HomeMy WebLinkAbout19251105_SPECIAL\ a99 Charls KcHoney vdtness fees and IO0 mi Olinger case 7.00 to Cannon Falls IO0 m 14.00 If It SC IO m 2 boo A. Ne Is on Marion Classen J ,F ,012 nger Cons table fees 18.23 1 1) If / J,F,Dlinger Jr Assisting Constable 4.20 $1- Total for the month The Gotinty Auditor reqiiehted %Bat ,that ps.rt of the special assessments of Fairway Section,Country Club District ,paid by T'horpe Bros be paid direct to the Village Treasury and save the Coianty the extra clerical work and expense ,and on Snterviewing Ifr S.S,Thorpe,hesaid it made no difference to them as they had to pay the assessment any way,and to ask Vr James T?orsey,the attorney in the case,who said under the circumstances he could see no legal objection an6 it would .be alright to do s.3,and make a minute to that affect gvas all that was necessary. In vlev of the fact that the November settlement is some 60 days Bate to pay the bonds which are due Kovember 1st of each year it vas decided to turn in the assessment to Thorpe Bros on or before the 10th of October of each year the same as to the Coianty Aiaditor,and to be paid to the Village Treasurer on or before the 15th of October of the year due. Trustee H.J,Knudsen moved and Trustee G,A,Tillson seconded the foregolng change be made,carried. The assessmant Tdv~s turned in to Thwpe Eros. e Po further business the meeting adjourned on motion. Fectifig called to order by President S,IC.Strmg. PursGant to due call and not,ice thereof,a special neetine of the Village Council of the Village of Edi.na,Hsnnepin County, :.:innesota,was duly held at the Home of the Clerk in said Village on the 5th day of November,I925. The following members nere present,S,R,Strong,President .Trustee G.A.Xhlson a.nd Clerk E.T,Edson,and the follotving were absent: Trus te e I% cT .;:rinds en , Thus tee C , F Pres cot t . Trustee G .A, :/illson introduced the following reeolu-Lion and rcoved its adoption: ciHE€XE~S it has heretofore been duly deterrrined by the Village Council of the Vil1pge of Edina,Finnesota to open and construct certain streets In ;aid VillGe knovm as Sunnyside 8.nd Grimes Avenue Extension,and .7HE?E46,proceedings have herciitofore been instituted by and in behalf of said VIllge for the condemnation of A portion of the lands requii.ied for such str'eet openrags over and across lands owned by the estate of Sarah G.BaZrd,deceased. 'TBEREAS,prop~~sitions have been made to said Village Lo procu-re said lands by dedication to said Village ,as more aapticlJ.larl set forth in tvJ3 certain contracts hereto attached and markeg ffExiblts A and l3,respectfully. 200 1 l?'JO;;' Vilisge of lidina,Hennepin Goun$y,l&inneeota, that it is found and dsf3erMined to be to the best interests of said Village that said Village execute said contracts and the President and Villge Clerk of said Village are hereby authorized and directed forthwith to execute and dellver said contracts to the respectdve parties ,providing,hovemr*, tha.t said Village shall not deliver either of said contracts unless both are entered int<o by all of the respective parties thereto. THERErORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council oE the FE 19' FTXE3TKE.E RESOLVE'D that the Village Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed in behalf in behalf Qf said Vill.sge,to joln with Edviin H,Burr as esecutor of the es-tate of Samh G,BQird,deceased in a petition Hennepin Coimty,b;'lnnesota for an order authorizing and con- the lands required for said road purposes. The riotion for the adoption mE2thecfbregoing resolution nas duly seconded by Clerk E,T.Edson.and upon vote being taken thereof, the following Trustees voted in favor thereof,President S .K .Strong,Ti-ustee G.A. 4illsonzClerk E, T .Edson,and no one against the sn~ne,~~ihereupon $&sed and adopted. to Probate Court of , firming the dedication by said executor to satd Village of voted said faesoli-itforr -.vas delared dilly X,~,St~ong,President. $?'APE OF 1 L?'RESOTA) ) 5x3 COIJI;'?;" JF GiGZPIL) . .. I, E.T,Edson being the duly elecied,qualified and act- ing Village Clerk of the Village of Edina,Henneph Gounty,Min- nesota,do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a full and true and correct copy of all the n;inut,es of the special meeting of the Village CouncSl of .sa-id Village,held Xov 5,1925 In so fala as the qame relates to the making of certain contracts sfith Thorpe Eros arid Edwin R,Eurr,execu.ior -in reference to the extensions of Sunnyside kverim and Grines Avenue irL said Village. Tlittiess my hand and the seal of said Village this 5th e day of Xovember, I925 E.T .Edson g-d &z&-