HomeMy WebLinkAbout19240915_REGULAR147 Presldent J,T,Delaney called the neeting to order at 8: P.M. in the Gsrange Hall. All members ansvered roll call but Trustee S,K,Strong. Yinutes of the last regular and 2 specfal meetings were read, President Delaneg called attention to the fact that the minutes of the regular meeting did not contain a report made by him as Chairman of the Road Committee that he recommended the new road in MendeZssohn to be assessbd 6ack to the abutting pjoperty,but contrary to the recommend Trustee Prescott appolnted himself as a committee 'to order the Street CommissSoner,to gmde and gravel the new road,viith no father corrections the minutes were approved. PresLdent Delaney presented the following letter: 0 Edina,Minn,Sept,I5,1924, I hereby tender my resignation To %he Honorable Village Council, as president of the Village to take effect at once. Signed J,T,Delkney, Thurtee Preseott moved the lettep be laid on the table,there being no second the motion was lost. President Delaseg explained his re,asons for resigning and did mot wksk to continue as President und.cr sxisting conditions, as his resigfigtion was not accepted he dealared the chair vacant. H, J,Bnudsen was made temporary Ghairman. Vr.J.Lawarence asked for filling and 8 ditch around his property at France and 50thStreeti on mot&on the request was referred to the Road Committee, I I On motion made by Trsustee Prescott seconded by Clerk Edson Trustee A petitton sfgned by I6 residents for widlning and grading "iater- man Street fn Mendelssohn,Clerk Edson moved Trustte Prescott seconded the petition be accepted and placed on file and the matter be Peforred to the Road Committee carried, A delegatian from Grand~ew Heighis was. there complaining of an J- injustice done them %n that they must pay for. theis s%reet and others not, It was explained to'thern that their street was graded full tvidth and fixed for sidewalk, a difference arose over their petition and they were told %he petition mould be there at the next regu3.w me e l;i ng, Eldred Moore was present,asking what the Council would do for their drivevmy.I% mas explained to him the Brookside Movement had compli- cated t122ngs a.nd the Village's right to do any thing at this tlme was questioned. Dr.iir!cNeil ,a,F,WcGuire,~~r,Child~~reHarris and John Jones from the improvement Association were present,their mfsslon was in regard to the future Of Edina and dfscussing the VLillage Corporation, M;r.Child and the Clerk were to ask Attys Stevens 2c Stevens what ncf;.Con had bzen taken in the Brookside matter and the Village'as R corporation was to be rerepred to the league of l.h.miclpalit2ese ?Jr ,E ,Void, of Thgdale Bros .ms present amking what the Council had done fn regard to Mr.;Vm,Heydt' crossing a% 48th Stmet and Blnoolrside, 2le ms told MreHeydt had taken it with 'the RaiA-;ray Cor~m~ssfoa a% St.Paul,and we considelned th!rmat%eF taken krom Our hands. sarn 1;~~paedy and 7Jm.fdcl'JellEs are of the opinion the plat of Grand vpe~ flepgh9,s that 1s on lrecord is not the one that S~JELS filed. Tpl.lsi,t=.t$ pL-i)escott 1i1as appointed to go to the Court House aith the matter , 1JiI~~.Aloxays_I~c?~~, of the Shf3ffE.P Englneerlng CO JGkS present and profile e $48 \ 'I f Ro Mlls i4;ere paid and upon motion the meeting adjow.yned to mezt Saturday Evenfng Septa20th. at thz Clerk's home to consider FPES. Delaneg's resigantlon and the matter QE appointing a nes FPesidsI-rt, t The meeting cas called to order to order by Trustee H,J,Hnudsen temporary chairman at the home of the Clerk at 8: F,P:, Roll cal1,nll members pmsent but President J ,T ,Delaney. The matter of' President J,T,Delaney's resignation was tRken up and discuseed Tmstee C,F,Prescott offered a resoliitfon ht 8PLer due cons5Eeration it cas thought unnecessary for Its adoptlan. The foll~3:airrg mot.f.On :%is offered by Trustee S,~~,Str~ng,v&~~b~t Tri* n* Bving to the fact that-our? PreSident has tendered Ms regignation and after solieitatlon refuses to reconsider,f move that, hl? resig-- satIolz be accepted and the office declared vacant.'* Trusbee I"rescotk seconded the foregoing motion,upon roll. cal1,TrusLaes UnallfmOUSo -7 imudsen,Rr?scott & Strong,and Clerk Edson voted yes .making it The chair Wing vacant Fred R,3illson's name :7~s proposed as President Lo fill the unexpired term of President Delaney,and upon motion there mere four votes for and none against therefore Fred El,.'iillson vas declaped appointed President of the Viilage Councll,\Fiho vas duly sworn and toolc. the chair, Tne Sever ordinance No I ,6F the Fairi-lay Section,Countrg Club JXst . nothaving been published,on motion the Clerk was instructed Lo On discussion of the special assessments fn the Fafrs~ay Section, which are to run for a pepfod of ten years,it vas found our Special assessmeaG $bok was inadqp$te ,and the Clerk was instructed to purchase the necessary record book,upon motion oT Trustee Strong, seconded by Trustee Prescott, The Bond. of Paul. 'Sendlandt for the construction of storm sewers in Pairvray Section xas presented and examined and upon motion of Trustee Prescott secondeil by Strong was accepted,and his check 7-8s returned to him. On motion of Truqtee Knudsen seconded by Trustee Prescott $ne Clerk . mas instmeted to write the florthern Stcites Povw Co*%o clean up the brush made and left by the construction of their high pOTR?P fine,carried publish 15, The Mpls Gen Electric Co, was granted permission to erect three poles on Test 55th Street between York & Xerxes Ave S. and three on Eaird Ave.betrX?en Fuller and 54th Street, The matter of the levy for next year wgs discussed,and upon motion Trustee Pr!escott,seconded by President F,H,7lillson the levy was made $15,000.00 same as for 1924.