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President J.T.Dclaney called the meeting to order at the Grange Hall,
at 7:30 P&?.
All members present but Trustee S,R,Strong.
Minutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approved.
The Clerk presented a letter from Mr,Doole$ of the Mpls.Northfield &
Southern Ryeregarding the new bridge asked for over their tracks at Benton Avenue. Er.Llooley rranted a little better understanding vith the Village Council
and asked that a Committee be appointed to meet with.hlm as soon as
' convtnient.Trustee S.K,Strong and Clerk Edson were made the Committee,
The Clerk reported that the bridge at Interlachen road over the rail-
road track was not posted because the Railroad People repaired it.
at once.
Mr.John Koore presented the Village with a deed to the Poads on his
property, On motion of Trustee H.J.Knudsen,seconded by Wuseee C.F, Prescott the deed was accepted.
A complaint 'was entered about the first telephone pole North of
Brookside Station as befng in a dangerous place,just at the curve in the stFeef; as it comes from under the viaduct oa West 44 Street,also
a pole inc.the street at the intersection of 3rd St,and Poor Pam Road.
Best Mpls.Efefghts,as being too far out in the street,
After some discussion the Clerk rms ins%ructed to mite the Telemone
COmpang &king that thesa"tmo'p0leS 'LsC moved.
Permission was granted the Minneapolfs General EGectric Go. to place
5 pales from Normandale 80UXbVwd to Clubhouse on 50th Streetl one
pole on Xerxes Ave and 54 St.S.sfth out lamp,but the City may- put one 'there and maintain it at the2.r expense*%
It mas moved by Trustee H-J,Knudsen,Seconded by Trustee C;F,PrescotL
a certain Ordinance adop$ed Man 10th 1913.,regulating the size of
lots and width of streets in plats and number of dwellings that may
be built or moved on any one lot or width of frontage; the word "Hereafter" be stricken out OS section one,# I 3 and it shall wad
Sec 18 That in all lands platted in the Village,the lots shall not
be less than fifty feet in width by me hundred and twentyeight feet in depth exclusi%e of adjacentnstreets and highways. No street shall
be less than fortyfour feet in ~dth unless by special permission
of Village Council first had and obtained,carried
After some discussion the new street In mendalssohn Add.was ordered in on motion of Trustee C,F.Prescott,seconded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen.
A motion was made by Trustee H,J.Knudsen,secorided by Trustee C.F.
wescotton the petition of Lillian WtSnyder SC Frank Snyder for an
osder dedicating a certain easement for public road RS follovm.
A Strip of land 30 feet wide off of North side of NrIE 9 of S E 2
Section 19,in T 28 R 24 be accepted and sifnedicarried.F~r~~x
The bill of E,A,Petcrson of 37 hrs ditching along road in Norman-
dale Add .rms alowed .
President J,T,Delaney,J.J.Duegan and H.J.Knudsen were appolnted
3udges ,and Clerk E,T .Edson and Trustee C,F.Prescott as clez-ks of Primary Election.J.L,Rutledge and H.CHansen as counting judges and
D,F,BcGuire and Gco.lVillson as clerks
Add e
Presfdent J.T.Delaney,J.J.Duggan and Clerk E,T,Edson vere appointed
delegates to the Municipal convention .at Detroit8
Received from the State Dalry and Food Dtpart,ment,$IB.OO Clgarett license.
Received from County Treasurer,advance on June settlenent $2000.00
133 I
The following bills were duly considered and on motion of Trustee
C ,F.Prescott,seconded by Trustee H. J.Knudsen were allowed.
Road bills
Dan McGuire team 262 hrs at 906 $235.80 e James Berkmoes 261 234.90
264 237.60 Ed Costallo
Dan McNellis
37.S.Joy St Om. 293 days at $5.00 per day 147.50
E,A,Peterson ditching 37 hrs along road in Norman-
Other bills
Andrew TIVebber labor 264 hrs at 456 I18 080
201 90.45 Clarence Hnudsen I83 82 35
9 4.05
K.Bilebber (1
Em .Mac ek 246 & 3-4 yds gravel 256 61 e70
dale 16.65 $1151.45
J .D .Adams Go . . grader blade 7.50 Geo.J.Silk printing and publishing 68.10 Npls.Gen.Elcctrlc Co. street lights for Mag 43.75
E,T,Edson 3 mos clerk salary 120.00
H aR ,KeWI tt , Atty* legal..' services 75.00
F. J .Carolhe 8 fumigators for Gould family 3.60 317.95
Making a total for the month
Quit Claim Deed To Village Of Edina.
