HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-11 Park Board PacketAGENDA 40 CITY OF EDINA PARK BOARD MEETING CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK HUGHES PAVILION Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015 5:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Minutes — Regular meeting on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Park Board will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the some issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Human Services Task Force B. Park Board Retreat Agenda VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A. Other Correspondence VIII. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS IX. STAFF COMMENTS X. ADJOURNMENT It The city of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES OF THE RETREAT OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD HELD AT CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK AUG. 11, 2015 5:30 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gieseke called the meeting to order at 5:42 p.m. 11. ROLL CALL Answering roll call were Members Nelson, Jacobson, Greene, Gieseke, Cella, Segreto, Strother, McCormick, Good Member Jones arrived at 5:48 p.m. Student Members present: Colwell Absent Student Member Chowdhury 111. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Member Good made a motion, seconded by Member Cella, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Members Nelson, Jacobson, Greene, Gieseke, Cella, Segreto, Strother, McCormick, Good Motion approved. IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA Member Good made a motion, seconded by Member Segreto, approving the regular meeting minutes of July 14, 2015, as amended on Page three to change "Mr. Hayward stated there generally is ..." to "Mr. Hayward stated there generally is not much activity except for the Fourth of July Fireworks". W.A. Approval of Minutes —Regular Park Board Meeting of Tuesday, July 14, 2015 Ayes: Members Nelson, Jacobson, Greene, Gieseke, Cella, Segreto, Strother, McCormick, Good Motion approved. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT None VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. Human Services Task Force Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board the Human Services Task Force needs a Park Board representative. She went over what the position entails. Member Segreto commented that she has been the Park Board representative on the Human Services Task Force and noted that members decide how the funds are allocated and most times the City Council takes the recommendation and approves it. Member Jones stated that she will volunteer to be the Park Board representative on the Human Services Task Force. Member McCormick made a motion, seconded by Member Segreto, to appoint Member Jones as the Park Board representative to the Human Services Task Force. Ayes: Members Nelson, Jones, Jacobson, Greene, Gieseke, Cella, Segreto, Strother, McCormick, Good Motion approved. VI.B. Park Board Retreat — Tuesday, Aug. 1 1, 5:30 — 9:30 p.m. at Centennial Lakes Park Ms. Kattreh presented the Park Board Retreat Agenda. Member McCormick provided brief remarks about what will be done during the Park Board Retreat. Chair Gieseke introduced Don McCormick, who works for United Healthcare working for talent development, and indicated he will be facilitating the retreat. Mr. McCormick explained to the Park Board that discussions will be held regarding what is working with the Park Board and what may need improvement. He asked each member to think about answers to the following questions: What should the Park Board keep doing? What should the Park Board start doing? What should the Park Board stop doing? Members were asked to fill out the post -it notes and place them on the charts in the front of the room. Mr. McCormick reviewed the items on what the Park Board should keep doing. • Keep utilizing small work groups • Keep discussing how to implement the strategic plan into the work plan • Conduct annual retreat to help members build relationships • Investing in facility improvements • Opportunities to work on task groups • Creating a community that appeals to multiple generations • Focusing on a short goal while keeping the bigger picture in mind • Provide updates of activities in the parks • Provide honest feedback with the Parks & Recreation Department • Keep strategic planning • Keep looking at plans • Seek community input • Evaluate whether the parks are serving all Edina residents • Ensure every member has a chance to voice their opinion • Keep updates on current projects — progress • Keep doing financial impact presentations • Driving work plan ideas • New board member orientation • Skip a month a year of meetings • Educate members on 2016-17 capital plan • Provide thoughtful recommendations to the City Council • Develop facility • Work plan meetings for important topics • Be respectful of board members time and length of meetings • Be willing to listen to other board member comments ltd Stop doing: • Don't revisit what has already been decided • Stop overpromising • Stop printing out Park Board materials • Stop overscheduling the agenda • Don't add agenda items not ready for Park Board review • Long presentations • Involve in financial plans or discussions • Retracting a decision made at a meeting • Ask