HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240721_SPECIAL139 President J,T.Delaney called the meeting to order at the home of Trustee S.K,Strong. All Members present but Trustee H,J.Xnudsen. The meeting was called for the purpose of adopting an ordinance governing the location of barns and buildings for the houseing of animals and fowiL8. The Clerk offered data on ordinance from the Municipal Referrence Bureaul and a sustable ordinance was written,and the following resolution for Its adoption mas offered by Trustee S.K,Strong. a Whereas portions of patted property have become so thickly settled that barns and bui1dLS.ngs for huosine animals and fowls ape detrimentai to health and happiness,and Therefore be It Resolved,by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Ordinance as drawfi regulating the location and buildings for the houslng of animals and fowls,be adopted and published in the Hennepin County Enterprise accsrding to the lams of Minnesota. Timtee C ,F,Prescott seconded the foregoing resolution. All Menbers present voted for its adoption, On motion the rneetlng adjourned. Recorder IvjINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE THEREOF HELD ON THE FIRST DAY OF AWGUST COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A SPECIAL 1lIEETING I92 4 County,~~innesota,vras duly called and held on August 1st ,1964, at 8: o’clock P,I4.,at the Grange Hs.11 in said Vtllage. On roll call the follotvfng members wem present: :~..c.:~:~CJZ~C.~..L.C~~..~.~. .I. . 8. a. 1. .. I, . , I) n riS: .I (I. 8. db .. A I. nX d- ai ,\ 15 n a. n /+ n I% 8. W’#b ?r”n’5.’5~l,l.r n’ ~f..’~;S.’r,~~.~..~s.~~..U.~~;~.u.:~.:~5.~c.\~,~~.~~z:~.~b.~c:~.~1 *tv v ** v *rppyF k meeting of the Vfllage council of the Village of Edfna Hennepin President - J,T.Delaney Trustees - H.J,Knudsen C.F.Prescott Village Clerk - E,T,Edson Trustee - S.K,Strong Absent No minutes were read, The F”resSdeat annoiinced that this was a meetfmg of the Village Council held pulosuant to notics,duly publfshed,foP the constructiOn of curbs and gutters .in certain streets in Fafmay Section,Countrg Club Dlstrfct,in said Village,as more’ fully descpfbed in sueh notice and in resolution adopted July 12,1924. He then called for objee%3ons 01” remarks on the proposed .curbs and gutter an such atreelts The folEe-r.ring persons (OF one) spoke in refepence thereto: I~r,S,S,Th~rpe,o~~ner’ of‘ the property,ylholly In favor of the proposftfon, t after general discussion there on,Trustee C,F,Brescott moved the adoption of the following resolution: * BE IT RESOLVED,by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,Hennepfn Coiinty,~~knnesota,ehat those streets in Fairway SecLion,Country Club DisLrlct,fn ss4d Yillage Couflcil on July 12,1924,b; improved by laying and constructfng gutters and curbs along the same,and that the costs thereof be assessed against the abutting property,b&sed UDOII the number of feet fronting thereon, as described in lresolution adopted by this