HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-11 Park Board Packet;.?, ay 11, 10/55' 7:00 p<, L?zEnQ 1.0 !approval of Minutes of hec ti ng Lpri l ^'f ,, ) ". ,Sgt d 2, c,co,-aiendations from Park Board, on bids for Amprovemints at: a) Highlands Park b) 52nd ).r',ci i rdon Park c) Ja f'lkson ar.C' lane L -s-9, 6 3 ,, Normnda, le T -Fake Flat Fa r11 31 A,0 L- 5 9 - L, L -s-9- $ _. 4. Stow ts .De.laney* A.dOi.-iion �- 5� 9 `, s- 9- 9 5. Ker -Dail Heights L -s9- b 6,, Payton Court 2nd Addition J_ 0 c 7. Erickson Addition: Jacobson b dd.i l'jion - 6_1` 8o H'arold goods 2nd Addition 9,, Schneideres Addition �. v� j/� �J �+,th Cornelia t :I.1, Painting pool and surfacing walls in bathhous c_ r �S N1 -.Sy- M -sq -`I 12, Clarification of Pool Admission Policies: Can the following. purchase season pool tickets: a. School District personnel ba Edina fa,rLily guests or relatives whose visit will be of long duration, or 3 fileeks or more Bid Stz mmry Original Allocation Unexpended Balance 5210 IM ARLEN x;25,000 24,330 Less Professional Planning Fee & Engineering Lees Previous Work Changing Channel Contract Awarded For Backstop Less Reserve For Contingencies Availabb For This Work. . . Iow Bidder w - Swanson Excavating Coripa,ny C. W. Houle (sod) remove .. atockpi.lo Topsoil x.,900 C.Y. 25 .a=avation W Flacing 5,500 C.Y. ,36 Hai -1 Flace Village Fill 39200 CaYa 1,$0 Mx •y Place Topsoil 5,200 C.Y. X30 Equipmr_t Load - Bridge Base 1 each Seeding 30.,000 S.Y. o6 Sodding* (EIotil.e) 980 S.Y. ,34 Access Paths 270 L.F. 1,00 Steps Tree Removal Nater niai.nn Drinking Fountain Bridge 375 S.F. 1,00 3-0 each 30,00 2 each. 1 each l each (Swanson E.-tcava.t3ng CmT-any Total Bid $14j104oO( Hecomaended( (C. W. Houle Total Bid $__=. 21 Total. . . . $349437021 Bid Sw=ary Original Allocation Balance Remaining $30,000 W. 793 lass Professional Fee for panning &t:ngineering less Reserve For Play Equipment Tass Reserve For 'Plant :iaterials & Planking Less Raserve For Conti.ngncies Available for This Work. lvkT Bidder - Karl Krahl Excavating CorTamy 1'800.( 1,000.E 32200.( 00o( . 3.2,293.E l:i.'Scava ion 4000 Ca. .28 to 344.( Dredge Bottom of lake 5,,000 C.Y. ,.0 2 000.1 Place Clay Lake Bottom 1,9200 C.Y. .27 324-( Mtdng Fleeing topsoil 7, 000 C.Y. .27 1..890,E Maui. FM - Contractor 13..600 C.g, -55p � 7s48O.( Seeding 42.p700 S.Y. .O8 3j416,E Parking Lot. - Caravel Base 29500 S.Y4 .21 6 525.( Access Paths 10500 L.F. .3.1. 165,( Total Recormnended Did. C. W. Houle W Sodding 8 0.( Total . . . . 4 17, 894.1 }aid Sum ary Orleinal k1l ocation Balance Re mining JACKSON & BE2ZORE LANE $5,000 394,717 1by 119 1959 Less Planning and Engineering Fees 800.00 Laos Reserve For Contingencies $ 500.00 Contract Amrded For Backstop 20000 izva ilable For This Work . . . . . . . . $ 2.,997-00 :baa Bidder a Karl Krahl Dtcavating Company Excavation Furnish»Haul-Spread-Clair Haul Feat From Highlands M x Topsail <- Finish Brade Seed -Ing Access Paths Base Material - Parking Dispose of Dead Trees 7,460 C.Y. 027 'r 28014.20 29000 C.Y. .35 3 lx700.00 8o0 c.Y. So $ 19400.000 }2, '� +149500 S.Y. .03 $ 435.00 U9000 S.Y. 008 .E 880. 