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Meeting called to order at 7:30 P,M. In the Grange Hall with
President Strong frr the chair.
All members present. Minutes of the last meeting read and
approved as read.
Regular order was suspended to hear those in maiting,Mrs L.M,
Quady mas present+ and asked about the opening of a street from
50th to 52nd Streets,would be Grimes Avenue,she was advised to let the matter regt for the present until1 17e see what the High-
r;ag No 5 vas goin& to do about opening- the street North of 50th.
Also spoke of a building ordinance and fire protection,after
some discussion the metter was droppGidi Also about the dance proposition Find mas told that would be taken up later in the
Mr Tracy and Mr Orcutt of the Edina Motor Co were present,asking '
if some plan could not be worked out =hereby they could continue
the dances the President re8d the petition for dances,signed by
residents bn tnat vicinity and explained what had taken place for
for Trustee frescott's benefit, the matter was delayed for consid-
eration later in the meeting.
Mr George Pavelka vias present about the damage claim he had filled
&ith the Village,said Hopkins mould pay $25.03 if Edina nould,and
Mr Pavelka said he viould accept that and cancil his c3afm.agahst
the Villqge,tJoved by Trustee Knudsen that we accept the offer,and pay the 925,secmded by Trustee Prescott,carried.
to have 8 receipt which woulrJ eelease the Village from said claim.
The Clerk was
Constable Hraml was asking for a gun and holister
motion the Chair appointed Trustees Prescott .9= Tillson to purchase the equipment, Xr Kraml offered the Village gravel at I5g! per load to be used on %ne road near his place,
TiIfag&'Attornby H.S,Hewitt!s: letter Jf res€gnation WAS read and
on motion was accepted. Attorney Kingsley's name :vas mentioned but
no action ,'ras taken to fill the vacancy at this time.
etc.And on
It was moved by Trustee buds.eh' secsnded by Trustee Prescott the
Clerk b3 authorized to wite the Minneapolis ,Northfield ;C Suehern
Railqay Co .for definite infwmation as to ivhen the-%ompany intends
to build the bridge across their tracks at Benton Avenue,and that
%e. hear &ith in I5 days the Village may be compelled to start man-
damus proceedings ,carried.
It \vas moved by Trustee Xnudsen seconded by Trustee Prescoit the
request of Xiss Belit;? Docken for the extension sf 44th Street to
her new'house be referred to the lioad Corn,carried.
ivir Alexander sf the Village 6ngineer's office xas present and said
the zork of the topographical survey "as about,$'?alP done and wanted
a payment,an agreement was reached whereby the Village 'ivould Da:r
$250.03 forqconsecutive months,making the tatal gmount paid. at that
time $I530.33,if they asuld not ask for any further payment till
after March 1st I926.6n motion duly made and seconded the paynents
were authwized .
The Village legvy was taken up and c3nsideder and on motion of Trustee
Trustee Prescott seconded by TrustLe :'iillson the leavy nas made
h letter Train X,P..,Dadge was read offering t3 help in the opening
of To3ddtlle Avenue,the right 3f way all being secured kut the half
width road across PLr A.';,::'rSght pmporty, the Clerk '.vqs instructed
to .mite Err ;right asking him to join in the project ~ith the
right xf aay and !-)therwise if possible.
The Clerk vias authDrized to turn in tr> the County Audit%- the
assessments fw the sidewalk and curb on Xerxes Avenue from 54 to 55th Street,the assessments in three equal annual payments,on motion of Trustee Prescott seconded by Trustee Xllson.
$18 333 . 30
The C1 ted to a k th County Commisssi
for 2000 feet of snow fence.for County Road No 39.
The dance questim mas taken'up and after discussion it was
. moved by Trustee M.llson seconded by Trustee Prescott we
issue no more dance permits at present,an'd the Clerk to
notify the Edina Motor Co to that effect,carried.
The Road bills Jier.e examined and on motion vJere allowed.
The miscellaneoirs bills were then taken up asd on motion were allowed but Constable Olinger's and iFdm Zasec which were
ordered returned for correction.
'lhe follovdng monies Mere received by the Clerk and turned
over to the Village Treasurec.
