.u, *.I. .. .. .<."*." 2.- .'*.>CJ<.. .,I,- Z.-.U,~....,C.15.~..".:~,"..V.r." .CU.4# " "ab. .* ..y.u .I. .* .. ,r*- is ,; 4. I, n' t. o ., .* .,- .; ,, >:% a,?, i2ir.i. ,,* fld;.-h d'r~'n' .I ,t .* .c n e
Meeting called to 0rder:by President J.T .Delaney,in the Qpange Hall
at 7ZOO P.X.
All members present.
Minutes of the last regular and special meeeings were mad and
approved m
The regular proceedings were dfspensen with to dfscuss informally
UrlBh Mr,SIS,Thorpe and Mr,Dorsey his Atty about street impm?ovc- mnts of the Fafrway Section of hountry Ciub Distpiet,
Mr.Thsrpe offered 8 petftion to the Village Council praying %ha$ a resol~rtfon be adopted to improve the streatn of the Fafrway Sec%fsn
by lay%ng eupbs and gut%ers,entfre cost ai cbhsMctPon to be
assessed upon abbutting property,and no part thereof to be paild
After considerable dfscussion ,it was moved by TmPustes H,J,IIPludsen,
seconded by Trustee C .F.Prescot% the POllQKtng ~eselutfon was adoptede Subject to Village Attorney H,R,Henitt's approval
3HEREAS a ~o~tafn peeftion has been filed fn the dh'iee of the VtiPage
Clerk of the Vfllage of Edfwa Hemapfn 60~nty,r.~fn~1a~ota on the 12th
day of July,I924 requestfng %&at @%em and curb be laid on the
folBmlng descri&ed streets as sePt forth in a hove named petition - A11 fn Fairway Seatisn,Country Club Dfstri&,in said Village accsrdbng
to the pia% thereof on ffle and of Pecsrd in the Office sf ha WegZsteno
02 Deeqs of Hennapun County,Minnesota,~~c~ pe%;ftfon is signed by, the omsrsfof thr verfoue tracts and lots of land set opposfte theSp
respective signatures thereto,rrhich tracts and lots of land respec%fv&%y
abut upon the streets so pctitfoned to improved,whi& petitioned has
been examfned and found to be signed by the owners of more than fifty
per cent of the property abuttfng upon said streata,and nMoh pa$it%on
fs made in accordance rfith Elfnnesota I957 P l!WR' THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,bY the Village Counbfl of the VflhgG of
Edfmsa Hsnncpfn Coun~y,Minnesota,that the petition
the Vhlage Clerk,for the fmprovement
cwbs on the above descrfbed streets found and determined to be in 'tne and proper fomii and to eontafn
the orfginal signatures of the omem of more t.hm fffty (50 %) per cent of the property abutting upon sa%d stresBs,ahich petl%%on 1s
hweby acceptodiand,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said petitfon bs considered and the making
of the improvcmentipstjtfoned for therein,shall ba cons%dared at a
meeting to be held on the 1st day of A~ust, Z924,at the G~ange Hall fn sat6 VIl%sg:c at 8 O'clock P.K,,and that notice thereof be given
by publicatifon for two (2) nucoessfvemeeks in Bennepfn Comity EIP~~P-
ppfse,the sffiefa% newspaper of said Village,the first pubPfcatfon to
be a% least ;fQwteen (Ilk) diys prior to the date of such maal5ng,nhfcfa not%co shall Bo in substantially the same fomzrn 88 set forth in sald
0x1 mo%ion of Wustee CoF,~e~~cott seconded by Trustee S,R,Stn?ong the
follenfng resolution vas adopted. mereas in the opinion of the Village Council a Sanitary sen ox^ and 8
Storm Sever 9s necessary for the fairnag Sactllon of the Country Club
BStstrfct and whereas the cost shall be asseslrred to assessment for loeal Improvements and no part of such costa of any said sewer shall be or constitute a General charge a&iinst the
VAIlage .
HOl7 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDy%hat Bomera OPdfnancs No I ,Fa5~vmy SectZosa.
.Complrg Club Dfstrictgfo& cons%mctfag SanitaPg and Storm Sanars
along certafn streets in FaSray See-bfon,Cowltry Club Dfstfi@%,b3
adopted. A petition,signed by eight people residing on Motor Street ,Brookside.
