HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260109_REGULARFITJTJTES OF THE PEOCEEDIPJGS' OF THE VILTAGE 285 \. COTTNCIL CF THE VILLAGE OF ELINA AT A REGTJLAR MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE 9th DAY QF JEIEUARY \ I 9 2 6 .. .*.*...e ., .. ** *. ,, . .. ., .I ,. ,, ., ,*,I ,, ., ,, ., ,, I. .I,. .*a, 2, ,. ,, ,, *, .,,L .. ., .I ,, *, ,, ,, ,, ,, "Cy ,, ., ., ,* ', , . , . , *. -. ; . - -,,- ,- ., ,- , , , .. -, ,- -, ,-; .-? ,- ', ,' *' ;? .*; ,' -, *- >,- .- ; -; i5,-.dc -, >,' ,,' .* . ,. - -. - - -. - - - -- . . - _- - - -_ - . - . - - - - - - ,,,I .,,, ,.,a I. .\ A,, ,,,, I. '.,a ,.,. ,,% . -. 1. - President S,K,Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Ball at 2: j33.w. Rol!-c~ll found all members present. Niinutes of the last regular and Special meetings read and ap- proved with the addition that "htr Erringer agreed to pay any reasonable damages to Mr Asplund for 162 feet for road pur- poses across the Soiath side of his property" The Road Committee reported as calling on IVr Asplund who mas not at home and Yr Ereinger was away so the matter was laid over. A lettes? was read from lVr J,H.Nasek concerning the polution of streams tributary to the Mississsippi by sewerage,the meeting to be held in Saint Paul sometime in January,the date t rg be set later, PresiZent Strong,Clerk E,T1,Edson,T~iisZt?B- G.A,'Jdllson a6 -,' delegstesto the meeting. The Etnnesota League of Municipalities ask to meet the Council to go over the new ordinances as drafted,and suggested the 23rd of Janumy 1926,if any change vias made they would notify the Clerk,which aas agreeable to the Council. President Strong read a 1ette.r from K.L,Shaffer concerning the construct.2on of a road im Nendelssohn running South of the one p1i.t in last 'year,but no action was taken, On mot.I,on the General Electric Co was granted permission to set one pols betv7een 54 % 55.th Streets on York,Av@mie. One pole on Test, 44th Street between Aurora B Mackey Avenues. One pole on Brookslide - near, SLdmey Street. A 'pe t,";l.tJ onl-,by!? tbe1ipn@p$kBy:- 4me&sf, TirSmIbury Park for the Vac'a,tf on of all the stmets ,laws Evenues ,bonlevards therein for the correct.9on of the starting poipt vfhich is in fact 495 feet,vdhlle pl~t sho~~s 330 South of the Eorthwest Corner.of Section EO, Toarmhlp 213,Range. 64 ,TPiistee H,J sKniidsen moved and Trustee 'C ,F Prescsnt,t seconded that the petition be accepted and the Clerk instrii.cted to publish notice of hearing on Ll-ir: 13th day of ~ebrt~.ary I926,at 2:P,Ii carried. A pe t..S. t5 on presenter? by lvtr Sampson asking the Fireworks ordinance 1-le ch:3wgecl so that Eon residents would pa.y a' fee of .$IOO. 8.n.d that. the tltme of' selling'to not exceed one week before the 4th of 3ulg.Trustee Prescott moved the pCtit,ion be a.ccepted for* con- s i de ro. t i on. Trias tee Rnuds en s e c onde d the mo ti on, c Rrri ed. It vjas reported tdie Tietzel fahilies '%ho recently m.oved into t.he Vi Il::ls-t from Bloomington,were in need of' food and fuel .- RaTfirIg al!-*eady given the aid the Clerk mas instructed to call up the chcti rman of the Eloornington Cou.ncil and report the f'::11r!3-I-ies t.o them and send the bills for groceries and cml t.0 tm2-E!tri . --.- E.nf..-ineorh A sv,'/ ,Giaaber of' Thorp Sros ssked for* permission to r'e- ntnve some c1a.y slang tkit- mad by the Club House &rid ~w.ld .give so~e ,gr.~~el in exchange,Tt m8.s Mr Graber t8.ke the matter 11.p v!-l '1 1,he Stfitlr-. High.way CoEmicsion. Tk~ere b:+f-rig no road bills,thc o%her bills wre alovred 1x1 ~otfori. ~ri~liicl~.n~ the Groceries and coal bills given to %he .VcC~~lJ.~xth, Tfr;tzsl .S: Anci&.rson famil?-es. $4.75 Flurnbers perrn-its and &144.61 rrEcdJ.ng ,received fro~n the Street Car Co vias turned ov&r to the Treasiirf:c4 '.. J Ei 11s fillOV<ed-' PJple Genera81 Llectric Co street lights fo; Deceniber 45,75 en n ep i n c 01 in i y E;rz t e rpri s e E .OQ Gclln~ GrocePy. Erocel.ies,~cCiilloch,rietzel k I '- 18.60 p ,j ,carcr,llne io fu.rther tu.siness meeting ad.journed , printing Fki? 1p0% t*-E:l?. !_e:[ C 0 2 tons of coal 2i.00 fumigators '. 2'70 4; 88.05 EL,,? &2Ac*-z, . Recorder