opinions about issues that have already been decided by city leadership • Relying heavily on outside consultants Start doing: • Analyze effectiveness of Park Board • Using website more • Allocating resources to complete 2015 work projects • Seeing more finance in making decisions • Key metrics that track performance • Alternative communication vehicle to tell what's going on • Share plans for parks • Actively solicit more input from board members for their opinions • Start systematically providing information on parks • More Park Board meetings in park facilities • Update status reports • • Provide more info — welcome to new residents about the parks • Add small amount of time at each meeting for strategic plan discussions • Using standard forms of advisory board communications for all discussion items on agenda • Work on projects outside the meetings • Specific actions set for the work plan • Set proposed agenda times and keep the time so time is not wasted • Facility reports from Park Board members • Calendar for year of key agenda items each month • Reduce the number of comments a member can make Mr. McCormick asked the groups to organize the comments into categories. He noted categories could include financials, facilities, updates, communicating, work plan, open dialogue, focus on community, meeting process rules, decision making, ideas around topics for consideration, etc. Ms. Kattreh provided information on the following items: Parks Open maces and Trails — Ms. Kattreh indicated that when they look at branding, signage and way -finding there currently is $500,000 in park dedication fees that have been specifically allocated by the City Council to a signage project. She stated this is something that would be a really great Park Board initiative. She noted some things were identified for branding and way -finding in the Strategic Plan and they can continue to explore those areas as well marketing the parks and programs to make residents more aware of offerings. She indicated that she is interested in how residents find out about what is going on as well as what the Park Board can do better. Recreation Facilities — Ms. Kattreh indicated she would like to think about a business management model for enterprise facilities; what should the enterprise facilities look like. She asked as a resident what you expect the city to be able to cover in terms of the operating expenses. Should the facilities and parks start to be more commercialized? Do you want the city to start more partnerships? Do you want the parks to remain more natural? Do you want to see more advertising? Do you have any ideas of what you would like our parks to look like and how does that impact our financial sustainability? Do we have any infrastructure that is missing such as education and natural resources? Recreation Programs — She asked what the city can do to get more residents participating in their programs. If they want to impact 30-35% of all residents how can they do that from a marketing perspective? What age groups are we missing? How can we attract those people that we are not being able to reach with programs? Ms. Kattreh informed the Park Board that Max Galaxy, the new registration program, was rolled out last Monday. Chair Gieseke stated a while ago they were trying to compare themselves to top tier communities and asked what number makes them excellent? Ms. Kattreh replied that 35 is a good number in terms of benchmarking. Ms. Kattreh indicated they can continue with the survey; however, she is not completely confident with the survey that was done last time and noted they will continue to analyze that type of information. Ms. Kattreh asked if there are any trends they are missing as far as recreation programs. Mr. McCormick separated the Park Board members into three groups and each group had two focus areas to discuss. Group I Parks, Open Spaces and Trails — Members Jacobson Nelson and Strother (staff/Susan Faus) - Retreat focus: 1. Develop, refine and implement branding, signage and way finding plan included in the Strategic Plan. 2. Market parks and programs throughout the city to inform residents of offerings. Group 2 Recreational Facilities Members McCormick Jones Good, Seereto (staff/Patty McGrath) — Retreat focus: I . Implement a policy -supported business management model for enterprise facilities that addresses a cost recovery model toward financial sustainability. 2. Explore the development of innovative infrastructure in the park system to support environmental education and natural resource planning. Group 3 — Recreational Programs — Members Gieseke, Greene Cella Colwell (staff/Amanda Clarke) — Retreat focus: 1. Attract 30-35% of all Edina residents to experience organized recreation programs through Edina Parks & Recreation Department by identifying and closing programming gaps. 2. Keep up with evolving needs and trends by re-evaluating offered programs and interest levels. Member Nelson reviewed Group I's items: • Update signage in the parks and make sure all parks are labeled • Provide maps of parks, connections to other parks and amenities in each park • Show the trail system connecting parks • Add park information to new resident welcome package as well as information for "potential" new residents • Welcome to different neighborhoods 4 • Put mile markers on trails • Market the Edina