$0 put Potor Street back to original rddth and grade ~ias presented,
after consideration at vas moved by Trustee H,J,Knudsen,seconded by
Trustee C,F,Prescott the patition be accepted and placed on ffltu-
pending the out come of the new City of Brookside movehent,carrfed,
out of the VSlLage funds,
tho provisions of Chapter 364,Lams of
e no2 om fltHe rrith
the laying of guttars amd
in said Villagoyis hereby
against lands subgee&
Mr,Schnecky made a complaint to Trustee C,F,Prescott of rzater running
OR his place from a culvert across the street,it vas referred to
the Road & Bridge Gommittee,
A,letter was read from Atty.H.S,SlacR,for the Bull heirs,claming 330 fee$ on 49 street :7est from France Ave and the following anst'rer b President JOT .Delaney was read, saying komer Att .Geo,S,Grimes ha instructed the Council that the mcords dident s~ow the Bull heirs ?I
137 I
had any claim on 49th Street,and the Village considered the matter
closc8. . 3t was moved by' Trustbe C .F.frescott,seconded by Trustee H.J,ICnudscn
the Clerk take the matterP of putting up and taking down quarenthe
signs with Dr.Ghesley of the State Board of Health,carried,
Lhat:the Clerk give official notice to Attys.Stephens & Stephens to
protect Edina%interest in the matter sf the new City of Brookside,
The Clerk was instructed to have published for Wct con&ecptivc weeks
the notice of hearing on the Street Improvement in Fairway Section, Country- Club District,
Dr.James Blake's bill of $80.00 loss five dollard was alZovred,$5,00 bc&ng tekcn off for inspectfng Gao.Payne's pigs,whlch was considered
a local Board Of Health matter and not the Village Physician's.
The Clerk was instructed to write .Dr.Blaka to that effect,emciosing
the check of $75,00, $ 50.00 was received from &%reworks licenses and $4.00 from dancr permits and WcPc tuknerf BVBP to TPcaSurcP J,J.Duggan.
Gored bF Trus%ce C,F,Prescott ,seconded by Trustee Ha J.Knudscn
Hearing to be August first.
After duly considering the Asscsscr's bill of $406.85 Trustee HJ+ 'lf
Knudsen moved and Truske C.F,Prescolt seconded,tho blll was allowed,
A bill Of $75,00 02 S,Xnudsan for an casement on H,J,Hapdsengs road
9-8us-he 9,K .Stmbrg44Gpas accepted and amount allowed Moved by Trustee C.F.Pn?escott,seconded by Trustee H,J,Knudsan all
road bills be allowed,carrled.
Moved by Trustee S,H,Strong,seconded by Trustee H,J,Rnudscn all other
bills covered by. warrants be allomed,carriad,
tom 201 hrs at gO&,Qldrk Prim.clbect*SfiI83.00
281 I80 e90
Dan McGuire
11 I99 I79 .IO
Ed COst~llO
James Berkmoecs .. 90.45
fl I83 82 35
w 57 25.65
Y?. X Joy Street Corn 22; at $5.00 I12 e50
Via$ RPeStnted &ITd! O~Z-K~L%%XS'I*OB~~!Z&&"$&$T C'@~J&X~~di~t;~~~~~&j,; b$[ I '4
0 Road bills
Andrew Webber labor zor 454
Clarence Knudsen " . 201
Dan McNell2s M .?Jebber
0,ther bills
Total road bi 11s $944.40
F J .Kokesh 2 garzden rakes, oredered by Joy 6.60
Luscher Lumber Co. 16.80
J .D .Adams Go,' grader blades ( 2) 7.50 I5 a00
1t 2.10
11 2.10
J ,F .CSLfnger Constable 3.00
J.T.Dclaney Bd revBew,spec .rneetings,corn work & et@ 45.10
roofing and lath for J,Tepolt & Re11
I Mpls Gcn Electric Go street llghts far June 43.75
Judge of primary (counting) election 2.10 H. C .Hans en
J .L .Rutledge
George \"!illson
J b J ,Duggan H.J,Knuden
E - T . Edson
Judge of prim electfon,expence and trans for 3,
Clerk ''
!t spec meet and corn work II *IO
3.R .Strang Corn work and Spec meetings I2 .oo
It 46.00
I? 13*10 n
Dr. James Blake quarantines 8c releases 75.00
L.E.Stfan?g assesslng Village I924 406 e85
Seivert KnUdsen easement on rbadT%6 R-&TCKn-adsbn LphCe 75,OU
Henn County A@rcul.Eure Assaclation I923 donatisn to 60 fair 200,OO
J,F,Olinger Tnspectfng auto thefts at T;Jooddale I?c 54 St 3,OU Tslat for month $Trn
Received from County, TreasureY" advance June set .ww #865II 2000.02
TJothiW further meeting adjourned on motion. CmL.! L>+PL-I