700 L.F. .3-1 77.00 250 S.Y. .21 3 52050 10 each 20,00 $ 100.00 Total Reconniended Bid. . . . . . . . 4 6x658.70 Houle .. Sod . 1 1 6.00 - 00 Total .S 7g848o70 Excess b'in At This Fark - 15,900 C. Y. (truce measure) ANALYSIS OF PAIA DEWRIOPOITT PROJECT AT JAC,iSON & !%El,� ORE TJI. 0 Total. Cut on Site 46.800 (,,.Y. Total Fill Reauired on Site 7046o v.y. ; mows Fill Bank Ileasure 39.3 .Y- Hauling bids ase- .mde and r-.asured by truck,, measur8l therefum the avant of wc fill shoold be :increased by 3t'154. F"cess Fill - Truck Measure 51.200 C.Y. Designatcd .For 52nd and Arden 3,200? G.Y. 143T excess fill' - T.�uck Measure 489000 CI.Y. Fill r ec uiremen•ts at Division and Rutledge 262000 O.Y. 22.L zC -,i „ i; d.° $; ;. ;i- .,, is .<• �„ ;F W. ,lackson Rc relmore L-ne . I Division & Rutledge Allocated Funds: : 5, 000 Zcpended or comd.tted: a 2,003 Balance Available 2,997 Detrel.opvent Costs: Bids Fending 738)48.70 79848.70 Possible Revenue from sato of Ba'...anee of FM, Except Rutledgo and:0i',,elsion Street: 2um Q0 All.omted Ftmds s Fjone I3aaln nce?ATY s � alp ie � None Dovel.opmnt Costs=1:Sti.r. to Y Fill(bid) 2610oo c.v. .49 Addll. Clay 31000 C.Y. .75 Peat 11.0o0 C.Y. .55 Finish Grade 21�,000 S.Y. X05 Sods (Berm and Watemay) 29000 S.Y. .35 Feed 221000 S.Y. .08 Total Estimated Cost ?i ., ., ,. ,. z .r .. ,. „ 3 ;r� i� ;c 3r ,� '.� •ic ,, it .. ,. I�� � 0 0 Lb 1d,c,oted Janoacai-,y-;? 1955 I Tstal:blish Zinc Eensral areas of _'Parlk- 1'.';ca3'd business as follo-u_-.- (A)droftnis".'rat"nxe; BudK.--,ct, '1'3mr�d bus-Imess, all areas of Necrca-'C.ion: -Prof-amn. poli c].a-'s. (j'.-f,)a1_'ntcnancc: Pa.A- maintonance and operations, includ- -n i J ,- P o-1 _ - and concessi-ons., (L)and: Acquisition of Park property by dedica- tion or purcha2e, rn'T'T OD)aveloomeylt7 coils i deratioll 01, iarchiz`lsets9 enginsers., all phascs of Plamimg and dexrelopment work su,61 as detail advertis- im, for bids., reco;.-rend approvals., domted OTlipm"c"r-t� rnterials" etic. 11 Each iten of business for _'ark Board consideration would be first aseloned to one of th.e gencral areas in I,, abovc, Then the item is fur"or idenUfied b, -,r tk uh , Uac year and a number assigned. in the order of appearance, The first iter, of business under (A)&iinis-, tration in 1.955 would be A -59 -1 ­ III A record of each ite.-ri of business, including -4.he date first con- sidered, final action, date,, mid subsequent council. action would be maintained„ ' ch. mer&,er -,j,;c)uld have a cool- of this record and it would be kept up-`-o.