HomeMy WebLinkAbout19250411_REGULARPresident S,K,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange
Knuds en, C ,F1?rescott, Geo A,Villson, Clerk E .T .EdS on, Treasurt=r
Trustee C .F,Prescott reported he found that the Nowtny family had. lived In Edina more than a. year,and had notified the Clerk to stop the account at the Hopklns Co-op Store as 1lr.Novatny
had seewed a ;job and was working.. Rhich the Clerk had done the
day the notice vas received.
Hall at 2:OO P.M,
' Roll call ma3 answered by President S..K,Strong,Trust& H.J.
President Strong reported the Crandall famfly were quarantined and IWeCrandall was recovering from an operatfon and the family
V~EIB in desperate need of help.Vr,Crandall had work as soon as
he wa.s able to get, out,and help was granted.
Trustee C mF,PreSCOtt said he. had had no opertunity to interview the Electric Llght People in regard to the light-<-on 50th And .
Booddale,and he expected to be away,and the matter was taken . ovep by mothti- committee,
I The bxds of the Clerk Es!2sEdsmg&ssessor L,E,St~ong,and Consta-
bles mere presented and on motion of Trustee C,F.Brescott,seconded
by Trustee G.A.BJillson were accepted and placed on file,
The entl-re Council was made the Road Committee on motion of
Trustee H,J,Knudsen seconded by Trustee C,F,Prescott.
Dr.Jarnes Blake was appointed Healt'n and Village Physican,md J,J, Driseo'L1 on the local board of health for one year,Clerk holds ovez={
HennepTn County Enterprise was made the official paper for the year,
un motion duly made and seconded.
It ms wwd by Trustee G,F.WescotL and seconded by Trustee T-X,J.Knudmh the Village funds be transfered to the NRm-iet State
bknk,Pnd they be required to put up swety bond of #5000.00,carridd.
Attorney H.R,Hemitt was appointed Village Attorney for the en-
sueing year%
There vers 4 applicants for Street Commissioner,R.S,Joy,ArLhur
PeteraGen,Frenk Roberts ,and Qlal'ter Hoag. on the fourth ballot
V,S,Joy mxeived 3 votes and was declared elected Street Com-
missioner fop the ensusfng year.
The Street Commissioner and road Crew's wages were made same as
last gear, .,p5.00 per day for Street Corn.SO$ an houir. for man and
team and 45# per hour for menFon motion of Trustee C,F.frescotL
seconded by Trustee H.J.Knudsen, The Clerk mas Znstructed to
give the Street, Commissioner a type written lette-r Instructing
him to show tho amount of time spent on each job aXso the amount
gravel hauled frorc each pit and turn in each month nith the time
The Glepk's salary was made $SO,OO per month-for the currant rear.,
on motion of Trustee CIF,Prescott,seconded by %?ustee H,J,Hnudsen.
John :rl,Shaffer & Co. appointed Village Surveyor for the year.
Mr J *E ,Odendahl. 46.49 Beard Ave . S .of the Elk River Cement Pipe CO
and explafned about cement t91e arid prices ,a.fter considerhg the
the Collncll favorable but would not oi*der untill after going over* the roeds PJI
Vr, Loyd Pett.ersan presented a petiteon stgned by EvelpAFet%erson
Editkt L,Andersoa,for a sIdeovalk2n {he West side of Xerxes Avenue
South,fron! 54th to 55th Street,in Edina,
E,T,Edson and seoonded by Trustee H.J,Fnudsen the petition be
accepted and granted and assess the costs to abutting property
and noiioe ordered publish.ed,carried.
I .L.nqcKenzle,Alj-?,nU 8 .McRenzle,Odin ntoe,and
It was moved by Clerk
l?r,Ylllarr, SF. mas present asking. about. the street ;8ight and nr88 '>:I
tbld the Cowrcll could take the matter up *ith the ElectrZc, Psople.
me Clerk vias ask to see.about hall foi. the ensueing year,
Pres2dBnZI S,P aSt.rorig presentea an agreement with the General
contractlrg Company to hy the East half of the $:ravel pfJ; on
the post property for $100,00 the Counclb considerded It a good
deal and on motion of Trustee H,J,Knudsen seconded By TPKB~~EI
G,F,l?~escott the warrant was drawn tllrerf'or,
Xiss .G,SPrgenS, of 5204 France Avenue ask for some gpading and
filling on 52md Street,and was told the Road. Gomrrdtltse rould
see to 4t SOOEL,~~~ if possible to grana it,
A petition mas presented
by John SRlishwy,Luella 6 .Grueh,+G .F ,Canne11,A4X2.P,;adsen,and F,S,Reid to vdrlen and grade Motor S%reet,on motion 1% vias refer-
ped to the Road Coni. Thorpe Bros.expense bi31 in the Fairway Section =as presented and
Presldent S,E.Stro& and Clerk E,T.Edson were nade a cornmit,tee to see the County Corr!missloners for a cable fence for BmrPndale Ave.
and on 50th Street aromQ the bridge at the old mill.,and on Eden prairie Road.
