HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260213_SPECIALPresident S,K,Strong called the meeting to order in the office of the Minnesota League of Kunicipalities at 9: oclock A,Ms All members present. The meeting was called as stated in the minutes of January 9th to go over the ordinances drafted and several changes and. suggestims were made and new or4lnancsli; to4?be drhftdd-%rG discussed and a meeting was set for February 6th for farther consfderation. No further business nas taken up and the meeting adjourned. ~?62&Ll Redorder. !4INUTES OF THE FRQCEEaZNGS OF THE VILLAGE TKEREOF HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF FEBRUARY COUNCIL OF THE VILGGE OF EDINA-AT A SPECZAL MEETING I926 2. c~c/i;s " *I, L 'l. 'L ,;-A*,* ,$-&/*$b;$ ;;-$$*,&. ;$;*.x-:A.;: ~-~;-;~~-~..~..;~:~~~~~~~~~~~~,~ .President S,K,Strong called. the meeting to order at the hime of Trustee C.F.Prescott, at 2: P,hi. -All members present. Meeting was called for the purpose of re-reading the ordinances wlth the changes made from the reading *of Jamary 23rde h4r M,B,Lambie of the League of Municipalities and Atty Helm were present. After reading the ordinances h?r Lambie wished to investigate and study some of them a little further and it viould be necessary to have another readfng or so untfll they were complete. The hour was getting late and on motion the meetdng adjourned. Recorder. President S.K.Strong called the meeting to order in the Grange Hall at 2: P.U, All members present. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings read and approvede . Mr John D, Nelson ol' Malberg 3c Nelson,Attys,vas present pursuant ta the notice to vacate streets,alleys and etc,in Goodbury Park which was published January 2Ist,1926,as agreed Mr Itelson paid $3.00 for printing the notice The following, resolution was adopted on motion of Trustee C,F,Prescott, seaonded by Trustee Geo A.iJillson, 0 BE IT RESOLWE,That all of said Streets,Alleys,RPfiZevards ?S Lanes as shown on the plat of Kood'tjury Park and now on flle-in the office of the County Register of Deeds,be and all there &-'are hereby vacated. Dated this 13th day of February I926,The above resolutfon was adopted with the understanding that a new plat would be Bfreiiied and filed, The above resolution was signed by the President and Clerk. President S,K Strong rehad a letter from B,E,Ford of Mendelssohn,pro- testing the s$agnent condition of the water in Wirror Lake,as the 1287 road seperating a portion of the Lake was a County road ,it was sixggested they present 8 petition signed by the residents of that vlsinity for a cement culvert so the water would circulate and the Council would present it to the County Commissioners, A letter was read from K,ldjlYager requesting that Waterman Street be opened and graded from Its present terminal to Interlachen Club, On motion it was referred to the road committee. A contlnuatfon of the fence on the South side of Mirror Lake was discussed,On motion the Clerk was instructed to write the County Commissioners asking them to extend the present fence East to Meers corner, Mrs Scriver IWs Yager & hlrs H,L,Shaefer were present in the inter- est of openlng a road running South from the one put in ?&.$ear or two ago,the road to run between the Forrester and Gutges-ell properties,after discussion it was moved that the Village Engineer make a survey and estimate of cost of grading3carried. A letter from School District No I7 Board asking the Village to X install a catch basin and dpain according to plans and specifica- tions as dravm by the school Engineer,the Clerk was i-nstrizcted to write the School Board asking for a committee to meet with the Council at its next regular meeting March 13th to discuss the mattmr. On motion the Clerk was instructed to change the name of the funds from Road Lt: Bridge to General fund. - The Mpls General ElectE2c Co. was granted permission to set one pole on 'Beard Avenue between 54 .3c 55th Street, It nas decided to audit the books of the Recorder and Treaswer Februswy 20,1926,so the annual report could. be published on time, Treasurer Duggan asked the Committee to meet at his house, Mr E.Cooper' asked that Benton Avenue be opened 7est to Tracy Avenue he was advised to wait for further developments on the Benton Avenue bridge as our Engineer had been asked to make estimate on the bridge After duly auditing the Bills on motion of Trustee C,F.Presc~tt seconded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen the road and other bills were allowed,and to hold the A,J,Lovaas bill for investigation, 4.50 Plumbing pemnit~,3~00 from Sunshine Society i?~ 3.00 publishing notice were turned over to the Treasurer. Boad EilLs-- E*H,zZISEn team I87 hrs at 704 $ 130.90 John Bore labor I35 356 I87 I30 *90 47 e25 tt I26 and 2 hrs with, team 45 50 rl Frank Roberts 46.20 Jerry Collins I2 4.20 D,Collins Tom SlavSn Frank Slavin 11 I2 4.20 I32 tm f* 7 ,S.Joy St Com 24 days at $4,50 108 . 00 Mpl$ Gen Electric Co Street lights, January 43.75 Philpott sic Bailey I ton coal for McCulloch IO e50 Edina Grocery Groceries for McCulloch 22.06 Bren Bros ,HopkZns Lepairs for mower 1.18 H.S.i'd.nd Hdm IO feet wire for snow fence .80 Hennepin County Enterprise publishing notice 3,OO S ,K .Strong 40 . 00 E,T,Edson 3 mos salary, supplies ,regfstering deeds I77 . 40 H. 5.Kmtdsen Salary,special meetings com wo~$ etc 24 00 20,oo 30 . 00 C .F ,Prescott Geo A.JS.llson J,J.Duggan L'reasurer's salary spec meetings snow VJ~ 624b65 Geo Villam Sr yearts hall rent 43,QO: team 26 hrs at 704 snow wopk 18.20 2.10 E.Anderson 2.80 I .$chneller lzbw 6 35 4 Carl Narth A. , J Lava AS 3 gal lubricating oil 2 gal kerocene 3.09 17'otal for month 8 1085.48 Salary,Com work,special meetings ' etc n ft 4 It . tt t? 11 8 lf ,. No further business meeting adjourned Fd &4W_-L2 hecorder