HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-09 Parks & Rec Comm PacketDraft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina Parks & Recreation Commission Edina City Hall, Community Room Tuesday, April 4, 2017 7 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair McCormick called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were Members McCormick, Good, Dahlien, Gieseke, McAwley, Nelson, Strother and Student Members Hulbert and Gustafson. Absent were: Member Miller Staff present: Staff Liaison Ann Kattreh, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Susan Faus and Administrative Coordinator Janet Canton III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion made by Strother to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion made by Dahlien to approve the March 14, 2017 minutes. Motion seconded by Gieseke. Motion carried. V. Community Comment None VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Park Signage Replacement Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Faus informed the commission that Park Signage Project has been delayed; the Communications Department feels they need to pursue some other design options because they feel the sign doesn’t completely tie into Edina’s branding guidelines. Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Faus went through some other options. Commission members had a discussion, brought up concerns and asked questions. Director Kattreh informed the commission once the pricing is available she will keep everyone informed. B. Park Visits Commissioners who had updates on their assigned parks gave those updates to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. C. Work Plan Update – Chair McCormick informed the commission that the Work Plan Update is another item that will be added to the agenda under Reports and Recommendations. Staff Liaison Kattreh gave an update on the progress of the Arden Park Natural Resource Plan. Staff Liaison Kattreh gave an update on the Braemar Park Master Plan. Commission members asked questions and had a discussion. Chair McCormick informed the commission that good progress is being made on the Fred Richards Master Plan and the Park Signage Replacement project. Staff Liaison Kattreh informed the commission the Comprehensive Plan project hasn’t officially kicked off yet; however, they should be hearing something soon. Staff Liaison Kattreh informed the commission that they will be focusing on the Weber Woods Master Plan later this year. Chair McCormick asked the commission to start thinking about items for the 2018 Work Plan. VII. City Council Updates, Correspondence and Petitions A. City Council Updates March 21, 2017 Nothing to report. VIII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Dahlien asked about the High School Tennis Courts being put in at Creek Valley; he is concerned it may cut into the field space that is being used for the youth soccer programs. He commented this gets back to the School Board representative communicating with the Parks & Recreation Commission. Staff Liaison Kattreh added that Val Burke, Director of Community Education, will be the new School Board representative and will be starting at their May commission meeting. Commissioner Good commented that he continues to get good reports back on the pickleball courts and people are asking when they are going to have more. In addition they have also been asking where the restrooms are. Staff Liaison Kattreh replied they are currently trying to find the best location for a portable restroom but that one will be placed out there soon. IX. Staff Comments • The dome is scheduled to come down on May 5 with the bad weather date scheduled for May 12; the last event scheduled at the dome is April 26. • The Aquatic Center new filter installation is complete and the zero depth play structure will be installed this spring before the Aquatic Center opens. • The Braemar Golf Course construction is going to be starting next week. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: Click here to enter a date. • The Centennial Lakes bridge project is in its final design and they are getting ready to bid the project sometime early summer; there should more updates at the May 9 meeting. • All of the playground staff has been hired; there is a lot of returning guy employees. In addition there is a lot of returning tennis instructors. The Aquatic Center is still looking for more lifeguards. • Staff Liaison Kattreh thanked the commissioners for all of their help at tonight’s work session; she couldn’t have expected a better outcome and it’s because of all of the Parks & Recreation Commission’s feedback to the City Council. • Staff Liaison Kattreh was recently contacted by Scott Takenoff from Hillcrest Development and he would like to get together to discuss parking and talk about how they can work together as well as talk about how they can work together on the storm water management. X. Adjournment Motion made by Nelson to adjourn the April 4, 2017 meeting at 8:38 p.m. Motion seconded by Good. Motion carried. May 9, 2017 Parks & Recreation Commission Susan Faus, Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Park Signage Replacement Information / Background: City Council approved a development plan and subdivision request in 2014 that created the Continental Gardens 100-unit housing project. Because the project required a subdivision, the owner of the new development paid the city a Park Improvement Fund payment of $500,000. At the June 2, 2015 City Council meeting, City Manager Scott Neal asked the council to earmark these funds for the Park Signage Improvement Project. Funds had not been previously assigned in the Capital Improvement Plan to pay for the replacement of the park signs. The primary goal of the project was to replace all of the main park entrance signs and develop a sign plan for each park including an overview map for each location. At the Oct. 18, 2016 City Council meeting, City Council approved the Request for Purchase for Design Services with Signcrafters. Staff from the Communications & Technology Department, Park Maintenance, Parks & Recreation and Parks & Recreation Commission were actively engaged throughout the design process and provided input and direction. Signcrafters presented several design styles to review that included the city brand guidelines. The design that is being recommended incorporates all of the considerations. The main items considered in the decision making process were: • Budget • Vandalism and graffiti resistant • Natural colors that blend in and not stand out • Materials that will withstand the elements and time • City of Edina branding guidelines REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 We currently have 46 main park entrance signs. The plan presented will replace all of those signs and add 9 additional signs at the secondary entrances at some of the parks. There will be two sizes of signs. The parks in Edina are broken down and classified based on size; the classifications are community, neighborhood and mini parks. The larger signs will be installed at the community and neighborhood parks and the smaller signs at the mini parks and secondary park entrances. Staff will be asking City Council for approval of the design at the May 16 meeting. If approved, Signcrafters will prepare the specs and bid documents. The sign fabrication and installation will be advertised for sealed bids and the bid opening is scheduled for the end of July 2017. On the Parks & Recreation Commission work plan this item was given a Charge 2. Staff is asking for the Parks & Recreation Commission to review and comment on the final design. • Board/Commission is asked to review a specific policy issue and to seek comments from each individual member of the group to pass on to City council for further consideration. • Member comments will be included in the Staff Report (optional, commission can include an Advisory communication with the staff report). • No vote is taken by the Board or Commission. • No official Board/Commission recommendation is provided to the City Council. 75 CAST ALUMINUM PLAQUE VINYL PARKS AND RECREATION • Grandview .1 Square Park • I 93" Approval (E)111311131YINDER UNNIIIVID1110 "to IMMO OM 'Nu SIGN IS WENDED TO BE PISTALLEIll IN ACCORDANCE VIM THE REQUIROSENTS OF ARTICLE 1160 OF PIE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AMPOP MEP APPLICAll. LOCAL CMS. PM Scums MUER GROUNDING MOM.. OF ME PGA This document represents an approximation of colons apeolflad. Actual product colors may vary from tel. print or digital imago. Thia drawing Is property of Signcrottora Outdoor end all rights to llr. use. SIDE VIEW 20" 72" Entrance MonuMent (A) 405 Ann...le Lane Minneapolis. MN 6G4 Phone: 712-571-PlMa Fax: 0.1.071-3000 www.eematlonsonm TOP VIEW Page 2 of 4 Project Edina Parke Location 825 TREATED CEDAR POSTS 6X6 TREATED CEDAR POSTS FCO ALUMINUM LETTERS I/4" / 1/1:' SPACERS PAINTED WHITE PAINTED ALUMINUM PANEL BLACK 7C ALUMINUM BUCKLE FASTENERS PAINTED ALUMINUM PANEL BLACK 7C Jab Description Entrance Monument Drawing e Edina Parks 2017 v9 Drawn By BK Date 4/26/2017 Missing Info. 5225 Grandview Square *-11 SIDE VIEW 74 60' VINYL LOGO VINYL PARKS AND RECREATION 6X6 TREATED CEDAR POSTS 4X4 TREATED CEDAR POSTS FCO ALUMINUM LETTERS 1/4" / 1/4" SPACERS PAINTED WHITE PAINTED ALUMINUM PANEL BLACK 7C ALUMINUM BUCKLE FASTENERS PAINTED ALUMINUM PANEL BLACK 7C VINYL COPY 57 3/ 60" 16" 8igncra.aft er8 GKM ./ NOS Annapolis Lam Minnospolis, MN 55441 Mons: 7113-571-2006 Fax: 703-ST1-30110 wveveAcoulcloo.om Page 3 of 4 Project Edina Park, Location Job Description Entrance Monument Drawing H Edina Parke 2017v9 Drawn By.: BK Date 4/26/2017 Missing Into. Approval TIVI BM IS INTENDED TON INSTALLED El ACCORDANCE 0414 TAS REQUIREMENTS OF ARTICLE 0000F THE A110.1. EEC= CODE