On motrl?.on of Trustee G.F.&escott seconded by Trustee H,J,Rnildsen
the bill of Constable Qlinger for himself and help in the Arthur
Richardson smll pox case was allorred
rjhich vms- handed to the Clerk,signed
TI~S held OV~P.
After goXng over the road and other bills,on rnotgon of Trustee'
C,F,Prescott sezortded by Trustee G,A,Yillson they vere alloned.
On motlon the Asse~sor was permitted to purchase a field book for
time befng,
Received fro@ County Treasurer balance of Iffarch settlement $81B30.30
and 39.42 sewer tax.
On motion the time of meeting was changed from 2:30 P.1) to 7:3t!,Te11,
The Fakr donation was Ai.scussed and laid overd far the
Road bflls --
S.Haneen ' Frank Roberts
I17 4L95 JQhn Bore Tim E&rPaoes 103) 36,23
Clarence Rnudsen I08 3'7e80
J,C ,Delmey tesm I6 hrs at 70$ LI e20
Dan Tt7cGuire team 1313 hrs at 70# ;92eU5
n I29 90.30
117 81 sa
Art Petereen 9.4; 66.35
X .Tebber labor I17 at 356 eue95
TJ ,Sa JOY SL. corn 17:- dag? at 4.50 78 075
I6 - rx 3L- 00
I1 J , J ,Duggm
Mpls Gen Electric Co, Street lights for Yar. 43.83
fk$1 Tea Co. 4944 Xerxes Ave groceries for Cranrialls' 3,70
J,G J4aetzrjl.d ,Hda. 4 round pofnt shovels 5.20
Other bills --
Lake, Rwri e t 1iea.t Varke t . meat far crnndall's 4.45
J,D,Adams Go 2 peerless road drags 60 075
First IJat Eenk,Hopkins Recorder's bond 2,50
LOE Strong APP~BSOF'R band 2-50
Genera.1 Contracting Coo East 2- of sand pit IO0 .oo
€1 ,C , Rorhm Age nc y Constable's bond --
Philpott, SC BaIley,IOOO$ coal, for Grandall's 6oZ5
A1 Loveus; I56$ yards gravel at 256 39 PO6
C onsta ble P f e e6 ( A ,F ic 3ns-S I-*- ) 5 00
2.03 Ass2 s t i ng Cone table rt
tp R I1
S,K .Strong John Blinger 3000
587 48
285 a 25 a
Total fo the wonth 3 872.73 +
Aftor Inspections of road and other bAlls,it was moved by
Trustee G .F,frascott,seconded by Trustee G,A,Willson all
bills e.s cqvered by warrants be allowed,carried.
Road RJl3.B --
FPAnk RobcrP*~ team 205 hrs at 904 $184 e 50
A .'l;'ebGer labor 205 hrs at 45$ 92e25 .
NgLe Gen Electric Co. street lights-Apr 40.83
IiFfi3~1 G~XI HOspi La1 cme Archie Richardson 33 D 00. P sJ,C;jI'ollIle f mi gat ors 9,OO Hem C rji IYI .t y En teiigri s e printing and publ5shing 6.00
205 184e50 It Eanea t Hans en
Clfff V%iLfng 1942 175.05
C~RE~LLC~ Knudsen 205 92.88; I
Johm Bore 205 92.25 .
\r ?~~S.JO.J st, corn 23 days at $5* I15 a00 935.80
JfiDaAdsms 60. 2 grader blades,road plora- 48.00
16 iller-D~vis Co . stationary ,and office sup 12.45
6JaG Tee Co~pany groceries for Gwandall*s 1.70
H,S,YLnd II&v Co tools ordered by Joy 3.90 .
4*20 tr) F J ,Kdeeslt Bdw 3 shove9s
11 e R aII~? K 7 t At t y legal advice 5,00
$ecviqftfy 3e.t R%nk ,Hopkfns Treasumr' s bond 25 000 - 2*Q3 191.98 -- -- Ti,E,Cade extra ballots general election
Total for month $1127.78