Parks & Recreation Department along with City of Edina logo, etc. • Social media • Marketing print information at public locations within the city • Advocates for the city using apps Member Good commented that he really likes the idea of an app. Member Jones suggested the app be a way for residents to advise the city of items needing attention within the city. Member Good reviewed Group 2's items: • Create a distinct and common business plan to utilize the strengths of the facilities • Determine the purpose of each facility • Who is the audience and what is the market • What organization/talent does it take to run that facility • What is the cost to break even • • Facility marketing Form more commercial relationships; where are opportunities to make a creative relationship • Pilot specific fundraisers for specific enterprise facilities; if it works, replicate to other parks • Have a regular report back to the Park Board; knowledge level is pretty thin • If this type of a model is being implemented how is it reported back to the Park Board on a • regular basis There are significant gaps financially between the different facilities such as the Art Center and how do we close that gap • Each facility would have a different revenue model • There is a Resource Manager position in the strategic plan perhaps in 2017 and if we really want to drive this we need the Resource Manager in place. Do we accelerate the hire of that position? Let's get going on developing a job description, a work plan for that position and do in this area — outside of Twin Cities, outside of explore what other excellent communities • Minnesota Engage with external resources — master watershed managers and master naturalists who are looking to engage with communities on a volunteer basis to help the communities • Develop unique program activities utilizing those resources; may not be long extended programs • • Focus on open spaces Identify areas for protection and leave them as natural spaces for people that enjoy that environment • Market for what it is • Look for opportunities for nature trails • Foster relationships with environmental organizations. Audubon Society for example • City wide plan to improve pollinator's habitat and education Member Cella reviewed Group 3's items: • Attract 30-35% of Edina residents; this could be in one or two age groups • Break down the age groups and figure out what makes sense • Get best possible data on how we are doing with the age groups right now (there probably is not a lot of good programming for all age groups) • Once age groups are identified determine how we are meeting their needs right now • What do the groups we aren't meeting the needs of want as far as programs • What are other cities doing for the different age groups; it may be a communication issue • Build awareness of programs • Offer new residents through their welcome packet possibly coupons for one or two free programs within the city • Have new programs offered at a discount when offered for the first time as a pilot program • Get a better handle on the programming • Make sure there is no overlap with other programs • Make sure all groups know who they are programming for • More centralized programming • Target marketing of programs. Member Nelson stated her kids love the summer programming and some programming of non -school days would be popular. • Develop a comprehensive list of all programs • Which age group is targeted for the programs • Hoping the new database going forward would give good data about participation rates • Explore more partnerships with people like Three Rivers Park District, School District, etc. • How can we leverage their expertise with programming; that might be a way to solve some of the issues of lapses in programming during non -school days • Look at the new trends • See what other areas are doing • Designate one park for pilot programs • Pickup soccer or baseball games • How do we measure the success of the programs; a survey will be sent out to all families who participated in the programs Ms. Faus indicated they have not done a good job for the past ten years of getting feedback on their programs. She pointed out there has been discussion about creating business plans for the programs and we will be looking at that for next year. Member Good suggested someone going to the program and asking the participants in real time what they like, etc. Member Cella replied that it's difficult to find the opinions of the people who don't use the parks. Member Nelson stated that is where the Ambassador Program would be helpful. Discussion was held about how to work with the other commissions and boards within the city as far as programming. It was noted that transportation is another issue when looking at trails working in conjunction with the public transportation groups. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS A letter dated July 14, 2015 was received from Kim Montgomery, 5300 Evanswood, regarding the Strategic Plan that she brought before the Park Board at the July 14 Park Board meeting. Vlll. CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS None IX. STAFF COMMENTS None M X. ADJOURNMENT Chair Gieseke made a motion, seconded by Member Good, to adjourn the meeting. Ayes: Members Nelson, Jones, Jacobson, Greene, Gieseke, Cellar, Segreto, Strother, McCormick, Good Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m. • 7 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: Aug. 11, 2015 Subject: Human Services Task Force Action Requested: Appoint a Park Board representative to the Human Services Task Force Agenda Item #: VI.A. Action ❑X Discussion ❑ Information ❑ Information / Background: Each year the city appropriates approximately $87,000 from its general fund to pay human services agencies to provide outsourced services to Edina residents. The process for appropriating these funds starts with a City Council -appointed group called the Human Services Task Force, which is comprised of members of the city's various citizen advisory boards and commissions. The Human Services Task Force will again consist of one representative from each of our official boards and commissions. The task force will be created for this process only, and then it will be dissolved. It will come together for three meetings and a City Council Work Session in October and November. Please see attached letter from City Manager Scott Neal. Attachment: Scott Neal Letter City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Dear Park Board Member. - Each year the City appropriates approximately $87,000 from its general fund to pay human services agencies to provide outsourced services to Edina residents. The process for appropriating these funds starts with a Council -appointed group called the Human Services Task Force, which is comprised of members of the City's various citizen advisory boards and commissions. The Human Services Task Force will again consist of one representative from each of our official boards and commissions. The task force will be created for this process only, and then it will be dissolved. It will come together for three meetings and a City Council Work Session in October and November: 1) Proposal Review: Monday, October 5, 6:00-8:00 PM, Mayors Conference Room at City Hall (meal provided) 2) Provider Presentations: Wednesday, October 21, 5:00-9:00 PM, Community Room at City Hall (meal provided) 3) Create Funding Recommendation: Thursday, October 29 6:00-8:00 PM, Mayors Conference Room at City Hall (meal provided) 4) City Council Work Session: Tuesday, November 17 6:00-7:00 PM, Community Room at City Hall I urge you to consider serving on this important task force. Our goal is to have one member from each Board and Commission. No co -appointees please. It is important that volunteers be available and willing to attend all four meetings ,f the task force. While it is desirable that each Board and Commission be represented on this task force, it is not mandatory. If you are interested in serving, notify your board or commission staff liaison as soon as possible. Boards and Commissions are required to name their appointed member by September 4, 2015. The Human Services Task Force efforts will be coordinated by MJ Lamon, Project Coordinator. If you have any questions or require clarification, please contact MJ at mlamon@edinamn.gov or 952-826-0360. Thanks, Scott Neal City Manger is CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: Aug. 1 1, 2015 Subject: Park Board Retreat Action Requested: Discussion Information / Background: 491�,1� 0 �o •'�OORPO",� • 1888 Agenda Item #: VI.B. Action ❑ Discussion Information ❑ Park Board Vice -Chair Brenda McCormick and Park Board Chair Dan Gieseke have been planning the Park Board retreat which will replace the regular Aug. 11, Park Board meeting. This retreat will take place at the Hughes Pavilion at Centennial Lakes Park. It is scheduled to run from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Dinner and snacks will be served. Please dress casually as we will also be playing bocce at the croquet and lawn games area at Centennial Lakes Park. The 2016 Park Board Work Plan must be finalized at the September Park Board meeting. Please be prepared to discuss potential Work Plan topics. I've attached a copy of the 2015 Park Board Work Plan for your review. Attached please find planning materials for the retreat. Please review and prepare the pre -retreat work that is requested. Attachment: Agenda - Edina Park Board Retreat 2015 Park Board Work Plan City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 Edina Park Board Retreat August 11, 2015 / 5:30-9:30 PM, Centennial Lakes Pavilion Objectives • Strengthen relationships among Park Board members and Parks department representatives • Reflect on Park Board effectiveness in 2014-2015 • Identify ways in which the Park Board can increase team effectiveness as a governing/advising body • Propose initiatives and actions for the Parks & Recreation Department 2016 Work Plan Pre -work 1: Complete Park Board Member introduction sheet 2: Complete Keep, Stop, Start Doing Activity 3: Review Development Areas for small group focus—to be assigned at July Park Board Meeting U:= 5:30-5:45 Welcome / Agenda review (Dan Gieseke) Role of Park Board (Brenda McCormick) Gather food 5:45-6:30 Dinner Introduction: 1-2 minutes each using @ 5 topics from Handout 1 (All) 6:30-7:30 Outdoor team activity — Bocce Ball and Park Board Photo (All) 7:30-8:00 2014 Reflection: "What should the Park Board keep doing, stop doing and start doing to increase effectiveness?" • Introduction (Dan Gieseke) • Activity (Don McCormick) o Participants write ideas on sticky notes (one idea per note) and place in the corresponding easel page "Keep Doing," "Stop Doing" and "Start Doing." o Ideas are reviewed by the facilitator o Each participant is given 9 dot stickers used for voting. Participants vote three dots per easel page to help quickly generate consensus on recommended actions. o If consensus is not reached by 8:00, the activity will be tabled for discussion later in the session or at a future meeting. 