AND/MOTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL C00E5,71149 INCLUDES PROPER GROUNDING ND BONONG OF TIES*, This document raprosents an epprOxiMation of colors spocified, Actual product colors may vory from this print or 01511011modu. This drawing Is ProfMftY of Sloncroltorn Outdoor and nil nonin to Ito um. Entrance Monument (E3) TOP VIEW Entrance Monument (C) Alternate TOP VIEW 6X6 TREATED CEDAR POSTS 4X4 TREATED CEDAR POSTS WHITE VINYL PAINTED ALUMINUM PANEL BLACK 7C ALUMINUM BUCKLE FASTENERS 8" 6" 74" 60" VINYL LOGO VINYL PARKS AND RECREATION 16" 60" SIDE VIEW 6" NMI Annapolis Una Mineapolis, MN 5Saa1 Paono: 703,71-2935 Fax: TODD TS-OSIM www.scoulcloo too rn Page 4 of 4 Project Edina Parks Location Job Description Entrance Monument Drawing # Edina Parks 201 7 v9 Drawn By DK Date 4/26/2017 Missing Info. Approval TES MON IS INTENDED TO OE IITSTMSED IN ACCORD.NCE FAMINE REOMDEMENTS OF ARTICLE SOD OF THE NATO. ELECTRIC CODE ANDOR OTNERAPPLICABLE LOCAL CODES THIS INCLUDES POOPED GROUNDING AND BONDING OT /DESIGN. TMs document represents an approxlmatIon or colors OpoclOod. Actual product colors may vary from this print or digital Image. This drawing Is property of Sloncralters Outdoor and all rlohte to Ito use. May 9, 2017 Parks & Recreation Commission Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director Jessica Wilson, Water Resources Coordinator Renae Clark, Planner & Project Manager, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Arden Park Natural Resources Plan Information / Background: City and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District staff will be presenting a final draft concept plan for Arden Park which includes a perspective park rendering, cost estimate, broad funding plan and preliminary schedule. Parks & Recreation Commissioners McAwley and Strother have participated in every step of the planning process, including meetings with staff and consultants and all open houses. The draft concept plan for Arden Park was presented at the Dec. 13, 2016 meeting Park Board Meeting. The overall reaction to the plan was positive. Specific feedback provided is characterized and summarized as follows: Communication: Asked about outreach strategy and suggestion for more outreach via Twitter, Facebook, Next Door and website. Recreation: Inquired about mountain biking on adventure trail, expressed tubing interest, suggested adding creek mile markers and other wayfinding components, commented about snow shoeing along creek. Facilities: Asked if proposed new shelter building could be used for summer programming, expressed value for sitting areas and suggested seating sponsorship, asked if additional parking should be added. Creek: Asked about the water table and how creek levels might change with a stream remeander. Funding: Asked how this project came about and what warrants its priority. Since the Dec. 13 Park Board review, the draft concept plan was brought before Edina City Council and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) Board of Managers for review. The project team assembled all input received from the public, maintenance staff, Park Board, Council and MCWD Board to produce a final draft and cost estimate. STAFF REPORT Page 2 In 2014 the City of Edina and Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) identifying areas of collaboration within the realms of land use planning, stormwater management, economic development, flood mitigation, parks and public land management, greenway development and water resource improvements. Under that MOU the district and city examined options for removal of an existing grade control structure within Minnehaha Creek in conjunction with the city’s W. 54th Street bridge replacement project. The grade control structure is a barrier to fish passage and degrades aquatic habitat. During project development, a bypass pipe alternate was designed to provide fish passage while preserving a valued recreational benefit associated with the grade control structure. Prior to bridge reconstruction we learned that likely due to flood flows in the creek, the recreational value around the structure was diminished. On Aug. 16, 2016 City Council authorized a Memorandum of Agreement with MCWD establishing a cooperative framework to jointly develop a concept plan for Arden Park which integrates channel habitat improvement and stormwater management with the goals of the city’s Strategic Plan for parks, recreation and trails, and integrates the riparian environment into the public use experience. Through a public input process co-lead by city staff, a draft concept plan was developed. The concept plan was guided by a project team that included city staff, Watershed District staff, Park Board members Eileen McAwley and Julie Strother and a consulting landscape architect. Public Review Process The civic engagement strategy included a series of three public meetings. Seeking to understand the desires and values of the community at the beginning was a critical piece in shaping the development of the Arden Park concept plan. About 800 invitations were sent to neighbors in the Arden Park neighborhood and northern Minnehaha Woods neighborhood (the area bounded by 50th and 56th, and Wooddale and France). The public notice also provided the opportunity to participate through the project website: www.minnehahacreek.org/arden-park. Public Meeting 1 We started with a blank slate, recognizing that a concept plan should be informed by the neighborhood and users of the park. Before putting pen to paper, we convened the neighborhood in the first meeting and asked these three key questions; 1) How do you use the park and what is valuable to you about the park? 2) What issues or concerns need to be addressed with the park? 3) What are your desires for the future of Arden Park? Input from the participants was organized into five major categories: community placemaking, connecting with nature, water recreation, recreation (passive and active), and maintenance and safety. This feedback informed the draft concept for meeting #2. Public Meeting 2 We convened the neighborhood for a second meeting in November and presented the initial concept ideas to an audience of about 25. A series of small focus group discussions focused on the creek, facilities and trails helped to further refine the concept plan and allowed us to check some assumptions. There were several themes that emerged: • It was apparent that the neighbors viewed the park as a community resource with one participant saying “the park belongs to the neighborhood.” STAFF REPORT Page 3 • Neighbors were in favor of a community meeting place, but there was some hesitation about improvements that would draw a lot of additional traffic to the park. • There were concerns about the schedule of any future work and the funding source. The neighborhood had recently undergone a street reconstruction and have recent memory of the impacts and assessments. • Flooding and drainage issues were a concern. • The natural character of the park was of high value and there was a desire to have more opportunities to connect with the creek and nature through both passive and active modes, both in the Minnehaha Creek corridor and adjacent park areas. • Nature, native plants, ecosystem health and natural beauty frequently appeared in comments. • In-stream recreation included a wide range of users from adventure seeking kayakers to leisurely tubers. There was a desire for more access points from which to fish and view the creek. • There is an opportunity to better connect the portion of the Arden Park neighborhood west of the park, both visually and physically along Brookview Avenue. • The trails, with multiple access points, loops and types were well received. • The permanent ice rink might accommodate a summertime use as a sanctioned dog park, as opposed to a sport court. • Overall, the requests were modest, asking for upgrades to existing facilities. Residents indicated that the ice rink and warming house are highly valued and heavily used, but in need of improvement. Public Meeting 3 After assembling public input, input from the park maintenance staff, council and MCWD Board of Managers the final draft concept and perspective rendering were developed and presented at a public forum on May 1. Attendance increased to approximately 50 residents. Questions and discussion focused on fish and habitat impacts as a result of the change to Minnehaha Creek, funding and schedule. Following the presentation there was at-large support expressed for the project. Cost Estimates and Funding Cost estimates have been broken down by concept plan element: Park Facilities, Trails, Creek Restoration and Associated Improvements, and Stormwater Management. Potential grant funding sources for stormwater management and trails has been identified. The agency that would have primary financial responsibility for each element is noted in the graph below. STAFF REPORT Page 4 Park Facilities - Estimate Park shelter $700,000 Park shelter terrace and creek overlook $56,000 Rink replacement with six lights $65,000 Aluminum bleacher seating $12,000 Playground replacement $125,000 Playground seating and benches $7,000 Night lighting $114,000 Landscape $100,000 Park furnishings $15,000 Miscellaneous site costs $118,000 TOTAL $1,312,000 Budget Discussion Minnehaha Creek Watershed District’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes creek restoration and stormwater for Arden Park in 2018. Funding allocations will be finalized in September 2017. City Budget Summary: 1. Arden Park Clean Water and Natural Resources CIP (Engineering 17-081) for $150,000 in 2018 and $25,000 over the next three years for maintenance 2. Arden Park Shelter Building Replacement CIP (Parks 15-047, unfunded) for $650,000 in 2019 3. Arden Park Master Plan CIP (Parks 17-137, unfunded) for $40,000 in 