HomeMy WebLinkAbout19251114_REGULARA . h{IKUTCS OF '?€LE PROCLEDIKGS OF THE VILLAGE 281 Presi-dent S,If,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange 3all at 2: P,M.,viith all members present but Trustee hillson. The minutes of last regular and special meetings were read end approve2 as. read.. The regular ordtzr v.2.s dispensed if;ith to - take cere of thosc in waitinga h'r D.:;T.TIl~ill-.q~e and others were present xith a petition protept- ing the granting of a pool hall license in the vicinity of 60th and France P,venue.Theg were told there had been no application for license as yet,but the petition nould be zccepted and placed oii file pending an application. Kr E.V.Thielan made R request for a street light on the TTorth end of Thielan Ave ,on motlorn the request ms referred to the road c~mmi ttee. Vr Clark,3f the Glacier Sand ?c Gravel Co. made a request for a culvert about 75 feet loilg to be placed at the driveiiay for their new location,on mo~ion the request was referred to the road coinmittee uith power to act. The Clerk reported a n0tice.ha.d been received that the Leagiie of Frunicipalities was prepared to draft R ne;; 'set of ordinances for the Village of Edina,with the understanding that the expense would be low in that they :lyere to draft ordinances for other Villaees. It !ias moved by Trustec Ei.J,Knudsen secor7ded by 7r77~tec: C ,F,frescott the Clerk be instructed to notify the League to proceed with the ffork and the President appoint the Cmncj-1 as a camittee to act with the league in the matter, cRrried,and it was so Drdered. l'4r EaR,Larnbie px:p?.q3nefl :,brit the ordinances would be referred to the best a,uthoPiky on Municipal laws in the btnte and we v~ould receive the opinion thereto. The proposed blacksmith shop on France' Ave was discussed and In viex of the opposition to it a motion vas made and seconded 8 Committee be appointed to read Section I32 of the Village Code Lo I.?? Foe,carried,Trustee Hnudsen,Prescott and Clerk Edson nere mimed the committee. Krs Cornbelle Lane,of the Child 'Velfare Board repo-rted the YcCuLloch family were in need of assistance,on motion the Wes- ident and Trustee Knudsen were made a committee t3 in vestgate :.lith poiwr to act. The Commitke on che Renton Ave Bridge reported they had been iznable to get the committee togather so fnr. The I\*pls General Electric was granted permission to set 4 poles Qn IJendelssohn €ioP*d 3011th of the Interlachen Road,and one pole on West, 543t.between Abbot and Zenith Avenues S. The Clerk ?ias instructed to turn in the bill for grading on 50th Street and France Ave.to the Street Car Co. as per sgreement. On m.3tion the Clerk uas instructed t.s tfrite Eifr :'I,E.Code t3 re- new his bond f3r street grading as his bond had expired and the streets mere not graded. On motion the winter scale of wages were put; into effect,,35$ per hour %w men and 706 per hour for men and. tearrs.8 horfr- day, $20.90 for grading at Interlachen by St.Corn Joyjand 3,25 plumb- ers permi ts-and 2 .OO dance permit, ($25.25)~~~ turned over to the Treasurer The bills were examined,audited and on motion were allowed -1 202 \ . Road Bills team 242 IPS Eit 9O$ $ 229.95 Cliff Yihiting (1 A.:?ebber labor 270 at 454 121.50 252.88 Frank Roberts E ,Hansen " 252 9 8.10 25;: IIS.40 John Bore Louis Stalzman 'I 2401. 108.23 -i.S.Joy St Corn SO days at $5 per 150.00 Thomas Ryan I86 1oat;s gravel at 30& 55.80 1019.86 H , S , \ti nd hsr&ds.iar*e ordered by i.Joy 11.29 IIiaetzold' s hwdnare it liFppls Gen Eleetrlc Co Street lights Oct, 43.75 (1 0 _- 4.73 Henliepin C o%it y Enterprize publishing I3 IC John -7.Shaffera & Coo 3rd payment on topog su?-~~ E50.06 Geo Pavelka - damage to car,Poor Farm hd 25 .OO 347.87 Totat for month f 1367.73 i + On motion meting adJourned, \ Kecorder President S,K,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 2: P,?'. All members present bqt Triistee 3, J,Knu.dsen. The minutes of the last regular meeting read and app-roved as resd. The regular order kqs dispensed nith to take care of those in pa i t i ng . Yr E,I,Worse of Thorpe Fros present62 a petit-ion fj2r Wicating a certain part of 45th Street,in Faiway Section,Country Cllx'l? Dist, described ir! 9 rtsaliitiors to be adopted at a rneet-lfig to be held Dec 26,1925 On motior- the petition was accepted aiid the Clerk j,nst,ructed to publish it as required by law. H,S,'*:ind having Rpplied for a licerise to operate a 9301 he.11 at 50th Street sn? F~qnce kve.snd also prcser,tp.d H pE!titiQn si~fieci - bg 42 residents -ithere for. The foIlois5ng Comi tteee ,Ilr S ,L,Cob'ls fron, the Grange ,Grs S ,L.Cobb of the ?arent-%nchrr-.s ,I--P T .;P ,Caopcr frolx the Edizio Church,h'r G.N,Crawford from the Fair~sy Sec%ion, ~ TCr D,~'',':'ellace of 50th Street 2: France and others :,ere present in protest to tht Eranting to B,S,'?irid or any one else 9 1ic~nse to-- opefwte R p301 h~ll at 50th Street and France Ave or else there in the Village. As a petition had been accepted agafnst R p301 hall ~P&I reslSents of thnt district anti no one sp2ke ira fsvor,md it being duly cons%de~eC,Trustse G .F.Prescott moved and rmstee G.As 3i11son .seconded the license io H.S.Sind be not granted,Cwried. For .jhich the Council was duly thanked by those preaevt.. h r T.C,Errlngcr of IGirrbr [LRZre Dist, requested the Villqe to construct a roadsray from a polnt on the r.0116 runn?ng '3oiri.h from th: Lake,Eazt to his property,he having b3't a strip of land 164 feet v4de from T.r Slaven for that purpose, On motion the reqnest ws geM~eS t.9 the road committee,and L'r Erringer ag-. reed io @ag sny'damages with in rzason for enough more to make a sl$.table -road.T'he ro8.d Cornittee to investlpko. flr Christ ii;oo;a blacksmith,and his Attorney 3 .J .Granhck,also 1:r Va.nEpps %ere present in the interest df a blacksmith shop at 5048 Frnnce Eive S. A petition "las presented siewd by 19 rePicjents 'of thwt locality protesting a shop a$ the locatton of the one just started as a detriinenk to their proper+ty,kut said they v;ould heve no objectson if the shop VIRS 17laced on the ex- trene 2.orth-Last cDrner of Xr ?doe's property 8s they would then