Name of owner Description Of Property
John Moore, That part of Government Lots one (I) and four ,4
w id omr , Section twenty-eight (28) Township one hundred seven- teen (117) North,Range twenty-one (21) VJest,described as follows, to-wit :
Beginning at a point in the East line of Section twenty- eight(28) five hundred ninety-five and eight-tenths (595 &)
feet South of the Suothcrly riwt of way line of the
Minneapolfs Lyndale and Minne tonka Railway Company; thence
in a Yesteriy direction on a curve to the left with a
radius of two hundred ninety-one otnaTone tenth (291,T)feet
a distance of one hundred four ahd .elght-tanths(I04.8)fee~;
thence on a curve to- the riwt with a radius of five
hundred twenty-seven and eight-tenths feet (527.8) a distance of one hundred fifty-two and nine-tenths (152.9)
feet; thence South eighty-ffve degrees and fifty-eight
minutes Vest,a distance of seventy-two (72)feet to a point
three hundred twenty-three and six-tenths (323.6)feet West of the East line of Section twenty-eight (28);thanco
North forty and two-tenths (40.2) feet;thence North eighty-
five degrees fifty-eight minutes East sfxtpnine and twQ+ tenths (69.2) feet; thence on a curve to left with a
radius of four hundred eighty-seven and eight-tenths
(487.8) feet a distance of one hundred forty and nine-tenths
(140.9) feet; thence on a curve to the right with a radius
of three hundred thirty-one and one-tenth (331.1) feet a
distance of one hundred ninteen and two-tenths (II9.2)feet
to the East line of Section twenty-sight (28); thence
South forty (40) feet to the point of beginning.
Also 'a strip of land forty (40) feet aide and described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of the right of way of the Minneapolis,Lyndale and Minnetonka Railway
Company,said point .being one hundred thirsy-five (165)fee.t; West of the East line of Section twenty-eight (28);thcnca
South parallel to the said East line of Section twenty-eight,
a distanse 09 five hundred one and four-tenths (502.4) feet to the North&rGy line of the first above described contin-
uation of Y?eS% 47.t;ih;street ;thcnsc lYes%erly along said
Northerly line to a point one hundred seventy-five (175)
feet Vest of the East line of Seceion twenty-eight (28); thence North five hundred thirty-one and five-tenths (531.5)
feet to the Southerly line of said Minneapolis,Lyndale and
Minnetonka Railway Cornpany;thence East forty (40)feet to
the point of beginning.
. 134
also a strfp of land forty (40) feet wide lying next
fro and adjo9ning the South and Vest side of the
following descrfbed line,to-nil: Beginning at a point one hundred seventy-five (175) feet Tiest of the East; line of &aid Sectfon twenty-
eighL (28) and two hundred eleven and five-tenths
(211.5) feet South of the right of may of the
Minneapolis ,Lyndals and Minnetonka Railvay Company;
thence Nest two hundred seventy-five and fow-tontins
(275.4) feet;thence North two degrees and twenty minutes
Bast sixty-one and five-tenths (61,5)feet;thenca on a curve to the right with a radius of one hundred
eighty-seven and six-tenths (187 *6)fset 8 distance
of seventy-seven and ei~ht-ten~hs(77.8)feet;thence on a tangent to the last named curve seven and six-
tenths (7-6)feet;thence on a curve.to th~ left vdth
a radius of one hundred eighty-three( I83)feet 8 distance of sixty-four and two-tenths (64&2)feet to
the South line of the right of way of safd l(Iinneapolis,
Lyrrdale Railway Company.
Meeting adjourned