2019 4. The Parks budget includes Arden Park ice rink replacement that had been planned for 2017 5. The Arden Park playground was built in 1997 and is in need of replacement. Other playgrounds installed in 1997 and in need of replacement are Birchcrest, Garden, Highlands, Strachauer, Tingdale, Todd, Walnut Ridge. Lewis Park playground was installed in 1995. All of these playground replacements are unfunded. Schedule (draft, proposed) Applications for 2018 grant dollars are due in 2017. June 6, 2017: City Council review and approval of cooperative agreement for coordination and cost sharing June 8, 2017: MCWD review and approval of cooperative agreement for coordination and cost sharing, final approval scheduled June 22, 2017 July – December 2017: Permit initiation, consultant procurement, design initiation January – June 2018: Complete design of creek improvements, stormwater management, trails and vegetation restoration November 2018 - June 2019: Construction of creek realignment, stormwater management, demolition of shelter building, trails and vegetation June 2019: Construction of new shelter building STAFF REPORT Page 5 Action Requested The Parks & Recreation Commission is being asked to review and recommend (City Council Charge 3 on the Work Plan) the Arden Park Natural Resources Plan. Member comments will be included in the Staff Report to the City Council. A majority vote is necessary for a recommendation to be formally submitted to the City Council. ARDEN PARK Edina, Minnesota May 1, 2017© 2016 HART HOWERTON. Th e designs and concepts shown are the sole property of Hart Howerton. Th e drawings may not be used except with the expressed written consent of Hart Howerton. CONCEPT PLAN 1/8 ac 1/16 ac 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 400' 1" = 50' at full size (30" x 42") 1 min. Walk MINNEHAHA BLVD.52ND STREET BROOKVIEW AVENUEOaklawn Avenue53rd Street 54TH STREETArden AvenueBruce Pla c e Winter Ice Rink & Summer Dog Park Park Shelter & Viewing Terrace Playground THE GREAT LAWN Bridge Proposed Boardwalk OVERLOOK PARK Realigned Trail Landing Existing Path Proposed Trail Proposed Stairs Proposed Stairs Proposed Stairs Proposed Stairs City Council Updates By Scott Neal April 4, 2017 • The petition regarding Van Valkenburg Park was given under “Community Comment” • Approved the purchase for the Braemar Golf Course deck renovation. • Approved the purchase of a Toro Reelmaster 3555 for Braemar Golf Course. • Approved the purchase of a Toro Greensmaster 3150 for Braemar Golf Course. • Approved the Braemar Golf Junior Annual Pass Fee addition. April 18, 2017 • Nothing to report. May 2, 2017 • Approved the request to waive building permit fees for Pamela Maintenance Building. • Approved the final design for the new pedestrian bridges at Centennial Lakes Park. Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 11:20 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Arden Park restoration project proposal Hi Janet, Can we include this in the PARC packet if they didn't specifically request it? Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 • AKattrehEdinaMN.00v I EdinaMN.gov From: Marys Gmail [mailto:mjp53roxy@gmail.corn] Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 10:36 AM To: James Hovland; Mary Brindle; Mike Fischer; Kevin Staunton; Robert Stewart Cc: Ann Kattreh; Ross Bintner; rclark@minnehahacreek.orq Subject: Arden Park restoration project proposal Good morning, I am currently a member of the Arden Park Neighborhood Association Steering Committee and live at 5120 Halifax Ave S. I have attended all of the restoration proposal meetings held thus far and I am totally impressed and excited about the renovations and upgrades proposed by the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District in conjunction with the City of Edina. This park is a jewel in our neighborhood. It enhances our quality of life (and our property values) but more importantly it makes changes to improve and maintain the natural environment and habitat of the creek area in addition to storm water management. It is a meeting place for our neighborhood community and serves the larger community by allowing access to the creek for recreational enjoyment. I FULLY support this project and sincerely hope that the funding necessary for this improvement will come forth. Thank you for your time and consideration. Yours truly, Mary Porter 5120 Halifax Ave S mjp53roxy@gmail.com 1 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 8:09 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Arden Park PARC packet Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattreh©EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov From: Michael Bahr [mailto:mbahr54@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2017 8:37 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Arden Park Dear Ann Kattreh, I understand that the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District group is speaking to the Edina Park Board members on Tuesday night, May 9. It sounds like it is a meeting not open to the public for discussion. As an Edina resident and living right next to Arden Park I have some concerns. I was able to go to the meeting that the Watershed Development group had last winter. I was very impressed with many aspects of the plans. The new walking trails and the new year round community building are spectacular ideas. It is a beautiful and well thought out plan. There is one part of the plan that I think is wrong. The small dam that is the 54th Street bridge is scheduled to be removed. This is such a treasure to Arden Park and the community. Everyday there are dozens of kids and adults fishing in the deep hole below the dam. They are catching all kinds of fish. In fact, last year a 48 inch Northern Pike was caught there. We live only 1/2 a block from the dam and can see the rapids. It is heavily used by kayaks, canoes and tubers. When the water is high enough they all shoot the rapids and squeal in delight as they go over. The sounds of the rushing water is very soothing and calming. My understanding is that the removal of the dam will make it much more accessible to creek users. It is already very accessible and useable. If they want to go around the dam there is a nice crosswalk that enable them to cross over. 54th Street is not a busy street and there are stop signs on both ends of the bridge. If the dam is removed the heavily used fishing hole will be obliterated and the rapids will be removed. The wetlands above the dam will also disappear. With that the fish that reproduce there will disappear too. We have a resident bald eagle that hangs out looking for fish, great blue herons and egrets that are always around fishing in the wetlands above along with deer and a myriad of other critters. If the true purpose of the project is to return Minnehaha Creek to its natural path then the Gray's Bay Dam at Lake Minnetonka needs to be removed too. We all know that Gray's Bay Dam is what really controls the water flow to Minnehaha Creek. We also know that the residents of Minnetonka would not allow the dam to be removed. So why spend all of the money it will take to remove the 54th street dam. Again, it is a treasure that is enjoyed by so many residents. I plan to be at the Tuesday meeting along with many other residents. We hope that we will have some time to discuss this with the commissioners then or at another convenient time. If it is at all possible for you to forward on my email it would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Michael Bahr 1 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 8:05 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Minnehaha Creek - 54th Street rapids Please include in Park Board correspondence. I believe that we were told by Deb that it doesn't go in a Council packet unless it specifically states that they want it to go to Council? I don't want to get accused of withholding information. I'm going to send you a few others that I've received too. Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattrehEdinaMN.qov I EdinaMN.gov From: Morrie Hartman [mailto:morriehartmanPme.com] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 7:20 AM To: Ann Kattreh Cc: Michael Bahr; Renae Clark Subject: Minnehaha Creek - 54th Street rapids Dear Ms. Kattreh: I live a few hundred feet from the 54th Street rapids - I'm listening to their gentle hum now, as I write this - and I want to express to you how very troubled I was when I learned just yesterday that there's a plan being considered to remove those rapids. We take great delight in watching from our deck the many kayackers and canoeists shooting the rapids on their journeys downstream past our home. Plus, the constant sound of the rapids is a pleasant, soothing white noise. Furthermore, we love watching the many, many adults and children swimming and fishing in the "fishing/swimming hole" at the base of the rapids. The wildlife are abundant there: bald eagles, herons, fox, deer, egrets. And the fish are abundant below the rapids. I can even look down at the creek from our deck and see them swimming there. The rapids are a neighborhood treasure. We do NOT want the rapids to be removed. Furthermore, it is particularly egregious that we were not notified regarding the various meetings that discussed these plans. Our neighbors are just getting wind of these plans for the rapids, and I'm guessing that as more people learn about these plans, opposition to them will rise. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morrie Hartman 1 5417 Woodcrest Drive Edina, MN 55424 612-269-6958 Morrie Hartman I Realtor Edina Realty 2017 P.dina is.:::ealty.Leadnrchip Circle Exceptional Properties Avision 5318 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis I Minnesota I 55419 612.269.6958 I Mobile 612.821.4235 I Office 612.827.0373 I Fax Email: morriehartmanedinarealty.com Web: www.morriehartman.edinarealty.com If someone you know is considering buying or selling, please let me know. I will give them my utmost attention. Download my mobile search app: http://app.edinarealty.com/MorrieHartman 2 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:22 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Arden Park Project For PARC ae+J.A 0 ttli Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director icr 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov From: Max Hackett [mailto:Max@ytgloves.corn] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 9:55 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Arden Park Project Hi Ranae, I hope that you are doing well. I am a Minnehaha Creek resident that leaves near the 54th st bridge. I am not sure if you are aware of the "Next Door" app for neighborhood discussions but since a post the other day there have been a great number of people chiming in to the email chain to express their deep concerns about removing the waterfall by the bridge. It does feel like everyone is onboard with the many other improvements proposed in the project — ice rink, warming house, playground, paths, stairs, etc. However, everyone simply LOVES the waterfall by the 54th st. bridge and I do too. It is such an interesting feature and it gathers many people to watch and fish nearby. Everyday there is great activity around it and I believe it would be a shame to remove this feature. Please consider pulling this aspect of the project. It is certainly not something that the neighbors want and the idea of it is clearly upsetting to many. I understand it must be tough to be in your position when much time is spent on plans and then folks chime in at the 11th hour. I just hope you all will strongly reconsider this aspect of the plan. I would encourage you to visit the bridge again and see how pretty it is and how many people enjoy it on a daily basis. Thank you for your time. Best Regards, Max Max Hackett VP Sales & Marketing c. 310.428.8182 o. 800.680.7177 x 7108 max@ytgloves.com www.ytgloves.com Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director I 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 .1/ AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:41 AM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Parks & Rec & City Council - Arden Park Project Is this a duplicate? From: Lynette Biunno On Behalf Of Edina Mail Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:40 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: FW: Parks & Rec & City Council - Arden Park Project Good morning, This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council members, Parks & Recreation Commission members and Ann Kattreh. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 1952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 IbiunnoEdinaMN.qov I EdinaMN.gov From: Max Hackett [mailto:Max@ytgloves.com] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:34 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Parks & Rec & City Council - Arden Park Project To Those Determining the Future of Arden Park, As a resident who enjoys Arden Park I wanted to write in to express my concern regarding the removal of the FALLS under the 54th st. bridge. It is an interesting, beautiful and great feature that so many people enjoy on a daily basis. I am certainly in favor of many of the upgrades that are proposed regarding walking paths, warming houses, rink and playground upgrades. However, altering the creek flow and removing the falls is greatly concerning. There is an email chain going on "Next Door" showing many concerned residents who see this as something that would be damaging to the great thing we have going and at a high cost as well. I would encourage any of you making this decision to take the time and go by this bridge on a nice day. See for yourself how many kids and families and people truly enjoy this area: It is really cool! Thank for taking the time to read my email and I really hope you will reconsider your next steps as it pertains to the creek and falls. 1 Best Regards, Max Max Hackett VP Sales & Marketing c. 310A28.8182 o. 800.680.7177 x 7108 max@ytgloves.com www.ytgloves.com 2 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:38 PM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Please don't destroy the 54th Street Minnehaha Creek Rapids For PARC )Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattreh@EdinaMN.Qov I EdinaMN.gov From: Morrie Hartman [mailto:morriehartman(ame.com] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:47 AM To: Edina Mail Cc: Michael Bahr; rclarkftminnehahacreek.orq; Ann Kattreh Subject: Please don't destroy the 54th Street Minnehaha Creek Rapids Dear Edina City Council Members: I live a few hundred feet from the 54th Street rapids - I'm listening to their gentle hum now, as I write this - and I want to express to you how very troubled I was when I learned just yesterday that there's a plan being considered to remove those rapids. We take great delight in watching from our deck the many kayackers and canoeists shooting the rapids on their journeys downstream past our home. Plus, the constant sound of the rapids is a pleasant, soothing white noise. Furthermore, we love watching the many, many adults and children swimming and fishing in the "fishing/swimming hole" at the base of the rapids. The wildlife are abundant there: bald eagles, herons, fox, deer, egrets. And the fish are abundant below the rapids. I can even look down at the creek from our deck and see them swimming there. The rapids are a neighborhood treasure. We do NOT want the rapids to be removed. Furthermore, it is particularly egregious that we were not notified regarding the various meetings that discussed these plans. Our neighbors are just getting wind of these plans for the rapids, and I'm guessing that as more people learn about these plans, opposition to them will rise. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morrie Hartman 5417 Woodcrest Drive Edina, MN 55424 612-269-6958 Morrie Hartman Realtor Edina Realty ""7,17 Trina r,ealtv Leadership Circle xc,?ptional Propel ties Division 5318 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis I Minnesota I 55419 612.269.6958 I Mobile 612.821.4235 I Office 612.827.0373 I Fax Email: morriehartman(&edinarealty.com Web: www.morriehartman.edinarealty.com If someone you know is considering buying or selling, please let me know. I will give them my utmost attention. Download my mobile search app: http://app.edinarealty.com/MorrieHartman 2 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:02 PM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Arden Park Project For PARC Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov Original Message From: jjharlea@gmail.com [mailto:iiharlea@gmail.corn] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 11:49 AM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Arden Park Project Good Afternoon, I would like to pass on my concerns related to the Arden Park proposal. I have concerns about changing the structure of the dam and water fall at the 54th street bridge. I am strongly opposed to any changes there and think it should be left as it is. This is a unique feature of the city that many people visit and continue to enjoy. This particular feature is a draw for residents in and out of that neighborhood. Please do not alter it. Any upgrades to the other parts of the area should be minimal as well to retain the natural landscape that presently exists. A large part of the appeal is that it is unique in its current state and not "suburbanized" park appeal. Let's keep the existing, natural park appeal, please! Thank you. Jennifer Hennemuth Edina Resident Sent from my iPhone 1 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:20 PM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Removal of waterfall at 54th ATTN Parks and Rec, City Council PARC ,.(io . j\— Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director ,) 1 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 ,"\.'-1 --.4.,'' AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov From: Lynette Biunno On Behalf Of Edina Mail Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:15 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: FW: Removal of waterfall at 54th ATTN Parks and Rec, City Council Good afternoon, This message is being forwarded to the Mayor and Council members, Parks & Recreation Commission Board members and Ann Kattreh. 