HomeMy WebLinkAbout19241023_REGULAR290 i 1924. A meeting of the Village Councll of the Village of Edina,Hennepin Z6untyYE~innesotn ms duly held October 23rdYI924,at 7 :30 o'clock P.78. at t'ne Grange Hail in said Village. On roll call the following members mere present: - e President FA .Tiillson Trustee CoF..PPeSCOtt Trustee S .K ,Strong Village Clerk- E,T,Edson Absent: Trustee E.. J,Knudsen, The President on special assessment for sanitary sewers,also for cwb and gutters, and also for stom sewers a11 in Fairriag Section of said Villagespur- suant to resolutions adopted October 6th, 1924, The Clerk presented due affidavits of publication of not.€ce of hearing on each of the three projects for said specfa1 assessmen% duly published in the Kennepin County Entelrprise on October 9th 1984. The Clerk further announced that no mitten objections to any a$ said projec'ts had been filed with him by an$ person whomsoever. The President tinen called for objections to the special assessment on %he * Sanftary sewers, No one spoke in reference thereto or made any objection thereto, announced that this vias the time set for hearing P The Presldent then called for objectfons to the special assessment on the storm sewers*No one spoke in refererice thereto or made any objection thereto. The Presidene then called for objectfons to the special assessment on the curb and gutter, NO one spoke in reference thereeo or made any objectTons thereto. On inotioln by Trustee C,F,Pr~scott seconded by Trustee SACe Strong, the follo IJirig resolution nas ixnandmously adopted : \ oficffs S. IC. STRONG, President H. J. KNUDSEN, Trustee C. F. PRESCOTT', Trustee GEO. A. WILLSON, Trustee E. T. EDSON, Recordet J. J. DUGGAN, Treasurer L. E. STRONG, Assessor Village of Edina Heme& County, Minnesota OFFICE OF RECORDER P. 0. LindeaH2i Skition, R. 2 Minnedpolis, Minn. .t.(, ! -= "Keep Your Eye on wind'' -. part The County Auditor requested that ths':*of the special assessments pald by Thorpe Eros be paid direct to the Village reasury and save the County the extra clerical work and expense,an on interviewing Nir S,S,Thorpe,he said it made no difference to them as they had to pay the assessment any way,and said to ask Mr James Dorsey,the Atty. tr, the case,xho said lttrzderuthe circumstances he could see no legal obSection and it wmld be alright t:, do so,,and to make a minute to that effect WJa.8 all that was necesiary. In view of the fact that / the Yovernber settlement is Some 60 days late to pay the bonds which c- are due Nov 1st of' each year 2% was decided to turn-in the assessments to Thorpe Bros on. or before the 10 of Octob6r of each year the same as to the County Auditor to be pald by the I5tki of October of the year due, ::joved by Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen the iibove change be rnade according to Vr.Dorsey's statementi carriad, E& IT liESOLVED,by t,h& VilLwge Council of the Village of Edina, E1t;tm~~I-n Count,y,Iiiianssota that the special assessment on account. of t1w s t20m se:7ers ir, ~a.f~lay see tion of sar~ d vi lt_age as prepared by klu-: Village Clepk and filed in his office,and descn-ibild in i~~FtC~l1~tf~3fi D.rlophd October Gth, 1924,and in the aggregate BL~OUJ~, of .;I7 ,$38.95,be sild the same 1s hereby a.dopf.ed ,ratiffed and ap- p-ov~d 3s t.ha special assessment for said improvements against evsry usssssmble lut.,,plece or parcel of land within Serrer District firr,I,fn sald Village affected by ctrch Smprovement,qnd the same sh~li wid does corrstZ-LuLe ths s-pecirrl aasessrrient agalnst the lands wncsct tn sarld special assessment roll and such special assessment nith i,kw ar,~weC) Interest thereon,shail be alien up on the property desc~J.l~ed thbrein concurrent $&th geFeral taxes ,and shall be pag- abls l.11 ten. (IO) eqlxal annual instalments extending over a per-fod af ten (Tf?!