HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-09-28 MinutesDraft Minutes
Approved Minutes
Approved Date: 10/26/2017
City of Edina, Minnesota
Transportation Commission
Council Chambers
September 28, 2017, 6:00 p.m.
I. Call To Order
Chair LaForce called the meeting to order.
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were commissioners Ahler, Iyer, Kane, LaForce, Ma, Miranda, Olson, Richman, and Ruthruff.
Absent: Commissioner Yeager.
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion was made by Chair LaForce and seconded by commissioner Ahler to add new items VI.G.
Open Streets, and VI.H. W. 44th Small Area Plan to the agenda.
Motion was made by commissioner Richman and seconded by commissioner Olson to approve the
amended agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by commissioner Ruthruff and seconded by commissioner Miranda approving the
August 17, 2017, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried.
V. Community Comments
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. Passenger Rail Community Engagement Report: Draft Recommendations
Ms. Jessica Laabs with Kimley-Horn presented. Ms. Laabs said based on the two questions from City Council, 1)
Should the City request elimination of the “gag rule?” and, 2) Should the City dedicate resources to developing a plan to
encourage the development of passenger rail service in Edina?, their answer to both was no. Ms. Laabs said they
arrived at this conclusion based on the objection of residents adjacent to the rail line and a high level review of the
Grandview area shows the density of household population and employment falls in the bottom 1/3. Ms. Laabs
explained further that strong champions are essential to eliminate the gag rule. She said this cannot be done by
Edina alone and the gag rule is not currently being discussed by adjacent cities.
Ms. Laabs was asked the following questions:
1. Should Edina dedicate resources? No, for the same reasons above; however, overall indicators show that the
city could support a corridor in another location and may want to explore this in the future.
2. Was there sufficient involvement? Yes, the goal was to have between 500-1000 participants, and they had over
3. Was there a wide range of people? The more focused ones lived closer to the corridor which has about 200
4. Did you suggest other corridors? No, but based on certain indicators, transit could be successful in the
Grandview area if it grows, but not necessarily a train. Also, based on travel patterns from Edina to downtown
Minneapolis, a study could look at rapid bus transit. Approximately 25% of residents travel outside of Edina for
work; many travel to Edina for work but it is not known where they are coming from.
5. Is there potential for more freight rail? This is difficult to answer because TC&W does not publicize their plans
and attempts to communicate with them were unsuccessful.
Draft Minutes
Approved Minutes
Approved Date: 10/26/2017
Motion was made by commissioner Iyer and seconded by commissioner Ruthruff to adopt the
consultant’s recommendation to Q1 to not remove the gag rule.
Aye: Ahler, Iyer, Kane, LaForce, Ma, Miranda, Richman, Ruthruff
Nay: Olson
Motion carried.
Motion was made by commissioner Richman and seconded by commissioner Iyer to adopt the
consultant’s recommendation to Q2 as written.
After discussion, the motion was amended by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner
Miranda to adopt the consultant’s recommendation as “No, the City should not dedicate resources to
developing a plan to encourage the development of passenger rail service in Edina in the Dan patch
Corridor at this time. There are overall indicators that suggest Edina could support additional transit
options, such as unique demographic and community patterns. Previous engagement efforts in the city, as
captured in the Vision Edina document, have indicated the community’s desire for enhanced transit.” All
voted aye. Motion carried.
B. Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan
Mr. Antonio Rosell presented an update on the master plan. Mr. Rosell said engagement included pop-up sessions
at several locations, a workshop, listening sessions, online survey and an interactive Wiki Map. He said at least 200
participants provided 300 comments on the Wiki Map, and 682 participated in the online survey. Participants listed
areas they felt were important for walking and biking and existing barriers that prevented these activities. Overall,
feedback was received from approximately 1,100 individuals. Mr. Rosell went through the tasks schedule and said
they are nearing completion of the master plan.