2‘ Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 1952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 Ibiunno@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov From: stan davis [mailto:edinacreekside@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 12:51 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Removal of waterfall at 54th ATTN Parks and Rec, City Council I am writing to express my extreme displeasure in hearing that the city is considering a project, the Arden Park restoration, that will remove the waterfall on Minnehaha creek at 54th street. I am not alone. I was able to attend 2 of the meetings but it was not until the third meeting that I realized that the plan included the removal of the waterfall. this was not mentioned in a way that would make that obvious to the participant. it was mentioned that a dam would be removed and then the discussions were about paths and winding creek. the waterfall is a huge plus for our neighborhood and is loved by many as a place to reflect, listen, tube, kayak, and fish. I can walk my dog by it on the way to 50th and france. five well known realtors in the area think it's a bad idea. that tells you something. secondly, out of this must come some better way to communicate with residents. there are many people angry about the lack of communication about this issue and how they could not know what was going on with their beloved waterfall. sadly I have a sense that this might have been the idea given how poor the information has been, what has happened in the past and the unexplained need 1 to commit to this project. there is also a lot of speculation around some nefarious use of monies by the city rather than a true interest in making the creek better for its citizens. please do not remove the waterfall and please reject the current arden park restoration plan. we all want the park cleaned up...remove buckthorn, trash, some of the deadwood, a new year round warming house, but we don't want the waterfall removed...it's too much a part of our neighborhood. thank you, stan davis md, have lived on Minnehaha creek in Edina for 20 years. Stanley Edgar Davis MD, FACOG 5509 Woodcrest Drive Edina, Minnesota 55424 Cell: 612 839-7322 (Please text if convenient.) E-MAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This communication, along with any documents, files or attachments, is intended only for the use of the addressee(s) and may contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of any information contained in or attached to this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy the original communication and its attachments without reading, printing or saving in any manner. Thank you. 2 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 2:24 PM To: Janet Canton Subject: FW: Arden park, attn. city council and park and recreation PARC Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov Original Message From: Lynette Biunno On Behalf Of Edina Mail Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:44 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: FW: Arden park, attn. city council and park and recreation Good afternoon, This message has been forward to the Mayor and Council members, Parks & Recreation Commission Board members and Ann Kattreh. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 Ibiunno@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov Original Message From: Tom jones [mailto:tom@renex.us] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 1:25 PM To: Edina Mail; reply@rs.email.nextdoor.com Subject: Arden park, attn. city council and park and recreation To whom it may concern, I was notified approximately 2 weeks ago concerning the proposals and 5/1/17 meeting concerning the Arden Park proposals. It was disturbing to read that there was a representation that there had been "extensive neighborhood input", as we live on the 5200 block of Brookview, face the park, and have never received any request for input, little alone any form of communication. I suppose there is some explanation that somehow our address of 30 years, happened to be omitted, however, via subsequent communication with neighbors, and viewing dozens of "posts" on the Arden Park area website, it appears we were not the exception, but the rule. That not only were a large percentage of the residents not notified, most are vehemently opposed to the proposal. The proposal touts improved enjoyment of the park via the addition of extensive trails, added bridges, removal of the dam, addition of stairway and some improvements to park structures. It goes on to say this will " improve wildlife habitat, treat regional storm water, provide more consistent creek flow, and improve canoeing and fishing" 1 I'm not familiar with the concept of removing wetlands, trees, or other native vegetation to improve wildlife habitat, nor does doing this resonate any logic concerning treatment of regional storm water. In fact most projects nation and statewide seeking to improve water conditions and drainage, encourage the opposite. The addition of more hard cover, will not only increase surface runoff, but the areas where the paths are proposed, are unlikely to survive water level events that have been commonplace in the last several decades. Though the watershed district's website includes data from a Barr engineering report, whereby only a "100 year" and "10 year event" are noted, most of the proposed path areas were submerged as recently as 5/1/2017, and to an extent, that removal of the dam would not have mitigated. As recently as the past 3 years there have been events where most of the park, properties on Bruce Pl., Woodcrest, and W000dland cir., had water encroachment representing elevation change far greater than the height of the dam. In fact, where removal of the dam may have mitigated some of the encroachment on Bruce Place, it would have exacerbated the issues South of 54th St. It should also be noted that of the approximately 250' the creek descends from Gray's Bay to the Mississippi, from Utley Park to Pamela Park, there is only a 15' elevation change. Also of note are the facts that Big Willow, the property east of Cargill's headquarters, and south of Cedar Lk. Rd., Meadowbrook, and the flood plain contiguous to there and running over to Todd Park, represent thousands of acres of of "plains" along the creek, as opposed to a net 10 acres of the 18 total acres comprising Arden park ( in terms of water management literally a drop in the bucket). Also on numerous occasions ( several in very recent years), when Lake Minnetonka falls much below 929' the water flow is restricted in deference to lake level, conversely above 930' its wide open. The recent "no wake" season on Minnetonka, pretty much flooded much of the Arden Park area ( including most of the proposed path locations). In the early 2000s the Northwestern portion of South Harriet Park, and Country Club's Wooddale addition along 52nd St., had their roads and utilities updated. At the time there was an opposed recommendation to add concrete curbs ( no one wanted). When queried as to the reason, the city stated "that it helped the roads last longer" when asked how long the roads were expected to last? The answer was 40 years. The next question was " if the roads have presently lasted over 60 years, why the necessity"? The response was that "due to the high amount of sandy soil, the land drained better than most areas". Needless to say this nonsensical, circular logic resulted in the elimination of the curbs. At the same time on the south end of the 5300 block of Brookview, "near a valley in the road, there was constructed a type of holding cistern and increased storm drains, so in theory already addressing storm water management ( in addition to the good sandy soils). Ironically then, the storm drains were not installed at the lowest point of the "valley" resulting in an ice slick during periods of freeze thaw ( the anti gravity approach). These are among the reasons that there is a great deal of consternation concerning the approach and scope of the proposed project. It should be noted that the warming house is ancient, as is the playground and other park equipment, that the hockey rink has to reach the point of missing boards and splitting wood before anything is addressed. This is not a level of stewardship consistent with someone you want to approve for bigger projects involving more money. Also, the recent bridge replacement, left stumps, wood debris and and excess construction material ( sand, gravel dirt and rocks) making the lower canoe access at 54th inaccessible during low and normal water levels, and when accessible, is separated from shore by water, rendering it superfluous. In conclusion, the representations concerning feedback, communication and notification have not been accurate. The science, when one studies drainage, filtration, flow, and proposed path locations, is not consistent with the actual topographic features, elevations of land and water, nor can it be disputed from historic evidence, that what the proposal presents is inaccurate and misleading. In spite of the lack of notice, and erroneous data, apparently the meeting planned for 5/9/17 does and will not provide for any public input. It is strongly recommended that the council reject the proposal in its entirety, and ask for a plan to rectify existing deferred maintenance issues. Tom Jones 5224 Brookview Ave, 6128670367 Sent from my iPad 2 Janet Canton From: Lynette Biunno on behalf of Edina Mail Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 8:40 AM To: Ann Kattreh; Janet Canton Subject: FW: to the Parks & Recreation Commission and the City Council - re: Arden Park Good morning, This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council members, Ann Kattreh and Janet Canton. Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 Ibiunno@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov Original Message From: Holly Lafferty [mailto:hollylafferty@me.com] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2017 10:55 PM To: Edina Mail; Ann Kattreh Subject: to the Parks & Recreation Commission and the City Council - re: Arden Park Dear Parks & Rec Commission and City Council Members, I'm writing you to discuss the proposed plans for Arden Park and the Minnehaha Creek. I received a mailing about a meeting taking place on May 1st, but was unable to attend. And based on the glancing at the map and diagram, it seemed like some nice changes would be happening within our great neighborhood park. When I went back and re-read the information, I thought there must be a different dam they are thinking of removing. Afterall, in 2013 this very same neighborhood spoke loud and clear that it is CRITICAL that the falls on 54th street remain as is. And based on that extensive feedback, the resigned bridge on 54th St was designed and approved keeping the much loved and needed falls intact. Please re-visit this information as it appears to have been forgotten. see link: http://edinamn.gov/edinafiles/files/City Offices/Engineering/Construction Projects/54th Street/20131107%20Compila tion%20of%20stakeholder%20feedback%20on%20draft%20design.pdf While many of us appreciate the partnership between the city and the watershed, this particular project seems to have a major disconnect. It sounds like it could look like Centennial Lakes. yikesl My property address is 5320 Brookview and one of the great features is the view of the creek and the waterfall on 54th St. