HomeMy WebLinkAbout19250110_REGULARL 1 t The meeting was called to order by President F.K.@illsan fn the grange &all at E:30 P.B. All members present but Trustee H .J .Knudsen. Minu4;es of the last regular,and of Special meeting@ ,Bee--I3th % 20th sere read and approved. On motion the regular order of business Bas dispensed with to hear those i.n malting. Yr.J,&,tgannens asked permission to build three houses on his lots at 50th Street Rnd Indiana Ave,in St,epkren's Addition,Ediusa, After discussing the matter at some length,Triistee S,K,Strong moved and Trustee C,F ,Prescott secmded the request be granted, carried making lhem at least 45 feet frontage to each housetto face on 50th. Mr.C.H.Yaee asked that the road be extended to his propwty in Mendelssohn find on motion of Trustee S,K,Strong,secanded by TPustee? C,F.Prescott it was referred to the Eoad Committee. Mrs K.C,Eyan asked for 8 little work on 46th Street ab France $ve. to enable her to drive onto her lots facing on France Ave.&-ith building rnateria1,it %.AS referred ts the Road Con;mfttce. k?r.KlZne,Atty. for the Federal surety Company (and Vr.Paul Wendlandt aI.1.h the Decen.Eer es t,irm te on Storm Setders, or *.17255.27 the estimate *as sllowed to tilt; Fedem1 Surety Co. On n.otlor- of Trustee Z?F.Preec3ti seconded by Trust.:c X.K,Strorg. 'iqie mri tter* of secul..ir.h work fai- 2vr.,jolill r;oVqt,i,Y vies disc;&&& and Trimtee C.F.Prescott WE YskECi to see Kr.74.4nderson of the *brasher wor-kc at hopkinc,lf 11, *QP poe~Tlilr t.o seci~r+ alork for Ed.r,Xovotnjr the ri e . Coiint,y Eneineer WRS present. end saild Lite VI11qp could secure the Countglenob plow at R cost of HLout $35.3a per day 'to ruB'%t,they could open the roads Itrith 111 9 day or tvvo aftcia R storm and also suggested we Rsk the Co:ini.y In uraftirlg for 2323 feet of ~$DW fence, provldlng he spaced the houses as far apart as poseibfe, 1, . e 9 -... Trustee Strong and Clerk Edson were appoir,ted a commftte Attorney H,R.Hea€tt as to the V 11age powers concerning Prfr?ee nnr' A'r.John Moor.e'pkvY4d the Street Clrr Tracks a% Brmkside. 11;~. A'I-~~E Gen.ZIrctrfc Go '1'3s &;ranteqi il, r :scfurl to erect 0 Trookv: t. A Ave. ,bet,*+:+. r 5qJr4 grid 54th StrL;et: . - %*qr u- r-kya C ,'.'i .Smff'er slnbiriit,cld H proposal of terms for m&hg a survey of' platted districts -1s prev3o1isly telked of,alau Engineer J,E,Cardarella X~RS present and asker1 for InfgrrrRtion and a privilege to blci 011 tte prqposed ~~irvey, thFtt, ani oLtler matters %as faid mer- for A FpeciRl met:ng * A flre bill v~qs prc;;cr,t.sd for :XC.for* thi garage fipe at 50th Street nnd France Ave.On motion of Trristee Stroi.8 secarided by Tfrtlstee C.F. Prercatt the Clerk BHS iristructed to return the bill to the Fire Gept Hrld call thel_r attention t.3 a fiotfce of discontinqeing ffm service or, ttlt. Village account served on then: scmething ovm a year ago. A letter CRS read frow tht ivinnesoia League of Nunicipsll$fes asking for stverel dafegates to 8 lek€slfitlve nLc.tir?g to be he1 P~ul Gec.zttld. 1% Was f3ii-d that three or foiir moufd.go. 4 c 4 Afttr discuss5r~~ t.ht (:I ty glatiiJn2 ZOI~~II~ enabling ~D&S' as spont.ored by the it~~iit: of Klnn.i~uri:cipall tics ,the foP16a2ng res- 0luL.l Or; nas adopted. Be It Resolved by the governing body ;I? the ~~unicipality pf the Vi21agF: of EdIna thRt the Goverrior and the Legislature of the State of Aiiiiriesota,Ge and are hereby invitee: to hive fsvsaskle consideratSon to the following bills: .. . .. . \ 179