HomeMy WebLinkAbout19241006_SPECIAL. -1- L c 151 Coitract price $15,853.54 <:15,745 .O@ lb@aecrts eqenses (estimated) 780 00 78Q 00 Logal eqenses It 300 -00 407.54 Total --- $16,985.20 $16;985.20 L%blication expenses If 52.66 5 2 r, G !?hemupon the fallwing Resolution was duly moved, seconded, and umnimously adosted: TEEREAS, pursu.ant to resolutions of %he Village Council of tu Village of Edim, Hemepin Co~lll~, Einnesota, duly passed and adopted, for tke condzuction of cwbs and gutters in certain streets in Fairnay Section in said Village, and pursuant to a contract duly mde for the cunstm-ction of sua improvaents, and it being noeassary to pay ths cost thereof by levyiw qecial asseamernts against the assessable gropertg berreffted thc rabg , IT07 !i!€E3El?OXE, BE I!? RZSOLPED, by tb Village Covilcil of the Villagc of Edimst, Hmnapiu CournQ~, Ximesota, that &a proposed assessmnts he're toforo pmpre8, ad ncv on file and opm to public inspection ti t3xi offfico of the Village Clerk, -11 be brought on for comi&r- ation a-EA adoption at a special meeting of the Villa - day of October, 1924, at tho Grange Hall in said Viilagf?, at -&i& time ad place the Village Council shall hear ad pass upon all objsctions to ea& of said special assenmants, if any, a& mag, if it deems it just, me& sa& or a11 of such proposed assessrmbts as to any lot or lots e Couixil to be held at 1:30 ofclock F,?L on the L3 Jr , BX 12 I?UR'PIE3tR RBSO&VED, that %a notice of %e time and glace when and &ore t;lzo Village Council will meet to psc ugon sa.& proposed assessmmits be giwn by the Village Clerk by -publishing the same in the Bemepin Comty Zntorpriss, the offichl nmspi.por of said Villzge once at least ten (10) dap prior to such mestix, and that saX notice be Pa substxitially tu fOllGUiq fOSra : ITOTICE of l3EKEtINcT on SPECIAL RSSESS~mTFS for CURBS and GUT'I'ERS. ITO'PIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN Bat %he Village Council of the Village % day of October, 1924, at 7:30 ofclock P,U., of Edina, He-megin Co Village on the -3 for tkLc pqose of pssiw upon the proposed spcial assessments to be levicd asinst evcry assessable lot, piece or parcel of land in wid Villaso benefited bg the construction of curbs and gutters on, streets in an6 adjoining Pairway Section in said Villee, !'&e proposed assess- ments a= to csch of the. lots or tracts beEfite8 thwebg are POX on fila rri'ch %be Village ClcrB, E. T. Edson, and opsn 40 public inspection. At such meeting the VilZaga Council vi11 hear and pass uipx~ all objections to czch of such proposed assessmmts or any portion tkereof, and my, if ft doas it just, change aq~ of such assessmats as to any lot or lots; Uimsota, rrill neet at the Grmge Hall in said -2- 152 _- .a I .. am, upon the adoption by resolution of su& assessments, :Tit% the amanit- ments, if aq, t320 same sbll constitube tho spcial assossmznts asinst thc lantxs mcd tbrsin, and &all co~tikxto, with the accmcd intcrest thEon, a Iia u.ou the progertg included therein concurrent via gi?ncrz?l tams 1111 proprty omers and all parsons intorested in any of such assesmcnts 8ro horobg notified t~ be p.%saC and bve the rich% to be present;, citbar in parson or bg cowal, at such ncotiw. deskizg to objcct to any of such zssessrmts, OP his Guly authorized ageifit or sttoraq, &al, on or befow th said dztc of hcariiis upn such assesmwfits, Zile tri€-n the said Village Clerk 8 nrittan statornut of his obgoctions, and 311 object20225 not specified thorein swll be demd f7ilimd. Any prty Btsdl this b dqy of October, 1924. Sy ordm of Village Comcil, On nation duly =de an6 scconbd, tb fo'ilovia Ordinance Gas 153 1 Soctioa 2. That 2s heroby amnded, said Ordimnee XO. \ & Apjpovci! this '\LI 4 day of October, 1924. PresiGen-t of Villcge Cowrrcil. Villclga Clerk. !I319 Village Clerk rqortsdl tbt he had, 172th the zssistnnco of spatially asscsced. on account of the improvemeit by tho comtrnction of i?ic.co or jp%el 02 land in Sewer District no. 1 of mid Village beilefitscl On 50B trcct xfroa 33rucc Avclns to T?aoT&la ATCZK : Qn Bruce .