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President S.K,Strong called the meeting to order at 8: P.M. in the Grange Hall. All members present,also ?fir Shaffer.
The meeting was called for the purpose of confering with the
Village Engineer J.Yi.Shaffer regarding the Topographical sorvey
of certain parts of the Village.
Engineer Shaffer offerred to make a complete t%U. Map of, the Village,a complete atlas: in half section sheek form at a sca1.e of 200 feet to the inch,and a Tapographlc~? rt? Jumeg of Sections
38 & 20,Trrp 28,Range 24.9 €he'East'-belf of Ng3 & af section 19,
Tv;p 28 Range 24,& Section 28,Twp II7,Range 21,
Also an atlas-*showing the grades in the above. described sections.
Cost of the above work to be $2500..00 it ribs moved by Trustee C,F,P?rescott,seconded by Trustee G,A,
Aillson tae offer of Mr Shaffer be acceptetl and he be required
ta furnish the Village a bond,carried.
Fsli? Shaffer was instructed to proceed with the xork
After some consideration
No further business meeting adjourned. &-Lj f&fip~
President S,X,Strong called the meeting to order at 7:30 PA$,
in the $range Hall.
All members answered roll call but Trustee H,J,Knudsen.
The minutes of the last regular and special meetings mere read
and approved as read.
Pres.S.K,Strong reported for the road cornmittee,they were out July 9,one half dag. i\ho had asked for some xork there and was granted by his giving
some dirt for filling,also some tvork in Eormandale and the
Olinger road
All petitions for new roads were laid over till later. Trustee
Prescott spoke of some .vork needed near 3rd Avenue,which xas
granted .
A notice of ffeorge Pavelka for damages done to his car whlle
driving on the Poor Farm Road,caused by a culvert improperly installed by the the County,tvas read,after some discussion it vas moved by Trustee C .F,Prescott,seconded by Trustee G.A. 'iillson
They talked with A.Z,Miller on 62nd Street
the Blerk refer the matter to Attorney XaR,ZewitL for advice ,carried. ,
Justice of Peace J .T, Jone's bond tjas presented and on motion of
Trustee C .F.Prescott,seconded by G,A,Jills,on it was accepted
and ordered placed on file.
The 2fpls General Electric Co nas granted permission to set one
pole on Indiana Ave and 50th Street on motion of Thrutee EveScott seconded by Trustee Zillson.
President S .K .Strong thought it was time a Tlumbing Inspector
~8s appointed ,as the Plumbing 3rdinance h&j Seen published,
thepefore On motlon of Trustl;e Prescott seconded by Trustee :dillson 3aK *Strong was appointed Inspector for the bala.nce of the f%e.cal year.
\ 191
After considering the Hospital bills for Archie Richardson
and the Forichett Boy it was thought best to refer them to the Village Attorney as to payment.
Engineer J,,i,Shaffer's bill of $500.00 advcznce on the Topo-
graph-lcal survey,,s':as presented and on motion of Trustee Frescott seconded. by Trustee lillson the bill was laid over until1 Mr.Shaffer filed his bond fkth-.the Village and be -8 requested to make a statement as to the amount of work all
ready done on the survey.
The Fair donation was bruoght up and laid over for lack of funds at this time.
7 fire work license fees $70, 5 dance permits #IO.was turned
over to the Treasurer.
After considering the road bills they were allowed on motion of Trustee Billson seconded by Clerk Edson.
The miscellaneous bills including the committee work was
alloJved on motion of Trustee Prescott,seconded by Trustee
Ki 11s on
Road bi 1 IS - - team 1961hrs at 906 $176.40
1932 174.15
(I I87 I68 .30
A, 3% bber labor 198 at 454 89.10
89 IO
I98 89 IO
n Frank Roberts
E .Hans en
Cli f f Yhi ting
John Bore I;,S.Joy St Com 22 at $5.0'3 110.09
Nple Gen Electric Street 1.1gW. 0 Jl~w 40.8s
Dr James Blake medical servicesI0/24tO6/25, 173 .OO
' Clarence Hnudsen I98
?in Xasec 86; gds gravel 2.56 21.50, 917 a65
P,J,CaroPine druggist Fumigators 4.50
John L€lja blacksmith work Village crew 12.53 Hopkins Co-~p Store groceries .??ovotny, IO eo5
Bren &os supplies for mower,ordered Joy 4.65
G,A'!dllson, committee wwk &Spc meet . 6.00
2 "03
4 a00
(1 11
S .I5 .Strong H J .Kntxdsen
C .F,Prescott
E ,T .Eds (3n "reg deeds 27.45 _. 303.98
Total for month $1221.63 EJ 53LJ-
No further business meeting Adj. Recorder