HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-29 Park Board PacketVILLAGE OF EDINA EDINA PARK WARD MEETING June 29, 1961 7:30 P.M. AGENDA I. Hays Farm and Golf Course Development. II. Discussion of possible school -park site School Board representative invited. III. Park Maintenance and Village Grounds Inspection. IV. Division and Rutledge a. Land Acquisition b. Improvement V. Highlands Park Drainage Recommendation needed to proceed with i plemation of approved plans including extension of contract with Harrison & Associates to include project engineering. VI. 1%2 Budget Preparatinn. VII. Summer activity progress report VIII. Swimming pool report. 11 May 17, 1961 MEMO TO: EDINA PARK BOARD FROM: C. E. FRENCH SUBJECT: Dutch Elm Disease I am sending this memo to you in ca-ze you are asked questions con- cerning Dutch Elm Disease and our Edina trees. The quotation is from Bulletin No. 2, of the Minnesota Plant Industry Reporting Service of the State Department of Agriculture. "Dutch Elm Disease has now been found in Minnesota for the first time according to a report released by the University of Minnesota, Department of Pathology. The isolation of the fungus was made from specimen material collected from an elm tree in St. Paul. Although the disease is now known to be present there is no need for any hasty or ill-advised action on the part of those responsible for the care and maintenance of municipal, park, cemetery or other public or private elm trees. It is too late in the season to put on the recommended sprays this year. It is recommended, however, that sanitation programs be initiated if not already started. The purpose of tree sanitation is to remove all dead elm wood which could serve as breeding sites for the mark beetles which are the vectors or carriers of the fungus." As you know we have recently completed a street tree trimming and pruning program which covered the areas where the great preponderance of street trees are to be found, namely, the Country Club, north and south of Fiftieth Street and York to Beard from 58th to 60th Street. This project will be assessed against benefited property owners. The purpose of such trimming was to cut out dead wood, remove weak limbs and to shape and balance the trees. Some cabling was also done. We have sprayed all street trees against infestation of three types of scale insects. This spraying is done while the tree is still in dormant stage, i.e., the time for spraying is the period before the leaves bud out, but when the temperature is above freezing. Such spraying is an effective part of the tree sanitation program against Dutch Elm Disease. SWIP-114ING POOL FUND STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND EXPENSE VILLAGE OF EDINA FOR THREE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1960 Revenue: Pool fees: Season tickets General admissions Incorre from concessions Rental -instruction program Other TOTAL REVENUE Operating expenses Salaries and wages: Supervision Life guards Cashier Basket room attendants Watchmen •Ilaintenance Light and power Water and sewer service Gas -Heating water Telephone Faltering materials Cleaning supplies General supplies Hose and sprinklers Printing and office supplies Insurance Seed and sod Unclassified Painting General Maintenance Central services Maintenance -shower rooms Equipment rental Years Ended December 31, 19 8 1959 X%0 $199130.00 $24,226,00 $26,744.00 129,442.83 11,720,06 11,067,34 453.46 1,381.61 1,952.76 750.00 38.06 $32,026.29 $37,327.67 $40,552.16 $ 2,137.50 $ 21647.46 $ 3,103.59 5,834.99 7,520.98 91191.57 904.13 1,020.77 977.52 1,904.25 2,775.38 29412.67 11013.64 800.00 877.00 1,863.80 2,6,70.02 2,989.71 1,811.01 1,522.98 1,615.13 425.52 360.75 307.88 610.48 702.73 19004.95 95.78 43,53 80.11 11807.50 1,985.89 2,008.89 380.08 443.62 540.70 858.99 786.79 931.84 257,33 320.25 386.16 241.95 19314.38 19464.08 11416.44 415.45 173.00 163.46 36.06 4,215.00 867,47 985.55 240,00 540,00 1,061.25 149.78 TOTAI. OPERATING EXPENSES $22,128.08 $27.613.10 $33,476.56 I'N)COFetE BEFORE PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION AND DEBT SERVICE CHARGES Interest vision for depreciation $ 9,898.21 $ 99714.57 $ 7,075.60 9,091.02 6,880.56 7,878.00 $ 807.12 $ 21834.01 $ 802.40 31608.57 7.170.46 - 7,216.07 NET LOSS $ 2,801.45 $ 4,336,43 $ 8,018.47 April 17, 1%1 Estimated cost of proceeding according to recommendation. A. Aerial topo 2' contour :intervals of entire farm. by Mark Hurd $ 3,800 B. Boundary Survey by registered surveyor. 500 C. Survey Traverse interior control -- by registered surveyor. 1,000 D. Soil Borings -- by Twin City Testing or similar �-ompany. 4,000 E. Project survey. 21,000 F. Design studies. �a. Prel iminary working drawings. H. Quantity take -offs. T. Cost Estimates ®d by 'Harrison & Associates. _ $30,300 Credit as per present contract with Harrison & Associates. 4,000 $26,300 Note: Work done under items E through 1 would cover Entrance development„ road from Valley View Road to darn, 18 hole and par 3 golf course and driving range; main pArking lot and utilities. E 41 VILL ^OL OF EDI..^11, PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT June 22, 1961 NOTICE TO: Edina Park Board. The next Edina Park Board meeting will be held Thursday, June 29 at 7:30 P.M. instead of June 26th as originally planned. The June 29th meeting will take the place of the July 3rd regular monthly meeting. Some of the items on the agenda will be: CEF:mem Hays Farm and Golf Course Development. General park maintenance. Summer activity program. Swimming pool report. 1962 Budget preparation. 'e. f 44,4� Clifton E. French, Director, Park and Recreation EDINA PARK BOARD PARKS AND VILLAGE GROUNDS INSPECTION ASSIGNIVEIT AREA 11 LIST 1 - - Mr. Hibbert M. Hill LIST 2 - - hir. William W. Lewis LIST 3 - - Mr. William F. Greer AREA 2 LIST 1 - - Mr. H. Robert Diercks LIST 2 - - Air. Gilbert Giebink LIST 3 - - fair. Willis Jacus AREA 3 - - 14r. Hermann H. Strachauer AREA Mr. M. A. Crinkley AREA 5 - - IL-. Kendall T. Stevens GcENERALINSTRUCTQ'S Each Park Board member has been supplied with several copies of his oum list for inspection as well as one composite list of all park properties. After making your monthly inspection Please write your report on the form provided. Mail or bring in the completed form to the Park and Recreation Department office. Keep a copy for your own records if you like. Remember the Thursday field trip meetings to visit each park site and see first hand the conditions and problems which confront us. We meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hail and take off promptly for the designated area. Please try to reserve these dates on your calendar so you can make the :cield trips. Thux-sday,:y�1y,-W (�.