HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240829_SPECIAL144 \s The meeting of the Village Council Hennepin County,LTnnesota ,was dilly called and held on August 29, I924,at 8: P.h", at the Grange Hall in said Village, On roll call the following were present: President J,T,Delaney Trustees I.1, J .Knudsen of the Village of Edina, z c .F. Prescott s , K L Strong Village Clerk E,T,Edson Absent None e As the Hall. was previously engaged and with the consent of all present, the meeting adjourned by Trustee Knudsen,eeconded by 7hwe he meeting vias again called to order Trustee Strong by FresidenPI Delar~~. The Weslden'c announcf?d'Lhst fiMs was the time aet fox- op~n$i-ig of bids Top? the coastru@tlOp OS curbs and gutters in certain streets in Falrviay Section in said V51Iage and also for t'ne opening of bids for the construction of storm severs and sanitary sece~s in ~a.lraag Section of said Vill-ige. An a-ffidavit of publicabion in anC 5n the Hennepin County Enterprise and in Ffnmce Z Gonnerce of the natlce of bjds for sec.ers xere n13. duly gr~sent~~d,examirled, fouild sufffcient and ordered filed with the Clerk. It was Eowd by TmsLee Xnudsen and seconded by Trustee Strong the bids of the ci~.rrb and Gutter b.;. cbnsfdered first,carried. Ahah wee. H@ni1epin COuilf;g XEtei3p$iSe Of nQtXCe: Of bids fop curbs and glltte~s Bitis were then mceiaad an,d examined for the conntructfon a.C curb & gutters fro9 the fallovrinp; parsons : Only one bid, thut of Thoqe Bros .TJAS presented ?I thereof ,on motion duly made by Trustee Strone seconded by Trustee Prescott t'ne f01lCWIng resolutioa %as unanimoilsly adopted : e After disciiseion BE IT RESOLVED bg the Village Councfl of the Village of Edina,Hennepin GCtunty,Xiqinesohl that the bid or" Tnorpe Bras S,S,Thorpe President, of Fifteen Thousand Seven Hundred Porty five and 1To-IOO.Dsllars ($15,745;00) for constr-uction of curbs and gutter in those streets in Fafr.::r+y Sectfsn,Gountry Club Districtpin sa-id Vil,lag:e 8s descpiked in a resolutlon adopted by this ,Council on July IBth, 1954,ls the bid of t'ne lsaest 2PSponsible bidder therefor,and the sarm is therefore hereby dilly accepted and the Village officers am hereby ordered and . required to entri? into a tliritterz contract with s~irl bidder and In accordance s.lfth said bId and to cause such forthv:ith to fils a proper bond in cOnnectfon thereaith in the sum of Fifteen Thusand Seven Hundred Forty Five Dollars. (15,745 .OO) BB IT FTJRTIBR RESOLVED, that the VilIlage Engineer is hekt by reqa1ire.d. to prepare a proposed special Bssessnent roll forwith and $resent the seme to the Caixncil at its next mee%lng, all in accorclance r3th Chapter 364 I I;avm. of I917 a ' 78 mhtch vas returned e Trustee S.K.Stra~g ai?d E.T,Edson Clerk, .,;.ere a.ppol.nted to meet vith Engineer Gra'uer to tabulate bids Aug 30;at 8: ,4,7:, On motion meeting adjourned to meet Sept 2,1424,at Counf,Py Club Disti-ict Offfce b -