HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240801_SPECIAL139 President J,T.Delaney called the meeting to order at the home of Trustee S.K,Strong. All Members present but Trustee H,J.Xnudsen. The meeting was called for the purpose of adopting an ordinance governing the location of barns and buildings for the houseing of animals and fowiL8. The Clerk offered data on ordinance from the Municipal Referrence Bureaul and a sustable ordinance was written,and the following resolution for Its adoption mas offered by Trustee S.K,Strong. a Whereas portions of patted property have become so thickly settled that barns and bui1dLS.ngs for huosine animals and fowls ape detrimentai to health and happiness,and Therefore be It Resolved,by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the Ordinance as drawfi regulating the location and buildings for the houslng of animals and fowls,be adopted and published in the Hennepin County Enterprise accsrding to the lams of Minnesota. Timtee C ,F,Prescott seconded the foregoing resolution. All Menbers present voted for its adoption, On motion the rneetlng adjourned. Recorder IvjINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE THEREOF HELD ON THE FIRST DAY OF AWGUST COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A SPECIAL 1lIEETING I92 4 County,~~innesota,vras duly called and held on August 1st ,1964, at 8: o’clock P,I4.,at the Grange Hs.11 in said Vtllage. On roll call the follotvfng members wem present: :~..c.:~:~CJZ~C.~..L.C~~..~.~. .I. . 8. a. 1. .. I, . , I) n riS: .I (I. 8. db .. A I. nX d- ai ,\ 15 n a. n /+ n I% 8. W’#b ?r”n’5.’5~l,l.r n’ ~f..’~;S.’r,~~.~..~s.~~..U.~~;~.u.:~.:~5.~c.\~,~~.~~z:~.~b.~c:~.~1 *tv v ** v *rppyF k meeting of the Vfllage council of the Village of Edfna Hennepin President - J,T.Delaney Trustees - H.J,Knudsen C.F.Prescott Village Clerk - E,T,Edson Trustee - S.K,Strong Absent No minutes were read, The F”resSdeat annoiinced that this was a meetfmg of the Village Council held pulosuant to notics,duly publfshed,foP the constructiOn of curbs and gutters .in certain streets in Fafmay Section,Countrg Club Dlstrfct,in said Village,as more’ fully descpfbed in sueh notice and in resolution adopted July 12,1924. He then called for objee%3ons 01” remarks on the proposed .curbs and gutter an such atreelts The folEe-r.ring persons (OF one) spoke in refepence thereto: I~r,S,S,Th~rpe,o~~ner’ of‘ the property,ylholly In favor of the proposftfon, t after general discussion there on,Trustee C,F,Brescott moved the adoption of the following resolution: * BE IT RESOLVED,by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,Hennepfn Coiinty,~~knnesota,ehat those streets in Fairway SecLion,Country Club DisLrlct,fn ss4d Yillage Couflcil on July 12,1924,b; improved by laying and constructfng gutters and curbs along the same,and that the costs thereof be assessed against the abutting property,b&sed UDOII the number of feet fronting thereon, as described in lresolution adopted by this and th8.t the construction. of said improvements be conducted as on% project,and that the88rne bz made of' cement and concrete, a-nd that Albert Grabe-r tKeFngineer, cause plans and specfflcations thereof to be made forkhwith and filed with the Clerk, Trustee H J .Knudsen seconded the foregoing resolution, whftreupon the follovalng vote vias had and recorded : Those voting in khe affirmative-. - All members present. Those vQting in the negative - None. Theretapon,plRns and speciff cations prepared by Albert Grabex-, engineer,for the ciir'os and gutter of the fo~egoing ffiprovement, Trustee R,J,Rnudsen moved the adoption of the following resoluiion: BE IT RESOLVED,by the Village Council of $he Village OF Edina, Hennepfn County,%?innesota, thst the plans and specifications for curbs and gutters on streets in Fafraay Section,ln said Village $ $ heretofore filed,be and the same are hereQy accepted and appoved, and the Clerk is hereby instructed to advwtlse for bids for such *? improvement in the Hennepin Gouaty Enterprise, the offfcfal news- '1 g pax)er of said Vlll%ge,once each week for three (3) successive f veek:s,all pursixant to Chapter 364 of &aws of k'innesotR ISI7,and -j. * that smh bids ~3.11 bs opened and received by the Council at the $& the Grange Hal1 in said Villa86 on August 29,1924,at 8 O'clock PA:, *; 1 Trustee C ,F,Prescott seconded the foregoing resolution,~~hereuFon the e ere presented,exarnined and ardered filed vith t,he Clerk, .f following vote Was had and recorded: Those voting in the negativc, TJone. The Wesident therenpon atated thet the matter of consideration of Section Country Club District ,was in order, Thorpe &osa ,being present,stated that Thorpe Bros ,as the omners of practically a11 the land involved,aould execute such easement or right of wag over the premfses owned by themyacross which certain of said storm serrcrs were to be constructed,and,further,that they conconsented to the assessment Pgainst the premises orrned by them rsleo in EIXC~SS of I8 inches fn diameterbnd to the end that the Village general fund should be charged mith no expenses in conYrPction there- nf'ch. and thRt such easement and such consent srould be furnished In such form as might be required by the Village Attorney. The President announced that the Village Engineel-, pumuant io the ordinance adopted July 12,1924,ha.d caused an estimate of the tota.1 cost of such stWm serers and sanitary se'ii~rs too be made,and haa prepared p1e.m and specifhations therefor. The sme ere then examined Trustee C .F,Wescott, moved the aooptfon of the follo-1.iin.g resolution: Those voting in the affirmative,All members present. e 3 -$ the construction of storm Sewers and sanitary sewers in Fairway $ J,L ~~~r.S.S,Th~rpe,Presi~en~~ k of the cost of said st.orrn semr up to and Sncluding dnd BE IT RESD;LVED,by the Xlllage Gourncil of the Village of Edlna,Hen- nqin Coirntg,I.'~nsiesata, thkt proposals for bfds for the constructlon' of storm ~e~ers and sanitary sewers in FaSrway Clxzb Distrht, in said Villsge,be adwertised in the Heniiopfn County Enterprise,the official newspaper of said Vflhge,and In the Ffnance & Oomrnerce 8 news paper published en City af I"inneApolis,~~inn. once eaoh veelc for three (3) successlve weeks all pursuant Lo Chapter 364 of Lavis of Xinnesota 1917,and that such blds vi11 be opened and m?cefved by the Council at the Grange Hall In sa9d Vfllage on Section,Country ". Al.lg~Z, 29,1924,at. 8 O'clock B,i?';., . Clerk $3 .T.Edson 'seconded the foregoing resolutlan,~~~he~~zupon the following vote vias had and recorded; Those vatfng In the affirmatfve: All members pz-esent. Those vot,lng in the negative - None \ 141 Mr.S,S,Thwpe ask the Council to open street along the East side of Portable School site,Fairway Section, to con- nect with Grimes Avemue, Trustee H,J,Knudsen and Clerk EST, Edson were appointed a commfttee to confer with the School Board. Trustee C ,F,Prescott was appointed to interview E,H, Burr for right of way across that portlon of the Baird Estate, Also ask for three feet mope on Vooddale Avenue,as thirty feet only was given. A letter was received fron Mr.Thorpe assuring the Village in vmfting that there would be no expense to the ViU.s&e--for the Fairmag improvements. mThe origlnal letter being recorded In the resolution book" -4- STATE of MI.NNESOTA) County of Hennepin) ) 39, I, E..T'.Edson,the duly elected,qualiffed and acting Clerk of the Village of Edina,Hennepin ~ounty,~,~innesote,do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a31 proceedings had at a meetfng of the Village Counctl of the sald Village held on August Is%,I924,and of the minutes thereof,in so far as the same relates to the constructfons of curbs ,gutters and sewers In Fairway Sectlon,Country Club DistP'fct, in safd Village. * IN RITNESS XHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and ofZiccfal seal this First day OF August,I924f .Clerk of Village of Edina, Hennepin @ounty,Minnessta