+�-c .Qy ' % Ttrsday, July 27__ L✓x c.t � Thursday, August 3 p Thursday, August 10 CEF :mem 713%61 i A". C1:;.`fton E. French Director, Parks and Recreation VlLililiCSE 'aa 'D' J. ,h PARK t44D RECREATION DEPARTMENT • PARK AND VILLAGE GROUNDS MAMIENANCE INSPECTION REPORT AREA I LIST I APPA DATE & TIME OF TMC').DPrTTr)t,T rr)AfAA1::NTTq 1. Browndale Park (R) 2,, Library Grounds Behind Library, beside 3. parkin%_Lot_ 4. Lot across from Libra France Ave. Blvd. in 5. White Oaks addition —_�R) 6. SW corner 47th & France (R (R) 7, SW corner at 49th & France Edina Court 50th & 9. Lot NE corner iN.'&iddale., Country Club Rd. & 10. Browndale Ave. Turn around at viest end 11- of Slqnnt2jjf� Rd. Triangle Sunnyside Rd. 12. & Edina Blvd Triangle Sunnyside Rd. 13* and Wooddale (R) Triangle Sunnyside Rd. 14, and Drexel Aveo _�R) Triangle Sunnyside Rd. 15, and Casco Ave. JR Triangle Sunnyside Rdo 16, and Arden Ave. 17o Williams Park 180 Wooddale Park 49 REGULAR MAINTENANCE (1) IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE (N) NO MAINTENANCE Signatlre of Park Board Member making the inspection VILLAGE OF EDIINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK AND VILLAGE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT AREA I LIST 2 DATE & TIME OF ADL'A 1r 1. r%rn-r T^11 nnnr+rrn (R) REGULAR MAINTENANCE (I) IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE (N) NO MAINTENANCE Sign ature of Park Board Member making the inspection nati..n _r i�:,�i'LLl 1V1 1. 55th & York Part: 2. Around foot bridge, 55th Beard � nor h & so & 3. 55th & Zenith, dead end guard rails I 4. 57th & York guard rails (I 5. 57th & Chowen ParkR 6. Triangle Woodland Rd. and Wooddale (R)l 7. Triangle Woodland R Island Woodland Rd. North dead end (R 9. Turn around Woodlawn Rd. = R 10. Triangle Woodland Rd. & Brookview Ave. (R 11. (R) Woodland Rde East dead end 12. Lake Harvey (R) 13. 62nd & Beard Park (R) 14. 60th & St. John's Park (R 15. 60th & St. John's South of 60th ° (R) REGULAR MAINTENANCE (I) IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE (N) NO MAINTENANCE Sign ature of Park Board Member making the inspection VILLAGE OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT • PARK AND VILLAGE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INS: �K;T .T_ON REPORT AREA I LIST 3 DATE & TIME OF nn c n TAIC DPr-r TrW COMMENTS e LLA Arden Park (R) 2, 54th Street at Creek Guard rails (R) 3. Woodcrest Dro & 54th St. (R) 4. Halifax Pump Station (R) 5, Bruce Place Triangle (R) 6. East Sunnyslope Rd. & 14zt 50th St. (R) 7. East Sunnyslope Rd. along Creek R Dale Drive & West 59th St,(R) 9. Hill ToR Lane turn around R 100 West Sunnyslope Rd. & West 50th St. R 110 Village Hall Island No & E. of Parking Lot (R) 12. Tree Grove West of Village Hall (I) 13o Pumping Station and Con - cord School Water Tower R 14o Pamela Park JRJ 15o 62nd and Brookview Lift Station R (R) REGULAR MAINTENANCE (I) IRREGUALR MAINTENANCE (N) NO MAINTENANCE Signature of Park Board Member making the inspection. -- (R) R.:E'CJLI,R El AN, C E (I) IRREMU-11 W (N) No MATWIT-NP1,11 'E Sign Lure of Park Board Akimber making tha in-cpcction, A INSF��CTIGN' L I Lf—i DATE TT!.j'tT-: G17F A.-, F. A lNSPECTIONr'O- I-RAENT S Pa -k Site Fision 8. R -w �-Iv,; '0 T r 2, T,,,,rn around 3"!-,ur 3, Turn arounCf".IU 'C3 Facql'. Rcr.tlem-Ard mi! ry Rn.