-date quarterly. Of course., each ilember U., could per -Cil in actixi Lt each meeti.mg to be ir:iore up-to-date, IV An iton of bueLness T,,,ould keop the mwiber first assigned no matter if the business was not concluded t1mt sams year,, I*10.. M M h CT 0\ \f O\ iw i i i i O\ CN lf� \ \ i.n \O 'Qi �i 'moi 'moi � A Qi N N r\1 r\1 C\Y1 CT CT CN CT CT \ \ L1 V\ \ \ -I -i r r N N M M Ti O O 10:1 x P4 O �l h0 -N r -I rl •+ i cd i.' •ri U 4-5 rj Cd 04-1 �. N U Ti N O\ Cd R, t^[� d0 pq -P Cd a A ri W Cd ri U U1 CD 4 1 ft &0 b c •ate O -H cdd O Q f�C • tko pq MO ,k' •rl ir N O f� F1 O U (R�' � '�..r 00 x F -I 0.i 0 \f iw i i i i Lf\ lf� Ul I \ i.n Lf\ 'Qi �i 'moi 'moi � A Qi L As if4 � A -4 Oi 01 +�1 431 A H 1✓� "Ta U rA O w 0 .H U3 rn a� U fes" O 0 r-1 O O a m a, �a rn 1 t r'rl •d 0 0 b 'd _-ja:)u \ W i- Lrl 111 \ 1f\ \ \ R. t i 1 a 1 r -i r- I t\rl t n� O A tit t i 111 Lfl U] Lfl Lt\ Lfl c N N dco t t Cd -1•+ t �•1 w U@ O U O i I G>~ -w {% I I r-1 ' IQ 1 �I I +� Q� I 0\ IA C \ IN N ' Cd t N i N 1 i N N I 1 U i H J�iV t .i t fxi cj 1 1 O' N N t I i t t I N N 1✓� "Ta U rA O w 0 .H U3 rn a� U fes" O 0 r-1 O O a m a, �a rn 1 t r'rl •d 0 0 N •" \ _-ja:)u \ W i- Lrl 111 \ 1f\ \ \ \ t i 1 \ Ll r -i r- I t\rl O Lr\ Ll1 111 Lfl U] Lfl Lt\ Lfl �•1 .Z i L IQ a +� Q, Cd N ,fl U bD r0 4-I cd H to Pi d A 4 .N ttw a 1�1 41 0 r -i O P. (1) �1 � v co Cd Cd Tj Cd o a° CH ° .U1 ori U �' 0 co r— M Ul -HO cd 4-) 4 �C-1 w 1° co v N •" \ _-ja:)u \ W i- 0\ 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 Ll Lr\ Ll1 111 Lfl Lfl Lfl Lt\ Lfl , , , , , z 11 O 1 .� ' ' 41N W \ , , ON r -I , , r 1 , , 0\ rI 111 \ �•• vii ,' 111 111 1 L) N 1 1111 , i 1 11[1 1 LIII N � rl , \ r\ -I � O ' O A � N , a0 Cd , N -, -\-j � U 111 L\ll L\h 111 , , rq 8 i ,+, (L r , a 0 , , i � 0 O , P-, ' U +� •rl -P b � 0 A� O w a� U 0 +� �D 4-11 O , '� 'd r -i r 1 , � •rl UI , -4 1 ' a x Iii o. N N 0\ CN r -i r\I cd r -i O N r -I Fr' O 4z Cd U r-) 10 i -I Cd R, O a� 4-1 a� -P 0 a 1.5 O\ z 11 O 1 Vl W l-- co ON r -I L[1 0\ rI 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 L) N 1 1111 1 1(I1 1 11[1 1 LIII rCN-I \ \ r\ -I r\i rI A � rl � -, -\-j 111 L\ll L\h 111 l\(1 rq 1, z 11 O 1 Vl W l-- co ON r -I H H rI O\ 1 CN I 1!1 1 1 fl I 111 1 L) ry 1 1111 1 1(I1 1 11[1 1 LIII A � � rq P-, 0 +� O -P 0 O U O +� rl O 'd '� 'd r -i r 1 'd rl -4 1 -4 rd 0 N 4-'> N N \,O N 4-1 Efl o � 4 o cd rUI aAi x Cd �' A 0 � rl O r -a) o x l 4-) -N Of- riOri $4 • w 8 c] � W x H 11 1 1 Vl W l-- co ON r -I H H rI O\ 1 CN I 1!1 1 1 fl I 111 1 L) 1 l r\ 1 1111 1 1(I1 1 11[1 1 LIII 43 I I I I I I I H Al 4 is� s {i �I 0 a o �t 1 b1 1 Cd 43 cu 0` \ .4' 0 cr\ O'\ 0\ O; o aoi o 0 \\\ 0 cd a n U H Al 4 is� s {i �I a �t 1 b1 1 \ Q\ CN cr\ O'\ 0\ O; � \\\ \ O Cd ," I O C a Fxi Cf N 0 U PL, fl 1_(1 rd R' rOl 0 ca Cd o d m m a)OOP-,x 4 A to � a�0w$4 �. H r� cd -N 0 CH ca o a (1) 0 `d o EQ CH rI +� +3 pq U) 0 'd O x a) P xcd�i U P� c3 U 0. G1 � �a�•�� 0 19 l.f\ \0 C-- 00 Q\ ol o\ O\ A A A A O O Cd 'CS O r -I Cd ati cid � uul o 00 S4 H a �0 TI cd U +' N v 4 p. t, cd P4 o N 4 c •� c0 + U bO O •'-1 4-4 P� CHO I -P O O +� Cd I --I r -I Cd 4 i Cd r -C iy O\ Q\ Cl O\ A d A A O C a Fxi Cf N 0 U PL, fl 1_(1 rd R' rOl 0 ca Cd o d m m a)OOP-,x 4 A to � a�0w$4 �. H r� cd -N 0 CH ca o a (1) 0 `d o EQ CH rI +� +3 pq U) 0 'd O x a) P xcd�i U P� c3 U 0. G1 � �a�•�� 0 19 l.f\ \0 C-- 00 Q\ ol o\ O\ A A A A