Rec 'd advertisers in ordinance. %Porn Plumbers Licenses *# 7 .OO F,A ,Luther 5fx ,$ 1.25 Kellog ,k Vackeg
Crane Company Thorpe Eros
Harrfet State Eank
Bonhus Hard wqre C o
F,Hirshfield & Son
H , S .i;ind Zdw
Elgin Dairy Co Inc
Luscher Lumber Go
Edina Garage Edina Grxery Co
Edina #eat Uarket
Edina Bakery
Nelson's Pharmacy
Raad Bills --
Frank Roberts team
E; .Hansen
A. Xebber labor
John Eore
Clarence Knudsen
Louis Stalzmaa
Henn Coimty Enterprise
Ypls Gen Electric
Cliff Thiting 0
;,,S,JOY St Corn
7 .oo
7 -00
2 050
5 e00
2 -50 2 050
51 e08
Rood Bros 5fx 1.25
E,H.Richards 3 1.50
Twin City Co 7 1.75
P-erfection Co 6 1.50
Bjorkman Co 6 1.50
Perfection Go 6 1.50 I-CiZ-5
I6."5 3 Dance permits 6.dQ
2652 hrs at 906 $238.95
261, 234.90
22 9f 236.55
37 16.65
2q- at 454 I19 -48
2562 115.43
99 1 44.55
- St lights hugust 44.53
C ,A,Bl3mquist City Treas, oiling 44 St. 35.50 Maetzolds hdvi, Ax 2c 2 shovels by Joy 4.00
2,56 Eren Pros
E.T .hdson 3 mo salary and office supplies 154.40 John %.Shaffer And C:, pyt on topoe survey 250.03
. repairs far mower I1
John Lilja blacksmith $fork for Village crea - 9'.50 564.14
Total for month I688 I5 -
A letter to the-Village Council read asking that a rogd - ke opened a.cross the E.'V,c~rner of the Baird Estate,and the
fallowing are the minutes in pegard there to.
Persuant to due call and notic'e therp?f.a regular meeting of
the Village Council of the Village of Edina,Hennepin Goiinty, lVinneaota,fiJas duly held at Grange Hall in said Village on
Satuqday,the 12th day of SepternberyI925,at 8 Q'clxk P.MI?
The follovdng Embers %ere present: President S,H,Strong,and
k'rustees H.J,Knudsen,C ,F,~rescott,S,A,~~illsonland the following
were absent :)?one
Nir .E ,T ,Edson, the Village Clerk ,wqs also present. Trustee
C.F,Prescott introduced 9rdinance go. 3, and moved its adoption,
v,hich Ordinance was ther3upon fully and distinctly read, and
was in aOrds and figures as follows:
196 ordinance No. 3. L
An Ordinance declaring the neuessity of openfsaing
a street in the Village of Edina,and directing the
acquisition of 3and therefor by condemnation OP
The Village Co?zncil of the Village of Edina,Hennepin
County,Xinnesota,do ordain as follows :
Section I.That ik iS expedient and necessary and t:,
the best interests of the 'Village of Edina and its inhabitants that a public Street to be known as '%unnyside Avenuew be opened *. and laid in said Village upon,over and across the three described
pieces or parcls of land situated in said Village and in the
County Df Hennepin and State of Minnesota,tmit:
I. All that part of the folloming described property, vlz:
Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Nor-bhqiest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (M"ig of P$A'k) of Sec- tion Eighteen (18) ,Tomship Twenty-eight (281,Ralzge
Twenty-four (24) ?lest :thence Test along the NortB line '
of said quarter-quarter section four hundred feet (400) ; thence South Two Hundred Seventy-tmo and ZS/IOO (272,25) feetjthence East four hundred feet '(400)feet; thence
North tbvo hundred seventy-two and 25/I30 (272.25)feet
to point of beginning,
which lies between the two following described lines,viz . :
(a) A line beginning at a point in the north lfne of said
quarter section thirty (30). feet west of the Northeast comer
thereof; thence South p&@allel with the East line of said
quarter-quarter section a distance of one hundred eleven and
3I/IOO (III.3I)feet; thence on a curve to the right with a raidus of fifty(50) feet a distance of forty-nine and 32/IOO
(49.32) feet; thence Southwesterly tangent to said curve a
distance of one hundred thirty-s-even and ?4/100 (137.74) feet;
thence on a curve to the right with a radius of fifty (50) feet a di8tanCe of twenty-nine and 80/100 (29.80)feet to a point thirty-three (33) feet measured at right angles north
from the south lfne of said first descr&bed tract;thence :Jest
tangent -tD said last mentioned curve and parallel rrith said
South property line a distance of tmo hundred four and !39/IOO
(204.59)feet to a point thirty-three (33) feet north of the southisiest corner of said first described property.