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it sounds great too. We love seeing people of all ages fishing, kayaking and tubing down the creek. It's a small sliver in our great community that is a treasure to many. If those rapids are removed and the creek expanded, it will be disastrous. (again, please refer back to study and feedback from 2013 mentioned and sited above) This feels as though there is another agenda at play that isn't transparent. Is this about committing to a larger project in order to get a portion of the project funded by the watershed? If so, the public has a right to know and respond accordingly. Why is the city addressing "wants" vs. "needs" on this? Please do not approve this plan without seeking more resident input, and without asking more questions about what is really driving this. Thank you for your time and your commitment to our great city. Sincerely, Holly Lafferty 5320 Brookview Ave. 612-803-1395 2 Janet Canton From: Lynette Biunno on behalf of Edina Mail Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 8:36 AM To: Ann Kattreh; Janet Canton Subject: FW: Contact Us form submission Good morning, This message has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council members and Ann Kattreh. \ Lynette Biunno, Receptionist I 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 Ibiunno@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov From: Relnes(aelnesmarketing.conn [mailto:Relnesgelnesmarketing.com] Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2017 5:16 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Contact Us form submission Name: Rick Elnes Organization: Website: Address 1: 5324 Brookview Address 2: City: Edina State: MN Zip_Code: 55424 Email: Relnes@elnesmarketing.com Phone: 952-929-6187 Referrer: someone_in_the_neighborhood Message: I'm writing to voice my concerns about the current plans for Minnehaha Creek. I've attended a couple of different meetings over the last year or so regarding the proposed changes and find myself oposing most of what's in the current plan. We have been fortunate enough to live across the street from the creek for the last 40 years or so. During that time we've had the opportunity to spend numerous days in and on the creek with our children who are now in their 40s and currently our grandchildren. One of the greatest recreational features of the creek is the damn at 54th St. It provides great opportunities for tubing kayaking fishing or simply playing in the water on the south side of the bridge. The damn is an amenity that simply should not be removed. It's a great visual feature as well as providing a soothing sound throughout the days and nights. People are drawn to the damn to relax and enjoy the tranquility provided by the moving waters It's also my opinion that the proposed meandering of the creek is only going to encourage erosion. The current wide open creek reduces the velocity of the water as it flows downstream during heavy rain events. The creek has followed the current route for many years and I'll be very disappointed if these plans are to move forward. If it's the intent to provide better viewing of the creek the money would be better spent removing buckthorn. I concur with the opinions of many of my neighbors who have also voiced their opposition to this project. Thanks for your consideration. Please forward this message to the mayor, parks department, and city Council. Rick Elnes 2 Janet Canton From: Ann Kattreh Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2017 8:15 AM To: Edina Mail; Janet Canton Subject: FW: Rapids at 54th Street Bridge For City Council and PARC Ann Kattreh, Parks & Recreation Director 952-826-0430 I Fax 952-826-0390 AKattreh@EdinaMN.gov I EdinaMN.gov Original Message From: dpost2Paol.com [mailto:dpost2@aol.com] Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 11:31 PM To: Ann Kattreh Subject: Rapids at 54th Street Bridge Dear Ms Kattreh, My wife and I have lived in the Arden Park neighborhood for over 30 years and are frequent users of the park. We are absolutely against the removal of the rapids at the 54th street bridge. The removal of the rapids would eliminate many of the activities currently enjoyed by park users, reduce the area's esthetic appeal and be a waste of taxpayer money. Please pass our position on to the decision makers for this project. Respectfully, David & Gayle Posthumus 5100 Indianola Ave, Edina, 55424 (612) 803-1300 Sent from my iPhone 5/9/2017 Petition • Stop removal of waterfall at 54th and Arden • Change.org Petitioning Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Renae Clark Decision makers • Renae Clark Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Stop removal of waterfall at 54th and Arden The People Edina, MN https://www.change.org/p/stop-removal-of-waterfall-at-54th-and-arden?utm source=target&utm_medium=email&utm cam paign=added as_petition target 2/23 5/9/2017 Petition • Stop removal of waterfall at 54th and Arden • Change.org The People Edina MN 198 Supporters I have enjoyed many of my summer days Tubing, Kayaking and Fishing at the Rapids at the intersection of Arden Park and 54th street. These days may soon come to an end for myself and all the other kids and adults that enjoy the rapids the way they are. The Minnehaha Creek Watershed District would like to remove the rapids and alter the path of the creek. From Stan Davis - Last night a meeting was held to discuss plans for changes to arden park that would include removal of the falls at 54th and creating a meandering creek within the park such that the creek would flow smoothly under the bridge. this would in effect destroy the fishing hole that has occurred past the current falls that many kids and adults are enjoying. I have never seen so many fishermen at this spot in the 20 years I have lived on the creek. my concern goes further than this though. we were told at the meeting that this was initiated by the Minnehaha Watershed, as opposed to the City of Edina and that it was necessary to bring the creek back to its original flow as it had been straightened out "in the 50's". when confronted that there https://www.change.org/p/stop-removal-of-waterfall-at-54th-and-arden?utm source=target&utm_medium=embil&utm campaign=added as_petition target 3/23 5/9/2017 Petition • Stop removal of waterfall at 54th and Arden • Change.org were aerial shots from the 30s that showed the creek being straight, the presenter admitted that she didn't know when the creek was straightened. it is obvious the creek has always been straight there as the high bluff sits along the west side of Arden Park in a straight fashion. also we were told that by some measurement, the creek was not healthy enough because there were not enough fish in it. by meandering the creek, the outside parts of the creek would become deeper and accomodate more fish is what we were told. I have no reason to doubt this. but there are plenty of fish in the creek. this is self evident by the number of predators of fish now very common on the creek..heron, egrets, and man/boys and girls. I've added an unbelievable picture of a fish taken out of the fishing hole last year. there will be trees removed to accomodate the new path of the creek. anytime trees are removed from a body of water it opens up the area so that geese may get to that water. this would in turn keep the wood ducks away. the area in south arden park is heavily used by nesting wood ducks. geese will not only change the fauna but will bring the poop, and hissing at little kids and dogs. arden park simply needs to have some simple things done to improve it. remove much of the buckthorn so that there are better views of the creek. open up some small vistas at certain areas with benches to create places to ponder and relax. improve paths and create others that people think are a good idea. and lastly if interested, remove the current warming house and build a better one that can be used year round. some of the above ideas are in the proposal. but ultimately to my eye it does too much and will destroy much of the enjoyment the park brings at present. someone has got it in their mind that we need to make the creek conform to some distant metric about fish numbers. the concept was obviously misrepresented to those at the meeting last night. how many waterfalls do we have? how much fishing do we have? again as someone living on the creek the last 20 years there is plenty of flora and fauna in arden park and minnehaha creek in this area. you just have to know how to look. the Watershed people and the Parks and Rec people want to create some kind of Disney "It's a Small World" ride through Arden Park, all in the name of making it more green. it's a false premise. This petition will be delivered to: • Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Renae Clark Read the letter Letter to Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Renae Clark Stop removal of waterfall at 54th and Arden I OK • fish and wildlife • peoples right https://www.change.org/p/stop-rem ova I-of-w aterfal I-at-54th-a nd-a r de n?uirn s ou r ce= tar get&utm_m edi um =em ai I & utrn cam pai g n= added as_petiti on target 4/23 The City Council City of Edina Petition City of Edina, Minnesota CITY COUNCIL 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 (952) 927-8861 • (952) 927-7645 FAX • (612) 927-5461 TDD DATE RECEIVED: PETITION TO TH1-4, CITY COUNCIL q SIDEWALK n ALLEY PAVING n STORM SEWER El SANITARY SEWER El CURB AND GUTTER ONLY q PERMANENT STREET SURFACING WITH CURB AND GUTTER To the Mayor and City Council: ri WATER MAIN Li STREET LIGHTING zi vae74 Izz , r SIC Te_ c ‘K) I OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) 6./ -e66c/ iti(fs-o /1h/v6g,_ iv re_L SQ d, eac)ACta ScJOAS etition was c There is space for more signatures on the back. APRIL 2008 NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER'S IGNA PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 5C.) The persons who have signed this petition ask the City Council to consider the improvements listed above to the locations listed below. aii\L)/ LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT B REET NAME tween and ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS between and LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENT BY STREET NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS IMPORTANT NOTE: THE PERSONS WHO HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION UNDERSTAND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL MAY ASSESS THE COSTS OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES BENEFITING FROM THE IMPROVEMENTS IN AMOUNTS DETERMINED BY THE COUNCIL AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 429, MINNESOTA STATUTES. Thi(fietifo was circulated y: 7 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE OWNER'S NAME PROPERTY ADD _Ng. 