&ven.r;.s from 49th Street to 50t?i Strect; On 4'2th Street from Casco Amnu0 to Dmxetl _J,venw; On Drcml bveme &an 47th Street to 49th Street; s On Czsco 2.vaug fmm 47th Street to 49th Strect; On 47i3 Street from Gasco .&venae to Bruce Avome; On Bruce Avmuo from 47th Street to 49th Street; J 155 On Arden Avenue from a point ogposite Lo% tE70 in Block three in wid Subdivisioa to a point opgosite Lot eight in said Block three in safd Subdivision, and from a point oggosite Lot eleven in Block tori in said Subdivision to a point ogposite Lot four in Block twelve in said Subdivision, an& on 49th Street fron Arden Avenue to Bruce Avenue, and from a point opgosite Lot "Ca in Bloc& fourteen in =id Subdivision to Casco AQ=~ and also across Lots eight ;rad hnty-tlrt'et, of Blo& three of aid Subdivision. The proposed assessmnts as to ea& of the lots or tracts benefitcd 6 thorsbg we am on file r&th the Village Clerk, E. 9. IZdson, and open Lo Fublic impection. u2on all objectiom to each of such proposed assesments or any portion thoreof, ad may, if i% deems it just, &ag~ any of such assessments as to am lot or lots; and, upon the adoption by rasolution of such assess- ments, with tho amondmwts, if any, tho same shall constitub the special sssosmznts zgaiilst the lmds md therein, and shall constitute, nith thc accrusd interest themon, a lien upon the property included thwoirz conmzreilt vi t% geiie-ml taxes. At sur& meting tho Village Cowlcilnillhar and pass All proprty ome~s and all prsons interested in my of m& asscsmants are hereby notif2ed to bo present and have the ri@t to bo present, either in pwson or by Counsel, at such meeti-ng. Ally parw desiriig to objoct to any of sua assessmnts, or his daly authorized asmt or attarner, skll, on or 'oefore t;ha said data of hearing upon such assess]IWnts, file r&th the said Village Clerk a mitten statement of his objections, and all objections not sgecified therein shall be deernod -5ved. e Dated this bq dar of October, 1924. By Order of the Village Council, E. Pa BDSOIT, Village Clerk of &e Village of Edina, Nianesota. I- !Phe Village Clerk rs,mrted &at he had, 172th tho assistance of .I .. tho Villqe Engineer, separately calctdated the g~opr aomt to be specially assessed on account of tho improvement by the construction of storm swmrs in and adjoinixg Fairrrag Section in said Village, purrsu-at to contract for such construction heretofore amTded, and that sua mounts CD to be sgecially assessed were calculated against every assess- ablo lot, piece or prcol of land in Se17er District Ho. 1 of said Villasc benefited thereby without regard to cash valuation, in accordance vJit,h the provisioas of Gkqter 35, Lams of 1915 as mended, am3 that such proposed asscsment vas filed in'du@icate in his off$- oii the %$ day Of -%A A, 1924, t7hici11 is not less than ten days prior to %is -6- neetig, and cas continuously thereafter ogsn to public iiispsction, and a that sue& assosaiont was in th aggregate mount of Sevex&eon 5%oonsand Four Hmdrcd ITlmty-Ei&t and 95/100 Dollars ($17,498.95) , ad made ap of tb f'olloning ituns: Contract price $16,891.00 EngiEer's oqenscs (estimated) 400 .oo LCsl Q~CPlSOS It 372.00 A%bl Scat ion eq olzsos I1 35.95 Tot &3. -@? ,498 95 Thereugon the fallning Resolution ms duly moved, soconaed, and "-S, pursuant to resolutions of the Villago Council of %he Villazo of Edina, Hmopin Come, Uinnesota, duly pssd 2lrd adopted, far me construction of stom severs in cortsin streets in Fairmy Section in szid Villago, and pur,mant; to a contrsct duly made for tho constmetion of m& izi~mvanc;nts, ad it boins mccssaqy to p3 the cost threof by lavyiq wecia1 asscssmcrzts Wimt the ossoss- ablc poprty bmef'itad thorcbg, E0'7 