HomeMy WebLinkAbout19260417_SPECIALf, 212 After duly auditing the road and other bill the follorrir,g vrere alloived on motion. Road bi 1 is - - Frank Roberts team 99 hrs at 70# 8 69.30 58 I4 45.50 D.Colline Jerry Collins lebor 61 labor 28.55 12.60 36 A,Tetber "i,S.Jog St Corn 842 days at $4.50 65.25 Ep3.s Gen Electric Street lights March 45.96 Hennepin Cmxty Enterprise pricting ballots IC snnir%l rep.52 .IO Edina Grocery groceries for iVce3ul;lough family Feh 2: 10a.r 32.21 John E.Li1ja blacksmith work for Village 17.40 E .Rsnsen " IO0 labor8 hrs et 35gt 72 .a0 tl 13 I* Vinnespol5.s Tribune gub.notice to publishers of ord. 9.52 H . S Yind hdvJ hnrdware ordered by Joy 2.77 John ?I.Shaffer .3c Co balance of topog survey 2oo.rx) - Total for month $ 646.76 3n notion the meeting adjourned Recorder. i\!IIXl7!ES OF TEE PROCEEDIIJGS OF THE: VILLAGE COUNCIL QF THE 'VXLLBGLL)ETEDINA AT A SPECIAL YEETIIQG TlBREQF HELD ON TBE 17th DAY OF APRIL ,II;.::-Q:-.(;:.9-::..;.55;)Q!iS~-:~:~~~.~. : +.X.<p$,;$ ;$:$:$ $:z:5.**.~*-~.-'zJ .I 'I ,I I. I\ e, +:e a**" 5's . :: .-. :: 19 2 6 Preaident Strong called the meeting to order at his hone at '7:30 F.X. All members present ldut Trustee C .F,Prescott. &Teetine; celled for the purpose of reading the fire ::.orb Ordinance as revised and other important mattem -4fi.e~ reading the ordinance ft was adopted on rnot.-i.on of 'ifrust- H.J,Knudsen seconded by Trustee ?illson. It was reported the road committe had viewed the corner of Tiest 44th Street and Brooks kve.for Vr,Gfrth's sidewalk and when t'ne stakes ir;i'EPe set the committee \~-ould try and meet Xr Girth and talk it over iJith him. A rrotion :*$as made seconded and carried that vihen the Street Car . Co.noved the fence on Motor Street the Village vrould grade and if necessary put in a comrete crossing For proper drainage md the Clerk instriicted to have the nark done if the crossing rlas needed. - -- - The nem road asked for running South from the PreecotL road in Yendelssohn :J~S discussed.and the petition ms read, the road to be on the line betvrcen the Gutgeeel3 and Forrestor properties in as far EE the Shaffer ti?act,on motion of Trustee Tillson, seconded by Trustee Knudsen opening 0-f sa5d road when the right of :-Jay I'IRS secui-ed, Some &ork cas authorized on '72nd near Koriarityrs It aas reported that Ifr Asplund wanted $IOOO.Od fop 30feei RCPOS his phce as part of the BrringeK $&ad and Nr Erringer to ke asked if he could not get enoughA8rom Xp.Slavin for half road The opening of Vooddale Ave was discussed,and the Clerk 1'18s in- st-r?z.cted to 3rite Mr.Dodge for a definite amount he ..auld give tolvard the opening of the street,so the cost be better estirnated. Also to nrite Xr ';right and register the letter and inform him thnt all costs iiauld be assessed to his praperty if the V-illage had to condemn the right of flag across his pi-opertg. The Clerk to ::rLte the County Commissioners for a culvert to be used at the Club I-Iouse on Test 5i)th Street. spend not to exceed $500.on the - No further business meeting adjourned . tLecorder