0 1 1 P a g e 8:00-8:40 Group Activity I • Objective: Generate a list of initiatives and actions for each focus area that should be considered in the 2016 Annual Work Plan. (Brenda McCormick) • Introduction of Top 3 Areas of Development to Support 2016 Work Plan with context and relationship to the Strategic Plan (Ann Katttreh) • Activity set up (Don McCormick) o Review the two assigned Strategy components for Strategy Area (see Pre - work Handout 3) o Choose a spokesperson o Work together to answer the question, "What initiatives and actions need to be included in the work plan for your assigned strategy components?" o Review process below (8:05-8:25) • Round 1: First component o —3 minutes of silent brainstorming using sticky notes 0 15 minute share out within team and prepare recommendations (8:25-8:40) • Round 2: Second component o —3 minutes of silent brainstorming using sticky notes 0 15 minute share out within team and prepare recommendations Use the following questions to jump start your thinking: o What does success look like? How do we get there? o Whose perspectives need to be considered? o What milestones might we consider? o Who may have tried something like this before? 8:40-9:15 Group Report Outs (Don McCormick) • Process (repeated 6 times) o Each team takes 2 minutes to present recommendations for each Development Area to the large group. o A 3 -minute Q&A follows. o Additional ideas are added as necessary using sticky notes. 9:15-9:30 Additional Work Plan Items (Don McCormick) • Group generates additional ideas to be considered for the work plan. o Participants propose recommendations o Group uses consensus decision-making to agree/disagree on inclusion for September 8 meeting 9:30-9:35 Next steps and key dates (Dan Gieseke) • Additional ideas due to Ann by August 26 for packet distribution • Next board meeting September 8 • Work plan due September 29 21 Page Pre -work Handout 1: Park Board Member Introduction Sheets Vorksheet will prompt members to come prepared to share about themselves. 1. Name 2. Were you named after anyone? 3. How long have you lived in Edina? 4. How long on Park Board? 5. Why are you interested in serving on the Park Board? 6. What areas of expertise, strengths or interests can be leveraged by the Park Board? 7. Which of the Guiding Principles most resonates with you as a Park Board Member? Why? 8. How do you and/or family use our Parks and Recreation facilities? 9. What is the last book read or movie saw? Would you recommend it to others? 3 1 P a g e Pre -work Handout 2: Keep, Stop, Start Doing Activity apreparation for the retreat, consider the past year and identify things we should collectively as a board Keep Doing, Stop Doing and Start Doing. Keep Doing: Stop Doing: 1. 2. 3. Start Doing: 3. 41 Page Pre -work Handout 3: Development Areas to Support 2016 Work Plan • Note: At July Board Meeting, members will select the groups he/she will work on so that pre -work can be completed prior to the retreat. 5 Areas of Development from Strategic Plan (highlighted areas will be discussion topics for retreat) 1. Natural Resources and Sustainable Parks 2. Parks, Open Spaces and Trails 3. Recreation Facilities 4. Recreation Programs 5. Finance and Management GROUP 1- PARKS, OPEN SPACES AND TRAILS Park Board Members: Jacobson, Nelson, Strother Staff: Susan, Ann Retreat focus: 1. Develop, refine and implement Branding, Signage and Way finding Plan included in the Strategic Plan (Strategy 1.2) 2. Market parks and programs throughout the City to inform residents of offerings (Strategy 1.3) GROUP 2 - RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Illeark Board Members: Jones, Good, Chowdhury, McCormick Staff: Patty Retreat focus: 1. Implement a policy -supported business management model for Enterprise Facilities that addresses a cost recovery model toward financial sustainability (Strategy 1.3) 2. Explore the development of innovative infrastructure in the park system to support environmental education and natural resource planning (Strategy 1.4) GROUP 3 — RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Park Board Members: Greene, Cella, Colwell, Gieseke Staff: Amanda Retreat focus: 1. Attract 30-35% of all Edina residents to experience an organized recreation program through EPRD by identifying and closing programming gaps (Strategy 1.1) 2. Keep up with evolving needs and trends by re-evaluating offered programs and interest levels (Strategy 1.2) 51 Page • • V 4 - Lf) N c H L O (6 a V) c s Q) U bA O (O •� Q V) C U O O '- oc U -0 ;..+ Vf 4- V) O 4- Q L V) > C fS3 L :3 d (A U O c Cl -a � V Q O ra L L L o O O Gf 4- > c U U U coO N iJ QJ i_J +� c 00 C QJ c QJ M o -0 Q c: O °A aJ bn O O O O QJ bio QJ O � O � OOL C L CL bA O +, m o L Q a bA QJ E +' U m bA > O Y U L U L O U 3 •E �+ o (j} L (U c� 3 uU N O E L L U N p > N U L E E aJ u, ° -a ON v O i N �O Y ca 71 - 0 V) Y @ s N L (B m a L Mo O u > O Cl- O O m Q N c + = O n m m E QJ ro O Y V1 V7 QJ L Q O Q✓ L QJ M 0 -0 .