HomeMy WebLinkAbout19251010_REGULAR- Jtecting callec? to order by ?resident S,K,Strong at the Grange Hall 7~30 3?,L', All members present; Minilies of the last regular and special meeting read and ap- proved as read. Trustee C ,F,Prescott reported for the Gorrtmittee on purchas'ing -Constable Kraml's equipment, that the gun purchased aas very f little used and bad the same guarantee as anevi one 8s QmS the hand cuffs and holster,also a box of cartridges. 3rL motion the action of the Committee was appro9ed and the Com.discharged. After some discussion it was moved by Trustee R,J.Rnudsen,sec onded by Trustee C .FJ?rescott that Geo. Kingsley,a resident of Edina,be named Bs Village Attorney to fill the vacancy caused by H.R.Hewitt resigned,carried. The Clerk 60 notifg KP. - Kingsley. A letter v;as read from P.W.Dooley of the Minneapolls,Northfield & Southern Rg. stating the Benton Avenue Eridge proposition would have to be taken up with the Railway Commission at Salnt Paul. After some discussion it vigs moved by Trustee H,J,Rnudsen sec- onded by Trustee G,A,Tillson a committee of three were appointed to confer ytith the Ey Commission ,at Saint Paul,carried.Trustee Enudsen,MlLson $5 President Strong vrere made the committee. Also the Committee to interview the County Commissioners in regard to the Geo Pavelka damage claim. - - Fresident Strong reported that Mrs .Allen of Itackey Avenue had made a request for a marker for Nackey Avenue and n &%rebt light to be placed at the Street Car stop at that place,On Rotion it nas referred to the road committee as I~:SSS the requesL of ?;r Ford for a light at hirror Lake at the intersection of kendellsbhn tz Interlachen Roads. On motion the Npls General Electric Co 88s granted permissfon 60 erect 3 poles on 7,' 66 Street near France Avenue. A statement of-Kr A,J,Schaunk in regard to the Paul Yendlandt Con- tract,the Clerk kas asked to refer it to Mr.Sherman an attorney for the Federal Surety Co. Constable Olinger asked for information as to duties Rnd pxy,the Gouncfl instructed him to go only to cases nhere he thought Tt v;aP->nebe&ary ,and pay no attention to petty calls,and Lo send in his bill for the same but to hold dosm the expense on the Village as much as pgssihle. lfoved by Trustee Knudsen seconded by Trustee Mllson the time of meeting be changed to Z::l?&, instead of '?:SO f.bC,,cnrried. After considering the road and other bills &% V:RS moved by Triistee C.F,Prescott. seconded by Trpstee Mllson that all bills ae covered by v:arrants be allowed,carrled . Road bills-- E,Hansen Cliff. :';?litin€ A *Te bber John Bore Louis Stalzman, Wl frlasec 142~ yds gravel at 256 35.62 Adolph Roushar 81 loads gravel SOP 24.30 Frank Roberts team E114 hrs at 90$ 190.35 &I& 190.35 210 I89 00 11 205g 92.45 te I964 88.43 11 lt labor 210, ' at 45$ 94.50 Zm Roushw tl 3 and IO# dynax5te 2 085 ;;,S,Jog St Corn 23,) days at e5.20 I17 a50 ?:iller Davis Co office supplieE 9.00 Kennedy Bros equipment for Constable Kraml 28 .IO Ypls Gen Electric Co Street lights ,Sept 43.7 5 John Lilja b1acksn;ith aork for road crew 8 .ao F,Bradleg witness fees and 8 miles I .80 J,;'i,Shaffer k CO 3rd pay% on-topog survey 250.00 . \ a99 Charls KcHoney vdtness fees and IO0 mi Olinger case 7.00 to Cannon Falls IO0 m 14.00 If It SC IO m 2 boo A. Ne Is on Marion Classen J ,F ,012 nger Cons table fees 18.23 1 1) If / J,F,Dlinger Jr Assisting Constable 4.20 $1- Total for the month The Gotinty Auditor reqiiehted %Bat ,that ps.rt of the special assessments of Fairway Section,Country Club District ,paid by T'horpe Bros be paid direct to the Village Treasury and save the Coianty the extra clerical work and expense ,and on Snterviewing Ifr S.S,Thorpe,hesaid it made no difference to them as they had to pay the assessment any way,and to ask Vr James T?orsey,the attorney in the case,who said under the circumstances he could see no legal objection an6 it would .be alright to do s.3,and make a minute to that affect gvas all that was necessary. In vlev of the fact that the November settlement is some 60 days Bate to pay the bonds which are due Kovember 1st of each year it vas decided to turn in the assessment to Thorpe Bros on or before the 10th of October of each year the same as to the Coianty Aiaditor,and to be paid to the Village Treasurer on or before the 15th of October of the year due. Trustee H.J,Knudsen moved and Trustee G,A,Tillson seconded the foregolng change be made,carried. The assessmant Tdv~s turned in to Thwpe Eros. e Po further business the meeting adjourned on motion. Fectifig called to order by President S,IC.Strmg. PursGant to due call and not,ice thereof,a special neetine of the Village Council of the Village of Edi.na,Hsnnepin County, :.:innesota,was duly held at the Home of the Clerk in said Village on the 5th day of November,I925. The following members nere present,S,R,Strong,President .Trustee G.A.Xhlson a.nd Clerk E.T,Edson,and the follotving were absent: Trus te e I% cT .;:rinds en , Thus tee C , F Pres cot t . Trustee G .A, :/illson introduced the following reeolu-Lion and rcoved its adoption: ciHE€XE~S it has heretofore been duly deterrrined by the Village Council of the Vil1pge of Edina,Finnesota to open and construct certain streets In ;aid VillGe knovm as Sunnyside 8.nd Grimes Avenue Extension,and .7HE?E46,proceedings have herciitofore been instituted by and in behalf of said VIllge for the condemnation of A portion of the lands requii.ied for such str'eet openrags over and across lands owned by the estate of Sarah G.BaZrd,deceased. 'TBEREAS,prop~~sitions have been made to said Village Lo procu-re said lands by dedication to said Village ,as more aapticlJ.larl set forth in tvJ3 certain contracts hereto attached and markeg ffExiblts A and l3,respectfully.