(b) 'A line biginning at a point in the east lfne of said
quarter-quarber section which is distant one hundred eightg-
nine and 94/100 (189.94) feet South of the northeast corner
of said quarter- quarter sectfon and running southwesterly
a distance of one hundred foty-six and 62 IO0 (146.62) feet to a point one hundred twenty-two and 29 / IO0 (122,253) feet west of the southeast corner of said quarter-quarter section,
2. That part of the RTortheast Quarter of the Northefist Coi-wte~ (IJZ$'==
FE::] Qf SectJon Eighteen (18) ,Tor?nshTp TeFnt$-eigh& (28) RorOh BaBge:Ta&nty-four (24) 'fiest described as Pollows :
A strip of land sixty feet f6QA),being thirty (30) feet on each
side of the folloJiing descrzbed line:
Commencing at a point in the Itorth line of said Section Eighteen
(I8) vhich is two hundred tKenty-efght and 82/100 (228,821 feet
East of the n'orths?est copner of said Mortheast Quarter of the Qortheast (ME.: hTEg),and running thence Southrvesterly to a point in the Test lSne of said last named quarter-quarter sectlon,
vvhich point Is one hundred fifty-three and 9?/IOO (153.97) feet South of the Northviest corner of said quarter-quarter section.
3. That part of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast
Quarter (NE,- of NE&) of said Section Eighteen (18) lying
'test of the following described line:
Commencing at a point in the North line of said Section
Eighteen (18) which is thirty (301 feet East of the Porthwest
corner of said quarter-quarter section; thence aouth parallel
with the ?%st line of said quarter-quarter section a distance of forty-tvo and 35/100 (42.35) feet;thence on a curve to the
left with a radius of thirty (30) feet a distance of sixty-four
and 66/IOO (64.66) feet; thence southwesterly and tangent to
said curve a distance of ninety-eight and 59/100 (98.59) feet
to the K&S~ line of said quarter-quarter section.
Section 2. That the Villsge of Edina shall acquire the right-of-Bay 'for the first of said threes-tracts or parcels of land by ac-
ceptance of a grant ,thereof from the omers of said tract,
Section 3. Tha.t the Village of Edina shall acquire the second and
third of said tracts by condemnation under the power of eminent
domain as provided by 1aw;that the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and dlrected to employ attorneys and to take and do
any and all steps and proceedings necessary and proper in the
narm of the Village for the prompt n~cpiisition of an easement
of right-of-vag for street purposes~-upon,over and across said lands and for the taking of additional ground from abutting property as ma.y be necessary for the proper cuts slopes and
fills for the grading of said street to a level thereof shown
by plans and specifications for said street on file in the office of the Village Clerk,.
iately upon its passage and approval and publication as required
Sectlon 4.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect irnm@d*
by law,
Attest : Signed S ,K ,Strong E,T,Edson president Df Village Council
Village Clerk.
passed and approved Sept 12,1925.
Publlshed in Hennepin County
Enterprise on Sept .I7,1925.
Trustee H,J,Knudsen secgnded the motion for the adwtion
of said drdinance and upon vote being taken thereon the f?f-loVJing
2rustee voted in favor thereof: C,F,Prescott,H.J,Knudsen and
G,A,?Jillson, and no one voted against thc same,whereupon said
Ordinance aas declared duly passed and the President affixed
his signature there.to:in approval thereof,and the same was '
ordered recorded in the Ordinance Records of said Vil1age;and
the Clerk vvas directed to, cause the same to be published in one issue of the Hennepin County Enterprise, the official paper
of said Village.
meeting adjourned,
npon potion 'duly made,; -' seconded and c8.rried the
STATE 08 MINNESSTA Village CleL-1,:. SS
I,E,T,Edson,being the duly elected,yualifted and
acting Village Clerk of the Village of Edina,Hennepin County,
Xinnesota,d3hereby certify that the attached and fo-regofng is a
full,true and correct copy of all the minutes of a regular
meeting of the Village Council of said Village held September 12,1925,insofar as the same Pelate to the passage and adoption
of Ordinance €40.3 of said Village.
hitness my hand and official seal this 12th day of
-<'- - ** <@-/ & . p', Lg&A5&i2L
September, 1925 .
Village Clerk