- l, INTO Ci i :2roul:d r &P, Tnte:,-lacl in F -J -v -I er 13 TrIangle.,.arse 3, S. Pa,-.Idoc',, Rd,, u—p. -!Rd,, (R) T:Aangle an-,-" Me:-,ilaratin) !I,, Ti--xn arourd T,,L.rn around Ann �� Dr. R) Rollin* (,rcan arc,Cr s c- s, n t -- (R) R.:E'CJLI,R El AN, C E (I) IRREMU-11 W (N) No MATWIT-NP1,11 'E Sign Lure of Park Board Akimber making tha in-cpcction, PR E A 2 DAT 113 (':', T. OF J V REA -1,, Highlands "R Entrance :"',Ixxor "..alcns Jr.:, Intorlac.hcn DI"'d" 1R 3,, It-lirror Dr, a -c 56th T) T-riangle tq- t -urn zround 4. Northopod Dandee Turn E,.round Nf)rtL-,-,vcod Dr. 5. and .221-�jq,�.zr -4 Pk 4.- 6. Ch.antrev, r Ent-xEence C c I e 1 1 Lochloy Driva 8; 10-1-rsh0re d T-ciangle Loclh,loy 'Dr, 9. and Crovden !,ane 10, F),uncraig -Rd. ttu n around Glenbrae Circle Blvd, Ayrshire D 1-vA. & Hwy 169 12c, Islands and (R) East & West Ayrshire 13. Pot holesc. 40 (R) REGULAR MNANCE (1) MAIWMANCE (N) NO hIAINT.iNANCE LIST 2 Signature of Park Board member making the inspection. F, -DIN 'SAF AR -!) PEC.iEATION DEPARThiEJT PARK ADM VILLAGE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT AREA 2 LIST 3 DATE & TIME O -C I INSPECTION Maloney & Washington 1. X Lift Station (R) 2. Jackson Vijq T _&_Pgj.rane .__ Blake Rd. around 1.4irror 3, Lake Guard rails Around Lake & Triangle at 4. Parkwood Rd. & Staudea, Circle and Guard Rails (R) _.._ Lond_inde.-vry m®_ a _-w - v b 5. Parkwood Rd. TKI.,pnale, (B 6. Walnut Ridge Park Site �N" 7. ' n around Skyline Dre (0 , tk parcel parcel at Skyline Dr. k 8 8 and d East Rd. (R ,A REGULAR MAINTENANCE (I) IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE (N) NO IMIAINTENANCE Signature of Park Board Member making the inspection. PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK AND VILLAGE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT AREA 3 DATE & TIME OF AREA INSPECTION COMMElJ to Normandale Pare, (R 2. 3e 4L 5. 6© ?a Warren Aveo Pure HouseR Dugan Circle (R .p2q%�r Plaza Islands (R Everett & Abercrombie Creek�Strin (I 69th & McGuire Park _SR) H?llsido Lane Park (I) -- S.incervoir (R) 9, Hays Farm (I) .A) REGULAR MAINTENANCE (I) IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE (N) NO MAINTEMPNCE Signzture of Park Board member making the inspection. Axr-JR VILLAGE OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARK AND VILLAGE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INSPECTION 1�€?PORT AREA 4 DATE & TIME OF INSPECT ION COMMENTS TrI ;i gle 66th Street 1. and Ie Rd% : 2., Cornelia Park LR 3o West Cornelia Park -NL 14. South Cornelia Park Strip (R Fire Station Site at 50 66th & Britten Rd. (R) 6, Lake O'Shaughnessy �7* Cornelia School Site (R) 8. 7- d & Oaklarm Lift St. (R) .� go Bristol Park (N) 10o 72nd & Xerxes Lift Sto (R) 11. France Ave. Pump House (R) 112. Southdale Islands (R) �13, Lake Edina Park Site (N) Larkspur Lane Sorm Yrm Drainage Basin ( I ) REGULAR MAINTENANCE IRREGULAR MAINTEN9410E NO MAINTENANCE Signature of Park Board Member making the inspection. AREA VILLAGE OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION D11111-ARTMENT PARK AND VILLAGE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT AREA 5 DATE & TIME OF INSPECTION COMMLia'S 1. Melody Lakes Park and Lift Station (R 2. 59th & Tingdale (R) 4. Countryside Park (I) 50 Tracy Ave. Lift Station (R) 6d Garden Park N 7. Sherwood Pump Hot.*,se & Park (R) 8� Village Shop Garage "2 BrooksLie Ave. (I ek) REGULAR MAINTENANCE (I IRREGULAR MAINTENANCE (N � NO MAINTENANCB Signature of Park Board Member making the inspection.