HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240902_REGULAR145 I A SpEcial meeting of the Village Council of the Village Edina, Hennepirt Oounty,nCLnnesota,was duly called and held on Sept.2 1924,at 7:3@ o'clock P,N. at the Country Club Office in sa%d On roll call the .rolloTving ITieMbWS were present: - Eresfdent, J,T,Delaney Trustees Ha J,Knudsen vi 11 age Q G,FmF'PeSCOtt S,YeS'trcrng Village Clerk Z,T,Edson,also Attys Dorsey and H,R .FIeIVclfttm Ths Presfdent then announced that fn connection wlth the csnstrwction of sewers,Thorpa Bros .had prepared aatf deli-srzred an hstment g-ra.nthg E+. sufficient easement fop the construction of said sewem BCPOSB privately owned premises ,all as deScribed in tkLBt, C~P~.R~YI ai-dinance crec.ltfng Beiver Dis'crict No I, adopted July 12., I924,aiid :"nieh inst-rument further gave a valid consent by Thorpe Rros.as the omem of property affected,authorfzing md requesting the s-ssess- menI, pro rat^ against p-roperty dvrned bg 1% ?.nd benefftsd the-reby, for that por*tJari of the cost of cons5ruction'oP such sewers GS should he fri ~xcess of the cos% of construction of sev:ers inexcess of elghteen im:hes (18) in diameter,such assessment to be i,n FtddiLiori $0 all other VIlLa-ge asessment against said p-roperty. exemlned and Soukid such instrument t.0 be siJ,ffielenS; fop batah th~ The rZrcsirlc~ik. anuouneed Lhtst. %he sa&?zft.ary sever on Uaodciale Avr: SP~ Fod j~-rtin?~h Sreet, to Fiftieth Street would be omitted from the pmsent consli*uction and from t'ne proposed contract. The a"0llCt~ifhg bids VJW& '.rJ6ce%'h3di &mid. esirsP&e&d. for the cbnsf.2r-mtlan Soderg:rsn :C Lofquist bid of $13,700 fm storm seGers, Falx1 Tendlandt bfd f;TA,EWI for storm sewer and $14,700 for sanitary sewer. ThorGtoi? Bpos .bid $18.154.00 for storm and. $9,990.00 for sanitary After dlscussl-on Sodergrcn & Lofqulst asked to wkth draw thelr bid which vas allesned and check returned a On motion duly made and seconded, the fQllOWing resolution was unanimously adopted : BE IT RCSOLVED,by the Village Council Qf the Village of Edina,Hennepln Q~~ntg 1linnesota;that the bfd of Paul IVendlandt of 81Ivl.a Mfnn,for -the construction of storm sewers illl those streets in Fairway Section, Country Club District in said Village as described in an ocdinance adopted by this Council July 12,1924,fs the bid of the lowest PeSpQh- sible bIddep therefor,and the same Is therefore hereby duly accepted and the TJil1age officers are hemby ordered and required to-enter in'co a written contract with said bidder in accordance with said bid and dause such bidder forthwith to file a proper bond inrconnection there- with in t.he sum of Sixteen Thousand Efght Hundred Nfnety one Dollars. ($16,891.00) Prodded the contract be completed by December ffrst, ' : '--!- with a penalty of twenty five Dollars ($25.00) per working day them- after for each and every day the work is continued beyond that date. ~fOi*~~~.lG &?lJ.3fpOses ~ I of saa.itary And s'CSP~ SePJePSe BE IT FURTHECR RESOLVED,that the Village Engineer Is hereby required to prepam a proposed special assessment.rol1 forthivith and precent the same to the Council at its next meeting, Chapter 364 Lars of 1917, Aftep discu&ion,a motion duly made by Trmstee Knudsen,seconded by 0 all in accorditflee sith .- . Clerk Edson, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: . BE IT RESOLVED by the Village' Council of the Vfllage of Edina,Hennepin County,Minnesota, that the bid of Thornton Bros .318 Endicott Bldg. Saint Paulet~3.nn. for the construction of sanitary sewers in those streets in FairvJay Section,Country Club Dls&rict,in said Vfllage,as described an ordinance adopted by this Council on July 12,1924,is the . bid f the love t responsible bidder therefor-and th same is there- fore hereby duly accebted and the Village officers are hereby ordered an d requfred to enter lnto 8 wr4tten contract wi-th said bidder in accordance w5th said bid and -bo cause such bidder 9orPlhwith to file a proper bond in connection %herewith in the Sum of Nine Thousand Rine Hundred Hlrsety Dollars (@9,990) Omitting,however, therefrom sanitary s,evrer on Yooddale Avenue from Forty-ninth S'treet -bo FiFtieLh Strset, Provided the contract be completed by Novembsr IOPlh 1924, and also providing a penalty of Twenty Five Dollam4 ($25,00) per working day thereafter for each,sand every day the wozk fs continued begopd that date, BE IT FURTHER RFS%VED,that the Village Engineer is hereby required to prepare a proposed speclal assessmen% roll forthmfth and present $he same to. the Council at its next meeting,all in accom3ance vith Chcpter 364 Laws of 1917, The Clerk t7as appointed meet with the Attdrneys and complete the contracts with Paul Yendlandt Rnd Thornkon Bros .and Instructed to return the Yendlandt check when bond 386 given, Thornton %os Contract to;be%ailed to their address in Saint Paul. The proposed JudSctal Ditch.on Nine !dile Creek was discussed ,and a motion was duly made and passed that the following resolution bs adopted : mAS,the CounQ Comissionars haw asked for a letter of approx@ from $he Village Council. approving a ditch they rrers'planning on Nine Mile Creek running South from the @oar Famn and 7MEREAS,such letter was written,dated May 26,1924,and VKEREAS,the County Coarnissioners have abdoned the ditch as out of' their sphere and ?ELEREAS,the V5SZage Council does not approve uJ:JudTc9al Clltch on Nine M3.e Creek rrfth'in'the Limits of Edina, NO17 THE23EFORE =IT FlESOLVED,by the Village CoullcS1 the motJon author- izing a certain letter of appFoval to-the County Commissioners be m- considered aktd copy of this resolution with a letter dSsapprovlng this project as a Judicial Ditch,be mailed to the Coun'by Cornmisstonem* 0 110 further business the meeting adjourned. Recorder