C. Grandview Green (Lid) Project: Katie Clark Sieben
Mr. Bill Neuendorf, economic development manager for Edina, and Ms. Katie Clark Sieben, consultant, presented
an update on the Lid project. They said planning discussion for the Grandview area began in 2008, and in 2012 the
framework plan was completed. Highway 100 was seen as a barrier connecting east and west and a lid was
suggested over the highway. In 2016, a transportation study was completed and they began focusing on the lid. In
2017, a feasibility study was completed that included potentials such as parking spaces, tax revenue, private
development, and the lid as a green space. A preliminary sketch plan was shown; four technical studies will be
done; and construction could begin as early as 2020 with occupancy in 2022. As the plan progresses, they will seek
feedback from the ETC and other boards and commissions on how the area should be developed.
D. 2018 Neighborhood and MSA Street Reconstruction Draft Engineering Studies
The ETC reviewed the following draft engineering studies and accepted them as presented:
Bredesen Park A and E
Concord A and G
Country Club C
Normandale Park D
E. 2018 Transportation Commission Work Plan
Minor revisions were made to the work plan.
F. Traffic Safety Report of September 6, 2017
Motion was made by member Iyer and seconded by member Ruthruff to forward the September 6,
2017, TSC report to Council. All voted aye. Motion passed.
Draft Minutes
Approved Minutes
Approved Date: 10/26/2017
G. Open Streets
Commissioner Miranda thanked the ETC for volunteering at Open Streets. He said the #1 comment from patrons
was thanks for the Nine Mile Creek Trail. He said the ETC should begin thinking of ideas for next year’s Open
H. W. 44th Small Area Plan
Commissioner Miranda said the small area plan is progressing and they’ve added some additional meeting dates.
He suggested having an ETC commissioner on future small area plan committee from the quadrant where the area
is located.
VII. Correspondence And Petitions
VIII. Chair and Member Comments
Chair LaForce introduced and welcomed student commissioner Jenny Ma. Commissioner Ma is a student at Edina
Commissioner Bocar thanked the ETC and planner Nolan for their participation in Open Streets.
Commissioner Ruthruff said he was pleased with how the Passenger Rail Community Engagement closed out. He
said the city’s population would increase and he is glad they’ll have tools to help them figure out how to move
people around.
Commissioner Miranda asked about what looks like a tunnel under the creek for the Nine Mile Creek Trail and
planner Nolan explained that it was a tunnel and it was necessary because of the water table.
Commissioner Richman said the state of Delaware is working to pass the Idaho Stop Law which is a good bike
safety law and asked if this something that Edina would consider supporting here in Minnesota. She reached out to
the Bicycle Alliance of MN and they asked her to participate on a subcommittee which she turned down but they
are very interested in Edina’s participation if anyone is interested.
Commissioner Ahler thanked planner Nolan for his work with the Passenger Rail Community Engagement. She
invited the ETC to an energy fair on Oct 7, 9-1 p.m.
IX. Staff Comments
A. Comprehensive Plan Update: Transportation “Tool Kit”
The toolkit will be used at next month’s meeting.
2017 projects are on schedule; Public Works is installing several PACS sidewalks and making
improvements to several crosswalks.
Highway 169 opened this week; neighbors in the area where the street was closed would like to see some
solution to traffic issues – the barricades were removed when the highway opened and staff will allow
traffic to normalize and then do a traffic count.
Reminder that October’s meeting is also the 4th Thursday.
X. Calendar of Events
A. Schedule of Meeting and Event Dates as of September 28, 2017
For information purposes - no discussion.
XI. Adjournment at 9:15 p.m.
Draft Minutes
Approved Minutes
Approved Date: 10/26/2017
J F M A M J J A S O N D SM # of
Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9
NAME (Date)
Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 5 78%
Bass, Katherine 1 1 2 100%
Boettge, Emily 1 1 2 100%
Brown, Andy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89%
Iyer, Surya 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 78%
LaForce, Tom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100%
Janovy, Jennifer 1 1 2 100%
Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100%
Miranda, Lou 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 100%
Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 89%
Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 89%
Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100%
Jenny Ma 1 1 100%
Tessa Yeager 0 0%
Koester, David (student)1 1 1 1 4 44%
Olk, Megan (student)1 1 1 3 33%