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This petition wizen Submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to apply this information, LJ ). crti / fr.717 PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S 1. eU,/U4w SIG,NATURE uL __,„A • L.A. Ple 0110 \ AT \Iidae Fefer 1\-<Ovyi6t (-el< Acz_v —OA /-15‘1,- /VeL5 6h Lt if e..6-k-e- OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) te GI l cl Jaio fs3 'e50, bosh/mil jib-Mine EVCAMP ort- tt_ laVd1.(k) 561-1 e (, -rod s (976 6620 orce, l . \C —NC gAR0 )3 /2 -ed //1.)v,i /1 b (7%)/1',1--1)/L (/t/h/ 503 wz-ei 5056 / Qiffr 55,i/ o°114Pat jE a c/- 384-) 04/&-- 5'0)6 / (L1),L, 1 i 100 1,0nnc1, :2 4/i/ d/7 Dr/ 146/1 Vr(v-e 5-X.51) c-fe 3,o ir12x1 LA/ LATA1)A LA 5'1 1/4.--Arre LIQ I g4 PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) J z---terF You may attach extra pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE-- PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) \-c4k VAlEAgf-,, criLic kK\ / /6(4- 44,froa clr-f-e.4) -orcr c. fC :7-7-etylw00( re,S1'7 1at_67:k_ OOt 4 c 2-4 1-2--z7 qiq 5-1,4y%Ee 61z, t 41,112-( UTE-5", S \\ Rr Vezqs fre s Kg Va. 0,-A-ttA —Sq6e.ovu.s. ), ///y/ (TO 7i) --gni on St'Or Y. .44_,441 Fatv,betk, 4,6 -PirrciActa-Milbol This petition was/irculated by: NAME &kJ{ /614-aeic_. (.77o 6,(-bRo ADDRESS PHONE , Val-4,/ A /Jo, The sota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone inunber is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra. pages with signatures. APRIL 2008 oF- PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE 11: GO/ f/ A 0.yr\da, OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED) A I ah(v trh7-4d< Choc 'I0,l/1c (fin yln (A La -C_ ckm -( kcidaa e-r - I( ekv 1-1511 v*Iatr erpAd-- PROPERTY ADDRESS (PRINTED) 53g ,inultjn`Di ,6-39a ffNo6-ic 65/ 3 Melor e c —~ c/v.e.44,4a,c. This petition was cir fated by: p (f 959,D 26 6›2(./ ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition When submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for refusing to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures, APRIL 2008 PR-3F3RW-OWNEWS SIGNATURE (La OWNENVIRTMAIE (PRINTED) 0-40- .0/141' (ie (V(4 j' ADE/ MU Le-7 7-0 Aort-koi y --141k) Lt 104 Talk Ca40/Ldi, PROPERTY Al) TRESS (PRINTED) 7-6 zi cocN /De; ..s-t i' cc,c,v L'‘,)( 6)0))0), .5156 z' ficoik, Dr : /136 741 This etition was circula a by: Maq) L-N) ADDRESS PHONE The Minnesota Data Practices Act requires that we inform you ofyour rights about the private data we are requesting on this form. Under the law, your telephone number is private data. This petition when submitted will become public information. There is no consequence for ref using to supply this information. You may attach extra pages with signatures. APR IL 2008 From: Toni via Nextdoor reply@rs.email.nextcloor.com Subject: Re: Private message: Playground Date: March 30, 2017 at 4:20 PM To: halvop2000@me.com Toni Hoft-t, PEti.1\4/00d Of course! Thanks for asking You can also reply to this email or use Nextdoor for !Phone or Android This message is intended for halvop2000@me.com. Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings hlexidodr, 875 Stevenson Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94103 • From: Benjamin Stockwell ben@benjaininstockwell.com Subiect: Playground petition Date: March 21, 2017 at 9:57 PM To: hEtivop2000e-yahoo.com Hi Peggy! Please add our names to your petition for a playground at Van Valkenburg park. Thank you!!! Benjamin Stockwell Jennifer Stockwell 4900 Prescott Cir From: Benjamin Stockwell hen Qbenjarninstockwell.com 1%1 Subject: Playground petition Date: March 21, 2017 at 9:57 PM To: halvop2000@yahoo.com Hi Peggy! Please add our names to your petition for a playground at Van Valkenburg park. Thank you!!! Benjamin Stockwell Jennifer Stockwell 4900 Prescott Cir ()in: Peggy Halvorson hakial2OOOli'2.21-neoin Fwd: Playground • ;-.;e: February 27, 2017 at 1:50 PM To; Jay Halvorson jaylchalvorson@gmaiLcom Please print this email. Long with Mary Donahue's Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: HtrL -.bItI a • .7 el on e.nalvop200u"„rne.corn> el. • On Fob 27, 20'17, al 11'22 AM, Fogy Halyorsirin Bill. you namiission add your 1191-0,::S to the pe hion and make a ropy ihe eniit net slates your suripari. Enjoy thusiinshin,:r1 RriAlaidE;, )52-270-6.620 ri On Fen 21 20-17, et 8220 AM, Bill Flummler <billrurrimler@corncast.net> mole: Peggy, \Aka are v.:sty ouch in slipport i paillion, but are in FL for the winter. Floi.qcariwi:.i. help? 11 coke for your efiorls, Bill Brent from my iFhone From: Peggy Halvorson halvop2000gfine.com Gubject: Fwd: faVor Date: February 13, 2017 at 8:40 PM To: Jay Halvorson jaykhtlivorson@gmail.corn Will you please print this email for me? Regards, Peggy Halvorson, RN 952-270-6620 ii Begin forwarded message: From: Kim Garretson .ddmkgarretsonfzuomail.com-, I! Subject: Re: favor Date: February it, 2017 at 7:52:12 P41 C!itT. To: Peggy Halvorson tr_halvop2000(a)me..corn> Carla Br, ui r ,.!carlabendert@ymail,com, Jay Halvorson .javkhalvorsonOcimail.com> tt Peggy, sorry we are tardy and please put both names on the petition. Jay, please get in touch when you're hack anti l'U lel you know if I still need the favor We have to got the Iwo of you out here.someHne Thad be a lot of ion, Cheers _ ,, Oa Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Peggy Halvorson <halvop2000@me.coia> wrote: 1,1 I think Jay can do it Monday alteration if that's not too late. 1 am in Indict Sent from my iPhone 11 On Feb 4, 2017, al 11:07 PM, Kim Garr arsontHtimkgarretson@gmail.com> wrote ii i. A favor this weekend. No prob if it won't work out. Did you see the Nextdoor inquiry about buying an Elliptical? We have one for sale in the garage end ihe buyer to asking what brand it is. If you could run over and check that out the .garage code is 6152. And maybe take a snap of it. I don't thiiik Biting ihn garage door triggers the alarm, but If it does, Just go in the house.frorn the garage and punch 12121 in (the (loot to the garage has to he cloned in punch in the coda Then to rearm, 12122 (again you hove to be in the foyer with the door to the garage clitmed). then exit the house and shill the garage door with the seine code. 1 this tvon't work, no prof), litcritts lc- 1111 Garretson kimkgarretson@grnail.com http://www.linttedin.damliolltimoarre,tson http:I/www.twitter:com/tcirnoan etson Phone B Test: 6124336.81303 o v ticemail please) 4n: Peggy Halvorson halVop2000@mo.enm Fwd: Van Valkenburg Playground? February 25, 2017 at 5:52 PM To: Jay Halvorson jaylihalvorson@gmairoom Regards, Peggy Halvorson, RN 952-270-6620 From: niclen&inelati corn Subject: iind? Date: JiriJi To: n 1-ralvou2000rame coin) nit rJeni ircim irn; 117'nd Fish 2017 er rji ,:halVOn2000@lhe.COM., First, let me apologize to anyono on ibis Psi that I have already ceniacled when walking, at boot:nlrlh, Jr through the hir.eztdoos web posting. I don't mean Io be a pest, just want to contact as miany or my neighbors as possible about ibis. I am going to copy my post from loony in the PieJrtdeor web for your consideralion. "I am a long term (30+ year) Edina resident and have lived in the very northwest corner of Parkwood Knolls for the past 14 years. I have done research in the past for a project with the Minneapolis Park Board that proves the many benefits of playgrounds to communities. They are very important to a communities identity and neighborhood involvement. Playgrounds are vital to a child's development and learning. Unstructured play has been proven to benefit children by increasing physical activity, promoting creativity and enhancing I learning ability. While many of my neighbors have playsets in their yards, these do not equal the socialization and interactive experiences that a neighborhood gathering spot does. From the corner of Malibu Drive and Park Terrace, it is over a mile to any of the Edina playgrounds. I can cross over 169 and slide my way down a sometimes icy, unauthorized path into Hopkins. With this distance to travel, children in this part of Edina are not experiencing from the benefits of a neighborhood playground. Twice, a playground at Van Valkenburg has been considered and twice it has been denied funding. I met with Ann Kettreh, the Edina Parks Superintendent, in January about this matter, She suggested that I gather signatures on a petition to the City Council asking that they consider funding a playground at Van Valkenburg park. This playground would not only benefit our neighborhood in the ways that I described above, but be a welcome place for children who are at Van Valkenburg because a sibling or parent is Olavino softball or football there, Front: Tim Gonsior timgonsior@gmail.com Subject: Playground Date March 1, 2017 at 8:08 AM To: halvop2.000@yahoo.corn Peggy, I agree a playground is a good idea. NI be glad to sign your petition. Thank You, Tim Gonsior From: Nextdoor ParkWobd Knells replygrs.email.nextciootcom Subjec: Re: Playground Support Date: March 20, 2017 at 11:41 PM To: halvop2000eme.coM Knolls Yes, feel free and do that. Our address is 4905 Prescott Circle. This would be for my wife Amy and myself. by PoY1--IdvorSon from Pai•kwood Knolls ('1. replies): HI Neighbors, I now have nearly 100 signatures supporting a playground in the northwest corner of Edina at Van Valkenburg park. I plan to submit this petition to City Council early in April. If... k&ii• 20 in (-_-_k-inra.ltol):A,:_wood KnolL• Thank Private message 17.;a n alort:ply to this email or use Ne;ikloor for iPhone or Android 'Thu received this update hei7;ause you created this post. Stop receiving immediate updates on this post This iiie,ssage is intentied for holvop2000@rrie.