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Road Bills
team 242 IPS Eit 9O$ $ 229.95
Cliff Yihiting (1
A.:?ebber labor 270 at 454 121.50
Frank Roberts E ,Hansen " 252
9 8.10
25;: IIS.40 John Bore
Louis Stalzman 'I 2401. 108.23
-i.S.Joy St Corn SO days at $5 per 150.00
Thomas Ryan I86 1oat;s gravel at 30& 55.80 1019.86
H , S , \ti nd hsr&ds.iar*e ordered by i.Joy 11.29 IIiaetzold' s hwdnare it
liFppls Gen Eleetrlc Co Street lights Oct, 43.75
0 _-
Henliepin C o%it y Enterprize publishing I3 IC
John -7.Shaffera & Coo 3rd payment on topog su?-~~ E50.06
Geo Pavelka - damage to car,Poor Farm hd 25 .OO 347.87
Totat for month f 1367.73 i
On motion meting adJourned, \ Kecorder
President S,K,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange
Hall at 2: P,?'. All members present bqt Triistee 3, J,Knu.dsen.
The minutes of the last regular meeting read and app-roved as resd.
The regular order kqs dispensed nith to take care of those in
pa i t i ng .
Yr E,I,Worse of Thorpe Fros present62 a petit-ion fj2r Wicating a
certain part of 45th Street,in Faiway Section,Country Cllx'l? Dist,
described ir! 9 rtsaliitiors to be adopted at a rneet-lfig to be held
Dec 26,1925 On motior- the petition was accepted aiid the Clerk
j,nst,ructed to publish it as required by law.
H,S,'*:ind having Rpplied for a licerise to operate a 9301 he.11 at
50th Street sn? F~qnce kve.snd also prcser,tp.d H pE!titiQn si~fieci -
bg 42 residents -ithere for. The foIlois5ng Comi tteee ,Ilr S ,L,Cob'ls
fron, the Grange ,Grs S ,L.Cobb of the ?arent-%nchrr-.s ,I--P T .;P ,Caopcr
frolx the Edizio Church,h'r G.N,Crawford from the Fair~sy Sec%ion, ~
TCr D,~'',':'ellace of 50th Street 2: France and others :,ere present in
protest to tht Eranting to B,S,'?irid or any one else 9 1ic~nse to-- opefwte R p301 h~ll at 50th Street and France Ave or else there
in the Village. As a petition had been accepted agafnst R p301 hall
~P&I reslSents of thnt district anti no one sp2ke ira fsvor,md it
being duly cons%de~eC,Trustse G .F.Prescott moved and rmstee G.As 3i11son .seconded the license io H.S.Sind be not granted,Cwried.
For .jhich the Council was duly thanked by those preaevt..
h r T.C,Errlngcr of IGirrbr [LRZre Dist, requested the Villqe to
construct a roadsray from a polnt on the r.0116 runn?ng '3oiri.h from
th: Lake,Eazt to his property,he having b3't a strip of land
164 feet v4de from T.r Slaven for that purpose, On motion the
reqnest ws geM~eS t.9 the road committee,and L'r Erringer ag-.
reed io @ag sny'damages with in rzason for enough more to make
a sl$.table -road.T'he ro8.d Cornittee to investlpko.
flr Christ ii;oo;a blacksmith,and his Attorney 3 .J .Granhck,also
1:r Va.nEpps %ere present in the interest df a blacksmith shop
at 5048 Frnnce Eive S. A petition "las presented siewd by 19 rePicjents 'of thwt locality protesting a shop a$ the locatton of
the one just started as a detriinenk to their proper+ty,kut said
they v;ould heve no objectson if the shop VIRS 17laced on the ex-
trene 2.orth-Last cDrner of Xr ?doe's property 8s they would then
c.c>*naider i_ t little or no damage to surrounding property.After
going over the situption with Fr Woe and his Attwney,Jfr h’oe
consented e@ 8 change of location and on motion a permit was
p-~atlted .him.
President 5trong reported for the committee on the McCullocli
family,lhat they were found in need,but seemed reluctant to
ask for aId,hovEver pocer-ies viere given them and later a ton
of coal.
The Cler:. had k@Bn’asB .tot i&vesbi$ate the Anderson family,xho were reported in need ,and seemed necessary to give some. gmceries
and 9 ton of boal.
The matter of a. street light at’MackeyAk 44 St. mas taken up arid
after considering its beneft, the Clerk %as instructdto order
the light at that ‘point.
President reported that he and the Clerk chanced to be at the
Cap-itol and took the oppartunity to .intervien the Kailroad %
‘$,we-house Commission in the regard to the BentQn Ave bridge, ?‘r Thos Yapp told them to make a written request for the bridge
and state what had taken place between the Village and the Mpls,
Eorihfield and Southern Rg,and the Clerk was instructed to do so.
$1.25 plumbing permit was turned over to the Treasurer.
The Road bills were examined a.nd.audited,as were the other bills
and on mot-ion allowed.
Road blllS-- Frpnk Roberts team 22: ’hrs at 90$ 8 20.25
I8 16.20 E,Hansen
labor I8 at 456 8.10
I8 8.10
John Eore
A,kebber Lmis Sralzman Q,S,Joy St Com 2;- days at $5.00
Thos Ryan 44 loads of gravel at 306 13.20
Wat,ional Tea Co Groceries ,VcCulloch 82 Anderson 20.76
I .so Hcnn Coitnty Enterprise Lyle Ciilvert, k Rd Equipment-Co 25 ft I2in culvert 22.31
John ‘C,Shaffer Q Co 4tYl payment on topog sur 250.00
E . T ,E*~F On 3 rnos salary,supplies for p3or,postage I52.2_8
J .F .Olinger constable services 4.68
Total for month !$ 592.23
~pls Gen Electric Co Street lights ,Eov. 43.75
oub monthly statement
PhilDot t-Failey Co I ton coal for Yrs Andcrson 10.50
E? further business meeting Rdjourned.