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Meeting called to order by President J,T,Delaney e.t 8: PJa
e All members ansYuered roll call with Treasurep J,J,Duggan absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting of July I2,and special meeTdngs of July I8 and 21,slso Aug 1st 1924 mere read and approved.
The regular order of business was suspended to hear from the dele-
gatzon of Test, 49th Street, Mr,V,H,Adams In behalf OF the delegatton
ask that 49th Street ?Test from France Avenue be graded,l:r.Trn Kell,
Geo.Payne,E. J.PsL'r,y,ldr.~ickluri~ and others zho are property otmers
TJere present
Apet-ltion vias presented signed by 13 property bvmers in the vScinitg
requesting the opening trE-49th Street extending Test From France Ave.
to the nev Thorpe Addition.
Eoved by Trustee H. J.Hnudsen Secmderl Trustee CIF,Prescott the
pet-ttion be accepted mith the xirden&ind%ng that a new petition be presented agreeing to make the Street 40 feet instead of 35 feet in
midth and assessing costs of the street to the abutting property,
carried e
Mr.Pollock of the Sauth Harriet Bark Improvement Association asked to
have 54Street 7, graveled from Booddale to France Avenue and side streets as they leave 54 Street,gr-aveled for a short distance, They were told that when the Street vias made it vas nevep properly
graveled,and as the Vfllage leavy '*A& only a maintenance flxnd that
it would be necessary to assess 1% to the property benefited. There
were some objection but Mr2ollock thought they vould be willing,on
motion the matter was referred to the Road Committee.
h?r,C.A.Holm wanted to know what action the Coxmcfl had taken 8.bout
the proposed road running North fr'orn Interlachen BEYd .%hru CoopeI8'8
drivemag to the Street Car Tracks. 3as informed the right of may.
must be given and costs of construction be assess to abutting
il4~. J,L.Rutledge spoke of 2 telephone poles keing in dangerous places at the curve of 44kb Street AS the Street comes from under the
viaduct in Erookside,rras told the matter vas delayed pending the out come of the Rrooksfde movement,howcver the Clerk was instructed to %mite the Telephone Company asking their removal.,Kr.Iiutledge spoke of holes 'Zn the street caused by the paving trucBs,Trustee S,K, offered to take the matter up with the Paving Company!
The matter of the petition to open P:otor Street to original midth
and grade vias taken up,after discuss~on,a motion by Trustee C.F, Prescott,seconded by Trustee $,K,Strong that ve have Fotor Street
surveyed with permanent sts.kes set,carried
ProPertY f
Trustee Prescott reported for the Committee on interviewing the - School bo8.rd regarding the right of Wag for Street ttlong the Eaet
side of portable GchooL site,Kr,Fryberger said he could see no cs
objections bllt said he would take it up with the Attorney Genepal just nhat po:vers the School Board would have in the matterland
would telephone the Conimitte his findings
r$r.Eurr seemed opposed to gzving the right of way on the Fs!i-d side of the street,as the Heirs of the property vJer7e bo widely scattered but they 17em tl?yZng to dispose of the property and thought it
nould. be eeasier. to handle the matter after the sale ::-as made,
IJurse had made inquiry and said she iyould look out fot. the family.
Trustee StronE reported the O'Dette femlly were gone.thc County a
Constables Ollnger and Hraml asked to kc? aloved pay for pt.roling
the Village one night a week.
Tr1.xs-tee C,F,Prescott seconded by Trustee S.K,Etrong be allos $2.00
for Constable with car and $1.00 for the other Constable f9r patrol
duty one nfght per week.
After looking into the Lyle Culvert, bill It vas found the mount did
After discussion,ft 'CIBS moved by .
agree with the ~rici~s quoted,and tho billLvfJHQ laid OVeP*
After duly considerfng the bills it was moved by Trustee
S.K;.Strong seconded by Trustee Prescott all othe-r bills 8s covered by warrants be allowed,carried,
P?oved by Trirstee Knudsen seconded by Trustee Prescott +he
nrembersh3p fee to League of Municipalities be paid,carried,
The BalnncG of the Jixne settlement $1263C1013 Wi3a received from County Treasurer., and $4.00 received fmm dance pernits ~tnd
turned over to Treasurer Dixggan.
L4~~rra-nPIs 3f20,of $162.00 and 3121 of $I53,90 were taken
up , tW'
rsrran'c for interest of $5 e 31 dated Rug .20 ,VIRS pa:! d e
Road bills -
178.20 Jnmes Eerkrnoes " 198
Cd Costello " 210 tp I89 .oo
A, Tebber lab& 207 '? 45 g! 93.15 Drtn TJcNelLis '' 207 '* 93 s 16
Clarzncs Knudsen 11 2x12 I? 95eI8
20 9 *Ob? €lRr 0 Id YC Ne 1 'I 3. B
8.10 17 C hss t 1 ck
'7 $3 Joy St, Corn' 232 days IITe50
General ConeCo. loading 68 3-4 yds gravel at IS$ I0,ZT
A H TJe 1 s on 20 hrs at 356 snow (Apr.) 7,OQ Jotan Novak 20 7 .OO
20 7 eo0 John PabudA
"irn Boyd I5 5 e25
JOO NOV8-k I5 5e25
Bumpy Eogd 20 7 000
total road bills$ 1049,94
Dan IJc Guf re team 2112 hrs at go$ $ 190.3.5
ff 18 (8
'Te KEtsec gravel I10 yards at 256 27.50
Other bil.ls -
Nat'l Tea Go. Groceries for Kell 2 Tepolt & O'Dette 36.71
F,J.Kokesh one wrench order by Joy TmIO
lCpla Gen Electric Co Street lights for July 43.75
H.R.Heaitt legal services ( Brookside 1 7 m50
John Zilja blacksrni thing 9 e85
'barrants taken up $3120, $162. & #3121 ,.,>I53 -90 315.90
League Of Municipalities membership fee 3oe00
Interest on warrants paid Aug 20 -24. 5.31
other bills- 450.22
Total for month 3 I500,06 -
PJo furf,her business meeting adjourned