. b. Letters on hockey and skating. VI. Manual for Park Board Members. v VII. Capital expenditure program for 1961. VIII. Platts from :Manning Department for Park Board consideration. 71 Cl PROPOSED CAPITAL EXPENSE PROGRAM FOR 1`XA VILLAGE OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park Construction Fund as of January 1, 1961 From Liquor Dispensary Fund for 1961 Land Acquisition Development U 0 $ 105,849.20 80,000.00 $ 1181,000.00 67,400.00 $ 1850849.20 $ 1859400.00 PROPOSED 1961 LAND ACQUISITION PROGRAM Correlates with Numbering in Long Rang Park Plan , AREA 4b Hays Farm 5 Valley View Road School -Park 6 66th St. & Hillside 7 Cornelia Park (West and North of lake) 9 55th and York 10 Division & Rutledge 11 Hawkes Lake ($10,000) 12 Mud Lake ($5,000) 13 Area North of Parkwood Knolls 14 Jackson-Belmore Lane * $9,500 now committed for Barclay property. $ 22,500 24,000 8,000 10,000 (Need $11,000 from storm sewer district) 4,000 10,000 27,000 2. $118,000 Hold off because of Highway 169 & Nine Mile Creek plans. Hold off because of Nine Mile Creek plans. 0 PROPOSED 1961 PARK CONSTRUCTION PROGRA14 PARK CQMMITTED NEW Pamela Drainage Control $ 20,000 Highlands 2,000 $ 6,600 Drainage Control Plantings $ 700 Playground Equip. 1000 Drinking Fountain 300 Cornelia School 239000 Sod -Seed 4,000 Storm Sewer 70000 (School sbvuld pay for part of this -at least $1,000) Backstops 29000 Stabilize bank Kellogg corner 3,000 Skating & Hockey Lighting 2,000 Parking areas base material 2,500 Projecting engineer- eering 19500 . Contingency 1,000 Jackson-Belmore 51000 Finishing work on present contract Division & Rutledge 51000 Countryside 50000 Cornelia Park 800 Triangle at 66th & Cornelia Dr. Dress up bank along 66th St. ?Make drive -off spot in park at Cornelia Drive. $ 50,000 $179400 0 T 1"O"El DETATUED PLM- TING AND _'A'MjN ()7' MP,_!RSF 01q!j7RZ FEATUIRT�"- OF, THE HAYS r -A!,314 T: vIE 1. BASIC ENGINEERING DATA Baa. Aerial Topo of Entire Site 2 425 acnes $9.00 per acre $ 3,825 months :Roundary Survey 2,000 Survey Traverse - Interior Control 1,000 d. Contingency 675_ _$ 7,500 2. INITIAL PROJECT ACCESS --PARKING - UTILITIES 2 a. Project Sux-v,-_-y Z Engineering months Drzid-jings 9 Soil Borings (max. $ 5,000 b. Grading and Drainngc General 5,000 f,, . Entrance D;Dve-lopMent 2,500 d. Construct Roads Ca, $31.00 per foot 9,000 forking Areca constx'uction NO cars 6,000 !"eater Supply c j. rma 1 155,000 T Actual Estimate --$45,,000 for well to be ut-,,ed in fubjre Village systom. Difference to be paid by "vL7,atar Fund. 1a. -S 1, n i t a r Y F_n- o i J-5 t 1. e M.unicicc!l (If C-2 goes through) 15,000 (Tc.Triporary �-"nptic System $59000) h. Electric Po'er to Site Interior 1,500 i.Lig.hting - 1:.ntl';;-'.cc ' Road. Parking, '':ran 1,500 'j. P-f-oject Eng gin, -J.:',.n3,000 Contingency 68,000 h�1 M 1 G 0 Coco 0 O. O [3 0 0 O O 0 0 rr)000 a 0 0 0 .GCO O O tCi to 0 0 0� 0 0 •1•) w w w w w w O a7 •� 0 0 M h kc) 'oo aow C4 cT M tq to fFi to Nr M C N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O to O LO M pp V O O M LO 'ci �• c3� c 04 4h? M KQi +e v a' OO p O O O O + O O O O O O O O 000 N O 0 0 0000 U 0 O 0 0 00 O 000 -CO 000000 U)O O 0 0 O 00 O 000 {i w w w w w W P P UI w P w o0- � a M 4 r- -4 0X. op � N co M LO CD C> N h to GO t q to p P N St 4)d-3 .-i I� (0 .rel O �.V 0 a m m m 14 ti +� m 41 O N© 4-) v a ? cn y ~ rad.. N CD N w .�G C m C A C CL :t U ^ Gq co C) C a U w C Is co03 o .. 4-3 oma. m 0 c A WI fi f7l cd co ^O Vi F . � U) C Fi i-) N rA vi (V 0 O .-i 0) A C w-1 Q r: M 41 -C CL U? and 1 H 0 U 4-) 'a Cl) 03 .N is " 06 C C: 't3 X ra < cn k C 4-) as o m m w a C YI d to m .r1 m C H -H a) tt+ tv ^s H .I1 m W O > I i co d-) H to A co r: {S' 0 r: -0 m m t1• as (i 4-1 tU Ul +-) T i r N i I^1 /m� x f{ J M`i' Q to Io {...' {�! W O a �i �� Iri ip Ir. —4 Off. p W E a 0 U) FIWY, 'LEOUT O C9 4 to 0 U O LO co M, O F LJ 5. FiNfl. STAG`,--. Y 100,000 ri . Project. Svrvoy - IzEriqi.no,�Dzlnq D_ravilngs $ 22, 9100 40�000 Cir Tj t i i t Ext-lan ,i C. »3 15,000 ni o nt Complete ond P;*.-cldng (Pzving Now) ):Cctu.m - Gor,r, c y 20,000 i Picnic Axoos - T:, Jl_ I c. c 20,000 Sp -arts Area - Comploto ',5,000 5,000 Spo,5AG .'poo pol!,s (lct 30,000 f. ccmplotc., Gsnc:cal Mlf��irlton,-Mcc can".pingZOC, & I!t,�nl_lctuze 5,000 9* Light Par 3 Ccurse 209000 10,000 h. 1"icni,c Nctu.ya Ti -ails, E'tc. t St000 20,000 1 J.. si:: a Cc lf;!,i.-llh,,)uso other 01, 11 ��:r 9 S L:.,u 0 to r c s 125,000 o nt,: I s --t Aations, Etc. Pool 1509000 20,000 (Desicn) 4�000 18,000 10,000 Ttc�m Total Itcni Total 5137,_15_00_, LJ 5. FiNfl. STAG`,--. ri . Project. Svrvoy - IzEriqi.no,�Dzlnq D_ravilngs $ 22, 9100 Fac; -I t "s and Sod! 3,000 it. Complete ond P;*.-cldng (Pzving Now) 2909000 utilitlIc's 20,000 Sp -arts Area - Comploto ',5,000 Spo,5AG 209000 months f. ccmplotc., Gsnc:cal Mlf��irlton,-Mcc 10,000 9* Light Par 3 Ccurse 209000 h. 1"icni,c Nctu.ya Ti -ails, E'tc. 25,000 1 J.. si:: 100000 --t Aations, Etc. 60, t, 3 (Dooievn) n oriths 4�000 18,000 Ttc�m Total $ 547,000 Gzend Total. $28,0592500