ZR?3?Wy BE IT RESOLTJED, by the Villaga Council of the Villaso of Edim, Hczmqin CounQ, :Umosota, &at t3.m proposed assosnmnts heretofore pm-ared, an& nm: on fila and opn to public insgsction in the officfr of Village Clerh sl~lL be brou@t on for consideration and adoption at a sRcia3. meeting of 4310 Vi1 'go Comcil to bc hela at 7:30 o'cloclt POX. on the %% % day of October, 1924, at tho Graze HaLT in mi6 Villap, at \?hi& e5.m and place thD Villaso Council shall hoar ad pss upon all objections to era of said spacial assessrzents, if my, and my, if it de== it jnst, amend ~sci.1 or all of such proposed assasmsnts as to an2 lot or lots. -7- 157 \ From a point on of said Subdivision south to and across 50th Street to ernpt~ into Uinnljlzz Cree&; line between Lots 16 and 22 in Block 9 And alm on Bridge Street from Drsxol Avenue to Arden Avenue, an& on Arden Avenue from Bridge Street to a poiP'G ogpositc Lot 8 fa Block 10 of said SubdivisLon, and from szid point opposite Lot 8 in Blot% 10 in mid Subdivision southmsterly across portions of Lots 8, 9, 10, 25 and 24 in mid Elock 10, in said Subdivision, to a point in Bruce Ayeme opgositc Lot, 11 In Block 9 in said Subdivision, and sou-bastorly across portio-% of Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 md 16 in said Block 9, in said Sv.bdivi&on, to the point of cormnencm&t of safd dis trict sewer; And also from z point in Drexel Avollu~ opposite Lot 26 in BlocX 8 in mid Subdivision, ail, tl?nce southeasterly across gortions of Lots 26, 25 ant! 15 iii si6l Block 8 in said Sub- division, and across Casco Avenm and across a portiioa of Lots 23 sild 22 in Block: 9 of said Subdivisfon to t;ile point of cornmmcmw-% of said district serzer. The proi2osed assessments as to e=t& of &e lots or trzcts beno- fitcd t&scby are now on Pile vi$& me Villa~e ClerX, E. Ye Edson, and opm to p3lic inspection. At mC31 mxtiq th@ Villago Council rtilll bar and pss uson a1 objections to w& of such jyososed assessnmi;s or any portion tkreof, and my, If it dsas it just, chazze my of su& ~SECSC- monts ks to a-n2f lot OF lots; mil, upon the adoption by resohtion 02 sv-clz asaosmeilts, 16th 'eke menbents, if any, %he samo shall cCasti~-te the spcial assessmnts winst t& lands nmsd Eiwoin, and shall constitv.t,c, with tb accrued intcrest therean, a lien ugon the property included f2xmc-h concrarrent rrith gemml taxes. All popcslg (P:lirs and all persons interested in any of such ascscsmwts are hereby notified to be prcsont and have the Xfight to be proscat, eitker 21 ~FSO~ or by cornel, at sua meting. prtg desiri-ng to object to a-ny of such assessnents, or his duly authorized, agent or attormy, shall, on or b0for0 tha said date of bzring upon such asscsmmts, file vith 'the sajd Village Clerk: a mitten statement of his objections, ard all objections not specffiod therein &a11 bc domod rmivad. ?&4 Dated this \o a day of Oc-bbor, 1924. By Ora0r of Village Council, E, T, ECISON, Village Clerkof the Tillage of Edina, Ximesotst. On motion &ly made and seconded, the folloxing Xeso1u-%ion ?ns TEEEE2lS proceedings have besn duly had arad taBu for %ha constrxxAion of certain street hprovments, consisting 09 cnrbs and gutters in and a8joinir.g FaZrcay Section in said Vilhgo, and a contract as barn entered into b3 said Village for tb making of said S.riprovements, and tha expnse incwrea to be facurred, and to be assessod against tke proparty bemfited thoreby, is not less thm &e sum of sixteen thonsanci nine hu.ndmd eightpfive and 20/100 dollars ($16,985.20) -8- Section 2. fn anticipation of thc collection of such assess- ments, it is hcrsbg dctormimd to issue stroet inpr0vcmon-k T?arim&s of t& V2lhgo of Edina, Hempin County, Ximmsota, ujjon said Tuna for tho mod =e of raid= nomy from th sale therac1P to ka usod in pyiq for saZd improvacults. Section 3. mat mid varrmts shall havc coupons a'ctached thereto reprcscnting