�cli }E In m bA > c v = c o -0- ccE G QJ E O 16 U E }, O c 0 - E CL U O ::3 m Q) O Q C• + to N ON c c LU ! 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Edina Parks & Recreation Mission Statement We create parks, facilities, and programs to foster a healthy inclusive community. We accomplish this through creative leadership, collaborations, environmentally sustainable practices and the responsible use of available resources. Guiding Principles • Promote community health and wellness by engaging all residents in our parks and programming. • Provide excellence and innovation in parks and recreation services to meet the needs of the community. • Develop creative funding opportunities and programming partnerships to ensure excellence in facilities, programs, and financial stewardship for future generations. • Advance environmental stewardship and conservation to preserve and protect natural resources and build excellence through sustainability. • Connect residents to park facilities and their programs. • Promote social equity and engagement within the parks system and its programs. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 ww%v.EdinaParks.com • 952-826-0367 • Fax 952-826-0385 Key Areas of Development 1. Natural Resources & Sustainable Parks a. Protect, enhance and restore the city's natural resources and natural areas. b. Create more resilient and sustainable parks, facilities and landscapes. c. Protect and restore Edina's water resources. 2. Parks, Open Spaces and Trails a. Promote connections to the park system within the city, and to the surrounding region. b. Ensure excellence and equitable access to parks for all residents. c. Increase the health and safety of the parks and trail system. d. Revitalize existing parks by aligning park, open space and trail infrastructure with current and anticipated community needs. 3. Recreation Facilities a. Provide high functioning community parks, recreation, learning and gathering facilities that are responsive to changing community needs and interests. b. Increase facility accessibility and consistency throughout the city. 4. Recreation Programs a. Provide a variety of programs that meet community needs and interests and maintain the highest level of excellence. b. Deliver Park and Recreation programming more efficiently and effectively. 5. Finance & Management a. Increase financial sustainability, efficiency, and strong partnerships. b. Strengthen business and marketing development. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaParks.com • 952-826-0367 • Fax 952-826-0385 Key Projects of the Strategic Plan 1. Create a multi -use trail system through the city to connect parks and enterprise facilities. 2. Provide a multi -generational community center that is all-inclusive. 3. Hire a natural resource manager to guide preservation and development of natural areas, access and interpretive/educational opportunities. 4. Improve marketing and communication delivery. 5. Replace or decommission community park buildings that have outlived their designed lifespan and are currently insufficient in providing services. 6. Relocate or renovate the Edina Art Center to provide a facility that best supports their programming needs. 7. Replace inadequate and outdated play areas and playgrounds and provide new facilities to address underserved areas. 8. Improve branding and wayfinding to parks throughout the city and internally. 9. Strengthen financial sustainability. 10.Provide additional community gathering areas. 11.Develop community driven master plans for parks throughout the system. 12.Develop business plans for all enterprise facilities throughout the park system. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaParks.co n • 952-826-0367 • Fax 952-826-0385 4.91f ,, o e rco 2. Volunteering on a Board or Commission N�,J may° Boards and Commissions New Member Orientation Binder 20: : ,M, Board and Commission Composition There are two types of board and commission members: Must be 18 yearsI Must be enrolled of age or older. full time in a secondary school. Must live in Edina. I H Must live in Edina. Voting member. H Non voting 1 H member. Terms are typically) q Serve a one year 3years in term. duration. Key Players Board or Commission Chair • Prepare agenda with Staff Liaison. • ,Lead meeting and facilitate discussion. • Ensure bylaws are followed. • Maintain meeting decorum. • Facilitate development of annual work plan. • Consult with members regarding attendance issues. • Encourage participation by BC members and the public. Board or Commission Vice Chair • Supports the Chair as needed. • Performs the Chair duties if the Chair is unavailable. Staff Liaison • Support Chair in preparing agendas and meeting materials. • Work with Chair to ensure bylaws are followed. • Record and prepare meeting minutes. Volunteering on a Board or Commission 1 I P a g e • Provide technical expertise and access to City resources. • Work with City Cleric to provide official notice of meetings. 01 • Relay information from City Council. • Maintain BC records. 