HomeMy WebLinkAbout19250314_REGULAR182 � 1..'I" ,'nTF3 CE 1147 ;n0CE".DI'- 1'4G" C; CO MOIL OF THE VILLAGE OT .EDIT -VrA AT P, THERSOF HE-10 OI: T —Le 14t,, D;V-r I O 2 5 , "77] 771 I ,T. AGE,,T .G. T1 y - Ts 1. mi i 'G h�GL� =sz .._.:�� Ls OF „IARGH call +,,d l.ro order o by the lt•�.rk- afxitll 1 t abs, `f r,i �' et- " C 'i he a'lJ _ i _ o _' Fr ?dent. -`.K illsor!,Trustee C.F.Fresco -U, �,as �,.pnolnt,edi tco .1-1,11 the Oho. r :r'oL;1m . All pr-lsentr but FrEs.7.7111 on and Truett--e n,��, ,, of . he, last regular meet1;f� read and as r Fjd Trustee `%K.3,'Gr -ong reported th at 1,1r. "oore -acc +apt his dr!Vev,-a -(� by uttif'� in a pear that. x%ou"d make it abo,xt 7 ft-,-'U the Cj:tr Go .c ee►reej' .,� i 1 1. i roc, to do It If than Co ?roll- l 7 }o{u. ld �'nx- no more cyloa.- it � r:ll3;sC�i f,�It'j•F" ttil'+3 �7.� lL CI�.1= 3.` iL 'op only a f errt!( riien ory,.'L'17ii: nt o -nj t(i7�, � f� ii ri j'�� j b '�'% 1 ti l -" r C, 01A) t", -110, The folloti:ine- reso3_ „utoi, present.edl by Trustee' cj.ii.Stroi-t .roil s ��cortded by Clerk F.T.Edson v1 adopi.ede 'its a.r.i,'oore s cro- silt i t3 +!-anzeroux *irti {al_ �.fl� tJ't1C�- ers �the, Sure -+t Car Co1ppallir i 4 Uti.'`1l11 Iii to t'�idi.ii i,i :� ,.- .�•�;- � ��q %-.10-i o %1b the �assupaacte of Ual s ls+ourj.,�e l l ro , f o-- i q- �trit -i' crossing b� tTeen tlh-re and L��a ,x��,,li � ';O”` THERE FORE z�z i c P0;7- o1vt, -. T 'be - 1. a !ncslt fn,O P.- noLher cpa—sslnv betLeon % �7t�' 1_k t� i,n 'i,Iits Car Co. The 1-,o-v-a rt -t, -s �1,t t1'or' j_ q t�,-r �I " ;A i Irlc. re councils � _ 71,v .. . �s :�� :3?°i' *Pi 1' /:@ y,'weserit .ro L i(-) ALlt�,r "4 "::1 of ,i�'� .�f+�sl�C'`�= 1 (-C f . +1 t � i� t_ 1 t o ask - f7 o e lt", c l.• ti 7_ v `-* ' ,1� 1_ } ) .�-➢ YI ,`i ' , ;..) l �) � ±ems 3=' #' �_-+ _. � t,l chts could' be, i ns ta- ,tlled .'r_ r t1no F � 11 I t e'. g s -, i.--! I -.1 :'1. tir Y� for IY.h i+ tit 501--.1r, .••o •� l �: ,F..a 1 �1 r!' ss./'A +� s� .Z 1'17''1,, CiL7d l . i z ,'. Pe 1 lrstructi�d to take the rn . Y .. t) tae 7,lectric Peon anl., ~1 .i f the;; would Ct rrfj sb the lient oratIss � foiti ;iio V.1 1t =aZe¢ Dr•.Eaciiell also ask that a culvert be PlReed dIRSonally a.c :ro:s the - P'Dsirl 1'ecoi TOF. dryV ,r`.?�y�it wFI-S referre!c `l+o the n��` -d ComrnitL.,'--,e. The C"s � „r'� r "as instructed to burchase trio ner1 F'i no c � sr�(1 '-�? o . - f nsrc.rue'u,ed to place all unrecorded del --r1 and _ -easy ni;a nt.s on r; r ,-ordL0 irf7� t.� e r-%T .3trong and Clerk. E.T.Edsoii ti fvs, r:iade a c <afr.iti t ee t n t'ne Teder.91 Surety Bonding Co. In rerarj to the Attorney's of the r7endlandt account w1th tht, V1ll -4w�,. As bT11 for the cRre of the Forichette children of r,2 . 3 =.ss helaz Over for investigation,Trustte S.K. tronv and. Clerk. E.T.Edzon to It, Afi,r_ --t' ins ection of the road grid otbpr 1,1 111,- i'.,'a.s i ovt,c.1 by Trul ,,tee S.II.Stront, and seconded by Clerk E .T.Ed ,ori all ', Ills as c: gyred by a 012 a Roy' 6 bill Thar . "c�Guiz�e tEam hrs rat 7t�+� aY�d Llert'clon f2 i7r_ iA�• 25� and 3 hrs at 30 TO.20 Z .TT,�rss.en t� $�, " r.+. s? I Try f .T, .,T0Y ,*#, .Cori . T' days 44.50 � .:.75 Other T-1,11-11s _- Hopl�f cs Co •. op ;tEwe ";r0cri)ries for TTotYat,i1J ,f:irnily ^k'-).33 publish? n; monthly reports a . CO Hennepin County Enterprise puU.anrtual r :port Z-0 500 ballot. -7.55 Afpls General Eletctrlo Co. vvtraet lights for Feb I925, 40.6:3 F . J.Koke h tape line ordered by Joy .70 John Lil ja rblacksmith �:ork for road craw 5.00 r.C,.Hanse.n 12 h S255", of Villaie election F. ^C .9 G .T,* . Sac hs ” 0 " 3.90 Cl i genet Knudsen " Clerk "' 3.00 ASV .Olinger 1R SR 3.90 J.F.{flinger 12 h at 25� Constable of " 3.00 F.K.T7 11son day viewing roads with car 2.00 Total for monthn;I74.7 At the VillaSe Election of T; "arch Toth I925, tree followine- officers were elected. President ^.K .Strong Justice of Pease John T.Jones Recorder E.T.Edson Constables J.F.Olinger,for I year Treasurer J.JsDu qn Frank Kraml 2 it Treutee Geo A. oillson., -- ,-- z- No further business meetirrC adjourned. Recordar