HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-02-03 Park Board Packets.tM;-�_o to * E.;d_r ,'a Fags': Board (, �p.t "•rte �` Si aj 'i. G7.5.; F°r chairman �a_�1,j Y; i . .� C' 1n s 117. �.lrj r t. " c:?'�, i'1> iT�!_.1...^ Subjcr: c3%'.s£i, n�,)U_ aa` VillageCoia�ciL an Parc Board., February 3, 1958 At its Van— a.x'r 28, 1958 l;:eetiil_g� the Edina Village Council agreed to meet with the Edina na Pak Board au the nex6 regular Meeting of the Park Board i•;', lch is Monday, ri'cba7ilary j, 1.958. at f*A,".3) P, M. The agenda .far ti111s meeting ti D 1 be 1. Discussion of Articles of Organization and Functions of the Edina Paz°k Board. 2� Status report on vihore we are now in relation to the initial dem ve".oP nen-.-s for Stage s 3. Pl wms fo;, 195"6 dewelopmi is and costs related thereto. 4. Master plan for Cornelia Park. 5. Master plan for Normandal a Parka. 6e Diaster plan for 52nd & Arden. 7. Intervale Park plans. 8. Consideration of Council - Park Board field trip to inspect areas being planned fcrr development. From the agenda you can -lee that this is a more important than usual meeting and it is necessary that if at all possible,, the entire Park Board should be present. Clifton E. French Seere%ary to the Park Board E 1/10/58 VILLAGE OF EDINA ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTION OF EDINA PARK BOARD 1.0 Gem This paper, upon ratification by the Edina Village Council, will serve as a guide to all interested persons as to the organization and funca- tion of the Edina Park Board It should be understood that this Board is to function in a manner that is compatible with Plan B, Council -Manager farm of Govdriment, which has been adopted by the Village of Edina. Under this Plan, overall author- ity is vested with the Mayor and Trustees forming the Council, while the Manager is charged with the administration of the various branches and functions of the local Government. The Diredtor of Recreation & Parks is responsible to and receives direction mit the Manager. The Park Board shall function in an advisory capacity to the Council and to the Manager. "It is to be understood that the Park Board does not have au- thority to enter into contracts or to make expenditures of Park Funds." The Park Board shall perform and function more specifically in the manner set forth in the following: 2.0 Organization 2.1 Membership to the Baard shall be upon appointment by the Mayor with confirmation by the Village Council. 2.2 Term of office generally shall be for a period of .2 years, with appointments arranged so that not over one half of the terms empire in any one year. 2.3 N.er The board shall consist of Z or more members, one of whom is to be designated by the School Board from its member- ship, with approval of the Council. 1_� 2.4 Chairman - The Park Board shall annually eYect one Board sember to serve as Chairman. 2.5 Secretary ® The Director of Recreation and Parks shall serve as Secretary of the Board, and shall furnish such secretarial ser- viees as the Board may require. 2,6 Records •- The Secretary shall produce and retain an official re- cord of Board Actions, Recommendations and Studies, as well as other records or reference material necessary to the Board°s function. Each member shall be provided with an official binder containing sections of data pertaining to organization, opera- tion, projects, programs, properties, finance, history, etc., of Edina Village Park and Recreational matters. 207 Meetings - Regular meetings of the Board shall occur on the fir Mat o� mday of each month. These shall be open to Public attendance,, Other meetings shall be called as necessary. The 6acretary shall prepare an agenda for each regular and special session, furnishing a copy of this to each member in advance of the meeting. 3.0 RejLbionshim The Board shall fur;.ction generally within the framework of the following: 3.1 It shall sorve in an advisory capacity to the Village Council and Manager on Park and Recreational matters, 3.2 It shall mG?_ntain an interest and understanding of the functions and operati,ns of the Recreation and Park Department of the Village GovE : -nment . 3.3 In order to jaintain close coordination between the Park Board and the Planr.?_ng Commission., one Park Board member shall each year be elect(A by the Park Board to serve as a member of the Planning Commission with approval of the Council. 3.4 The Board shall maintain an interest and understanding In the Village Schoo:{ sys tem and strive fort he greatest possible utilization o.'School ® Park property usage and coordinated re-- creation protrrams. 305 The Board shall endeavor to secure full and complete understand- ing of the `village"s needs and desires for Park and Recreational facilities imd shall be sensitive to the acceptance within the comm maty of the current facilities and program. 4.0 Func„� tions The Board should obs:,rve and discharge the following specific functions and in addition any [urther assignment specifically delegated by the Council. In general; it shall be an obligation of this Board to convey to the Council, their understanding of community sentiment regarding Recreation and Parks and to submit recommendations for Policy considera- tion. 4.1 Study Inter% -and Intra -community needs and desireso 4.2 Develop lcr,g-range program directed toward fulfilling the com- munities r.eedse 4.3 Maintain interest in the current recreation program. 4.4 Observe ccr_ditions and adequacy of Village Park properties, 4.5 Give hear-i_ng to groups or individuals upon request. It should be understood that committments should be made only when speci- fically a,O-Ihorized or delagated by the Council. 4.6 Keep infor:r.ed and consider all fi anciwl aspects pertaining to Recreation and Parks,, 4.7 Consider groper names for Village Park property. 4A Consider Park improvements, land acquisition and development, as well as current maintenance programs. The Board shall also advise gnd assist Architects and Engineers in the preparation of specific plans prior to their presentation to the Council for formal approval. 4o9 Maintain an advisory interest in the operation and managwent of the village s wiaming facilities and related programs. 4.10 Represent the Village at comunity functions where appropriate and ap- proved by the Council. 4.11 Represent the Village with other community,, county and state bodies of a similar nature. 4.12 Perform other duties and functions or conduct studies and investigations as specifically directed or delegated by the Council.