tb annal interest %ereon, &all be thirtz-fow (34) in nunibor an& nmihercd frm om (1) to thirlcg-four (34), both iil- clusTm, sml1 be dated STovabw lst, 1924, sal1 be in GIB Wfionination of five hmdzkd dollars (()500) eat&, omopt warrant 170. I, vhich &all be in tb dmonimtion of four hm&cd oightpfive and 20/100 dollms ($485.2,0), shall bear interest at the rate of fivo and one-half psr ccnt (a) gar an~m, payable amwl~, a& shall nnzturo serially on Eovambor 1st iB ea& 02 tb years as follms: $1465.20 in 192!3, <1500.00 lo oath of the years 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929 asr& 1930, and $2000.00 in ea& of thB years 1931, 1932, 1933 an& 1934, vM& rmrants, boa principl a& intorest, ski11 be payable at Grells-DiaDq F&ust Conpny in tho Citg of IiIirnea~olls, Ximesota, chll be Ima;.R1 as Faimay Section Cxwb ana Clatter Special Assessmnt Fund Earrants, and sb11 be in substantidlly thQ folloning fom : {Form of Ewrant) UlJ[!ED STATES 02 &ERI(X S%!i!E 0.E I31mESO!i?A Hwmpin Coxa@ Village of Edim 159 in accorkznca nith tli~ provisio-as of Chapter 364, Lam of Ilimesota 1911, for tho pwpose of dcfrayi-4 the cost of constmcting curbs and gutters in cerain streets in and djoirirg Fzimay Section i.a wid Tillzga, a11 as &lly determined and directed by resolutions of ae Village Covslcil of said Villago. daly adopted and recorded under aYld by virtue of, and in strict cclqliaulce with, tk constitution and statutcs of the Statc of Eiimesot a. IT IS HEFGBY CZRTIFIED and RECITED that all acts, coaditiom ana thiKys required by the Lavs of th3 State of Ximemta to be dam precedent to and in th8 issmnco of this warrant have becn properly dwi, have hammed and been perform6 in regular and due form and %bo as rcquirod by lm?; and said Fairway Section Curb and ,Gutter Sfiecial hsscssrnmt Fund of said Village is hereby pledged for tha pmcW1 pay- acnk of ‘dm prizcipal and interest of ais marrank at matwi%y, and lnto which flax% allsuch spcial assessments, toge.t;hcr nith interest thereon, vi11 bc pidwhen and as callectcd, andwhich sjpcial assemnents arQ in an mount not less fhan tb total amom$ of warrants issaed on accomt o€ sai d im~~rtrvmm t B . (Form of Coupon) Vflkgc Clerk. -10. Dated ,October b* , 1924. . By Order of Seceion 5. 5is resolution shall be in offact from mcl after Its passage. . On notion dvly mde and seconded, tha folloving Resolution vas lm3l2znously adosted: -11- Im-mS proceedings have been duly had md takeii for the constru.ction of certain street improvaents, consisting of sanitarg somrs in and adjoiniqg Fairmy Section ia said Tillaga9 and a contract. has bean entered into by said Villas for the making of said improvmcnts, and *ha cqxaor, inekred and to be incarred =Uld to bo assessed against tlm sua of ton thousand thee hundred ‘chiripthree a;nd 12/100 dollars ($10,333.12], propor@ benefited thereby, is not less than NOT EIEE!POZE, BE IT RESOLED, by the Villago Courrcil of the Village of Edina, Hemepin Comt.~, Xinnes ota : Section 1. That, due steps having been legally ta3ren pursuant to the provisions of C!hagter- 35, Lans of Xi-mesota 1915 as mended, for th construction of sani-tarj severs in streets in and adjoinis Faimay Soction in said Village, sild assessments are baixg legally made, assessed and lovied upon tha real estate bezafited &ereby, all as provided by lm, Pi an amount equal ta the mat of said irnprovwents, there is hereby crostcd and establiSbd a fwrd for said inqrovernent Bmn as “Sanitaq Scmr Fund of District lwri5er l”, zriL all moneys collected on my of said s$ecial assessmats &all be ~5d into such fmd for tho papont of tlEc cost of saLd improvaents an5 for vamants ismed on account thercof. Section 2. In mticiption of the colloction of such assess- mats, it is heroby dotermimd to issm stmet imzrovment mrrants of the Village of Xdina, Eenmapin Comty, IFfmesota, upon said &rid for tho pur-ose of mising