(:ora. Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings kdo )I 675 Stevenson Street, Suite 700, Sari Franck( Q, CA 94.103 From: Nextdoor Parkwood Knolls reply@rs.email.nextcloor.com Subject: Re: Playground Support Date: March 20, 2017 at 10:46 PM To: halvop2000@me.com JB Larson, Parkwood Knolls Hi Peggy, We live in Parkwood Knolls and would love to sign this. We are out of town til March 28. If you are still looking for signatures then, let me know. JB Original post by Peggy Halvorsen from Parkwood Knolls (2 replies): HI Neighbors, I now have nearly 100 signatures supporting a playground in the northwest corner of Edina at Van Valkenburg park. I plan to submit this petition to City Council early in April. If.., Mar 20 in General to Parkwood Knolls Thank Private message You can also reply to this email or use Ne.,xtdoor for 1Phone or Android You received this update because you created this post. Stop receiving immediate updates on this post This message is intended for halvop2000@rne.com. Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings Nextdoor, 1375 Stevenson Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94103 From: Nextdoor Parkwood Knolls reply@rs.emailmexicloor.com Subject: Re: Playground again Date: March 30, 2017 at 3:28 PM To: halvop2000@me.com MJc-Jcile 17--.a.ric,000(1 !oils I would love a park nearby for when our grandchildren visit. We moved in last June and are your neighbors at 5033 Park Terrace. We also would like to sign the petition electronically. Thank you! Maggie and Lee Valenta post by Pegc,iy 1-';:=1-fe.Wood Kriolk (f_; 1%' Hi Neighbors, I plan to bring the petition regarding the need for a playground at Van Valkenburg park to the City Council next week. If you want to show your support of a neighborhood playground... Irl to 1-J.--..11-1,mit ftyLi Knolls Thank Private message You can gleo reply ;mail or use l',1c,.-;4door lac iPhone ol Android You received this update because you created this post. Stop receiving immediate updates on this post This messaga is intended for h8lvop2000@me.corn. Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings ;-376 `..ii.evenson Street, Suite 'inn, San Francisco, ibis 94103 Fvorn: Chris Kalogerson chriskalogerson@gmail.com Subject: Petition Date: March 29, 2017 at 8:36 PM To: Peggy Halvorson halvop2000@yahoo.com Hi Peggy: Add my name to your list for the playground. - Chris Kalogerson, 6100 Saxony Road, Edina, MN 55436 (played music for your party, thanks again.) Chris Kalogerson From: Nextdoor Parkwood Knolls reply@,rs.ernall.nextcloor,com SubjeT,,,-1:- Re: Playground again Date: March 29, 2017 at 9:22 PM To: lialyop2000@me.com iclerson, 1<nolls Peggy, Is it possible for you to add our names on this petition? Jeff and I leave for California tomorrow. We've lived in Parkwood Knolls for 30 years. Our daughter will be moving to Camelback Drive in June. Our daughter is excited to take our granddaughter to Walnut park, WE would love to see some improvements since we enjoyed the playground 30 years ago. Original H-..6 by Pocidy Halvorson from Par Hi Neighbors, I plan to bring the petition regarding the need for a playground at Van Valkenburo park: to the City Council next week. If you want to show your support of a neighborhood playground... Ivhr- 20 LO Thank Private message con .41:7,0 reply to this; Edo =illor i\letcloor lor iPhone or Android Von Ipciate D.7,-;c:E_r3c,-. you r,r(p.tdci post. Stop receiving immediate updates on this post ThiF.; rcie:ssncie is intended inr halvop2000©nle.corm Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings f3iii-L.0, Suite 700. San Ft,aiv:.:Lco,i.,,,-,!:),111.)3 Froth: Nextdoor Parkwood Knolls reply@rs.email.nextcloor,corn Subject: Re: Playground again Date: March 31, 2017 at 9:26 AM To: halvop2000@rue.com Barbara Born, Parkwood Knolls Can I sign electronically? Original post by Peggy Halvorson from Parkwood Knolls (7 replies): Hi Neighbors, I plan to bring the petition regarding the need for a playground at Van Valkenburg park to the City Council next week. If you want to show your support of a neighborhood playground_ Mar 29 in General to Parkwood Knolls Thank Private message You can also reply to this email or use Nextdoor for 'Phone or Android You received this update because you created this post. Stop receiving immediate updates on this post This message is intended for halvop2000@macom. Unsubscrihe or adjust your email settings Nlextdocr, 875 Stevenson Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 84-103 From: Lisa Kennedy lisakennedy01@gmail.com Subject: Re: Playground Petition Date: March 31, 2017 at 2:14 PM To: Peggy Halvorson halvop2000@yahoo.com Hi Peggy, Yes ! You can sign my name electronically to the petition. Many apologies I couldn't make it over to your house before we left for spring break, Thanks for reaching out ! Lisa On Mar 31, 2017, at 9:51 AM. Peggy Halvorson <halvop2000@yahoo.corn> wrote: Hi Lisa, I am reviewing petition signatures today before presenting the document to the City Council on Tuesday evening. I don't see your signature, which may only mean that I am missing it somehow, • or that- you signed the page that Lindsay has, but if you have riot signed will you OK my adding your name "electronically"? Regards, Peggy Halvorson 5049 Park Terrace 952 270 6620 On Mar 20, 2017, at 10:34 PM, Peggy Halvorson <halvop2000@yahoo.con» wrote: Perfect! Thank you. And please spread the word! I'd love to bring the City Council 200 signatures in April. eggy On Mar 20, 2017, 5:35 PM, Lisa Kennedy <lisaltennecly01@grnail.corn> wrote: Hi Peggy, I would definitely sign the petition as I think more parks on this side of town would he great. I just saujv your Nextdoor post so I'm more than happy to stop by your house to sign, swing by sometime tomorrow if that works, Thanks I Lisa On Mar 20, 2017, at 3:34 PM, Peggy Halvorson <nalvop2000@yahoo.corn wrote: HI Lisa, I heard that you \AhAe interested in signing the petition that I am circulating shy win support for From: Melanie via Nextdoor replyOrs.emailnexidoor.com Subjeet: Re: Private message: Playground Petition Date: April 1, 2017 at 10:40 PM To: halvop2000@me.com 7 Melanie Allen, Parkwooci Knolls Hi Peggy. I apologize. I'm out of the country. Yes. Please add my name to the petition. Melanie L. Isabel' Al.len. Many Many Thanks You can also reply to this email or use Nextdoor or iPhone or Android This message is intended for halvop2000ftle.com. Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings Nextdoor, 075 Stevenson Street, Suite. 700, San Francisco, CA 94103 Search (Inews_feed/) Home (/news Inbox (/inbox?is=sidebar) Neighbors (/directory/?is=... Map (/map/?is=sidebar) Events Calendar (/events/... Invite Vinvitation_email/?is... Recommendations Vreco... Inbox ›› Re: Playground Petition going to City Council Conversation between you and Margaret Davis from Parkwood Knolls Margaret Davis (/profile/13073240) Hi Peggy. I will stop by to sign your petition this afternoon.thanks f playground at Van Valkenburg would be wonderful. -margaret davis LOCAL Parkwood Knolls Vneighborho... Local Agencies Vagency/feed/... Peggy Halvorson (/profile/66023) Thanks Margaret. If you can't make it over with the dreadful weaff "electronically". CATEGORIES Classifieds Vciassifiedsnis=si... Crime & Safety Vorime_and s... Documents (/documents/?is=... Free items (tfree/?is=sidebar) General (/general/?is=sidebar) Lost & Found (/lost and_foun... Recommendations Vrecomme... (/001249NR.).. Reply YOUR GROUPS Christmas Carolling (/groups/... Browse all 3 groups (/groups/... 0 Nextdoor 2017 About (https://nextdooncom/about us/) Blog (https://blog.nextdoor.com) Guidelines (https://nextdoor.com/neighborhood_guldelines/#guidelines) Help (https://nextdoor.corn/help/) Jobs (https://nextdooncom/jobs/) Privacy (https://nextdoor.com/privacy/#privacy) Press (https)/nextdooncom/press/) Safety (https://nextdoor.com/about safetyPtsafety) From: Sarah via Nextdoor reply@rs.email.nextcloorcom Subject: Private message: Petition Date: February 26, 2017 at 7:57 PM To: halvop2000P..me,com Sarah Schumacher; F-)..,trkwood KrioM Peggy-we'd love to sign the petition. I've always been bugged that there is not a playground at Van Velkenberg. I'm stay home mom, so I'm around a lot. We live on Larada Lane. Happy to stop be wherever you are, -Sarah Schumacher , You can also reply to this email or use Nextdoor for 1Phone or Android This message is intended for halvop2000@me.com. Unsubscribe or adjust your email settings Nextdoor, 875 Stevenson Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94103 lyt)--C)c2 1-1 os-v- 6,9 ug-g09 --n)r() &S,-7 L1 09 (4/Q14,/ pd w.S7-V1- yi--Pjl',7G -)----ymt