HomeMy WebLinkAbout19241011_REGULARNeeting called to order by President F,E,%’lllson at the Grange
Hall at 8: P.X”,
All members answered roll call.
Trustee C.F,Prescott reportec? he P;as unable to confer v3th Thorpe Bros.in regard to the assessment against the Bird Property,
honeyer Ppesident f!fillson said he had talked with UraBurr of the
Baird Estate ah0 said he had no objection to a reT%$yable assessment,
Trustee frescott slso said he had no opertunity tohub the records&
the Grand View Heights plat ,as requested by SXT ,KcCready and 7im.
Trustee H.J,$nudsen reported the work at the Docken store was com- pleted and Er.A,Docken expressed his appreciation thcrefor.
There mas some discussion about a culvert at France Avenue and 50th
Street,whlch v:as found by the crex layfng water mains along 50th $t,
It vas found filled up,and left SO,
Mr.E,Pearsont8as present nit& a whole flock of comp~aints,threatening
to have the bookg audited andijscoreing the Bouncil generally, Said
he Teas dlscrirninated against in that he had been promised gravel and a road,and never got either,also of being taxed $75.00 on &.)cow and others-being untaxed or very lightly taxed.He mas Informed the Council
had nothing to do Kith the taxes,and he should take his tax complaints
to the !Pax Commission in Saint Pau1,Also that last year Divisslon
Street r:as extended to tis East line and it was understood he Vjou3.d e care of the rest on his property, Also that the Road CreTi v:as
giving value received,and if he was Street Commfssionar he would rantee the Village would get IO0 cents on the dollar.
A delegation froin Grand View HEt&hLs Consisting of l$r ,Rav;klnson,I:r Smutny,Vr J,J.b!cNellis and others with their Attorney R,H,Chinock
asking how it was possible to build a road in on Summit Avenue and
assess the costs to abbuting property,and build 8 road In another
place am? rs,~t .Tssess the costs, It was explained that it cas custom- ary to lemj assessments for a road built full width and fixed for
sidevralk in platted property by petition,
cs.rt v;ay just made passible in un platted or acre tracts,is made
xith out assessment. Attorney vias of the opinion that It was a
matter for the Courts to settle,but after he had examined the peti- tion he seemed to have changed his opfnion.
Xr.Har.-kinson after examining the petition satd he had nevw seen it
be fore desplte th’? fact his signature was on it. Apologizing,aith
the remark that he..nsr~ thought the Council had aorked in good faith-
but thought the petition had Been changed before it reached the.
Comcil. ; r.Eak-~Y:old,of‘ TinLdnle Bros.said the grade :?‘as not Gide enough acpop,c lot 20 for road and sideaalk,and the Street Conmissioner sa5d
it vas nade full :,idthe
A petition S:‘SE presented by 3.T.Jones of Browndale Park,signed by
S%X other property o~mers,v1z- C.T.Jones 2.1 .Larson,X‘.A,Bonee ,GePi,
Borden,l,?ilton J,Sacon,L,D .Rernett and Abhie A,hrson. for jr sidexalk
in fropt of Lots 9-10-11 Elock 9,and infront of Lots 11 :i I2 and
along the South side of Lot 11,on ?’J 44th Street,all -In J3ro:;ndal.e ?ark,Edfna, ( Hazel Avenue 1
assessed to akbu$ttri; prn?erty,and inordep to hsve the slder:skk put
in tpds fall they %%%ed a ~:avel? of notice and pnbllc8bian. It9 T;as
moved by Trrletee H,J,~r,udfidn,seconded by Trustee S.I< .Strong the
fo3 lor ;,- . resolution nap adopted . ’:R’EFEAS 611. of t.he o:;lners of Lots 9-10 & I1,Flock 9 and Lots I1
md I2,Elock IO,kTnzel Avenue and South slde of Lot I1 an 44th. Stree-b
A31 -in Frszndale FsrP,Edin8,kenneD€n County,Cinn. ,have Fetit ioned for side:.alk on BIXWG rimed Streets and reqveet,ed thz bdoptiori of
therefore be it Resolve6 by the Village Council of the Vlllags of
Z:dlr,a,that SiiCie*.’:nlk be and the same is hemby ordemd io ke constructed
on above f1a1 t=d r+-~f*: nccordlng to OrCfrrsnce g3ve.’nZrrE s3deralk c om t ~1-1.c ti or,
But a narrov road or
It cas understood the c0sf.c Xn.zl6 be
the nece~s8t~;r i%~ol~!tion to GTV~ effect th.ereto,acc?opdiaL to lev, i
m -
m he r~hd Fllls were Pllovded on motion of Trustee H,J,Knudses an0
other bills 651 iifOtSon of Trustee S,K,Stmng seconded by T'rrrst~e c ,F 9 $re PC cstt e
Road bi 11 s -
192- h-s at SO$ $ 172.35
I80 * 45
2 07 I86 e30
89 955
T James Eerkmoes team Dan Mc Gui ~e I1 2002
Ed Costello
Andrew "Jebber labor 2 07 45 4 Clnrence Knudsen '' I99
Dan VcNelLis It I7 2 77.40
Sa VanAllan tk 13; 6.08
'5 ,9 Joy St ,Corn 23 days 5.00 SI5 .Oi)
':m It'nseck gravel I22 loads,Ii yds 152;- at25# 38.13 $958.41
Other bflls
H,R.Hev:itt examining Statutes pub.minutes ,by Delaney 5 .OO
Hennepin Goirnty Enterprise publishing an6 printing 21-00 3: 74.15
hpls .Gen.Electric Go Street lights for September 43.75
J .F,Olinger eorrstable services, 4.40
Total for month :$I032 * 56
No further busfness meeting adjourned.