money from the sale thereof to bc used in j?aTi= for said hgrovmmts. Section 3 !kat said warrants shall bve coupofis attached thereto rei~esent3..ag th annual interest thoreon, shall be twenty-one (21) in nmber and zlvslberod fwm one (1 ] to tmen-ig-one (21 ) , bath in- clusive, &a11 be Wted ITovembw lst, 1924, shall be in the denoaiuution of five hundred dollars ($500) ea&, except warrant iTo. I, T.rhfch &all bo Za the dwominsttton of &reo hundrad thirtptbrso and 1Z/lOO dollars (832;3.32), shall bear interest at the rate of five and one-half per cent - T$‘:@” 1, ITovwbw lst, 1925, $1000.00 on Xovember 1st in ea& of %c years 1926 to 1993, both inclusiva, and @500.00 on Eowenbcr lst, 1934, vhich warrants, th principal and interest &all be payable at %lls-Dic&iy bast Co~psmj? in the City of Einneapolis, Iiimesota, shall be &om as Smitazy Scmr Fmd of District 3T-w 1 Warrants, and shall be in su%- stantially the following form: (5$) pc.r amm9 payable annually, and shall mture serially, <;833mIz 01x1 . TRTIIIED. STATES OF lG!E!?ICA sum of EiTn?Insoz4 Honnepin County Village of Edina P 5’ 1TO On t.h~ 1st day of Uovmbor, 19 , the boarer will bo sfititled to rocoim, at bells-Dicky Trust Cornpay in the City of ZTimeqolis, Uimemta, from S=t;llitarg Sc7.7er Fund of District TTmbor 1 of tho Villasrs -12- 2his zarrmt is Uuly and lc$;l;tly isvmd bg the szid Village of Et3Zn.a 'in mtZc5ption of tho collaction of spcial assesmnts duly riizde in accordmice nith the peovisions of Chapter 35, Gzrs of Emcsota 1415 as mmded, for &s pnr-ose of defmyiq smers in certain streets in sr& adjoiniq F&rmy Section in said Villazc, all as &!y detmmincd and diractsa by rcsolution's of %e Village Council of said Villagc duly adopted and recorded under ard by virtm of, and in strfct ca.lianco ai-&, tb constitukioon a& statutos of tke State of zri-m S3tS. cost of constmctinis sznfbw Pillago Clerk. -1% (Form of Cougon) 163 0-n &e 1st clay of Rovemlxr, 19 , tho Villagc of Esa-Zm, Henzapin Cowl&, Eimsota, ail1 pay to bearer, st Tolls-DicEey Tmst C?omAgmy in the City of il.Iimapolis, Plimsota, from Sanitary SGY i er 1 Rad of District 1TUr;ibcr 1 of said Villago, Dollsrs ('$ its Smftargr Sever Fmzd of District Nm&or 1 Earrmt, dated ITovczzbcr IsL, 1924, Eo. l9 tho: sam~ being &.e azmual imtallmnt of Paterest duo on _. Village Preeidont. Village Cle rk. Scction 5. It is hereby deteminad to cause said varraats to be sold, md -bh Clerk is hereby instractcd to ause notice of lo t3oroo9 to be gublishcd once each we& for kro corrsccv-tivc TSO~S, the first gablicatioil to bo not Less than fowrtson (141 b3s before tho date of d~, in tho ?remepin Comty Entergrfse, tbe official ncmppr of said Villaso, rrhich sale sbll be held at a rncetizg o Octobor, 1924, at 7'. 3~ oTcloak FIX., r;hich notico shall be in si,?lj~taiitfzlly the fb1lo;zing form: the Villago Council ?a thc Grange Hal1 in said Village on th 1% & ,. day of , By Order of tho Vilhgp Council, E. 2. EDSOIT, Villaso Clark of i2i~ Vilhge of Edim, :S-mesota. Section 5. This resolution shdl bo in effect from zxia aftcr its passage. 011 nation ddy =de an& swondod, tha folloving Resolution rr I 1. I- C* ms unatP.inaou~l3 adopted: , -15 - 165 \. .’ -16 - Villago President. Couatersimeit : Villqo Clerk. (Fori of Coagonj . Village Clerk. -17- By Order of &e Village Council, E, F. EDSOIT, Village Clerlt; of the Village of Edim, Ximesota. Section 5. lpliis resolution shall be in effect from sild after its i~ssc!,~~. On notion duly made and seconded, the meetix adjourned. VillaSe Cle~1;. -- Trustee B,J dnudsen reported two calls for Oork,Peter's road near the Perry Station to be made passible for cars,the other near the Docken store in Brookside,for a section of culvert to lengthen out tli~ present one and covered. Trustee Knudsen was authorized to see work vias done, 1:o further business the meeting adjourned J) -18- -- - Recorder