- ,~rs,and the first of said installments shall Fr due on tkie 29% day of January,I925,and the last of said installment shall be due on the 1st day of January,I934 mb;nCs shall bear interest at the rate of StJ$ per annum fmrn and aftsr October 23rdY1924,untill paid: and the Village Clsi-k is hereby autho~lzsd and instructed to imnedlat&$y transmit a cer4ifled duplication of suchgssessment to the County Auditor of Hennepin County,tJfnnesota tQ extended in the proper tax lists of the County, pa21 9s required 6y thapter 35,Laws of Kinnesota,ISI5,as ammended: and such assessment shall be collected and pald over in the same ti manner P.S other municipal taxes,but the owner of any propevPty 80 assecscd mst~ a% any time pay the whole of.sxxeh assessment or any annual, instsllmen% thereof with interest as to any lol,'pfec.e OP parcel af land affec.ted thereby, *e all of which assess- On ~!@t,L13n Ly Truetee C,F,Prescott,seconded by Trustee S,K,Strong, tlir foll-aJ~tng resolution was unanimously adopted : \ payable solely from special assessment levied against the pr0per.t~ bennefited by the respective improverrents He fi~rther armoimced that unless sonieone present zished to bid for less tham the total of ail three issues of riarrants,the three issues -could be offered simultaneously,and $hat any premLwn Of any bid would be dfstrfbiitsd pro rata between the three issues and the three funds created th.ere- Thereu.pon various bids 1':ere recefved, and, after all bidders had made their final bids,it was found that the bid of Earga-rett A, Thorpe,of Kinneapolis,for the purchase of all the'sets of zarrants, at the price of par and accrued interes plus a pr%rrriuni of $65.0C to bear Interest at the rate of 54 $ per annum;-payable seml-annually, both pi$.ucipal afid interest to be payable at the First Rational bid received for, KO one expressed a desire for less than a11 three issues, - ~;anfi. fn the City 'of ~~inneapolis,~.~innesot.~y,?;as found to be the best Thereupon,on motion duly made and seconded, the folloviing resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED,by the village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,Kinnesota that the bid of Kargarett A,Tlzorpd 1'' ,.inma polis, for $44 817.27 for fo, 333. I2 sanitary sewer marrants of' said Village $17,498.95 storm ser:er karrants of said Village, and $X6,985*80 curb and gutter warrants of said Village,for the prfce of par and accrued interest and apremlum of $G5.00,sxid sarrants to bear interesk at 52 $ per annm,payable seni-annually, and to be payable at the First il'ationaf Bank in the City of X7inrieapolie ,kinnesota,is found to be the best bid received and for the best interest of said Village,and the ~8me fs hereby accepted and said .r:ar-rants are hereby avmrded to said purch:aSeP, t~ be deiivered to such purchaser forthwith upan their execution and upon the payment of said purchase price by sald purcl~aseir. to the Vlllage Treasurer, and the Village Treaaursr is i?-~+f'li?:~d to distribute such purchase price when reccived,among the %bee ai-tpropriate fundstherefor,and 20 distl?.ibute the prernZurn inclndcd in sUch purchase px-ice pro rata in propai?tion to the principal sm-alxnt of said warrants among said three respective funds; ard the purchaser shall not be required to see to the applicatior of the purchase price, EE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that each and a1 b ,of those certgin res- olutfon s.dopted October 6th,I9?4,by said Wllage,be and the ERE^ is hereby amended as to interest rate and place of payrrent of sald r.n~~3nts,in so far as the same as originally adopted d3 not z.ccord vith the Lnterest rate and place of payment therefor set fo>rt.h $7 amended,shall be and are in full force and effect. - . this resoLut1on;and said resolutlons of October 6th,I924,as EO - I E.T,Edson,the duly elLccted,qiaelified and a.ctinE Clerk of the Vfllage of Edha,Hennepln County t:innesota,do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of all thqt portion ~f the minutes of meeting of the Village Council 2f sald Village held on the 23rd.day of Octobcr,I924,in so fap 8s the e~me relates tto the Improvements by curbs,gu%tyP i and serrers in Falrxag S4ct.ion in saLd Village and the assessments therefor,anci the sale of y.aiQrats on account thereof, - TP ':,'TTlJESS :';?IEkEOF,I have set-my hand and offlcial ,real " this 23rd day 'of Octobery19E4, \ 173 .