0 The Role of Boards and Commissions Edina's Boards and Commissions are established by the City Council and are advisory. The duties of Board and Commission members are to: • Investigate matters within scope of the particular board or commission or as directed by Council. • Advise the Council by communicating the viewpoint or advice of the Board or Commission. • Recommend direction to the Council based off of evidence, research and reports. Boards and Commissions do not: • Direct the work of. City staff. • Take responsibility for financial performance of any City facility or program. Boards, Commissions, Council and Staff will not always agree: • Disagreement is acceptable and surfaces important perspectives and considerations. • The ultimate goal is to provide the Council with the best information possible during the decision making process. City Council Primary Objective = Resident Engagement • Delegate certain regulatory functions • Requests detailed study and recommendations for specific topics. • Grants authority to pursue specific priorities through volunteer efforts. Boards and Commissions Primary Objective = Meaningful Participation • Perform delegated regulatory functions. • Studies topics and makes recommendation for Council consideration. • Coordinates education campaigns and other community events, through volunteer efforts. City Staff Primary Objective = Effective Governance Liaisons: • Partner with Chair to ensure effective meetings. • Coordinates meeting logistics including agendas and minutes. • Partners with Chair to ensure bylaws are followed and annual work plan is submitted. • Forwards items for group consideration.. • Provides technical expertise. • Provides access to other City resources as appropriate. Administration/Communications: • Facilitates Boards and Commissions annual on -boarding which includes application and orientation. • Coordinates joint Council/Commission work sessions. • Coordinates public access to Commission information. Volunteering on a Board or Commission 2 1 P a g e To: Park Board From: Ann Kattreh Parks & Recreation Director Date: Aug. 11, 2015 Subject: Other Correspondence Action Requested: No action is necessary. Information / Background: Attached is correspondence received since the last Park Board meeting. o • I���RF'ORAKw� • less Agenda Item #: VILA. City of Edina • 4801 W. 501h St. • Edina, MN 55424 Action ❑ Discussion ❑ Information ❑x 7/14/15 Mr. Chair and Park Board Commissioners: I'm Kim Montgomery, 5300 Evanswood I understand that the Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan is not on your agenda tonight. As such, there is no mention of the major revisions to the plan that the Council has publicly signaled and I have heard affirmed. The primary set of revisions is removal of all references to the report's expert opinion and recommendation for a recreation based community center. The plan looks ahead to create a vision. This council's vision against a fitness and recreation community center will have a long-term negative impact on the City's ability to attract young people, create community, improve public health, and invigorate seniors. The report eliminations will affect the ability to create such an amenity in our lifetime. Edina will fall even further behind national norms and expectations. The plan simply states the facts: Edina lags far behind all peers in indoor recreational space. We are behind all cities; even cities with warmer climates that do not need year-round indoor facilities and cities with far lower median incomes. It states that in order to meet national norms and what residents have stated that they want in every survey, Edina should have at least 55,000 square feet of indoor recreational center space. I understand that the Park Board asked for the plan to be based upon data; I applaud the Park Board and Confluence for your adherence to that standard. The Plan also states a goal of equity, including geographical equity. Although 25 of Edina's 43 neighborhoods are north of Crosstown, almost all of Edina's park facility investments have been south. Why spend $94,000 to have a nationally renowned firm look at survey and benchmark data, focus group and open house feedback if the results will be censored? As a resident, I object to having the expert opinion favoring a community center (which is strongly backed up by data) stricken; I respectfully request that the Park Board ask for the community center recommendation to stay in the final report. I also request that the $25,000 Community Needs Assessment (a statistically valid survey completed by over 1200 residents) be attached to the original plan, given that it was a major reference document. To leave it out of the plan eliminates significant source material. The council has signaled its intention to include a performing and visual arts center in Grandview with attached flex space. Where is the data to support this intended use? Not in the plan. There is no mention of a public park or indoor amenity on the former public works site, nor is there data to validate the need for a new performing arts center. As council member Staunton stated in the June 17 council meeting, the plan should align with what is happening in Grandview. To many residents with whom I have spoken, that does not mean that the report should be changed to align with the council's current intentions but rather that the council should listen to the data and recommendations in the report and change their plans to include a recreation based community center on the former public works site. Thank you for your time and service on the Park Board.