HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260227_ADJOURNEDAdjoumed meeting called to wder by President S.K,Strong at 2:P,!Ja R.t the home of Trustee H.J.Knudsen, all members present. The follomf-ng ordinances were read and on motion adopted. No 17. Defining Nisdemeanors-etc PJo 18. An Ordinance to repeal ordinances that conflict with the new ordinmces adopted. The Milk drdiriance and Building Gode were not adopted at this time. President Strong called the meeting to order at 2: P.M, All members present , The minutes of the last regular and special 'meetings were read Trimtee H ,J.Rnudsen reported having seen Sam Robellts about moving IWs,Anderson into the City,?tr.Roberts thought he could not do it himself but could get some one to do it any time. Attorney Generals opinion in regard to the Village Election was read,and the 11srlal election vdas held,and the following officers xiere diilp elected President S"K .St.rong. Clerk E,T.Edson Trustee C .F,Prescott Treasurer J, J,Duggan Jus ti c e of Pe BC e E , K a Vi 1 1s on , C ons tab le 'li , EI .Ma cNe i 1 In regard to the publishing of the nevd ordinances the Clerk was instrlicted to advertise in the Hennepin County Enterprise and in one City ~LP~J- for bids,each bid to be accompianied with a certi- fied check for. 5;$ of amount of bid for one publication and 1000 cop%es,bids ta be opened April 10th 1926. The Minneapolis Genera.1 Electric Co. was granted permission to set one pole in the Alley bettveen Gifford Place and Arthur Streek and Seth Am 4vld Nelson Hve .a.nd one pole on Seth Ave , and nppI?oYed. Mrs H.L,Sh@.ffer das present in the interest of the new road they they W61t; asking for in Mendclssohn,as the Village Engineer had not reported as tp its:cost the Council could not make any statement at this tine. Mr !!.E,Code a committee from the School Board of Distr5ct No 17. '\\ XRS present about the catch basin and drain for the nevi school at 50th h Vouddale,vdas told the Council could put a culvert across 50th Street to take care of surface water but the Councll could not go to my great expense as there ivqs other Districts in the Village besides XO I7.and .qlso it would be necessary to wait untill we find iyhat the HighJjay id going to do on 50th Street.. 1'r.Alesaader sf the Village Engineer's office wss present xqith corrected le,aves t:, atlises and wall map of the ttopog survey and presented a +bill of a $1000*00 $800.00 was alotved With 20% with- held for corrections and final acceptance, "-\ .~ I I -A hlr,Alexander ~lso ma.de an off hand estimate of grading the road